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Ryan C. Scott
Fred G. Rose
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Norman G. Loeb
Seiji Kato
David R. Doelling
David A. Rutan
Patrick C. Taylor
, and
William L. Smith Jr.


Satellite observations from Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) radiometers have produced over two decades of world-class data documenting time–space variations in Earth’s top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiation budget. In addition to energy exchanges among Earth and space, climate studies require accurate information on radiant energy exchanges at the surface and within the atmosphere. The CERES Cloud Radiative Swath (CRS) data product extends the standard Single Scanner Footprint (SSF) data product by calculating a suite of radiative fluxes from the surface to TOA at the instantaneous CERES footprint scale using the NASA Langley Fu–Liou radiative transfer model. Here, we describe the CRS flux algorithm and evaluate its performance against a network of ground-based measurements and CERES TOA observations. CRS all-sky downwelling broadband fluxes show significant improvements in surface validation statistics relative to the parameterized fluxes on the SSF product, including a ∼30%–40% (∼20%) reduction in SW↓ (LW↓) root-mean-square error (RMSΔ), improved correlation coefficients, and the lowest SW↓ bias over most surface types. RMSΔ and correlation statistics improve over five different surface types under both overcast and clear-sky conditions. The global mean computed TOA outgoing LW radiation (OLR) remains within <1% (2–3 W m−2) of CERES observations, while the global mean reflected SW radiation (RSW) is excessive by ∼3.5% (∼9 W m−2) owing to cloudy-sky computation errors. As we highlight using data from two remote field campaigns, the CRS data product provides many benefits for studies requiring advanced surface radiative fluxes.

Free access
Seiji Kato
Fred G. Rose
David A. Rutan
Tyler J. Thorsen
Norman G. Loeb
David R. Doelling
Xianglei Huang
William L. Smith
Wenying Su
, and
Seung-Hee Ham


The algorithm to produce the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Edition 4.0 (Ed4) Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF)-surface data product is explained. The algorithm forces computed top-of-atmosphere (TOA) irradiances to match with Ed4 EBAF-TOA irradiances by adjusting surface, cloud, and atmospheric properties. Surface irradiances are subsequently adjusted using radiative kernels. The adjustment process is composed of two parts: bias correction and Lagrange multiplier. The bias in temperature and specific humidity between 200 and 500 hPa used for the irradiance computation is corrected based on observations by Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). Similarly, the bias in the cloud fraction is corrected based on observations by Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) and CloudSat. Remaining errors in surface, cloud, and atmospheric properties are corrected in the Lagrange multiplier process. Ed4 global annual mean (January 2005 through December 2014) surface net shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) irradiances increase by 1.3 W m−2 and decrease by 0.2 W m−2, respectively, compared to EBAF Edition 2.8 (Ed2.8) counterparts (the previous version), resulting in an increase in net SW + LW surface irradiance of 1.1 W m−2. The uncertainty in surface irradiances over ocean, land, and polar regions at various spatial scales are estimated. The uncertainties in all-sky global annual mean upward and downward shortwave irradiance are 3 and 4 W m−2, respectively, and the uncertainties in upward and downward longwave irradiance are 3 and 6 W m−2, respectively. With an assumption of all errors being independent, the uncertainty in the global annual mean surface LW + SW net irradiance is 8 W m−2.

Open access
Norman G. Loeb
Ping Yang
Fred G. Rose
Gang Hong
Sunny Sun-Mack
Patrick Minnis
Seiji Kato
Seung-Hee Ham
William L. Smith Jr.
