RELAMPAGO-CACTI: High Impact Weather in Subtropical South America


The special collection includes articles related to the major field experiments and associated research from two sister campaigns that studied the intense convective storms in Subtropical South America in 2018–2019: the Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) campaign, and the Clouds, Aerosols, and Complex Terrain Interactions (CACTI) campaign. These sister campaigns involved 200 scientists from 4 continents, and involved fixed ground, aircraft, and mobile observational assets, targeted satellite observations, and modeling components. These campaigns produced an unparalleled dataset involving many aspects of the intense convective storms, extreme hydrometeorological impacts, regional climate, and societal impacts of high-impact weather in this region. Aspects of studies including observing processes related to convection initiation, aerosol–cloud interactions over complex terrain, the production of giant hail in severe thunderstorms, and the rapid upscale growth and flooding from mesoscale convective systems, and the operational prediction and climate impacts of these storms. Project overview papers have been published in BAMS. The overview for RELAMPAGO is 10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0029.1, while the overview for CACTI is 10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0030.1.

Collection organizers:
Stephen Nesbitt, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Adam Varble, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Paola Salio, University of Buenos Aires

RELAMPAGO-CACTI: High Impact Weather in Subtropical South America

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Kristen L. Rasmussen
Melissa A. Burt
Angela Rowe
Rebecca Haacker
Deanna Hence
Lorena Medina Luna
Stephen W. Nesbitt
, and
Julie Maertens


This article provides an overview of the Advanced Study Institute: Field Studies of Convection in Argentina (ASI-FSCA) program, a 3-week dynamic and collaborative hands-on experience that allowed 16 highly motivated and diverse graduate students from the United States to participate in the 2018–19 Remote Sensing of Electrification, Lightning, and Mesoscale/Microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) field campaign. This program is unique as it represents the first effort to integrate an intensive Advanced Study Institute with a field campaign in atmospheric science. ASI-FSCA activities and successful program outcomes for five key elements are described: 1) intensive field research with field campaign instrumentation platforms; 2) recruitment of diverse graduate students who would not otherwise have opportunities to participate in intensive field research; 3) tailored curriculum focused on scientific understanding of cloud and mesoscale processes and professional/academic development topics; 4) outreach to local K–12 schools and the general public; and 5) building a collaborative international research network to promote weather and climate research. These five elements served to increase motivation and improve confidence and self-efficacy of students to participate in scientific research and field work with goals of increasing retention and a sense of belonging in STEM graduate programs and advancing the careers of students from underrepresented groups as evidenced by a formal program evaluation effort. Given the success of the ASI-FSCA program, our team strongly recommends considering this model for expanding the opportunities for a broader and more diverse student community to participate in dynamic and intensive field work in atmospheric science.

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Stephen W. Nesbitt
Paola V. Salio
Eldo Ávila
Phillip Bitzer
Lawrence Carey
V. Chandrasekar
Wiebke Deierling
Francina Dominguez
Maria Eugenia Dillon
C. Marcelo Garcia
David Gochis
Steven Goodman
Deanna A. Hence
Karen A. Kosiba
Matthew R. Kumjian
Timothy Lang
Lorena Medina Luna
James Marquis
Robert Marshall
Lynn A. McMurdie
Ernani de Lima Nascimento
Kristen L. Rasmussen
Rita Roberts
Angela K. Rowe
Juan José Ruiz
Eliah F.M.T. São Sabbas
A. Celeste Saulo
Russ S. Schumacher
Yanina Garcia Skabar
Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado
Robert J. Trapp
Adam C. Varble
James Wilson
Joshua Wurman
Edward J. Zipser
Ivan Arias
Hernán Bechis
, and
Maxwell A. Grover


This article provides an overview of the experimental design, execution, education and public outreach, data collection, and initial scientific results from the Remote Sensing of Electrification, Lightning, and Mesoscale/Microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) field campaign. RELAMPAGO was a major field campaign conducted in the Córdoba and Mendoza provinces in Argentina and western Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil in 2018–19 that involved more than 200 scientists and students from the United States, Argentina, and Brazil. This campaign was motivated by the physical processes and societal impacts of deep convection that frequently initiates in this region, often along the complex terrain of the Sierras de Córdoba and Andes, and often grows rapidly upscale into dangerous storms that impact society. Observed storms during the experiment produced copious hail, intense flash flooding, extreme lightning flash rates, and other unusual lightning phenomena, but few tornadoes. The five distinct scientific foci of RELAMPAGO—convection initiation, severe weather, upscale growth, hydrometeorology, and lightning and electrification—are described, as are the deployment strategies to observe physical processes relevant to these foci. The campaign’s international cooperation, forecasting efforts, and mission planning strategies enabled a successful data collection effort. In addition, the legacy of RELAMPAGO in South America, including extensive multinational education, public outreach, and social media data gathering associated with the campaign, is summarized.

