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Bo Li
Dongliang Yuan
Xiaoyue Hu
Ya Yang
Yao Li
, and
Shijian Hu


Variability of two Pacific western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—during the strong 2010/11 La Niña event is investigated using ship-based hydrographic observations and moored current-meter data collected off the east coasts of the Philippines. The geostrophic currents calculated using the hydrographic data show that, during the 2010/11 La Niña winter, the Kuroshio decreased by ∼10 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1), whereas the Mindanao Current increased by ∼5–10 Sv, relative to the normal winter in late 2012. The interannual variability based on the hydrographic data is confirmed by moored current-meter measurements and satellite altimeter geostrophic currents. A coastally trapped Kelvin wave model is used to explain the interannual variability of the two WBCs during the different ENSO phases. The good comparison of the simulated sea level anomalies around the Philippines with the altimeter data suggests that the interannual variability of the WBCs is associated with Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. We identified that the Kelvin waves are excited by downwelling equatorial Rossby waves propagating into the Indonesian Seas during the La Niña. The transport anomalies of the WBCs are comparable to the total meridional transport anomalies integrated across the interior North Pacific Ocean, suggesting the importance of the WBCs in the heat charge–discharge processes of the western Pacific warm pool during ENSO events.

Significance Statement

The two western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—play the role of closing the subtropical and tropical gyre circulation of the Pacific Ocean. Their variability during ENSO is unknown. Existing studies based on numerical modeling suggest that their variability is highly correlated with ENSO, with the Kuroshio stronger and Mindanao Current weaker during La Niña and vice versa during El Niño. Here, we use in situ hydrographic observations combined with mooring and satellite altimeter data to show that the Kuroshio transport decreases and the Mindanao Current transport increases during the 2010/11 La Niña, the dynamics of which are controlled by the Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. The result is important for the warm pool dynamics during ENSO.

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Kunxiang Wang
Dongliang Yuan
, and
Kaixin Ren


The seasonal and interannual variations of the Mindanao Current (MC) retroflection are studied using surface geostrophic currents of satellite altimeters covering January 1993–December 2019. The results show that the Mindanao Current mainstream retroflects back to the Pacific Ocean north of the Talaud Islands in boreal summer and intrudes into the northern Maluku Sea in boreal winter. The variation of the MC retroflection has resulted in the seasonal movement of the sea surface color fronts at the entrance of the Indonesian seas, both of which are highly correlated to the seasonal transport variations of the North Equatorial Countercurrent, lagging the latter due to the westward propagation of the seasonal Rossby waves. The MC retroflection and sea surface color fronts are found to move synchronously on interannual time scales at the Pacific entrance of the Indonesian seas, with the Niño-3.4 index lagging by about 2 months. The MC retroflection intrudes anomalously deeper than the seasonal cycle into the northern Maluku Sea in El Niño winters, while it tends to take a leaping path in La Niña winters. During El Niño summers, the leaping path of the MC is changed into a penetrating path sometimes.

Significance Statement

The Mindanao Current is the western boundary current (WBC) of the North Pacific Ocean tropical gyre and is much stronger than the ocean interior gyre circulation. This equatorward WBC forces strong exchanges between the equatorial Pacific and the marginal seas as it turns eastward at the entrance of the Indonesian seas. The path of the Mindanao Current retroflection is very important for Rossby wave reflection and for Indo-Pacific interbasin exchange leading to global repercussions, both of which are thought to be controlled by linear dynamics in the past. Here, we disclose the seasonal and interannual movement of the retroflection path, showing strong nonlinear dynamics important for ENSO and interocean exchange.

Restricted access
Xueli Yin
Dongliang Yuan
Xiang Li
Zheng Wang
Yao Li
Corry Corvianawatie
Adhitya Kusuma Wardana
Dewi Surinati
Adi Purwandana
Mochamad Furqon Azis Ismail
Asep Sandra Budiman
Ahmad Bayhaqi
Praditya Avianto
Edi Kusmanto
Priyadi Dwi Santoso
, and
Zainal Arifin


The mean circulation and volume budgets in the upper 1200 m of the Maluku Sea are studied using multiyear current meter measurements of four moorings in the Maluku Channel and of one synchronous mooring in the Lifamatola Passage. The measurements show that the mean current in the depth range of 60–450 m is northward toward the Pacific Ocean with a mean transport of 2.07–2.60 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). In the depth range of 450–1200 m, a mean western boundary current (WBC) flows southward through the western Maluku Sea and connects with the southward flow in the Lifamatola Passage. The mean currents in the central-eastern Maluku Channel are found to flow northward at this depth range, suggesting an anticlockwise western intensified gyre circulation in the middle layer of the Maluku Sea. Budget analyses suggest that the mean transport of the intermediate WBC is 1.83–2.25 Sv, which is balanced by three transports: 1) 0.62–0.93 Sv southward transport into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage, 2) 0.97–1.01 Sv returning to the western Pacific Ocean through the central-eastern Maluku Channel, and 3) a residual transport surplus, suggested to upwell to the upper layer joining the northward transport into the Pacific Ocean. The dynamics of the intermediate gyre circulation are explained by the potential vorticity (PV) integral constraint of a semienclosed basin.