Souichiro Hioki
, and
Guanglin Tang


Ice cloud particles exhibit a range of shapes and sizes affecting a cloud’s single-scattering properties. Because they cannot be inferred from passive visible/infrared imager measurements, assumptions about the bulk single-scattering properties of ice clouds are fundamental to satellite cloud retrievals and broadband radiative flux calculations. To examine the sensitivity to ice particle model assumptions, three sets of models are used in satellite imager retrievals of ice cloud fraction, thermodynamic phase, optical depth, effective height, and particle size, and in top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and surface broadband radiative flux calculations. The three ice particle models include smooth hexagonal ice columns (SMOOTH), roughened hexagonal ice columns, and a two-habit model (THM) comprising an ensemble of hexagonal columns and 20-element aggregates. While the choice of ice particle model has a negligible impact on daytime cloud fraction and thermodynamic phase, the global mean ice cloud optical depth retrieved from THM is smaller than from SMOOTH by 2.3 (28%), and the regional root-mean-square difference (RMSD) is 2.8 (32%). Effective radii derived from THM are 3.9 μm (16%) smaller than SMOOTH values and the RMSD is 5.2 μm (21%). In contrast, the regional RMSD in TOA and surface flux between THM and SMOOTH is only 1% in the shortwave and 0.3% in the longwave when a consistent ice particle model is assumed in the cloud property retrievals and forward radiative transfer model calculations. Consequently, radiative fluxes derived using a consistent ice particle model assumption throughout provide a more robust reference for climate model evaluation compared to ice cloud property retrievals.

Open access
Norman G. Loeb
Kory J. Priestley
David P. Kratz
Erika B. Geier
Richard N. Green
Bruce A. Wielicki
Patricia O’Rawe Hinton
, and
Sandra K. Nolan


A new method for determining unfiltered shortwave (SW), longwave (LW), and window radiances from filtered radiances measured by the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite instrument is presented. The method uses theoretically derived regression coefficients between filtered and unfiltered radiances that are a function of viewing geometry, geotype, and whether cloud is present. Relative errors in instantaneous unfiltered radiances from this method are generally well below 1% for SW radiances (std dev ≈0.4% or ≈1 W m−2 equivalent flux), less than 0.2% for LW radiances (std dev ≈0.1% or ≈0.3 W m−2 equivalent flux), and less than 0.2% (std dev ≈0.1%) for window channel radiances.

When three months (June, July, and August of 1998) of CERES Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)-like unfiltered radiances from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite between 20°S and 20°N are compared with archived Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) scanner measurements for the same months over a 5-yr period (1985–89), significant scene-type dependent differences are observed in the SW channel. Full-resolution CERES SW unfiltered radiances are ≈7.5% (≈3 W m−2 equivalent diurnal average flux) lower than ERBS over clear ocean, as compared with ≈1.7% (≈4 W m−2 equivalent diurnal average flux) for deep convective clouds and ≈6% (≈4–6 W m−2 equivalent diurnal average flux) for clear land and desert. This dependence on scene type is shown to be partly caused by differences in spatial resolution between CERES and ERBS and by errors in the unfiltering method used in ERBS. When the CERES measurements are spatially averaged to match the ERBS spatial resolution and the unfiltering scheme proposed in this study is applied to both CERES and ERBS, the ERBS all-sky SW radiances increase by ≈1.7%, and the CERES radiances are now consistently ≈3.5%–5% lower than the modified ERBS values for all scene types. Further study is needed to determine the cause for this remaining difference, and even calibration errors cannot be ruled out. CERES LW radiances are closer to ERBS values for individual scene types—CERES radiances are within ≈0.1% (≈0.3 W m−2) of ERBS over clear ocean and ≈0.5% (≈1.5 W m−2) over clear land and desert.

Full access
William L. Smith Jr.
