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Jin Huang
Huug M. van den Dool
, and
Konstantine P. Georgarakos


A long time series of monthly soil moisture data during the period of 1931–1993 over the entire U.S. continent has been created with a one-layer soil moisture model. The model is based on the water budget in the soil and uses monthly temperature and monthly precipitation as input. The data are for 344 U.S. climate divisions during the period of 1931–1993. The main goals of this paper are 1) to improve our understanding of soil moisture and its effects on the atmosphere and 2) to apply the calculated soil moisture toward long-range temperature forecasts.

In this study, the model parameters are estimated using observed precipitation, temperature, and runoff in Oklahoma (1960–1989) and applied to the entire United States. The comparison with the 8-yr (1984–1991) observed soil moisture in Illinois indicates that the model gives a reasonable simulation of soil moisture with both climatology and interannual variability.

The analyses of the calculated soil moisture show that the climatological soil moisture is high in the east and low in the west (except the West Coast), which is determined by the climatological precipitation amounts. The annual cycle of soil moisture, however, is determined largely by evaporation. Anomalies in soil moisture are driven by precipitation anomalies, but their timescales are to first order determined by both climatological temperature (through evaporation) and climatological precipitation. The soil moisture anomaly persistence is higher where normal temperature and precipitation are low, which is the case in the west in summer. The spatial scale of soil moisture anomalies has been analyzed and found to be larger than that of precipitation but smaller than that of temperature.

Authors found that generally in the U.S. evaporation anomalies are much smaller in magnitude than precipitation anomalies. Furthermore, observed and calculated soil moisture anomalies have a broad frequency distribution but not the strongly bimodal distribution indicative of water recycling.

Compared to antecedent precipitation, soil moisture is a better predictor for future monthly temperature. Soil moisture can provide extra skill in predicting temperature in large areas of interior continent in summer, particularly at longer leads. The predictive skill of soil moisture is even higher when the predictand is daily maximum temperature instead of daily mean temperature.

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Tsing-Chang Chen
Wan-Ru Huang
, and
Jin-ho Yoon


The occurrence frequency of the east Asian cold surge exhibits an interannual variation in concert with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. That is, the cold surge occurs more (less) frequently during warm (cold) ENSO winters. Because the cold surge high–low dipoles are coupled with the upper-level synoptic short waves, any mechanism modulating the activity of these waves would affect the cold surge activity. The streamfunction budget analysis in the short-wave regime indicates that the development of the cold surge short-wave train over east Asia and the northwest Pacific is modulated by the North Pacific ENSO short-wave train. Due to the coupling between the upper-level cold surge short-wave train and the surface cold surge dipole, it is inferred from this streamfunction budget analysis that the interannual variation of the cold surge occurrence frequency is a result of this modulation.

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Robert E. Livezey
Jonathan D. Hoopingarner
, and
Jin Huang


Quality analyses have been performed on a 21-yr record of monthly mean Northern Hemisphere extratropical 700-hPa height anomaly forecasts issued by the National Weather Service. A positive trend in skill noted a decade ago is shown to have continued to recent years. This trend is present in terms of overall reduction in squared error as well as individually in reduction of both phase and amplitude errors for all three subdomain sectors examined. The higher skill in the last decade principally is concentrated in forecasts for winter months and particularly over the oceans and at high latitudes and is attributed to advances in global numerical weather prediction. Prior to the 1980s, average forecast bias varied from region to region and overall was not large. Since then it has tended to be negative for all subsectors, mainly as a result of negatively biased height anomalies in midlatitudes for forecast months in the winter and spring. This bias is, perhaps, a reflection of the anomalous observed warmth during the period.

An attempt to improve the quality of the forecasts with a principal component filter had modest success in the sense that reductions in squared error were achieved aside from those that would have been expected from simple smoothing.

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Huang-Hsiung Hsu
Brian J. Hoskins
, and
Fei-Fei Jin


An intraseasonal oscillation that occurred in the 1985/86 northern winter is documented in this study. The tropical convection of this event is dominated by the mixture of a standing oscillation over the maritime continent and an eastward moving feature from the Indian Ocean into the central Pacific. The time evolution of the upper tropospheric circulation patterns, instead of propagating eastward along the equator as suggested in the existing composites of the intraseasonal oscillation, is characterized by a series of wave patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and does not complete the cycle around the globe.

