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Ross N. Hoffman
Joseph V. Ardizzone
S. Mark Leidner
Deborah K. Smith
, and
Robert Atlas


The Desroziers diagnostics (DD) are applied to the cross-calibrated, multiplatform (CCMP) ocean surface wind datasets to estimate wind speed errors of the ECMWF background, the microwave satellite observations, and the resulting CCMP analysis. The DD confirm that the ECMWF operational surface wind speed error standard deviations vary with latitude in the range 0.8–1.3 m s−1 and that the cross-calibrated Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) wind speed retrievals’ standard deviations are in the range 0.5–0.7 m s−1. Further, the estimated CCMP analysis wind speed standard deviations are in the range 0.2–0.3 m s−1. The results suggest the need to revise the parameterization of the errors of the first guess at appropriate time (FGAT) procedure. Errors for wind speeds <16 m s−1 are homogeneous; however, for the relatively rare but critical higher wind speed situations, errors are much larger.

Full access
Shu-Hsien Chou
Eric Nelkin
Joe Ardizzone
Robert M. Atlas
, and
Chung-Lin Shie


Information on the turbulent fluxes of momentum, latent heat, and sensible heat at the air–sea interface is essential in improving model simulations of climate variations and in climate studies. A 13.5-yr (July 1987–December 2000) dataset of daily surface turbulent fluxes over global oceans has been derived from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) radiance measurements. This dataset, Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes, version 2 (GSSTF2), has a spatial resolution of 1° × 1° latitude–longitude and a temporal resolution of 1 day. Turbulent fluxes are derived from the SSM/I surface winds and surface air humidity, as well as the 2-m air and sea surface temperatures (SST) of the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis, using a bulk aerodynamic algorithm based on the surface layer similarity theory.

The GSSTF2 bulk flux model is validated by comparing hourly turbulent fluxes computed from ship data using the model with those observed fluxes of 10 field experiments over the tropical and midlatitude oceans during 1991–99. In addition, the GSSTF2 daily wind stress, latent heat flux, wind speed, surface air humidity, and SST compare reasonably well with those of the collocated measurements of the field experiments. The global distributions of 1988–2000 annual- and seasonal-mean turbulent fluxes show reasonable patterns related to the atmospheric general circulation and seasonal variations. Zonal averages of latent heat fluxes and input parameters over global oceans during 1992–93 have been compared among several flux datasets: GSSTF1 (version 1), GSSTF2, the Hamburg Ocean–Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data (HOAPS), NCEP–NCAR reanalysis, and one based on the Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set (COADS). Significant differences are found among the five. These analyses suggest that the GSSTF2 latent heat flux, surface air humidity, and winds are likely to be more realistic than the other four flux datasets examined, although those of GSSTF2 are still subject to regional biases. The GSSTF2 is useful for climate studies and has been submitted to the sea surface turbulent flux project (SEAFLUX) for intercomparison studies.

Full access
N. C. Privé
Yuanfu Xie
Steven Koch
Robert Atlas
Sharanya J. Majumdar
, and
Ross N. Hoffman


High-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft systems (HALE UAS) are capable of extended flights for atmospheric sampling. A case study was conducted to evaluate the potential impact of dropwindsonde observations from HALE UAS on tropical cyclone track prediction; tropical cyclone intensity was not addressed. This study employs a global observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) developed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL) that is based on the NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction gridpoint statistical interpolation (GSI) data assimilation system and Global Forecast System (GFS) model. Different strategies for dropwindsonde deployment and UAS flight paths were compared. The introduction of UAS-deployed dropwindsondes was found to consistently improve the track forecast skill during the early forecast up to 96 h, with the caveat that the experiments omitted both vortex relocation and dropwindsondes from manned flights in the tropical cyclone region. The more effective UAS dropwindsonde deployment patterns sampled both the environment and the body of the tropical cyclone.

Full access
Lisa R. Bucci
Sharanya J. Majumdar
Robert Atlas
G. David Emmitt
, and
Steve Greco


This study examines how varying wind profile coverages in the tropical cyclone (TC) core, near environment, and broader synoptic environment affects the structure and evolution of a simulated Atlantic Ocean hurricane through data assimilation. Three sets of observing system simulation experiments are examined in this paper. The first experiment establishes a benchmark for the case study specific to the forecast system used by assimilating idealized profiles throughout the parent domain. The second presents how TC analyses and forecasts respond to varying the coverage of swaths produced by polar-orbiting satellites of idealized wind profiles. The final experiment assesses the role of TC inner-core observations by systematically removing them radially from the center. All observations are simulated from a high-resolution regional “nature run” of a hurricane and the tropical atmosphere, assimilating with an ensemble square root Kalman filter and using the Hurricane Weather and Research Forecast regional model. Results compare observation impact with the analyses, domainwide and TC-centric error statistics, and TC structural differences among the experiments. The study concludes that the most accurate TC representation is a result of the assimilation of collocated and uniform thermodynamic and kinematics observations. Intensity forecasts are improved with increased inner-core wind observations, even if the observations are only available once daily. Domainwide root-mean-square errors are significantly reduced when the TC is observed during a period of structural change, such as rapid intensification. The experiments suggest the importance of wind observations and the role of inner-core surveillance when analyzing and forecasting realistic TC structure.