Christy Hansen
Anthony Bucholtz
Bruce E. Anderson
Matthew Beckley
Joseph G. Corbett
Richard I. Cullather
Keith M. Hines
Michelle Hofton
Seiji Kato
Dan Lubin
Richard H. Moore
Michal Segal Rosenhaimer
Jens Redemann
Sebastian Schmidt
Ryan Scott
Shi Song
John D. Barrick
J. Bryan Blair
David H. Bromwich
Colleen Brooks
Gao Chen
Helen Cornejo
Chelsea A. Corr
Seung-Hee Ham
A. Scott Kittelman
Scott Knappmiller
Samuel LeBlanc
Norman G. Loeb
Colin Miller
Louis Nguyen
Rabindra Palikonda
David Rabine
Elizabeth A. Reid
Jacqueline A. Richter-Menge
Peter Pilewskie
Yohei Shinozuka
Douglas Spangenberg
Paul Stackhouse
Patrick Taylor
K. Lee Thornhill
David van Gilst
, and
Edward Winstead


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s Arctic Radiation-IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE) acquired unique aircraft data on atmospheric radiation and sea ice properties during the critical late summer to autumn sea ice minimum and commencement of refreezing. The C-130 aircraft flew 15 missions over the Beaufort Sea between 4 and 24 September 2014. ARISE deployed a shortwave and longwave broadband radiometer (BBR) system from the Naval Research Laboratory; a Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer (SSFR) from the University of Colorado Boulder; the Spectrometer for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR) from the NASA Ames Research Center; cloud microprobes from the NASA Langley Research Center; and the Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor (LVIS) laser altimeter system from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. These instruments sampled the radiant energy exchange between clouds and a variety of sea ice scenarios, including prior to and after refreezing began. The most critical and unique aspect of ARISE mission planning was to coordinate the flight tracks with NASA Cloud and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite sensor observations in such a way that satellite sensor angular dependence models and derived top-of-atmosphere fluxes could be validated against the aircraft data over large gridbox domains of order 100–200 km. This was accomplished over open ocean, over the marginal ice zone (MIZ), and over a region of heavy sea ice concentration, in cloudy and clear skies. ARISE data will be valuable to the community for providing better interpretation of satellite energy budget measurements in the Arctic and for process studies involving ice–cloud–atmosphere energy exchange during the sea ice transition period.

Full access
M. Ades
R. Adler
Rob Allan
R. P. Allan
J. Anderson
Anthony Argüez
C. Arosio
J. A. Augustine
C. Azorin-Molina
J. Barichivich
J. Barnes
H. E. Beck
Andreas Becker
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
David I. Berry
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier. Bock
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier. Boucher
S. A. Buehler
Laura. Carrea
Hanne H. Christiansen
F. Chouza
John R. Christy
E.-S. Chung
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Gil P. Compo
Owen R. Cooper
Curt Covey
A. Crotwell
Sean M. Davis
Elvira de Eyto
Richard A. M de Jeu
B.V. VanderSat
Curtis L. DeGasperi
Doug Degenstein
Larry Di Girolamo
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Imke Durre
Geoff S. Dutton
G. Duveiller
James W. Elkins
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Richard A. Frey
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
J. Garforth
S. K. Gupta
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Ian Harris
Andrew K Heidinger
D. L. Hemming
Shu-peng (Ben) Ho
Daan Hubert
Dale F. Hurst
I. Hüser
Antje Inness
K. Isaksen
Viju John
Philip D. Jones
J. W. Kaiser
S. Kelly
S. Khaykin
R. Kidd
Hyungiun Kim
Z. Kipling
B. M. Kraemer
D. P. Kratz
R. S. La Fuente
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
T. Leblanc
Bailing Li
Norman G Loeb
Craig S. Long
Diego Loyola
Wlodzimierz Marszelewski
B. Martens
Linda May
Michael Mayer
M. F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
W. Paul Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Ben R. Miller
Diego G. Miralles
