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Mark Weber
Kurt Hondl
Nusrat Yussouf
Youngsun Jung
Derek Stratman
Bryan Putnam
Xuguang Wang
Terry Schuur
Charles Kuster
Yixin Wen
Juanzhen Sun
Jeff Keeler
Zhuming Ying
John Cho
James Kurdzo
Sebastian Torres
Chris Curtis
David Schvartzman
Jami Boettcher
Feng Nai
Henry Thomas
Dusan Zrnić
Igor Ivić
Djordje Mirković
Caleb Fulton
Jorge Salazar
Guifu Zhang
Robert Palmer
Mark Yeary
Kevin Cooley
Michael Istok
, and
Mark Vincent


This article summarizes research and risk reduction that will inform acquisition decisions regarding NOAA’s future national operational weather radar network. A key alternative being evaluated is polarimetric phased-array radar (PAR). Research indicates PAR can plausibly achieve fast, adaptive volumetric scanning, with associated benefits for severe-weather warning performance. We assess these benefits using storm observations and analyses, observing system simulation experiments, and real radar-data assimilation studies. Changes in the number and/or locations of radars in the future network could improve coverage at low altitude. Analysis of benefits that might be so realized indicates the possibility for additional improvement in severe-weather and flash-flood warning performance, with associated reduction in casualties. Simulations are used to evaluate techniques for rapid volumetric scanning and assess data quality characteristics of PAR. Finally, we describe progress in developing methods to compensate for polarimetric variable estimate biases introduced by electronic beam-steering. A research-to-operations (R2O) strategy for the PAR alternative for the WSR-88D replacement network is presented.

Full access
David J. Stensrud
Nusrat Yussouf
Michael E. Baldwin
Jeffery T. McQueen
Jun Du
Binbin Zhou
Brad Ferrier
Geoffrey Manikin
F. Martin Ralph
James M. Wilczak
Allen B. White
Irina Djlalova
Jian-Wen Bao
Robert J. Zamora
Stanley G. Benjamin
Patricia A. Miller
Tracy Lorraine Smith
Tanya Smirnova
, and
Michael F. Barth

The New England High-Resolution Temperature Program seeks to improve the accuracy of summertime 2-m temperature and dewpoint temperature forecasts in the New England region through a collaborative effort between the research and operational components of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The four main components of this program are 1) improved surface and boundary layer observations for model initialization, 2) special observations for the assessment and improvement of model physical process parameterization schemes, 3) using model forecast ensemble data to improve upon the operational forecasts for near-surface variables, and 4) transfering knowledge gained to commercial weather services and end users. Since 2002 this program has enhanced surface temperature observations by adding 70 new automated Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) sites, identified and collected data from over 1000 non-NOAA mesonet sites, and deployed boundary layer profilers and other special instrumentation throughout the New England region to better observe the surface energy budget. Comparisons of these special datasets with numerical model forecasts indicate that near-surface temperature errors are strongly correlated to errors in the model-predicted radiation fields. The attenuation of solar radiation by aerosols is one potential source of the model radiation bias. However, even with these model errors, results from bias-corrected ensemble forecasts are more accurate than the operational model output statistics (MOS) forecasts for 2-m temperature and dewpoint temperature, while also providing reliable forecast probabilities. Discussions with commerical weather vendors and end users have emphasized the potential economic value of these probabilistic ensemble-generated forecasts.

Full access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Brett Roberts
Makenzie Krocak
Jake Vancil
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Nathan A. Dahl
Eric D. Loken
David Jahn
David Harrison
David Imy
Patrick Burke
Louis J. Wicker
Patrick S. Skinner
Pamela L. Heinselman
Patrick Marsh
Katie A. Wilson
Andrew R. Dean
Gerald J. Creager
Thomas A. Jones
Jidong Gao
Yunheng Wang
Montgomery Flora
Corey K. Potvin
Christopher A. Kerr
Nusrat Yussouf
Joshua Martin
Jorge Guerra
Brian C. Matilla
, and
Thomas J. Galarneau
Full access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Brett Roberts
Andrew R. Dean
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Louis J. Wicker
Makenzie Krocak
Patrick S. Skinner
Pamela L. Heinselman
Katie A. Wilson
Jake Vancil
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Nathan A. Dahl
Gerald J. Creager
Thomas A. Jones
Jidong Gao
Yunheng Wang
Eric D. Loken
Montgomery Flora
Christopher A. Kerr
Nusrat Yussouf
Scott R. Dembek
William Miller
Joshua Martin
Jorge Guerra
Brian Matilla
David Jahn
David Harrison
David Imy
, and
Michael C. Coniglio
Full access
Greg M. McFarquhar
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth A. Pillar-Little
Keith Brewster
Phillip B. Chilson
Temple R. Lee
Sean Waugh
Nusrat Yussouf
Xuguang Wang
Ming Xue
Gijs de Boer
Jeremy A. Gibbs
Chris Fiebrich
Bruce Baker
Jerry Brotzge
Frederick Carr
Hui Christophersen
Martin Fengler
Philip Hall
Terry Hock
Adam Houston
Robert Huck
Jamey Jacob
Robert Palmer
Patricia K. Quinn
Melissa Wagner
Yan (Rockee) Zhang
, and
Darren Hawk
Free access
Pamela L. Heinselman
Patrick C. Burke
Louis J. Wicker
Adam J. Clark
John S. Kain
Jidong Gao
Nusrat Yussouf
Thomas A. Jones
Patrick S. Skinner
Corey K. Potvin
Katie A. Wilson
Burkely T. Gallo
Montgomery L. Flora
Joshua Martin
Gerry Creager
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Yunheng Wang
Brian C. Matilla
David C. Dowell
Edward R. Mansell
Brett Roberts
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Derek R. Stratman
Jorge Guerra
Anthony E. Reinhart
Christopher A. Kerr
, and
William Miller


In 2009, advancements in NWP and computing power inspired a vision to advance hazardous weather warnings from a warn-on-detection to a warn-on-forecast paradigm. This vision would require not only the prediction of individual thunderstorms and their attributes but the likelihood of their occurrence in time and space. During the last decade, the warn-on-forecast research team at the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory met this challenge through the research and development of 1) an ensemble of high-resolution convection-allowing models; 2) ensemble- and variational-based assimilation of weather radar, satellite, and conventional observations; and 3) unique postprocessing and verification techniques, culminating in the experimental Warn-on-Forecast System (WoFS). Since 2017, we have directly engaged users in the testing, evaluation, and visualization of this system to ensure that WoFS guidance is usable and useful to operational forecasters at NOAA national centers and local offices responsible for forecasting severe weather, tornadoes, and flash floods across the watch-to-warning continuum. Although an experimental WoFS is now a reality, we close by discussing many of the exciting opportunities remaining, including folding this system into the Unified Forecast System, transitioning WoFS into NWS operations, and pursuing next-decade science goals for further advancing storm-scale prediction.

Significance Statement

The purpose of this research is to develop an experimental prediction system that forecasts the probability for severe weather hazards associated with individual thunderstorms up to 6 h in advance. This capability is important because some people and organizations, like those living in mobile homes, caring for patients in hospitals, or managing large outdoor events, require extended lead time to protect themselves and others from potential severe weather hazards. Our results demonstrate a prediction system that enables forecasters, for the first time, to message probabilistic hazard information associated with individual severe storms between the watch-to-warning time frame within the United States.

Restricted access