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H.-T. Mengelkamp
F. Beyrich
G Heinemann
F Ament
J Bange
F Berger
J Bösenberg
T Foken
B Hennemuth
C. Heret
S Huneke
K.-P. Johnsen
M. Kerschgens
W. Kohsiek
J.-P. Leps
C. Liebethal
H. Lohse
M. Mauder
W. Meijninger
S. Raasch
C. Simmer
T. Spieß
A. Tittebrand
J. Uhlenbrock
, and
P. Zittel

The representation of subgrid-scale surface heterogeneities in numerical weather and climate models has been a challenging problem for more than a decade. The Evaporation at Grid and Pixel Scale (EVA-GRIPS) project adds to the numerous studies on vegetation-atmosphere interaction processes through a comprehensive field campaign and through simulation studies with land surface schemes and mesoscale models. The mixture of surface types in the test area in eastern Germany is typical for larger parts of northern Central Europe. The spatial scale considered corresponds to the grid scale of a regional atmospheric weather prediction or climate model and to the pixel scale of satellite images. Area-averaged fluxes derived from point measurements, scintillometer measurements, and a helicopter-borne turbulence probe were widely consistent with respect to the sensible heat flux. The latent heat flux from the scintillometer measurements is systematically higher than the eddy covariance data. Fluxes derived from numerical simulations proved the so-called mosaic approach to be an appropriate parameterization for subgrid heterogeneity.

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Weiqing Qu
A. Henderson-Sellers
A. J. Pitman
T. H. Chen
F. Abramopoulos
A. Boone
S. Chang
F. Chen
Y. Dai
R. E. Dickinson
L. Dümenil
M. Ek
N. Gedney
Y. M. Gusev
J. Kim
R. Koster
E. A. Kowalczyk
J. Lean
D. Lettenmaier
X. Liang
J.-F. Mahfouf
H.-T. Mengelkamp
K. Mitchell
O. N. Nasonova
J. Noilhan
A. Robock
C. Rosenzweig
J. Schaake
C. A. Schlosser
J.-P. Schulz
A. B. Shmakin
D. L. Verseghy
P. Wetzel
E. F. Wood
Z.-L. Yang
, and
Q. Zeng


In the PILPS Phase 2a experiment, 23 land-surface schemes were compared in an off-line control experiment using observed meteorological data from Cabauw, the Netherlands. Two simple sensitivity experiments were also undertaken in which the observed surface air temperature was artificially increased or decreased by 2 K while all other factors remained as observed. On the annual timescale, all schemes show similar responses to these perturbations in latent, sensible heat flux, and other key variables. For the 2-K increase in temperature, surface temperatures and latent heat fluxes all increase while net radiation, sensible heat fluxes, and soil moistures all decrease. The results are reversed for a 2-K temperature decrease. The changes in sensible heat fluxes and, especially, the changes in the latent heat fluxes are not linearly related to the change of temperature. Theoretically, the nonlinear relationship between air temperature and the latent heat flux is evident and due to the convex relationship between air temperature and saturation vapor pressure. A simple test shows that, the effect of the change of air temperature on the atmospheric stratification aside, this nonlinear relationship is shown in the form that the increase of the latent heat flux for a 2-K temperature increase is larger than its decrease for a 2-K temperature decrease. However, the results from the Cabauw sensitivity experiments show that the increase of the latent heat flux in the +2-K experiment is smaller than the decrease of the latent heat flux in the −2-K experiment (we refer to this as the asymmetry). The analysis in this paper shows that this inconsistency between the theoretical relationship and the Cabauw sensitivity experiments results (or the asymmetry) is due to (i) the involvement of the β g formulation, which is a function of a series stress factors that limited the evaporation and whose values change in the ±2-K experiments, leading to strong modifications of the latent heat flux; (ii) the change of the drag coefficient induced by the changes in stratification due to the imposed air temperature changes (±2 K) in parameterizations of latent heat flux common in current land-surface schemes. Among all stress factors involved in the β g formulation, the soil moisture stress in the +2-K experiment induced by the increased evaporation is the main factor that contributes to the asymmetry.

