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John S. Kain
Michael C. Coniglio
James Correia
Adam J. Clark
Patrick T. Marsh
Conrad L. Ziegler
Valliappa Lakshmanan
Stuart D. Miller Jr.
Scott R. Dembek
Steven J. Weiss
Fanyou Kong
Ming Xue
Ryan A. Sobash
Andrew R. Dean
Israel L. Jirak
, and
Christopher J. Melick

The 2011 Spring Forecasting Experiment in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) featured a significant component on convection initiation (CI). As in previous HWT experiments, the CI study was a collaborative effort between forecasters and researchers, with equal emphasis on experimental forecasting strategies and evaluation of prototype model guidance products. The overarching goal of the CI effort was to identify the primary challenges of the CI forecasting problem and to establish a framework for additional studies and possible routine forecasting of CI. This study confirms that convection-allowing models with grid spacing ~4 km represent many aspects of the formation and development of deep convection clouds explicitly and with predictive utility. Further, it shows that automated algorithms can skillfully identify the CI process during model integration. However, it also reveals that automated detection of individual convection cells, by itself, provides inadequate guidance for the disruptive potential of deep convection activity. Thus, future work on the CI forecasting problem should be couched in terms of convection-event prediction rather than detection and prediction of individual convection cells.

Full access
Burkely T. Gallo
Adam J. Clark
Israel Jirak
John S. Kain
Steven J. Weiss
Michael Coniglio
Kent Knopfmeier
James Correia Jr.
Christopher J. Melick
Christopher D. Karstens
Eswar Iyer
Andrew R. Dean
Ming Xue
Fanyou Kong
Youngsun Jung
Feifei Shen
Kevin W. Thomas
Keith Brewster
Derek Stratman
Gregory W. Carbin
William Line
Rebecca Adams-Selin
, and
Steve Willington


Led by NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center and National Severe Storms Laboratory, annual spring forecasting experiments (SFEs) in the Hazardous Weather Testbed test and evaluate cutting-edge technologies and concepts for improving severe weather prediction through intensive real-time forecasting and evaluation activities. Experimental forecast guidance is provided through collaborations with several U.S. government and academic institutions, as well as the Met Office. The purpose of this article is to summarize activities, insights, and preliminary findings from recent SFEs, emphasizing SFE 2015. Several innovative aspects of recent experiments are discussed, including the 1) use of convection-allowing model (CAM) ensembles with advanced ensemble data assimilation, 2) generation of severe weather outlooks valid at time periods shorter than those issued operationally (e.g., 1–4 h), 3) use of CAMs to issue outlooks beyond the day 1 period, 4) increased interaction through software allowing participants to create individual severe weather outlooks, and 5) tests of newly developed storm-attribute-based diagnostics for predicting tornadoes and hail size. Additionally, plans for future experiments will be discussed, including the creation of a Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE) system, which will test various strategies for CAM ensemble design using carefully designed sets of ensemble members contributed by different agencies to drive evidence-based decision-making for near-future operational systems.

Full access
Corey K. Potvin
Jacob R. Carley
Adam J. Clark
Louis J. Wicker
Patrick S. Skinner
Anthony E. Reinhart
Burkely T. Gallo
John S. Kain
Glen S. Romine
Eric A. Aligo
Keith A. Brewster
David C. Dowell
Lucas M. Harris
Israel L. Jirak
Fanyou Kong
Timothy A. Supinie
Kevin W. Thomas
Xuguang Wang
Yongming Wang
, and
Ming Xue


The 2016–18 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Forecasting Experiments (SFE) featured the Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE), a coordinated convection-allowing model (CAM) ensemble framework designed to provide empirical guidance for development of operational CAM systems. The 2017 CLUE included 81 members that all used 3-km horizontal grid spacing over the CONUS, enabling direct comparison of forecasts generated using different dynamical cores, physics schemes, and initialization procedures. This study uses forecasts from several of the 2017 CLUE members and one operational model to evaluate and compare CAM representation and next-day prediction of thunderstorms. The analysis utilizes existing techniques and novel, object-based techniques that distill important information about modeled and observed storms from many cases. The National Severe Storms Laboratory Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor product suite is used to verify model forecasts and climatologies of observed variables. Unobserved model fields are also examined to further illuminate important intermodel differences in storms and near-storm environments. No single model performed better than the others in all respects. However, there were many systematic intermodel and intercore differences in specific forecast metrics and model fields. Some of these differences can be confidently attributed to particular differences in model design. Model intercomparison studies similar to the one presented here are important to better understand the impacts of model and ensemble configurations on storm forecasts and to help optimize future operational CAM systems.

