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The aim of this study is to test the feasibility of assimilating microwave observations from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU-A and AMSU-B) through the implementation of an appropriate parameterization of sea ice emissivity. AMSU observations are relevant to the description of air temperature and humidity, and their assimilation into numerical weather prediction (NWP) helps better constrain models in regions where very few observations are assimilated. A sea ice emissivity model suitable for AMSU-A and AMSU-B data is described in this paper and its impact is studied through two assimilation experiments run during the period of the Arctic winter. The first experiment is representative of the operational version of the Météo-France NWP model whereas the second simulation uses the sea ice emissivity parameterization and assimilates a selection of AMSU channels above polar regions. The assimilation of AMSU observations over sea ice is shown to have a significant effect on atmospheric analyses (in particular those of temperature and humidity). The effect on temperature induces a warming in the lower troposphere, especially around 850 hPa. This leads to an increase in the Arctic inversion strength over the ice cap by almost 2 K. An improvement in medium-range forecasts is also noticed when the NWP model assimilates AMSU observations over sea ice.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility of assimilating microwave observations from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU-A and AMSU-B) through the implementation of an appropriate parameterization of sea ice emissivity. AMSU observations are relevant to the description of air temperature and humidity, and their assimilation into numerical weather prediction (NWP) helps better constrain models in regions where very few observations are assimilated. A sea ice emissivity model suitable for AMSU-A and AMSU-B data is described in this paper and its impact is studied through two assimilation experiments run during the period of the Arctic winter. The first experiment is representative of the operational version of the Météo-France NWP model whereas the second simulation uses the sea ice emissivity parameterization and assimilates a selection of AMSU channels above polar regions. The assimilation of AMSU observations over sea ice is shown to have a significant effect on atmospheric analyses (in particular those of temperature and humidity). The effect on temperature induces a warming in the lower troposphere, especially around 850 hPa. This leads to an increase in the Arctic inversion strength over the ice cap by almost 2 K. An improvement in medium-range forecasts is also noticed when the NWP model assimilates AMSU observations over sea ice.
The Concordiasi field experiment, which is taking place in Antarctica, involves the launching of radiosoundings and stratospheric balloons. One of the main goals of this campaign is the validation of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) radiance assimilation. Prior to the campaign, it was necessary to improve satellite data assimilation at high latitudes. Two types of sensors, microwave and infrared, have been considered to help with this issue. A major problem associated with microwave satellite data is the calculation of the surface emissivity. An innovative approach, based on satellite observations, improves the surface emissivity modeling over land and sea ice within the constraints of the four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-VAR) system. With this new calculation of emissivity, it has been possible to include many more microwave observations during the assimilation. In this study, this method has been applied to high latitudes, after some adjustments have been made to assimilate additional Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A/B (AMSU-A/B) data over sea ice and snow. The use of additional data from IASI and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) sensors over land and sea ice has also been tested. The use of the microwave and infrared data over this polar area has modified the dynamical and thermodynamical model fields such as the snow precipitation quantity. Additional data have been found to have a positive impact on the skill of a model specially tuned for Antarctica.
The Concordiasi field experiment, which is taking place in Antarctica, involves the launching of radiosoundings and stratospheric balloons. One of the main goals of this campaign is the validation of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) radiance assimilation. Prior to the campaign, it was necessary to improve satellite data assimilation at high latitudes. Two types of sensors, microwave and infrared, have been considered to help with this issue. A major problem associated with microwave satellite data is the calculation of the surface emissivity. An innovative approach, based on satellite observations, improves the surface emissivity modeling over land and sea ice within the constraints of the four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-VAR) system. With this new calculation of emissivity, it has been possible to include many more microwave observations during the assimilation. In this study, this method has been applied to high latitudes, after some adjustments have been made to assimilate additional Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A/B (AMSU-A/B) data over sea ice and snow. The use of additional data from IASI and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) sensors over land and sea ice has also been tested. The use of the microwave and infrared data over this polar area has modified the dynamical and thermodynamical model fields such as the snow precipitation quantity. Additional data have been found to have a positive impact on the skill of a model specially tuned for Antarctica.