The familiar moist Kelvin wave explanation for the intraseasonal oscillation receives little support from diagnosis of this event using zonal wind, height field, streamfunction, and potential vorticity. Only in the lower troposphere near the date line is the convincing evidence for its existence found.

A scenario for the intraseasonal oscillation, which is suggested by the analysis, includes the initiation of the event through organization of tropical convection in the Indian Ocean by a subtropical Rossby wave train. This wave train also triggers a modal meridional dipole response in the west Pacific. The eastern Asia and western Pacific portion of this wave pattern is further reinforced by downstream propagation from the Indian Ocean convection region. The wave train creates the conditions in which synoptic cold surge events can occur over China. The propagation of these surges into the Indonesian region leads to markedly increased convection there. This process may be aided by the conditions created by a tongue of high potential vorticity that is advected equatorward and westward towards the Indonesian region by the flow associated with the dipole. The Indonesian convection gives rise to a North Pacific wave pattern and increased upper tropospheric, equatorial westerlies in the eastern Pacific.

Aspects of this scenario are supported with previous theoretical studies and new numerical model experiments. It describes a mixture of eastward propagation and the flaring of stationary features of tropical convection. However, it does not describe an oscillation. It is possible that equatorial Kelvin waves of very small magnitude do play a role in making such an oscillation possible and that the variable magnitude and period of the oscillation depend on the match of the extratropical structures with the Kelvin wave.

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Zhiyong Huang
Jiu Jimmy Jiao
Xin Luo
Yun Pan
, and
Taoyong Jin


Drought and flood are investigated in the Pearl River basin (PRB) using long-term terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) data from the mascon (mass concentration) solutions based on Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite measurements (2002–19) and reanalysis data (1980–2019). The GRACE mascon solutions capture two major drought periods (2003–06 and 2009–12) with similar onsets and endings over the last two decades, but show considerable differences in quantifying total drought severity. The reanalysis data significantly overestimate drought duration and severity during 1980–2000 owing to overestimated negative TWSA forced by underestimated precipitation. The GRACE mascon solutions identify four major flood events in August 2002, June 2008, and July in 2006 and 2019. The flood potential is influenced by the precipitation in both the current and antecedent months. The flood potential index of the most recent flood in 2008 showed a similar spatial pattern compared to precipitation at monthly and subbasin scales. The precipitation and TWSA in the PRB are mainly influenced by El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). TWSA exhibits a lag of 1–3 months responding to ENSO during 1980–2019. This study emphasizes the significance of removing water storage changes in new large reservoirs before long-term drought and flood characterization. The inclusion of reservoir water storage would expand (shrink) the drought duration and overestimate (underestimate) drought severity for the period before (after) reservoir impoundment and overestimate flood potential for the period after reservoir impoundment. This study highlights the intensifying drought conditions in the PRB over the last four decades under the circumstances of more frequent human activities (reservoir construction and regulation) and the complex changing climate system.

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Zongci Huang
Wenjun Zhang
Xin Geng
, and
Fei-Fei Jin


The boreal summer western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) exhibits a remarkable decadal shift in its spatial pattern and periodicity around the late 1990s. In the former period, the WPSH is primarily characterized by a large-scale uniform pattern over Asia and its surrounding area with an oscillating period of ~4–5 yr. However, the WPSH-related atmospheric circulations shift to a dipole structure and oscillate at ~2–3 yr in the recent period. We found that this decadal shift is largely contributed by the ENSO regime change. During the former period, the tropical Pacific was dominated by the conventional eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with an oscillating period of ~4–5 yr. Strong anticyclone anomalies usually are maintained over the western North Pacific (WNP) during the EP El Niño decaying summer, accounting for most of the WPSH temporal and spatial variability. In contrast, the recent period features much more frequent occurrence of central Pacific (CP) El Niño events in the tropical Pacific with a ~2–3-yr oscillating period. A dipole structure in the WNP and Indian Ocean is evident during both developing and decaying summers of CP El Niño, consistent with the WPSH leading mode after the late 1990s. The results have important implications for seasonal prediction of the WPSH and associated Asian summer climate anomalies.