Stephen A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Jens Mühle
R. Myneni
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Tim J. Osborn
T. Park
A. Pasik
Andrew M. Paterson
Mauri S. Pelto
S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick
G. Pétron
C. Phillips
Bernard Pinty
S. Po-Chedley
L. Polvani
W. Preimesberger
M. Pulkkanen
W. J. Randel
Samuel Rémy
L. Ricciardulli
A. D. Richardson
L. Rieger
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
Karen H. Rosenlof
Chris Roth
A. Rozanov
James A. Rusak
O. Rusanovskaya
T. Rutishäuser
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
P. Sawaengphokhai
T. Scanlon
Verena Schenzinger
S. Geoffey Schladow
R. W Schlegel
Eawag Schmid, Martin
H. B. Selkirk
S. Sharma
Lei Shi
S. V. Shimaraeva
E. A. Silow
Adrian J. Simmons
C. A. Smith
Sharon L Smith
B. J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
T. H. Sparks
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Dimitri A. Streletskiy
G. Taha
Hagen Telg
S. J. Thackeray
M. A. Timofeyev
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald J. van der A
Robin, VanderSat B.V. van der Schalie
Gerard van der SchrierW. Paul
Guido R. van der Werf
Piet Verburg
Jean-Paul Vernier
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray Wang
Shohei G. Watanabe
Mark Weber
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer
David Wiese
Anne C. Wilber
Jeanette D. Wild
Takmeng Wong
R. Iestyn Woolway
Xungang Yin
Lin Zhao
Guanguo Zhao
Xinjia Zhou
Jerry R. Ziemke
, and
Markus Ziese
Free access
Robert J. H. Dunn
F. Aldred
Nadine Gobron
John B. Miller
Kate M. Willett
M. Ades
Robert Adler
Richard, P. Allan
Rob Allan
J. Anderson
Anthony Argüez
C. Arosio
John A. Augustine
C. Azorin-Molina
J. Barichivich
H. E. Beck
Andreas Becker
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
David I. Berry
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
X. Bodin
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
S. A. Buehler
B. Calmettes
Laura Carrea
Laura Castia
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
E.-S. Chung
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
J.-F. Cretaux
M. Crotwell
Sean M. Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
R. Delaloye
Larry Di Girolamo
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Imke Durre
Geoff S. Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
James W. Elkins
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
J. Garforth
Matthew Gentry
S. K. Gupta
S. Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Ian Harris
D. L. Hemming
M. Hirschi
Shu-pen (Ben) Ho
F. Hrbacek
Daan Hubert
Dale F. Hurst
Antje Inness
K. Isaksen
Viju O. John
Philip D. Jones
Robert Junod
J. W. Kaiser
V. Kaufmann
A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Elizabeth C. Kent
R. Kidd
Hyungjun Kim
Z. Kipling
A. Koppa
B. M. Kraemer
D. P. Kratz
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
D. Lavers
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
R. Madelon
Michael Mayer
M. F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Christopher J. Merchant
Diego G. Miralles
L. Moesinger
Stephen A. Montzka
Colin Morice
L. Mösinger
Jens Mühle
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Ben Noll
J. O’Keefe
Tim J. Osborn
T. Park
A. J. Pasik
C. Pellet
Maury S. Pelto
S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick
G. Petron
Coda Phillips
S. Po-Chedley
L. Polvani
W. Preimesberger
D. G. Rains
W. J. Randel
Nick A. Rayner
Samuel Rémy
L. Ricciardulli
A. D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
N. J. Rodríguez-Fernández
K.H. Rosenlof
C. Roth
A. Rozanov
T. Rutishäuser
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
P. Sawaengphokhai
T. Scanlon
Verena Schenzinger
R. W. Schlegel
S. Sharma
Lei Shi
Adrian J. Simmons
Carolina Siso
Sharon L. Smith
B. J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
T. H. Sparks
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Martin Stengel
Dimitri A. Streletskiy
Sunny Sun-Mack
P. Tans
S. J. Thackeray
E. Thibert
D. Tokuda
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
M. van der Vliet
