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Mark S. Kulie
Ralf Bennartz
Thomas J. Greenwald
Yong Chen
, and
Fuzhong Weng


A combined active/passive modeling system that converts CloudSat observations to simulated microwave brightness temperatures (TB ) is used to assess different ice particle models under precipitating conditions. Simulation results indicate that certain ice models (e.g., low-density spheres) produce excessive scattering and implausibly low simulated TB s for stratiform precipitation events owing to excessive derived ice water paths (IWPs), while other ice models produce unphysical TB depressions due to the combined effects of elevated derived IWP and excessive particle size distribution–averaged extinction. An ensemble of nonspherical ice particle models, however, consistently produces realistic results under most circumstances and adequately captures the radiative properties of frozen hydrometeors associated with precipitation—with the possible exception of very high IWP events. Large derived IWP uncertainties exceeding 60% are also noted and may indicate IWP retrieval accuracy deficiencies using high-frequency passive microwave observations. Simulated TB uncertainties due to the ice particle model ensemble members approach 9 (5) K at 89 (157) GHz for high ice water path conditions associated with snowfall and ∼2–3 (∼1–2) K under typical stratiform rain conditions. These uncertainties, however, display considerable variability owing to ice water path, precipitation type, satellite zenith angle, and frequency. Comparisons between 157-GHz simulations and observations under precipitating conditions produce low biases (<1.5 K) and high correlations, but lower-frequency channels display consistent negative biases of 3–4 K in precipitating regions. Sample error correlations and covariance matrices for select microwave frequencies also show strong functional relationships with ice water path and variability depending on precipitation type.

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Thomas J. Greenwald
Cynthia L. Combs
Andrew S. Jones
David L. Randel
, and
Thomas H. Vonder Haar


Refinements and improvements of an earlier technique to retrieve the cloud liquid water path (LWP) of nonprecipitating clouds over land surfaces using Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) 85.5-GHz measurements are presented. These techniques require estimates of the microwave surface emissivity, which are derived in clear-sky regions from SSM/I measurements and window infrared measurements from the Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer on GOES-7. A comparison of forward model calculations with SSM/I measurements in clear regions demonstrates that over a 7-day period the surface emissivities are stable.

To overcome limitations in the single-channel retrieval method under certain situations, a new method is developed that uses a normalized polarization difference (NPD) of the brightness temperatures. This method has the advantages of providing estimates of the LWP for low clouds and being extremely insensitive to the surface skin temperature. Radiative transfer simulations also show that the polarization difference at 37 GHz may be useful for retrievals in high water vapor environments and for large cloud LWP.

An intercomparison of the different retrieval methods over Platteville, Colorado, reveals large discrepancies for certain cases, but the NPD method is found to agree best with coincident ground-based microwave radiometer measurements of cloud LWP. This success is primarily due to the larger than average surface polarization differences near the Platteville site. While the NPD method shows promise in distinguishing between low, moderate, and high values of cloud LWP, a comprehensive validation effort is required to further evaluate its accuracy and limitations.

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David L. Randel
Thomas H. Vonder Haar
Mark A. Ringerud
Graeme L. Stephens
Thomas J. Greenwald
, and
Cynthia L. Combs

A comprehensive and accurate global water vapor dataset is critical to the adequate understanding of water vapor's role in the earth's climate system. To begin to satisfy this need, the authors have produced a blended dataset made up of global, 5-yr (1988–92), l°x 1° spatial resolution, atmospheric water vapor (WV) and liquid water path products. These new products consist of both the daily total column-integrated composites and a multilayered WV product at three layers (1000–700, 700–500, 500–300 mb). The analyses combine WV retrievals from the Television and Infrared Operational Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager, and radiosonde observations. The global, vertical-layered water vapor dataset was developed by slicing the blended total column water vapor using layer information from TOVS and radiosonde. Also produced was a companion, over oceans only, liquid water path dataset. Satellite observations of liquid water path are growing in importance since many of the global climate models are now either incorporating or contain liquid water as an explicit variable. The complete dataset (all three products) has been named NVAP, an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Water Vapor Project.

This paper provides examples of the new dataset as well as scientific analysis of the observed annual cycle and the interannual variability of water vapor at global, hemispheric, and regional scales. A distinct global annual cycle is shown to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere observations. Planetary-scale variations are found to relate well to recent independent estimates of tropospheric temperature variations. Maps of regional interannual variability in the 5-yr period show the effect of the 1992 ENSO and other features.

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Gregory S. Elsaesser
Christopher W. O’Dell
Matthew D. Lebsock
Ralf Bennartz
Thomas J. Greenwald
, and
Frank J. Wentz


The Multisensor Advanced Climatology of Liquid Water Path (MAC-LWP), an updated and enhanced version of the University of Wisconsin (UWisc) cloud liquid water path (CLWP) climatology, currently provides 29 years (1988–2016) of monthly gridded (1°) oceanic CLWP information constructed using Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) intercalibrated 0.25°-resolution retrievals. Satellite sources include SSM/I, TMI, AMSR-E, WindSat, SSMIS, AMSR-2, and GMI. To mitigate spurious CLWP trends, the climatology is corrected for drifting satellite overpass times by simultaneously solving for the monthly average CLWP and the monthly mean diurnal cycle. In addition to a longer record and six additional satellite products, major enhancements relative to the UWisc climatology include updating the input to version 7 RSS retrievals, correcting for a CLWP bias (based on matchups to clear-sky MODIS scenes), and constructing a total (cloud + rain) liquid water path (TLWP) record for use in analyses of columnar liquid water in raining clouds. Because the microwave emission signal from cloud water is similar to that of precipitation-sized hydrometeors, greater uncertainty in the CLWP record is expected in regions of substantial precipitation. Therefore, the TLWP field can also be used as a quality-control screen, where uncertainty increases as the ratio of CLWP to TLWP decreases. For regions where confidence in CLWP is highest (i.e., CLWP:TLWP > 0.8), systematic differences in MAC CLWP relative to UWisc CLWP range from −15% (e.g., global oceanic stratocumulus decks) to +5%–10% (e.g., portions of the higher latitudes, storm tracks, and shallower convection regions straddling the ITCZ). The dataset is currently hosted at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center.

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Thomas J. Greenwald
R. Bradley Pierce
Todd Schaack
Jason Otkin
Marek Rogal
Kaba Bah
Allen Lenzen
Jim Nelson
Jun Li
, and
Hung-Lung Huang


In support of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R series (GOES-R) program, the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is generating high quality simulated Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) radiances and derived products in real time over the continental United States. These data are mainly used for testing data-handling systems, evaluating ABI-derived products, and providing training material for forecasters participating in GOES-R Proving Ground test bed activities. The modeling system used to generate these datasets consists of advanced regional and global numerical weather prediction models in addition to state-of-the-art radiative transfer models, retrieval algorithms, and land surface datasets. The system and its generated products are evaluated for the 2014 Pacific Northwest wildfires; the 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado; and Hurricane Sandy. Simulated aerosol optical depth over the Front Range of Colorado during the Pacific Northwest wildfires was validated using high-density Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements. The aerosol, cloud, and meteorological modeling system used to generate ABI radiances was found to capture the transport of smoke from the Pacific wildfires into the Front Range of Colorado and true-color imagery created from these simulated radiances provided visualization of the smoke plumes. Evaluation of selected simulated ABI-derived products for the Moore tornado and Hurricane Sandy cases was done using real-time GOES sounder/imager products produced at CIMSS. Results show that simulated ABI moisture and atmospheric stability products, cloud products, and red–green–blue (RGB) airmass composite imagery are well suited as proxy ABI data for user preparedness.

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