Free access
Jin-De Huang
Ching-Shu Hung
Chien-Ming Wu
, and
Hiroaki Miura


Convective variability is used to diagnose different pathways toward convective self-aggregation (CSA) in radiative–convective equilibrium simulations with two cloud-resolving models, SCALE and VVM. The results show that convection undergoes gradual growth in SCALE and fast transition in VVM, which is associated with different mechanisms between the two models. In SCALE, strong radiative cooling associated with a dry environment drives the circulation from the dry region, and the dry environment results from strong subsidence and insufficient surface flux supply. The circulation driven by the radiative cooling then pushes convection aggregating, which is the dry-radiation pathway. In VVM, CSA develops due to the rapid strengthening of circulation driven by convective systems in the moist region, which is the convection-upscaling pathway. The different pathways of CSA development can be attributed to the upscale process of convective structures identified by the cloud size spectrum. The upscaling of large-size convective systems can enhance circulation from the moist region in VVM. In SCALE, the infrequent appearance of large convective systems is insufficient to generate circulation, as compensating subsidence can occur within the moist region even in the absence of convective systems. This study shows that the convective variabilities between models can lead to different pathways of CSA, and mechanism-denial experiments also support our analyses.

Free access
Zhiyuan Hu
Yuanyuan Ma
Qinjian Jin
Nkurunziza Fabien Idrissa
Jianping Huang
, and
Wenjie Dong

The post-1980 regional climate change increased dust AOD by +12.5 ± 15.0% and +43.6 ± 31.2% over the source and downstream areas respectively during a record-breaking dust storm in March 2021 in North China.

Open access
Jin-Yi Yu
Pei-ken Kao
Houk Paek
Huang-Hsiung Hsu
Chih-wen Hung
Mong-Ming Lu
, and
Soon-Il An


The ocean–atmosphere coupling in the northeastern subtropical Pacific is dominated by a Pacific meridional mode (PMM), which spans between the extratropical and tropical Pacific and plays an important role in connecting extratropical climate variability to the occurrence of El Niño. Analyses of observational data and numerical model experiments were conducted to demonstrate that the PMM (and the subtropical Pacific coupling) experienced a rapid strengthening in the early 1990s and that this strengthening is related to an intensification of the subtropical Pacific high caused by a phase change of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO). This PMM strengthening favored the development of more central Pacific (CP)-type El Niño events. The recent shift from more conventional eastern Pacific (EP) to more CP-type El Niño events can thus be at least partly understood as a Pacific Ocean response to a phase change in the AMO.

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Zeng-Zhen Hu
Arun Kumar
Bohua Huang
Jieshun Zhu
Michelle L’Heureux
Michael J. McPhaden
, and
Jin-Yi Yu


Following the interdecadal shift of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) properties that occurred in 1976/77, another regime shift happened in 1999/2000 that featured a decrease of variability and an increase in ENSO frequency. Specifically, the frequency spectrum of Niño-3.4 sea surface temperature shifted from dominant variations at quasi-quadrennial (~4 yr) periods during 1979–99 to weaker fluctuations at quasi-biennial (~2 yr) periods during 2000–18. Also, the spectrum of warm water volume (WWV) index had almost no peak in 2000–18, implying a nearly white noise process. The regime shift was associated with an enhanced zonal gradient of the mean state, a westward shift in the atmosphere–ocean coupling in the tropical Pacific, and an increase in the static stability of the troposphere. This shift had several important implications. The whitening of the subsurface ocean temperature led to a breakdown of the relationship between WWV and ENSO, reducing the efficacy of WWV as a key predictor for ENSO and thus leading to a decrease in ENSO prediction skill. Another consequence of the higher ENSO frequency after 1999/2000 was that the forecasted peak of sea surface temperature anomaly often lagged that observed by several months, and the lag increased with the lead time. The ENSO regime shift may have altered ENSO influences on extratropical climate. Thus, the regime shift of ENSO in 1999/2000 as well as the model default may account for the higher false alarm and lower skill in predicting ENSO since 1999/2000.

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