Guido R. van der Werf
A. Vance
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray Wang
Markus Weber
David Wiese
Anne C. Wilber
Jeanette D. Wild
Takmeng Wong
R. Iestyn Woolway
Xinjia Zhou
Xungang Yin
Guangyu Zhao
Lin Zhao
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
, and
R. M. Zotta
Free access
Robert J. H. Dunn
Freya Aldred
Nadine Gobron
John B. Miller
Kate M. Willett
Melanie Ades
Robert Adler
R. P. Allan
John Anderson
Orlane Anneville
Yasuyuki Aono
Anthony Argüez
Carlo Arosio
John A. Augustine
Cesar Azorin-Molina
Jonathan Barichivich
Aman Basu
Hylke E. Beck
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
Kevin Blagrave
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
Xavier Bodin
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
Gerald Bove
Dennis Buechler
Stefan A. Buehler
Laura Carrea
Kai-Lan Chang
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
Eui-Seok Chung
Laura M. Ciasto
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
Thomas Cropper
Molly Crotwell
Diego Cusicanqui
Sean M. Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
Reynald Delaloye
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Imke Durre
Geoff S. Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
James W. Elkins
Thomas W. Estilow
Nava Fedaeff
David Fereday
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
Martin Füllekrug
Judith Garforth
Jay Garg
Matthew Gentry
Steven Goodman
Qiqi Gou
Nikolay Granin
Mauro Guglielmin
Sebastian Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Ian Harris
Debbie L. Hemming
Martin Hirschi
Shu-pen (Ben) Ho
Robert Holzworth
Filip Hrbáček
Daan Hubert
Petra Hulsman
Dale F. Hurst
Antje Inness
Ketil Isaksen
Viju O. John
Philip D. Jones
Robert Junod
Andreas Kääb
Johannes W. Kaiser
Viktor Kaufmann
Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Elizabeth C. Kent
Richard Kidd
Hyungiun Kim
Zak Kipling
Akash Koppa
Jan Henning L’Abée-Lund
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
David Lavers
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
Remi Madelon
Hilmar J. Malmquist
Wlodzimierz Marszelewski
Michael Mayer
Matthew F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Annette Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Diego G. Miralles
Stephen A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Leander Mösinger
Jens Mühle
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Tiina Nõges
Ben Noll
John O’Keefe
Tim J. Osborn
Taejin Park
Cecile Pellet
Maury S. Pelto
Sarah E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick
Coda Phillips
Stephen Po-Chedley
Lorenzo Polvani
Wolfgang Preimesberger
Colin Price
Merja Pulkkanen
Dominik G. Rains
William J. Randel
Samuel Rémy
Lucrezia Ricciardulli
Andrew D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
Nemesio J. Rodríguez-Fernández
Karen H. Rosenlof
Chris Roth
Alexei Rozanov
This Rutishäuser
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
Parnchai Sawaengphokhai
Verena Schenzinger
Robert W. Schlegel
Udo Schneider
Sapna Sharma
Lei Shi
Adrian J. Simmons
Carolina Siso
Sharon L. Smith
Brian J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
Tim H. Sparks
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Ryan Stauffer
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Andrea K. Steiner
Kenton Stewart
Pietro Stradiotti
Dimitri A. Streletskiy
Hagen Telg
Stephen J. Thackeray
Emmanuel Thibert
Michael Todt
Daisuke Tokuda
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
Mendy van der Vliet
Guido R. van der Werf
Arnold. van Vliet
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Katrina Virts
Sebastiàn Vivero
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray H. J. Wang
Markus Weber
David Wiese
Jeanette D. Wild
Earle Williams
Takmeng Wong
R. I. Woolway
Xungang Yin
Ye Yuan
Lin Zhao
Xinjia Zhou
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
, and
Ruxandra M. Zotta
Free access
R. J. H. Dunn
J. Blannin
N. Gobron
J. B. Miller
K. M. Willett
Melanie Ades
Robert Adler
Mihai Alexe
Richard P. Allan
John Anderson
Orlane Anneville
Yasuyuki Aono
Anthony Arguez
Dolores Armenteras Pascual