Full access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Timothy A. Supinie
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Jake Vancil
David Jahn
David Harrison
Allison Lynn Brannan
Christopher D. Karstens
Eric D. Loken
Nathan A. Dahl
Makenzie Krocak
David Imy
Andrew R. Wade
Jeffrey M. Milne
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Pamela L. Heinselman
Montgomery Flora
Joshua Martin
Brian C. Matilla
Joseph C. Picca
Patrick S. Skinner
, and
Patrick Burke
Open access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Brett Roberts
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Jake Vancil
David Jahn
Makenzie Krocak
Christopher D. Karstens
Eric D. Loken
Nathan A. Dahl
David Harrison
David Imy
Andrew R. Wade
Jeffrey M. Milne
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Montgomery Flora
Joshua Martin
Brian C. Matilla
Joseph C. Picca
Corey K. Potvin
Patrick S. Skinner
, and
Patrick Burke
Open access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Scott R. Dembek
Gerry J. Creager
Fanyou Kong
Kevin W. Thomas
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Burkely T. Gallo
Christopher J. Melick
Ming Xue
Keith A. Brewster
Youngsun Jung
Aaron Kennedy
Xiquan Dong
Joshua Markel
Matthew Gilmore
Glen S. Romine
Kathryn R. Fossell
Ryan A. Sobash
Jacob R. Carley
Brad S. Ferrier
Matthew Pyle
Curtis R. Alexander
Steven J. Weiss
John S. Kain
Louis J. Wicker
Gregory Thompson
Rebecca D. Adams-Selin
, and
David A. Imy


One primary goal of annual Spring Forecasting Experiments (SFEs), which are coorganized by NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory and Storm Prediction Center and conducted in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hazardous Weather Testbed, is documenting performance characteristics of experimental, convection-allowing modeling systems (CAMs). Since 2007, the number of CAMs (including CAM ensembles) examined in the SFEs has increased dramatically, peaking at six different CAM ensembles in 2015. Meanwhile, major advances have been made in creating, importing, processing, verifying, and developing tools for analyzing and visualizing these large and complex datasets. However, progress toward identifying optimal CAM ensemble configurations has been inhibited because the different CAM systems have been independently designed, making it difficult to attribute differences in performance characteristics. Thus, for the 2016 SFE, a much more coordinated effort among many collaborators was made by agreeing on a set of model specifications (e.g., model version, grid spacing, domain size, and physics) so that the simulations contributed by each collaborator could be combined to form one large, carefully designed ensemble known as the Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE). The 2016 CLUE was composed of 65 members contributed by five research institutions and represents an unprecedented effort to enable an evidence-driven decision process to help guide NOAA’s operational modeling efforts. Eight unique experiments were designed within the CLUE framework to examine issues directly relevant to the design of NOAA’s future operational CAM-based ensembles. This article will highlight the CLUE design and present results from one of the experiments examining the impact of single versus multicore CAM ensemble configurations.

Full access
Adam J. Clark
Steven J. Weiss
John S. Kain
Israel L. Jirak
Michael Coniglio
Christopher J. Melick
Christopher Siewert
Ryan A. Sobash
Patrick T. Marsh
Andrew R. Dean
Ming Xue
Fanyou Kong
Kevin W. Thomas
Yunheng Wang
Keith Brewster
Jidong Gao
Xuguang Wang
Jun Du
David R. Novak
Faye E. Barthold
Michael J. Bodner
Jason J. Levit
C. Bruce Entwistle
Tara L. Jensen
, and
James Correia Jr.

The NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) conducts annual spring forecasting experiments organized by the Storm Prediction Center and National Severe Storms Laboratory to test and evaluate emerging scientific concepts and technologies for improved analysis and prediction of hazardous mesoscale weather. A primary goal is to accelerate the transfer of promising new scientific concepts and tools from research to operations through the use of intensive real-time experimental forecasting and evaluation activities conducted during the spring and early summer convective storm period. The 2010 NOAA/HWT Spring Forecasting Experiment (SE2010), conducted 17 May through 18 June, had a broad focus, with emphases on heavy rainfall and aviation weather, through collaboration with the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC) and the Aviation Weather Center (AWC), respectively. In addition, using the computing resources of the National Institute for Computational Sciences at the University of Tennessee, the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at the University of Oklahoma provided unprecedented real-time conterminous United States (CONUS) forecasts from a multimodel Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast (SSEF) system with 4-km grid spacing and 26 members and from a 1-km grid spacing configuration of the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Several other organizations provided additional experimental high-resolution model output. This article summarizes the activities, insights, and preliminary findings from SE2010, emphasizing the use of the SSEF system and the successful collaboration with the HPC and AWC.

A supplement to this article is available online (DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00040.2)

Full access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Brett Roberts
Makenzie Krocak
Jake Vancil
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Nathan A. Dahl
Eric D. Loken
David Jahn
David Harrison
David Imy
Patrick Burke
Louis J. Wicker
Patrick S. Skinner
Pamela L. Heinselman
Patrick Marsh
Katie A. Wilson
Andrew R. Dean
Gerald J. Creager
Thomas A. Jones
Jidong Gao
Yunheng Wang
Montgomery Flora
Corey K. Potvin
Christopher A. Kerr
Nusrat Yussouf
Joshua Martin
Jorge Guerra
Brian C. Matilla
, and
Thomas J. Galarneau
Full access
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Brett Roberts
Andrew R. Dean
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Louis J. Wicker
Makenzie Krocak
Patrick S. Skinner
Pamela L. Heinselman
Katie A. Wilson
Jake Vancil
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Nathan A. Dahl
Gerald J. Creager
Thomas A. Jones
Jidong Gao
Yunheng Wang
Eric D. Loken
Montgomery Flora
Christopher A. Kerr
Nusrat Yussouf
Scott R. Dembek
William Miller
Joshua Martin
Jorge Guerra
Brian Matilla
David Jahn
David Harrison
David Imy
, and
Michael C. Coniglio
Full access
Pamela L. Heinselman
Patrick C. Burke
Louis J. Wicker
Adam J. Clark
John S. Kain
Jidong Gao
Nusrat Yussouf
Thomas A. Jones
Patrick S. Skinner
Corey K. Potvin
Katie A. Wilson
Burkely T. Gallo
Montgomery L. Flora
Joshua Martin
Gerry Creager
Kent H. Knopfmeier
Yunheng Wang
Brian C. Matilla
David C. Dowell
Edward R. Mansell
Brett Roberts
Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Derek R. Stratman
Jorge Guerra
Anthony E. Reinhart
Christopher A. Kerr
, and
William Miller


In 2009, advancements in NWP and computing power inspired a vision to advance hazardous weather warnings from a warn-on-detection to a warn-on-forecast paradigm. This vision would require not only the prediction of individual thunderstorms and their attributes but the likelihood of their occurrence in time and space. During the last decade, the warn-on-forecast research team at the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory met this challenge through the research and development of 1) an ensemble of high-resolution convection-allowing models; 2) ensemble- and variational-based assimilation of weather radar, satellite, and conventional observations; and 3) unique postprocessing and verification techniques, culminating in the experimental Warn-on-Forecast System (WoFS). Since 2017, we have directly engaged users in the testing, evaluation, and visualization of this system to ensure that WoFS guidance is usable and useful to operational forecasters at NOAA national centers and local offices responsible for forecasting severe weather, tornadoes, and flash floods across the watch-to-warning continuum. Although an experimental WoFS is now a reality, we close by discussing many of the exciting opportunities remaining, including folding this system into the Unified Forecast System, transitioning WoFS into NWS operations, and pursuing next-decade science goals for further advancing storm-scale prediction.

Significance Statement

The purpose of this research is to develop an experimental prediction system that forecasts the probability for severe weather hazards associated with individual thunderstorms up to 6 h in advance. This capability is important because some people and organizations, like those living in mobile homes, caring for patients in hospitals, or managing large outdoor events, require extended lead time to protect themselves and others from potential severe weather hazards. Our results demonstrate a prediction system that enables forecasters, for the first time, to message probabilistic hazard information associated with individual severe storms between the watch-to-warning time frame within the United States.

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