Full access
Adam C. Varble
Stephen W. Nesbitt
Paola Salio
Joseph C. Hardin
Nitin Bharadwaj
Paloma Borque
Paul J. DeMott
Zhe Feng
Thomas C. J. Hill
James N. Marquis
Alyssa Matthews
Fan Mei
Rusen Öktem
Vagner Castro
Lexie Goldberger
Alexis Hunzinger
Kevin R. Barry
Sonia M. Kreidenweis
Greg M. McFarquhar
Lynn A. McMurdie
Mikhail Pekour
Heath Powers
David M. Romps
Celeste Saulo
Beat Schmid
Jason M. Tomlinson
Susan C. van den Heever
Alla Zelenyuk
Zhixiao Zhang
, and
Edward J. Zipser


The Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions (CACTI) field campaign was designed to improve understanding of orographic cloud life cycles in relation to surrounding atmospheric thermodynamic, flow, and aerosol conditions. The deployment to the Sierras de Córdoba range in north-central Argentina was chosen because of very frequent cumulus congestus, deep convection initiation, and mesoscale convective organization uniquely observable from a fixed site. The C-band Scanning Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Precipitation Radar was deployed for the first time with over 50 ARM Mobile Facility atmospheric state, surface, aerosol, radiation, cloud, and precipitation instruments between October 2018 and April 2019. An intensive observing period (IOP) coincident with the RELAMPAGO field campaign was held between 1 November and 15 December during which 22 flights were performed by the ARM Gulfstream-1 aircraft. A multitude of atmospheric processes and cloud conditions were observed over the 7-month campaign, including numerous orographic cumulus and stratocumulus events; new particle formation and growth producing high aerosol concentrations; drizzle formation in fog and shallow liquid clouds; very low aerosol conditions following wet deposition in heavy rainfall; initiation of ice in congestus clouds across a range of temperatures; extreme deep convection reaching 21-km altitudes; and organization of intense, hail-containing supercells and mesoscale convective systems. These comprehensive datasets include many of the first ever collected in this region and provide new opportunities to study orographic cloud evolution and interactions with meteorological conditions, aerosols, surface conditions, and radiation in mountainous terrain.

Full access
Matthew R. Kumjian
Rachel Gutierrez
Joshua S. Soderholm
Stephen W. Nesbitt
Paula Maldonado
Lorena Medina Luna
James Marquis
Kevin A. Bowley
Milagros Alvarez Imaz
, and
Paola Salio


On 8 February 2018, a supercell storm produced gargantuan (>15 cm or >6 in. in maximum dimension) hail as it moved over the heavily populated city of Villa Carlos Paz in Córdoba Province, Argentina. Observations of gargantuan hail are quite rare, but the large population density here yielded numerous witnesses and social media pictures and videos from this event that document multiple large hailstones. The storm was also sampled by the newly installed operational polarimetric C-band radar in Córdoba. During the RELAMPAGO campaign, the authors interviewed local residents about their accounts of the storm and uncovered additional social media video and photographs revealing extremely large hail at multiple locations in town. This article documents the case, including the meteorological conditions supporting the storm (with the aid of a high-resolution WRF simulation), the storm’s observed radar signatures, and three noteworthy hailstones observed by residents. These hailstones include a freezer-preserved 4.48-in. (11.38 cm) maximum dimension stone that was scanned with a 3D infrared laser scanner, a 7.1-in. (18 cm) maximum dimension stone, and a hailstone photogrammetrically estimated to be between 7.4 and 9.3 in. (18.8–23.7 cm) in maximum dimension, which is close to or exceeds the world record for maximum dimension. Such a well-observed case is an important step forward in understanding environments and storms that produce gargantuan hail, and ultimately how to anticipate and detect such extreme events.

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