Full access
Ross N. Hoffman
V. Krishna Kumar
Sid-Ahmed Boukabara
Kayo Ide
Fanglin Yang
, and
Robert Atlas


The summary assessment metric (SAM) method is applied to an array of primary assessment metrics (PAMs) for the deterministic forecasts of three leading numerical weather prediction (NWP) centers for the years 2015–17. The PAMs include anomaly correlation, RMSE, and absolute mean error (i.e., the absolute value of bias) for different forecast times, vertical levels, geographic domains, and variables. SAMs indicate that in terms of forecast skill ECMWF is better than NCEP, which is better than but approximately the same as UKMO. The use of SAMs allows a number of interesting features of the evolution of forecast skill to be observed. All three centers improve over the 3-yr period. NCEP short-term forecast skill substantially increases during the period. Quantitatively, the effect of the 11 May 2016 NCEP upgrade to the four-dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation (4DEnVar) system is a 7.37% increase in the probability of improved skill relative to a randomly chosen forecast metric from 2015 to 2017. This is the largest SAM impact during the study period. However, the observed impacts are within the context of slowly improving forecast skill for operational global NWP as compared to earlier years. Clearly, the systems lagging ECMWF can improve, and there is evidence from SAMs in addition to the 4DEnVar example that improvements in forecast and data assimilation systems are still leading to forecast skill improvements.

Full access
Hui W. Christophersen
Brittany A. Dahl
Jason P. Dunion
Robert F. Rogers
Frank D. Marks
Robert Atlas
, and
William J. Blackwell


As part of the NASA Earth Venture-Instrument program, the Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) mission, to be launched in January 2022, will deliver unprecedented rapid-update microwave measurements over the tropics that can be used to observe the evolution of the precipitation and thermodynamic structure of tropical cyclones (TCs) at meso- and synoptic scales. TROPICS consists of six CubeSats, each hosting a passive microwave radiometer that provides radiance observations sensitive to atmospheric temperature, water vapor, precipitation, and precipitation-sized ice particles. In this study, the impact of TROPICS all-sky radiances on TC analyses and forecasts is explored through a regional mesoscale observing system simulation experiment (OSSE). The results indicate that the TROPICS all-sky radiances can have positive impacts on TC track and intensity forecasts, particularly when some hydrometeor state variables and other state variables of the data assimilation system that are relevant to cloudy radiance assimilation are updated. The largest impact on the model analyses is seen in the humidity fields, regardless of whether or not there are radiances assimilated from other satellites. TROPICS radiances demonstrate large impact on TC analyses and forecasts when other satellite radiances are absent. The assimilation of the all-sky TROPICS radiances without default radiances leads to a consistent improvement in the low- and midtropospheric temperature and wind forecasts throughout the 5-day forecasts, but only up to 36-h lead time in the humidity forecasts at all pressure levels. This study illustrates the potential benefits of TROPICS data assimilation for TC forecasts and provides a potentially streamlined pathway for transitioning TROPICS data from research to operations postlaunch.

Free access
Arthur Y. Hou
David V. Ledvina
Arlindo M. da Silva
Sara Q. Zhang
Joanna Joiner
Robert M. Atlas
George J. Huffman
, and
Christian D. Kummerow


This article describes a variational framework for assimilating the SSM/I-derived surface rain rate and total precipitable water (TPW) and examines their impact on the analysis produced by the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Data Assimilation System (DAS). The SSM/I observations consist of tropical rain rates retrieved using the Goddard Profiling Algorithm and tropical TPW estimates produced by Wentz.

In a series of assimilation experiments for December 1992, results show that the SSM/I-derived rain rate, despite current uncertainty in its intensity, is better than the model-generated precipitation. Assimilating rainfall data improves cloud distributions and the cloudy-sky radiation, while assimilating TPW data reduces a moisture bias in the lower troposphere to improve the clear-sky radiation. Together, the two data types reduce the monthly mean spatial bias by 46% and the error standard deviation by 26% in the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) averaged over the Tropics, as compared with the NOAA OLR observation product. The improved cloud distribution, in turn, improves the solar radiation at the surface. There is also evidence that the latent heating change associated with the improved precipitation improves the large-scale circulation in the Tropics. This is inferred from a comparison of the clear-sky brightness temperatures for TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder channel 12 computed from the GEOS analyses with the observed values, suggesting that rainfall assimilation reduces a prevailing moist bias in the upper-tropospheric humidity in the GEOS system through enhanced subsidence between the major convective centers.

