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During the past several years, the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) continental-scale experiments (CSEs) have started to develop regional hydroclimatological datasets and water and energy budget studies (WEBS). To provide some global background for these regional experiments, the authors describe vertically integrated global and regional water and energy budgets from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Reanalysis II (NCEPRII). It is shown that maintaining the NCEPRII close to observations requires some nudging to the short-range model forecast, and this nudging is an important component of analysis budgets. Still, to first order one can discern important hydroclimatological mechanisms in the reanalysis. For example, during summer, atmospheric water vapor, precipitation, evaporation, and surface and atmospheric radiative heating all increase, while the dry static energy convergence decreases almost everywhere over the land regions. One can further distinguish differences between hydrologic cycles in midlatitudes and monsoon regions. The monsoon hydrologic cycle shows increased moisture convergence, soil moisture, and runoff, but decreased sensible heating with increasing surface temperature. The midlatitude hydrologic cycle, on the other hand, shows decreased moisture convergence and surface water, and increased sensible heating.
During the past several years, the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) continental-scale experiments (CSEs) have started to develop regional hydroclimatological datasets and water and energy budget studies (WEBS). To provide some global background for these regional experiments, the authors describe vertically integrated global and regional water and energy budgets from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Reanalysis II (NCEPRII). It is shown that maintaining the NCEPRII close to observations requires some nudging to the short-range model forecast, and this nudging is an important component of analysis budgets. Still, to first order one can discern important hydroclimatological mechanisms in the reanalysis. For example, during summer, atmospheric water vapor, precipitation, evaporation, and surface and atmospheric radiative heating all increase, while the dry static energy convergence decreases almost everywhere over the land regions. One can further distinguish differences between hydrologic cycles in midlatitudes and monsoon regions. The monsoon hydrologic cycle shows increased moisture convergence, soil moisture, and runoff, but decreased sensible heating with increasing surface temperature. The midlatitude hydrologic cycle, on the other hand, shows decreased moisture convergence and surface water, and increased sensible heating.
Thirteen regional climate model (RCM) simulations of June–July 1993 were compared with each other and observations. Water vapor conservation and precipitation characteristics in each RCM were examined for a 10° × 10° subregion of the upper Mississippi River basin, containing the region of maximum 60-day accumulated precipitation in all RCMs and station reports.
All RCMs produced positive precipitation minus evapotranspiration (P − E > 0), though most RCMs produced P − E below the observed range. RCM recycling ratios were within the range estimated from observations. No evidence of common errors of E was found. In contrast, common dry bias of P was found in the simulations.
Daily cycles of terms in the water vapor conservation equation were qualitatively similar in most RCMs. Nocturnal maximums of P and C (convergence) occurred in 9 of 13 RCMs, consistent with observations. Three of the four driest simulations failed to couple P and C overnight, producing afternoon maximum P. Further, dry simulations tended to produce a larger fraction of their 60-day accumulated precipitation from low 3-h totals.
In station reports, accumulation from high (low) 3-h totals had a nocturnal (early morning) maximum. This time lag occurred, in part, because many mesoscale convective systems had reached peak intensity overnight and had declined in intensity by early morning. None of the RCMs contained such a time lag. It is recommended that short-period experiments be performed to examine the ability of RCMs to simulate mesoscale convective systems prior to generating long-period simulations for hydroclimatology.
Thirteen regional climate model (RCM) simulations of June–July 1993 were compared with each other and observations. Water vapor conservation and precipitation characteristics in each RCM were examined for a 10° × 10° subregion of the upper Mississippi River basin, containing the region of maximum 60-day accumulated precipitation in all RCMs and station reports.
All RCMs produced positive precipitation minus evapotranspiration (P − E > 0), though most RCMs produced P − E below the observed range. RCM recycling ratios were within the range estimated from observations. No evidence of common errors of E was found. In contrast, common dry bias of P was found in the simulations.
Daily cycles of terms in the water vapor conservation equation were qualitatively similar in most RCMs. Nocturnal maximums of P and C (convergence) occurred in 9 of 13 RCMs, consistent with observations. Three of the four driest simulations failed to couple P and C overnight, producing afternoon maximum P. Further, dry simulations tended to produce a larger fraction of their 60-day accumulated precipitation from low 3-h totals.
In station reports, accumulation from high (low) 3-h totals had a nocturnal (early morning) maximum. This time lag occurred, in part, because many mesoscale convective systems had reached peak intensity overnight and had declined in intensity by early morning. None of the RCMs contained such a time lag. It is recommended that short-period experiments be performed to examine the ability of RCMs to simulate mesoscale convective systems prior to generating long-period simulations for hydroclimatology.
This paper analyzes the ability of the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) ensemble of regional climate models to simulate extreme monthly precipitation and its supporting circulation for regions of North America, comparing 18 years of simulations driven by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis with observations. The analysis focuses on the wettest 10% of months during the cold half of the year (October–March), when it is assumed that resolved synoptic circulation governs precipitation. For a coastal California region where the precipitation is largely topographic, the models individually and collectively replicate well the monthly frequency of extremes, the amount of extreme precipitation, and the 500-hPa circulation anomaly associated with the extremes. The models also replicate very well the statistics of the interannual variability of occurrences of extremes. For an interior region containing the upper Mississippi River basin, where precipitation is more dependent on internally generated storms, the models agree with observations in both monthly frequency and magnitude, although not as closely as for coastal California. In addition, simulated circulation anomalies for extreme months are similar to those in observations. Each region has important seasonally varying precipitation processes that govern the occurrence of extremes in the observations, and the models appear to replicate well those variations.
This paper analyzes the ability of the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) ensemble of regional climate models to simulate extreme monthly precipitation and its supporting circulation for regions of North America, comparing 18 years of simulations driven by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis with observations. The analysis focuses on the wettest 10% of months during the cold half of the year (October–March), when it is assumed that resolved synoptic circulation governs precipitation. For a coastal California region where the precipitation is largely topographic, the models individually and collectively replicate well the monthly frequency of extremes, the amount of extreme precipitation, and the 500-hPa circulation anomaly associated with the extremes. The models also replicate very well the statistics of the interannual variability of occurrences of extremes. For an interior region containing the upper Mississippi River basin, where precipitation is more dependent on internally generated storms, the models agree with observations in both monthly frequency and magnitude, although not as closely as for coastal California. In addition, simulated circulation anomalies for extreme months are similar to those in observations. Each region has important seasonally varying precipitation processes that govern the occurrence of extremes in the observations, and the models appear to replicate well those variations.