Carlo Arosio
Elizabeth Asher
John A. Augustine
Cesar Azorin-Molina
Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva
J. Barichivich
Hylke E. Beck
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
Xavier Bodin
Olivier Bonte
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
Stefan A. Buehler
Michael P. Byrne
Diego Campos
Fabrizio Cappucci
Laura Carrea
Kai-Lan Chang
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
Eui-Seok Chung
Laura M. Ciasto
Scott Clingan
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
Jean-Francois Crétaux
Theresa Crimmins
Molly Crotwell
Joshua Culpepper
Diego Cusicanqui
Sean Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
Reynald Delaloye
Elizabeth DiGangi
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Diane Duchemin
Hilary Dugan
Imke Durre
Geoff Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
Thomas W. Estilow
Nicole Estrella
David Fereday
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Thomas Frederikse
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
Martin Füllekrug
Judith Garforth
Jay Garg
Sophie Godin-Beekmann
Steven Goodman
Atsushi Goto
Alice Grimm
Alexander Gruber
Guojun Gu
Mauro Guglielmin
Sebastian Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Merritt E. Harlan
I. Harris
Deborah L. Hemming
Martin Hirschi
Shu-peng (Ben) Ho
Robert Holzworth
Radley M. Horton
Filip Hrbáček
Guojie Hu
Dale Hurst
Antje Inness
Ketil Isaksen
Viju O. John
P. D. Jones
Robert Junod
Andreas Kääb
Johannes W. Kaiser
Viktor Kaufmann
Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Sergey Khaykin
Richard Kidd
Tyler V. King
Zak Kipling
Akash Koppa
Benjamin M. Kraemer
R. Sofia La Fuente
Alo Laas
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
Jeff Lapierre
David A. Lavers
Thierry Leblanc
Eric Leibensperger
Chris Lennard
Ben Liley
Yakun Liu
Y. T. Eunice Lo
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
Florence Magnin
Shin-Ichiro Matsuzaki
Tom Matthews
Michael Mayer
Michael McCarthy
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Annette Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Leo-Juhani Merio
Michael F. Meyer
Diego G. Miralles
Stephan A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Isamu Morino
Ivan Mrekaj
Jens Mühle
D. Nance
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Ben Noll
John O’Keefe
Tim J. Osborn
Mark Parrington
Cécile Pellet
Mauri S. Pelto
Kyle Petersen
Coda Phillips
Don Pierson
Izidine Pinto
Stephen Po-Chedley
Paolo Pogliotti
Lorenzo Polvani
Wolfgang Preimesberger
Colin Price
William J. Randel
Colin Raymond
Samuel Rémy
Lucrezia Ricciardulli
Andrew D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
Cassandra D. W. Rogers
P. Rohini
Karen Rosenlof
Alexei Rozanov
Jozef Rozkošný
Olga O. Rusanovskaya
This Rutishauser
C. T. Sabeerali
Ryan Said
Tetsu Sakai
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
Parnchai Sawaengphokhai
Verena Schenzinger
Robert W. Schlegel
Martin Schmid
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Fumi Sezaki
Xi Shao
Sapna Sharma
Lei Shi
Svetlana V. Shimaraeva
Ryuichiro Shinohara
Eugene A. Silow
Adrian J. Simmons
Sharon L. Smith
Brian J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
Logan Soldo
O. P. Sreejith
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Ryan Stauffer
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Andrea K. Steiner
Paul C. Stoy
Pietro Stradiotti
Dmitry A. Streletskiy
Ghassan Taha
Stephen J. Thackeray
Emmanuel Thibert
Maxim A. Timofeyev
Kleareti Tourpali
Emma Tronquo
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
Arnold J. H. van Vliet
Piet Verburg
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Katrina Virts
Sebastián Vivero
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray H. J. Wang
Taran Warnock
Mark Weber
David N. Wiese
Jeannette D. Wild
Earle Williams
Takmeng Wong
Richard Iestyn Woolway
Xungang Yin
Zhenzhong Zeng
Lin Zhao
Feng Zhong
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
Ruxandra M. Zotta
, and
Cheng-Zhi Zou
Open access
Robert J. H. Dunn
John B. Miller
Kate M. Willett
Nadine Gobron
Melanie Ades
Robert Adler