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E. Raschke
J. Meywerk
K. Warrach
U. Andrea
S. Bergström
F. Beyrich
F. Bosveld
K. Bumke
C. Fortelius
L. P. Graham
S.-E. Gryning
S. Halldin
L. Hasse
M. Heikinheimo
H.-J. Isemer
D. Jacob
I. Jauja
K.-G. Karlsson
S. Keevallik
J. Koistinen
A. van Lammeren
U. Lass
J. Launianen
A. Lehmann
B. Liljebladh
M. Lobmeyr
W. Matthäus
T. Mengelkamp
D. B. Michelson
J. Napiórkowski
A. Omstedt
J. Piechura
B. Rockel
F. Rubel
E. Ruprecht
A.-S. Smedman
, and
A. Stigebrandt

The Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) is one of the five continental-scale experiments of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX). More than 50 research groups from 14 European countries are participating in this project to measure and model the energy and water cycle over the large drainage basin of the Baltic Sea in northern Europe. BALTEX aims to provide a better understanding of the processes of the climate system and to improve and to validate the water cycle in regional numerical models for weather forecasting and climate studies. A major effort is undertaken to couple interactively the atmosphere with the vegetated continental surfaces and the Baltic Sea including its sea ice. The intensive observational and modeling phase BRIDGE, which is a contribution to the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period of GEWEX, will provide enhanced datasets for the period October 1999–February 2002 to validate numerical models and satellite products. Major achievements have been obtained in an improved understanding of related exchange processes. For the first time an interactive atmosphere–ocean–land surface model for the Baltic Sea was tested. This paper reports on major activities and some results.

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T. H. Chen
A. Henderson-Sellers
P. C. D. Milly
A. J. Pitman
A. C. M. Beljaars
J. Polcher
F. Abramopoulos
A. Boone
S. Chang
F. Chen
Y. Dai
C. E. Desborough
R. E. Dickinson
L. Dümenil
M. Ek
J. R. Garratt
N. Gedney
Y. M. Gusev
J. Kim
R. Koster
E. A. Kowalczyk
K. Laval
J. Lean
D. Lettenmaier
X. Liang
J.-F. Mahfouf
H.-T. Mengelkamp
K. Mitchell
O. N. Nasonova
J. Noilhan
A. Robock
C. Rosenzweig
J. Schaake
C. A. Schlosser
J.-P. Schulz
Y. Shao
A. B. Shmakin
D. L. Verseghy
P. Wetzel
E. F. Wood
Y. Xue
Z.-L. Yang
, and
Q. Zeng


In the Project for Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes phase 2a experiment, meteorological data for the year 1987 from Cabauw, the Netherlands, were used as inputs to 23 land-surface flux schemes designed for use in climate and weather models. Schemes were evaluated by comparing their outputs with long-term measurements of surface sensible heat fluxes into the atmosphere and the ground, and of upward longwave radiation and total net radiative fluxes, and also comparing them with latent heat fluxes derived from a surface energy balance. Tuning of schemes by use of the observed flux data was not permitted. On an annual basis, the predicted surface radiative temperature exhibits a range of 2 K across schemes, consistent with the range of about 10 W m−2 in predicted surface net radiation. Most modeled values of monthly net radiation differ from the observations by less than the estimated maximum monthly observational error (±10 W m−2). However, modeled radiative surface temperature appears to have a systematic positive bias in most schemes; this might be explained by an error in assumed emissivity and by models’ neglect of canopy thermal heterogeneity. Annual means of sensible and latent heat fluxes, into which net radiation is partitioned, have ranges across schemes of30 W m−2 and 25 W m−2, respectively. Annual totals of evapotranspiration and runoff, into which the precipitation is partitioned, both have ranges of 315 mm. These ranges in annual heat and water fluxes were approximately halved upon exclusion of the three schemes that have no stomatal resistance under non-water-stressed conditions. Many schemes tend to underestimate latent heat flux and overestimate sensible heat flux in summer, with a reverse tendency in winter. For six schemes, root-mean-square deviations of predictions from monthly observations are less than the estimated upper bounds on observation errors (5 W m−2 for sensible heat flux and 10 W m−2 for latent heat flux). Actual runoff at the site is believed to be dominated by vertical drainage to groundwater, but several schemes produced significant amounts of runoff as overland flow or interflow. There is a range across schemes of 184 mm (40% of total pore volume) in the simulated annual mean root-zone soil moisture. Unfortunately, no measurements of soil moisture were available for model evaluation. A theoretical analysis suggested that differences in boundary conditions used in various schemes are not sufficient to explain the large variance in soil moisture. However, many of the extreme values of soil moisture could be explained in terms of the particulars of experimental setup or excessive evapotranspiration.

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