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James L. Franklin


Omega dropwindsonde (ODW) observations from three synoptic-flow experiments in environment of Hurricane Josephine have been analyzed in a research mode using an objective analysis procedure. The nominal times of the analyses are 0000 UTC 10, 11, and 12 October 1984. The filtered, three-dimensional analyses have been used as a basis for several diagnostic and prognostic calculations relating to the motion of the hurricane.

Examination of Josephine's environment revealed a strong variability of the flow with distance from the storm center and with pressure. Josephine moved at right angles to the azimuthally averaged wind at 500 mb; the vortex motion was more consistent with the flow near 700 mb. Forecasts made with a barotropic forecast model showed a high sensitivity of the forecast track to the vertical layer used in the initial analysis. These results demonstrate the potential value of vertical sounding information from the ODWs, and show that single-level midtropospheric information is not always representative of a hurricane's environment flow.

On each of the three days, the motion of Josephine deviated significantly from its environmental “steering,” as measured by an azimuthal average of the 300–850 mb mean flow over the 5°–7° radial band. This deviation from steering (the so-called “propagation” vector) was oriented with components parallel and to the left of the gradient of absolute vorticity in the asymmetric wind field. The magnitude of the propagation was proportional to the strength of the absolute vorticity gradient. These results are consistent with many barotropic modeling studies.

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Lloyd J. Shapiro
James L. Franklin


Potential vorticity (PV) analysts for Hurricane Gloria of 1985 are derived from nested objective wind analyses of Omega dropwindsonde and airborne Doppler radar data. The analyses resolve eyewall-scale features in the inner vortex core and embed analyses of these features within the larger-scale environment. Since three-dimensional geopotential height fields required for evaluation of PV are not available in the core, they are derived using the balance equation. In the process of deriving the heights, the degree of gradient balance is evaluated. The 500-mb tangential winds in the core, averaged azimuthally on the four cardinal points, are close to gradient balance outside the radius of maximum wind.

The resulting depiction of PV is the first presented for a real hurricane. Due to data deficiencies immediately outside the Doppler region, as well as inside the eye, smoothing of the wind data using a filter with a minimum 25-km spatial scale is required to derive a balanced geopotential height distribution consistent with a statically stable vortex. The large-scale PV distribution evidences asymmetries in the middle and upper troposphere that appear to be associated with Gloria's translation to the northwest. Eyewall-scale PV in the core and PY of the azimuthally averaged vortex are also presented.

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Stephen J. Lord
James L. Franklin


A three-dimensional, nested analysis of wind fields in the environment of Hurricane Debby (1982) has been completed. The basic analysis tool uses a two-dimensional least-squares fitting algorithm combined with a derivative constraint that acts as a spatial low-pass filter on the analyzed field. Gridded results of horizontally analyzed fields are combined into vertical cross sections and then analyzed to produce vertical continuity. Consequently, a three-dimensional analysis is obtained.

The database for the analysis comes primarily from Omega dropwindsondes (ODWs), rawinsondes, and satellite-derived winds above 400 mb in the environment of Hurricane Debby near 0000 UTC 16 September 1982. Since these data come from many different sources, and thus are not evenly distributed in the horizontal or vertical, techniques have been developed to alleviate difficulties associated with inhomogeneous data. The analyzed wind fields provide an independent evaluation of satellite-derived winds at and below 400 mb.

General features of the environmental wind fields surrounding Debby are described. The wind analyses are then used to diagnose terms in the vorticity equation. The spatial orientation of a calculated dipole in the horizontal vorticity flux convergence term indicates that it is an approximate indicator of Debby's observed short-term motion.

Finally, to provide an initial assessment of the wind analysis quality, experimental track forecasts with a barotropic model are performed with the layer-mean wind fields and operationally available data outside the analysis domain. Initial errors in the forecast tracks are directly related to the orientation of the diagnosed vorticity flux convergence dipole. The research wind analysis results in a substantial reduction in track error for short-term (12 h) forecasts compared to analyses from operationally available data. This reduction is due to an improved representation of the wind fields in the near-storm environment.

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James L. Franklin
Mark DeMaria


A scarcity of observations in the hurricane environment is one factor believed to be limiting the improvement in hurricane track forecast accuracy. Since 1982, the Hurricane Research Division (HRD) of the NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory has conducted 14 experiments to determine the wind and thermodynamic fields within about 1000 km of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin. During these synoptic-flow experiments, Omega dropwindsondes (ODWs) are released from the two NOAA WP-3D research aircraft over a 9–10-h period in the hurricane environment. The ODWs measure pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind as they descend from flight level (about 400 mb) to the surface. These data are then transmitted in real time to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the National Meteorological Center (NMC).