Mihai Alexe
Richard P. Allan
John Anderson
Orlane Anneville
Yasuyuki Aono
Anthony Arguez
Carlo Arosio
John A. Augustine
Cesar Azorin-Molina
Jonathan Barichivich
John E. Barnes
Hylke E. Beck
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
Kevin Blagrave
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
Xavier Bodin
Michael Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
Dennis Buechler
Stefan A. Buehler
Diego Campos
Laura Carrea
Kai-Lan Chang
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
Eui-Seok Chung
Laura M. Ciasto
Scott Clingan
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
Jean-François Créatux
Theresa Crimmins
Thomas Cropper
Molly Crotwell
Joshua Culpepper
Diego Cusicanqui
Sean M. Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
Reynald Delaloye
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Hilary A. Dugan
Imke Durre
Geoff Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
Thomas W. Estilow
Nicole Estrella
David Fereday
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Bryan Franz
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
Martin Füllekrug
Judith Garforth
Jay Garg
Badin Gibbes
Steven Goodman
Atsushi Goto
Alexander Gruber
Guojun Gu
Sebastian Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Bradley D. Hall
Ian Harris
Deborah L. Hemming
Martin Hirschi
Robert Holzworth
Filip Hrbáček
Guojie Hu
Dale F. Hurst
Antje Inness
Ketil Isaksen
Viju O. John
Philip D. Jones
Robert Junod
Andreas Kääb
Johannes W. Kaiser
Viktor Kaufmann
Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Elizabeth C. Kent
Richard Kidd
Zak Kipling
Akash Koppa
Benjamin M. Kraemer
Natalya Kramarova
Andries Kruger
Sofia La Fuente
Alo Laas
Xin Lan
Timothy Lang
Kathleen O. Lantz
David A. Lavers
Thierry Leblanc
Eric M. Leibensperger
Chris Lennard
Yakun Liu
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
Stephen C. Maberly
Remi Madelon
Florence Magnin
Shin-Ichiro Matsuzaki
Linda May
Michael Mayer
Matthew F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Annette Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Michael F. Meyer
Diego G. Miralles
Leander Moesinger
Ghislaine Monet
Stephan A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Ivan Mrekaj
Jens Mühle
David Nance
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Ben Noll
John O’Keefe
Timothy J. Osborn
Taejin Park
Mark Parrington
Cécile Pellet
Mauri S. Pelto
Kyle Petersen
Coda Phillips
Don Pierson
Izidine Pinto
Stephen Po-Chedley
Paolo Pogliotti
Lorenzo Polvani
Wolfgang Preimesberger
Colin Price
Merja Pulkkanen
William J. Randel
Samuel Rémy
Lucrezia Ricciardulli
Andrew D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Willy Rocha
Matthew Rodell
Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
Karen H. Rosenlof
Alexei Rozanov
Jozef Rozkošný
Olga O. Rusanovskaya
This Rutishauser
C. T. Sabeerali
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
Parnchai Sawaengphokhai
Verena Schenzinger
Robert W. Schlegel
Martin Schmid
Udo Schneider
Fumi Sezaki
Sapna Sharma
Lei Shi
Svetlana V. Shimaraeva
Eugene A. Silow
Adrian J. Simmons
Sharon L. Smith
Brian J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
Tim H. Sparks
O.P. Sreejith
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Ryan Stauffer
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Andrea K. Steiner
Pietro Stradiotti
Dmitry A. Streletskiy
Divya E. Surendran
Stephen J. Thackeray
Emmanuel Thibert
Maxim A. Timofeyev
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
Arnold J.H. van Vliet
Piet Verburg
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Katrina Virts
Sebastián Vivero
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray H. J. Wang
Xinyue Wang
Taran Warnock
Mark Weber
David N. Wiese
Jeannette D. Wild
Earle Williams
Takmeng Wong
Richard Iestyn Woolway
Xungang Yin
Zhenzhong Zeng
Lin Zhao
Xinjia Zhou
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
Ruxandra M. Zotta
Cheng-Zhi Zou
Jessicca Allen
Amy V. Camper
Bridgette O. Haley
Gregory Hammer
S. Elizabeth Love-Brotak
Laura Ohlmann
Lukas Noguchi
Deborah B. Riddle
, and
Sara W. Veasey
Open access