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Simon Ageet
Andreas H. Fink
Marlon Maranan
, and
Benedikt Schulz


Despite the enormous potential of precipitation forecasts to save lives and property in Africa, low skill has limited their uptake. To assess the skill and improve the performance of the forecast, validation and postprocessing should continuously be carried out. Here, we evaluate the quality of reforecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts over equatorial East Africa (EEA) against satellite and rain gauge observations for the period 2001–18. The 24-h rainfall accumulations are analyzed from short- to medium-range time scales. Additionally, 48- and 120-h rainfall accumulations were also assessed. The skill was assessed using an extended probabilistic climatology (EPC) derived from the observations. Results show that the reforecasts overestimate rainfall, especially during the rainy seasons and over high-altitude areas. However, there is potential of skill in the raw forecasts up to 14-day lead time. There is an improvement of up to 30% in the Brier score/continuous ranked probability score relative to EPC in most areas, especially the higher-altitude regions, decreasing with lead time. Aggregating the reforecasts enhances the skill further, likely due to a reduction in timing mismatches. However, for some regions of the study domain, the predictive performance is worse than EPC, mainly due to biases. Postprocessing the reforecasts using isotonic distributional regression considerably improves skill, increasing the number of grid points with positive Brier skill score (continuous ranked probability skill score) by an average of 81% (91%) for lead times 1–14 days ahead. Overall, the study highlights the potential of the reforecasts, the spatiotemporal variation in skill, and the benefit of postprocessing in EEA.

Open access
Alexander Lemburg
Andreas H. Fink


In the last few years, central Europe faced a number of severe, record-breaking heatwaves. Previous studies focused on predictability of heatwaves on medium-range to subseasonal time scales (5–30 days). However, also short-range (3-day) forecasts of maximum temperature (Tmax) can exhibit substantial errors even on larger spatial scales. This study investigates the causes of short-range forecast errors in Tmax over central Europe for the summers of 2015–20 using the 50-member ensemble of the operational ECMWF-IFS (ECMWF-ENS). The 3-day forecast errors, individually calculated for each ensemble member with respect to a 0–18-h control forecast, are fed into a multivariate linear regression model to study the relative importance of different error sources. Outside of heatwaves, errors in Tmax forecasts are predominantly caused by incorrectly predicted downwelling shortwave radiation, mainly due to errors in low cloud cover. During heatwaves, ECMWF-ENS exhibits a systematic underestimation of Tmax (−0.4 K), which is exacerbated under clear-sky and low wind conditions, and other error sources gain importance: the second most important error source is over- or underestimation of nocturnal temperatures in the residual layer. Additional Lagrangian trajectory analysis for the years 2018–20 (due to limited data availability) suggests a link to accumulating errors in near-surface diabatic heating of air masses associated with forecast errors in residence time over land and cloud cover. Regionally, other physical processes can be of dominant importance during heatwaves. Coastal regions are influenced by errors in near-surface wind whereas errors in soil moisture are more important in southeastern parts of central Europe.

Open access
Michael Maier-Gerber
Andreas H. Fink
Michael Riemer
Elmar Schoemer
Christoph Fischer
, and
Benedikt Schulz


While previous research on subseasonal tropical cyclone (TC) occurrence has mostly focused on either the validation of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, or the development of statistical models trained on past data, the present study combines both approaches to a statistical–dynamical (hybrid) model for probabilistic forecasts in the North Atlantic basin. Although state-of-the-art NWP models have been shown to lack predictive skill with respect to subseasonal weekly TC occurrence, they may predict the environmental conditions sufficiently well to generate predictors for a statistical model. Therefore, an extensive predictor set was generated, including predictor groups representing the climatological seasonal cycle (CSC), oceanic, and tropical conditions, tropical wave modes, as well as extratropical influences, respectively. The developed hybrid forecast model is systematically validated for the Gulf of Mexico and central main development region (MDR) for lead times up to 5 weeks. Moreover, its performance is compared against a statistical approach trained on past data, as well as against different climatological and NWP benchmarks. For subseasonal lead times, the CSC models are found to outperform the NWP models, which quickly lose skill within the first two forecast weeks, even in case of recalibration. The statistical models trained on past data increase skill over the CSC models, whereas even greater improvements in skill are gained by the hybrid approach out to week 5. The vast majority of the additional subseasonal skill in the hybrid model, relative to the CSC model, could be attributed to the tropical (oceanic) conditions in the Gulf of Mexico (central MDR).

Open access
Eva-Maria Walz
Marlon Maranan
Roderick van der Linden
Andreas H. Fink
, and
Peter Knippertz


Current numerical weather prediction models show limited skill in predicting low-latitude precipitation. To aid future improvements, be it with better dynamical or statistical models, we propose a well-defined benchmark forecast. We use the arguably best available high-resolution, gauge-calibrated, gridded precipitation product, the Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) “final run” in a ±15-day window around the date of interest to build an empirical climatological ensemble forecast. This window size is an optimal compromise between statistical robustness and flexibility to represent seasonal changes. We refer to this benchmark as extended probabilistic climatology (EPC) and compute it on a 0.1° × 0.1° grid for 40°S–40°N and the period 2001–19. To reduce and standardize information, a mixed Bernoulli–Gamma distribution is fitted to the empirical EPC, which hardly affects predictive performance. The EPC is then compared to 1-day ensemble predictions from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) using standard verification scores. With respect to rainfall amount, ECMWF performs only slightly better than EPS over most of the low latitudes and worse over high-mountain and dry oceanic areas as well as over tropical Africa, where the lack of skill is also evident in independent station data. For rainfall occurrence, EPC is superior over most oceanic, coastal, and mountain regions, although the better potential predictive ability of ECMWF indicates that this is mostly due to calibration problems. To encourage the use of the new benchmark, we provide the data, scripts, and an interactive web tool to the scientific community.

Open access
Peter Vogel
Peter Knippertz
Andreas H. Fink
Andreas Schlueter
, and
Tilmann Gneiting


Precipitation forecasts are of large societal value in the tropics. Here, we compare 1–5-day ensemble predictions from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, 2009–17) and the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC, 2009–16) over 30°S–30°N with an extended probabilistic climatology based on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3 B42 gridded dataset. Both models predict rainfall occurrence better than the reference only over about half of all land points, with a better performance by MSC. After applying the postprocessing technique ensemble model output statistics, this fraction increases to 87% (ECMWF) and 82% (MSC). For rainfall amount there is skill in many tropical areas (about 60% of land points), which can be increased by postprocessing to 97% (ECMWF) and 88% (MSC). Forecasts for extremes (>20 mm) are only marginally worse than those of occurrence but do not improve as much through postprocessing, particularly over dry areas. Forecast performance is generally best over arid Australia and worst over oceanic deserts, the Andes and Himalayas, as well as over tropical Africa, where models misrepresent the high degree of convective organization, such that even postprocessed forecasts are hardly better than climatology. Skill of 5-day accumulated forecasts often exceeds that of shorter ranges, as timing errors matter less. An increase in resolution and major model update in 2010 has significantly improved ECMWF predictions. Especially over tropical Africa new techniques such as convection-permitting models or combined statistical-dynamical forecasts may be needed to generate skill beyond the climatological reference.

Open access
Peter Vogel
Peter Knippertz
Andreas H. Fink
Andreas Schlueter
, and
Tilmann Gneiting


Accumulated precipitation forecasts are of high socioeconomic importance for agriculturally dominated societies in northern tropical Africa. In this study, the performance of nine operational global ensemble prediction systems (EPSs) is analyzed relative to climatology-based forecasts for 1–5-day accumulated precipitation based on the monsoon seasons during 2007–14 for three regions within northern tropical Africa. To assess the full potential of raw ensemble forecasts across spatial scales, state-of-the-art statistical postprocessing methods were applied in the form of Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and ensemble model output statistics (EMOS), and results were verified against station and spatially aggregated, satellite-based gridded observations. Raw ensemble forecasts are uncalibrated and unreliable, and often underperform relative to climatology, independently of region, accumulation time, monsoon season, and ensemble. The differences between raw ensemble and climatological forecasts are large and partly stem from poor prediction for low precipitation amounts. BMA and EMOS postprocessed forecasts are calibrated, reliable, and strongly improve on the raw ensembles but, somewhat disappointingly, typically do not outperform climatology. Most EPSs exhibit slight improvements over the period 2007–14, but overall they have little added value compared to climatology. The suspicion is that parameterization of convection is a potential cause for the sobering lack of ensemble forecast skill in a region dominated by mesoscale convective systems.

Open access
Roderick van der Linden
Andreas H. Fink
Joaquim G. Pinto
, and
Tan Phan-Van


A record-breaking rainfall event occurred in northeastern Vietnam in late July–early August 2015. The coastal region in Quang Ninh Province was hit severely, with station rainfall sums in the range of 1000–1500 mm. The heavy rainfall led to flooding and landslides, which resulted in an estimated economic loss of $108 million (U.S. dollars) and 32 fatalities. Using a multitude of data sources and ECMWF ensemble forecasts, the synoptic–dynamic development and practical predictability of the event is investigated in detail for the 4-day period from 1200 UTC 25 July to 1200 UTC 29 July 2015, during which the major portion of the rainfall was observed. A slowly moving upper-level subtropical trough and the associated surface low in the northern Gulf of Tonkin promoted sustained moisture convergence and convection over northeastern Vietnam. The humidity was advected in a moisture transport band lying across the Indochina Peninsula and emanating from a tropical storm over the Bay of Bengal. Analyses of the ECMWF ensemble forecasts clearly showed a sudden emergence of the predictability of the extreme event at lead times of 3 days that was associated with the correct forecasts of the intensity and location of the subtropical trough in the 51 ensemble members. Thus, the Quang Ninh event is a good example in which the predictability of tropical convection arises from large-scale synoptic forcing; in the present case it was due to a tropical–extratropical interaction that has not been documented before for the region and season.

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