This work shows that assimilation of satellite-derived precipitation and TPW can reduce state-dependent systematic errors in the OLR, clouds, surface radiation, and the large-scale circulation in the assimilated dataset. The improved analysis also leads to better short-range forecasts, but the impact is modest compared with improvements in the time-averaged signals in the analysis. The study shows that, in the presence of biases and other errors of the forecast model, it is possible to improve the time-averaged “climate content” in the data without comparable improvements in forecast. The full impact of these data types on the analysis cannot be measured solely in terms of forecast skills.

Full access
Bo-Wen Shen
Roger A. Pielke Sr.
Xubin Zeng
Jong-Jin Baik
Sara Faghih-Naini
Jialin Cui
, and
Robert Atlas


Over 50 years since Lorenz’s 1963 study and a follow-up presentation in 1972, the statement “weather is chaotic” has been well accepted. Such a view turns our attention from regularity associated with Laplace’s view of determinism to irregularity associated with chaos. In contrast to single-type chaotic solutions, recent studies using a generalized Lorenz model (GLM) have focused on the coexistence of chaotic and regular solutions that appear within the same model using the same modeling configurations but different initial conditions. The results, with attractor coexistence, suggest that the entirety of weather possesses a dual nature of chaos and order with distinct predictability. In this study, based on the GLM, we illustrate the following two mechanisms that may enable or modulate two kinds of attractor coexistence and, thus, contribute to distinct predictability: 1) the aggregated negative feedback of small-scale convective processes that can produce stable nontrivial equilibrium points and, thus, enable the appearance of stable steady-state solutions and their coexistence with chaotic or nonlinear oscillatory solutions, referred to as the first and second kinds of attractor coexistence; and 2) the modulation of large-scale time-varying forcing (heating) that can determine (or modulate) the alternative appearance of two kinds of attractor coexistence. Based on our results, we then discuss new opportunities and challenges in predictability research with the aim of improving predictions at extended-range time scales, as well as subseasonal to seasonal time scales.

Open access
George R. Halliwell Jr.
Gustavo J. Goni
Michael F. Mehari
Villy H. Kourafalou
Molly Baringer
, and
Robert Atlas


Credible tropical cyclone (TC) intensity prediction by coupled models requires accurate forecasts of enthalpy flux from ocean to atmosphere, which in turn requires accurate forecasts of sea surface temperature cooling beneath storms. Initial ocean fields must accurately represent ocean mesoscale features and the associated thermal and density structure. Observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) are performed to quantitatively assess the impact of assimilating profiles collected from multiple underwater gliders deployed over the western North Atlantic Ocean TC region, emphasizing advantages gained by profiling from moving versus stationary platforms. Assimilating ocean profiles collected repeatedly at fixed locations produces large root-mean-square error reduction only within ~50 km of each profiler for two primary reasons. First, corrections performed during individual update cycles tend to introduce unphysical eddy structure resulting from smoothing properties of the background error covariance matrix and the tapering of innovations by a localization radius function. Second, advection produces rapid nonlinear error growth at larger distances from profiler locations. The ability of each individual moving glider to cross gradients and map mesoscale structure in its vicinity substantially reduces this nonlinear error growth. Glider arrays can be deployed with horizontal separation distances that are 50%–100% larger than those of fixed-location profilers to achieve similar mesoscale error reduction. By contrast, substantial larger-scale bias reduction in upper-ocean heat content can be achieved by deploying profiler arrays with separation distances up to several hundred kilometers, with moving gliders providing only modest additional improvement. Expected sensitivity of results to study region and data assimilation method is discussed.

Free access
Sid-Ahmed Boukabara
Kayo Ide
Yan Zhou
Narges Shahroudi
Ross N. Hoffman
Kevin Garrett
V. Krishna Kumar
Tong Zhu
, and
Robert Atlas


Observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) are used to simulate and assess the impacts of new observing systems planned for the future or the impacts of adopting new techniques for exploiting data or for forecasting. This study focuses on the impacts of satellite data on global numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems. Since OSSEs are based on simulations of nature and observations, reliable results require that the OSSE system be validated. This validation involves cycles of assessment and calibration of the individual system components, as well as the complete system, with the end goal of reproducing the behavior of real-data observing system experiments (OSEs). This study investigates the accuracy of the calibration of an OSSE system—here, the Community Global OSSE Package (CGOP) system—before any explicit tuning has been performed by performing an intercomparison of the OSSE summary assessment metrics (SAMs) with those obtained from parallel real-data OSEs. The main conclusion reached in this study is that, based on the SAMs, the CGOP is able to reproduce aspects of the analysis and forecast performance of parallel OSEs despite the simplifications employed in the OSSEs. This conclusion holds even when the SAMs are stratified by various subsets (the tropics only, temperature only, etc.).

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