Recently, a barotropic, nested, spectral hurricane track forecasting model, VICBAR, has been developed at HRD and tested quasi-operationally during the 1989 and 1990 hurricane seasons. Forecasts from this model have compared favorably with other models run at NHC and NMC. In this study, the VICBAR model is used to evaluate the impact of ODW data on track forecast error for the 14 HRD synoptic-flow experiments.

The ODW data produced highly consistent reductions in track forecast errors in this sample of cases. Forecast improvements due to single-level midtropospheric (aircraft) data were significantly smaller than those due to the ODWs. At the important verification times of 24–36 h (prior to landfall), when the decision to issue a hurricane warning is being made, the ODWs reduced the model mean forecast error by 12%–16%. These improvements, statistically significant at the 99% level, are comparable to the total improvement in normalized NHC official 24-h forecast error occurring over the, past 20–25 years.

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Stephen J. Lord
James L. Franklin


A three-dimensional analysis of temperature and relative humidity in the environment of Hurricane Debby (1982) has been completed. Observations from Omega dropwindsondes (ODWs) within 1000 km of the storm have been combined with rawinsondes over the continental United States and the Caribbean and with observations from surface ships and aircraft data where possible.

The temperature and relative humidity analyses, together with wind analyses from a previous study, form a dataset that can be used an an initial condition in a multilevel prognostic model when combined with analyses over area larger than our analysis domain. In this paper a series of diagnostic tests has been applied to the dataset to evaluate its performance without using a prognostic model. These tests include horizontal maps of the moist convective instability, calculation of the heat and moisture budgets in the vicinity of Bermuda, which was 350 km to the northeast of the storm center, and diagnosis of precipitation from these budgets and from the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization.

Results show that the horizontal distribution of moist convective instability is strongly affected by the low-level moisture field upstream of the main inflow region to the storm. The total surface heat flux, estimated with a bulk aerodynamic method, matches the vertically integrated eddy flux of moist static energy to within observational errors. Precipitation estimates from the budgets give rates of approximately 20 mm day−1, which are consistent with an estimated rate from radar. Partition of the rainfall rate into convective scale and resolvable scale (stratiform) shows about equal contributions.

Our results lead us to believe that, within the limitations determined by the horizontal distribution of the observations, the final dataset for Hurricane Debby provides a realistic depiction of the various physical processes that were occurring in Debby's environment. Future work will include data sensitivity experiments with a three-dimensional forecast model.

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Lloyd J. Shapiro
James L. Franklin


A set of nine synoptic-flow cases, incorporating Omega dropwindsonde observations for six tropical storms and hurricanes, is used to deduce the three-dimensional distribution of potential vorticity (PV) that contributed to the deep-layer mean (DLM) wind that steered the cyclones. A piecewise inversion technique, the same as that previously applied by Shapiro to Hurricane Gloria of 1985, is used to derive the DLM wind induced by pieces of anomalous PV restricted to cylinders of different radii centered on each cyclone. The cylinder of PV that induces a DLM wind that best matches the observed DLM wind near the center of each cyclone is evaluated.

It is found that the results can be loosely placed into two categories describing the spatial scale of the PV anomalies that influenced the cyclone’s motion. Four of the cases, including Hurricane Gloria, had “local” control, with a good match (to within ∼40%) between the observed DLM wind near the cyclone center and the DLM wind attributable to a cylinder of PV with a given radius ⩽1500 km. Further decomposition of the PV anomaly into upper (400 mb and above) and lower levels (500 mb and below) indicates the dominance of upper-level features in steering two of the cyclones (Hurricanes Gloria of 1985 and Andrew of 1992), while Hurricane Debby of 1982 was steered by more barotropic features. These results supplement those found in other studies.

Five of the cases, by contrast, had “large-scale” control, with no cylinder of radius ⩽2000 km having a good match between the induced and observed DLM wind. Hurricanes Emily of 1987 and 1993 fell into this category, as did Hurricane Josephine of 1984. Implications of the results for guiding in situ wind measurements to improve hurricane track forecasts are discussed.

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Christopher W. Landsea
James L. