Air–Sea Interactions from the Diurnal to the Intraseasonal during the PISTON, MISOBOB, and CAMP2Ex Observational Campaigns in the Tropics


Current climate, weather, and compositional forecasts have limited predictive skill within the Indo-Pacific warm pool regions and across Southeast Asia. Improvement of our forecasting capability has significant societal consequences, as cyclone activity, periods of drought and flooding, and severe biomass burning episodes affect the livelihoods and security of the millions of people inhabiting Southeast Asia. These regions are characterized by deep, moist convection that is organized and maintained over a range of spatio-temporal scales, ranging from coastal convection to ENSO and IOD. While comparison of uncoupled and coupled simulations suggests that air–sea interactions are important in organizing convection, a process-based understanding of exactly how air-sea interaction influences large-scale convective patterns and relationships to overall monsoon meteorology remains uncertain. Tightly linked land, oceanic, and atmospheric processes likely all have an important role to play, requiring an interdisciplinary approach for improved understanding. The recent US-funded field campaigns Propagation of INtraseasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON), Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal (MISOBOB), and Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex) and their international counterparts—South China Sea Two-Island Monsoon Experiment (SCSTIMX) and Ocean Mixing and Monsoon (OMM)—have focused on air-sea observations, forecast, and model studies over timescales of sub-daily to multi-year within the Indo-Pacific warm pool region with the aim of improving our coupled, interdisciplinary understanding across the air–sea interface. This special collection showcases the results from these observational campaigns and corresponding numerical modeling efforts. Contributions range from ocean-centric to atmosphere-centric to fully coupled works that address sub-seasonal to seasonal variability of convection including that associated with the Madden Julian oscillation and boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations, monsoon variability, cyclone activity, the diurnal cycle, and/or related cloud, aerosol, land, and ocean processes.

Collection organizers:
Emily Shroyer, Oregon State University
Sue Chen, US Naval Research Laboratory
Eric Maloney, Colorado State University
Jeffrey Reid, US Naval Research Laboratory
Amit Tandon, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Air–Sea Interactions from the Diurnal to the Intraseasonal during the PISTON, MISOBOB, and CAMP2Ex Observational Campaigns in the Tropics

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Michael B. Natoli
Eric D. Maloney


The mechanisms regulating the relationship between the tropical island diurnal cycle and large-scale modes of tropical variability such as the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) are explored in observations and an idealized model. Specifically, the local environmental conditions associated with diurnal cycle variability are explored. Using Luzon Island in the northern Philippines as an observational test case, a novel probabilistic framework is applied to improve the understanding of diurnal cycle variability. High-amplitude diurnal cycle days tend to occur with weak to moderate offshore low-level wind and near to above average column moisture in the local environment. The transition from the BSISO suppressed phase to the active phase is most likely to produce the wind and moisture conditions supportive of a substantial diurnal cycle over western Luzon and the South China Sea (SCS). Thus, the impact of the BSISO on the local diurnal cycle can be understood in terms of the change in the probability of favorable environmental conditions. Idealized high-resolution 3D Cloud Model 1 (CM1) simulations driven by base states derived from BSISO composite profiles are able to reproduce several important features of the observed diurnal cycle variability with BSISO phase, including the strong, land-based diurnal cycle and offshore propagation in the transition phases. Background wind appears to be the primary variable controlling the diurnal cycle response, but ambient moisture distinctly reduces precipitation strength in the suppressed BSISO phase and enhances it in the active phase.

Free access
Adam V. Rydbeck
Jonathan A. Christophersen
Maria K. Flatau
Matthew A. Janiga
Tommy G. Jensen
Carolyn A. Reynolds
James A. Ridout
Travis A. Smith
, and
Hemantha Wijesekera


Moist static energy (MSE) and ocean heat content (OHC) in the tropics are inextricably linked. The processes by which sources and sinks of OHC modulate column integrated MSE in the Indian Ocean (IO) are explored through a reformulation of the MSE budget using atmosphere and ocean reanalysis data. In the reframed MSE budget, interfacial air–sea turbulent and radiative fluxes are replaced for information on upper ocean dynamics, thus “mooring” the MSE tendency to the subsurface ocean. On subseasonal time scales, ocean forcing is largely responsible for the amplification of MSE anomalies across the IO, with basin average growth rates of 10% day−1. Local OHC depletion is the leading contributor to anomalous MSE amplification with average rates of 12% day−1. Along the equator, MSE is amplified by OHC vertical advection. Ocean forcing only weakly reduces the propagation tendency of MSE anomalies (−2% day−1), with propagation predominantly resulting from atmosphere forcing (10% day−1). OHC in the IO acts as an MSE reservoir that is expended during periods of enhanced intraseasonal atmosphere convection and recharged during periods of suppressed convection. Because OHC is an MSE source during enhanced intraseasonal convection periods, it largely offsets the negative MSE tendency produced by horizontal advection in the atmosphere. The opposite effect occurs during suppressed convection periods, where OHC is a sink of MSE and counters the positive MSE tendency produced by horizontal advection in the atmosphere.

Open access
Yolande L. Serra
Steven A. Rutledge
Kyle Chudler
, and
Chidong Zhang


This study evaluates rainfall, cloudiness, and related fields in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts fifth-generation climate reanalysis (ERA5) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), gridded global reanalysis products against observations from the Office of Naval Research’s Propagation of Intraseasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON) field campaign. We focus on the first PISTON cruise, which took place from August to October 2018 in the northern equatorial western Pacific Ocean. We find biases in the mean surface heat and radiative fluxes consistent with observed biases in high and low cloud fraction and convective activity in the reanalyses. Biases in the high, middle, and low cloud fraction are also consistent with the biases in the thermodynamic profiles, with positive biases in upper-level humidity associated with excessive high cloud in both products, whereas negative biases in humidity above the boundary layer are associated with too few low and middle clouds and increased static stability. ERA5 exhibits a profile that is more top-heavy than that of MERRA-2 during periods dominated by MCSs and stronger upward motion during rainy periods, consistent with higher total rainfall in this product during PISTON. The coarser grid size in MERRA-2 relative to ERA5 and the fact that MERRA-2 did not assimilate PISTON data likely both contribute to the overall larger biases seen in MERRA-2. The observed biases in the reanalyses during PISTON have also been seen in comparisons of these products with satellite data, suggesting that the results of this study are more broadly applicable.

Free access
Patrick Orenstein
Baylor Fox-Kemper
Leah Johnson
Qing Li
, and
Aakash Sane


Empirically generated indices are used to evaluate the skill of a global climate model in representing the monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO). This work adapts the method of Suhas et al., an extended empirical orthogonal function (EEOF) analysis of daily rainfall data with the first orthogonal function indicating MISO strength and phase. This method is applied to observed rainfall and Community Earth System Model (CESM1.2) simulation results. Variants of the CESM1.2 including upper ocean parameterizations for Langmuir turbulence and submesoscale mixed layer eddy restratification are used together with the EEOF analysis to explore sensitivity of the MISO to global upper ocean process representations. The skill with which the model variants recreate the MISO strength and persistence is evaluated versus the observed MISO. While all model versions reproduce the northward rainfall propagation traditionally associated with the MISO, a version including both Langmuir turbulence and submesoscale restratification parameterizations provides the most accurate simulations of the time scale of MISO events.

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Kyle Chudler
Steven A. Rutledge


The Propagation of Intraseasonal Oscillations (PISTON) field campaign took place in the waters of the western tropical North Pacific during the late summer and early fall of 2018 and 2019. During both research cruises, the Colorado State University SEA-POL polarimetric C-band weather radar obtained continuous 3D measurements of oceanic precipitation systems. This study provides an overview of the variability in convection observed during the PISTON cruises, and relates this variability to large-scale atmospheric conditions. Using an objective classification algorithm, precipitation features are identified and labeled by their size (isolated, sub-MCS, MCS) and degree of convective organization (nonlinear, linear). It is shown that although large mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) occurred infrequently (present in 13% of radar scans), they contributed a disproportionately large portion (56%) of the total rain volume. Conversely, small isolated features were present in 91% of scans, yet these features contributed just 11% of the total rain volume, with the bulk of the rainfall owing to warm rain production. Convective rain rates and 30-dBZ echo-top heights increased with feature size and degree of organization. MCSs occurred more frequently in periods of low-level southwesterly winds, and when low-level wind shear was enhanced. By compositing radar and sounding data by phases of easterly waves (of which there were several in 2018), troughs are shown to be associated with increased precipitation and a higher relative frequency of MCS feature occurrence, while ridges are shown to be associated with decreased precipitation and a higher relative frequency of isolated convective features.

Full access
Adam H. Sobel
Janet Sprintall
Eric D. Maloney
Zane K. Martin
Shuguang Wang
Simon P. de Szoeke
Benjamin C. Trabing
, and
Steven A. Rutledge


The Propagation of Intraseasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON) experiment conducted a field campaign in August–October 2018. The R/V Thomas G. Thompson made two cruises in the western North Pacific region north of Palau and east of the Philippines. Using select field observations and global observational and reanalysis datasets, this study describes the large-scale state and evolution of the atmosphere and ocean during these cruises. Intraseasonal variability was weak during the field program, except for a period of suppressed convection in October. Tropical cyclone activity, on the other hand, was strong. Variability at the ship location was characterized by periods of low-level easterly atmospheric flow with embedded westward propagating synoptic-scale atmospheric disturbances, punctuated by periods of strong low-level westerly winds that were both connected to the Asian monsoon westerlies and associated with tropical cyclones. In the most dramatic case, westerlies persisted for days during and after tropical cyclone Jebi had passed to the north of the ship. In these periods, the sea surface temperature was reduced by a couple of degrees by both wind mixing and net surface heat fluxes that were strongly (~200 W m−2) out of the ocean, due to both large latent heat flux and cloud shading associated with widespread deep convection. Underway conductivity–temperature transects showed dramatic cooling and deepening of the ocean mixed layer and erosion of the barrier layer after the passage of Typhoon Mangkhut due to entrainment of cooler water from below. Strong zonal currents observed over at least the upper 400 m were likely related to the generation and propagation of near-inertial currents.

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Wei-Ting Chen
Shih-Pei Hsu
Yuan-Huai Tsai
, and
Chung-Hsiung Sui


We studied the scale interactions of the convectively coupled Kelvin waves (KWs) over the South China Sea (SCS) and Maritime Continent (MC) during December 2016. Three KWs were observed near the equator in this month while the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) was inactive. The impacts of these KWs on the rainfall variability of various time scales are diagnosed, including synoptic disturbances, diurnal cycle (DC), and the onset of the Australian monsoon. Four interaction events between the KWs and the westward-propagating waves over the off-equatorial regions were examined; two events led to KW enhancements and the other two contributed to the formation of a tropical depression/tropical cyclone. Over the KW convectively active region of the MC, the DC of precipitation was enhanced in major islands and neighboring oceans. Over the land, the DC hot spots were modulated depending on the background winds and the terrain effects. Over the ocean, the “coastal regime” of the DC appeared at specific coastal areas. Last, the Australian summer monsoon onset occurred with the passage of a KW, which provided favorable conditions of low-level westerlies and initial convection over southern MC and the Arafura Sea. This effect may be helped by the warm sea surface temperature anomalies associated with the La Niña condition of this month. The current results showcase that KWs and their associated scale interactions can provide useful references for weather monitoring and forecast of this region when the MJO is absent.

Full access
Corinne B. Trott
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Heather L. Roman-Stork
V. S. N. Murty
, and
C. Gnanaseelan


Intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) significantly impact southwest monsoon precipitation and Bay of Bengal (BoB) variability. The response of ISOs in sea surface salinity (SSS) to those in the atmosphere is investigated in the BoB from 2005 to 2017. The three intraseasonal processes examined in this study are the 30–90-day and 10–20-day ISOs and 3–7-day synoptic weather signals. A variety of salinity data from NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite missions and from reanalysis using the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and operational analysis of Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) were utilized for the study. It is found that the 30–90-day ISO salinity signal propagates northward following the northward propagation of convection and precipitation ISOs. The 10–20-day ISO in SSS and precipitation deviate largely in the northern BoB wherein the river runoff largely impacts the SSS. The weather systems strongly impact the 3–7-day signal in SSS prior to and after the southwest monsoon. Overall, we find that satellite salinity products captured better the SSS signal of ISO due to inherent inclusion of river runoff and mixed layer processes. CFSv2, in particular, underestimates the SSS signal due to the misrepresentation of river runoff in the model. This study highlights the need to include realistic riverine freshwater influx for better model simulations, as accurate salinity simulation is mandatory for the representation of air–sea coupling in models.

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Wei-Ting Chen
Chien-Ming Wu
, and
Hsi-Yen Ma


The present study aims to identify the precipitation bias associated with the interactions among fast physical processes in the Community Atmospheric Model, version 5 (CAM5), during the abrupt onset of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon, a key precursor of the overall East Asia summer monsoon (EASM). The multiyear hindcast approach is utilized to obtain the well-constrained synoptic-scale horizontal circulation each year during the onset period from the years 1998 to 2012. In the pre-onset period, the ocean precipitation over the SCS is insufficiently suppressed in CAM5 hindcasts and thus weaker land–ocean precipitation contrasts. This is associated with the weaker and shallower convection simulated over the surrounding land, producing weaker local circulation within the SCS basin. In the post-onset period, rainfall of the organized convection over the Philippine coastal ocean is underestimated in the hindcasts, with overestimated upper-level heating. These biases are further elaborated as the underrepresentation of the convection diurnal cycle and coastal convection systems, as well as the issue of precipitation sensitivity to environmental moisture during the SCS onset period. The biases identified in hindcasts are consistent with the general bias of the EASM in the climate simulation of CAM5. The current results highlight that the appropriate representation of land–ocean–convection interactions over coastal areas can potentially improve the simulation of seasonal transition over the monsoon regions.

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