Significance Statement

The Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in the global ocean circulation and climate variations. Existing studies of the Indonesian Throughflow have focused on the upper thermocline currents. Here we identify, using mooring observations, an intermediate western boundary current with the core at 800–1000-m depth in the Maluku Sea, transporting intermediate waters from the Pacific into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage. Potential vorticity balance suggests an anticlockwise gyre circulation in the intermediate Maluku Sea, which is evidenced by the mooring and model data. Transport estimates suggest northward countercurrent in the upper Maluku Sea toward the Pacific, supplied by the Lifamatola Passage transport and upwelling from the intermediate layer in the Maluku Sea. Our results suggest the importance of the intermediate Indonesian Throughflow in global ocean circulation and overturn. More extensive investigations of the Indo-Pacific intermediate ocean circulation should be conducted to improve our understanding of global ocean overturn and heat and CO2 storages.

Free access
Xiang Li
Dongliang Yuan
Zheng Wang
Yao Li
Corry Corvianawatie
Dewi Surinati
Asep Sandra
Ahmad Bayhaqi
Praditya Avianto
Edi Kusmanto
Dirham Dirhamsyah
, and
Zainal Arifin


The ocean currents in the Halmahera Sea are studied using a subsurface mooring deployed in the Jailolo Strait from November 2015 to October 2017. The subtidal currents of the mooring measurements are characterized by a two-layer system, with the current variability below about 200 m in opposite phases to that in the upper layer. The mean along-strait velocity (ASV) is toward the Indonesian seas in the whole water column, producing an estimated mean transport of 2.44 ± 0.42 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). The errors of the transport calculation based on the single mooring measurements are estimated to be less than 15% using simulations of high-resolution ocean models. A weak current is observed to flow northward during 2017 at the bottom of the strait. The ASV variability is found to be dominated by an annual cycle both in the upper and lower layers. The total transport, however, is dominated by semiannual variability because of the cancelation of the annual transports in the upper and lower layers. The variability of the transport is suggested to be driven by the pressure difference between the Pacific Ocean and the Indonesian seas, as evidenced by the agreement between the satellite pressure gradient and the two-layer transports. The transport of the Jailolo Strait during the 2015/16 super El Niño is found to be nearly the same as that during the 2016 La Niña, suggesting that the interannual variability of the transport is much smaller than the seasonal cycle.

Free access
Dongliang Yuan
Xiang Li
Zheng Wang
Yao Li
Jing Wang
Ya Yang
Xiaoyue Hu
Shuwen Tan
Hui Zhou
Adhitya Kusuma Wardana
Dewi Surinati
Adi Purwandana
Mochamad Furqon Azis Ismail
Praditya Avianto
Dirham Dirhamsyah
Zainal Arifin
, and
Jin-Song von Storch


The Maluku Channel is a major opening of the eastern Indonesian Seas to the western Pacific Ocean, the upper-ocean currents of which have rarely been observed historically. During December 2012–November 2016, long time series of the upper Maluku Channel transport are measured successfully for the first time using subsurface oceanic moorings. The measurements show significant intraseasonal-to-interannual variability of over 14 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) in the upper 300 m or so, with a mean transport of 1.04–1.31 Sv northward and a significant southward interannual change of over 3.5 Sv in the spring of 2014. Coincident with the interannual transport change is the Mindanao Current, choked at the entrance of the Indonesian Seas, which is significantly different from its climatological retroflection in fall–winter. A high-resolution numerical simulation suggests that the variations of the Maluku Channel currents are associated with the shifting of the Mindanao Current retroflection. It is suggested that the shifting of the Mindanao Current outside the Sulawesi Sea in the spring of 2014 elevates the sea level at the entrance of the Indonesian Seas, which drives the anomalous transport through the Maluku Channel. The results suggest the importance of the western boundary current nonlinearity in driving the transport variability of the Indonesian Throughflow.

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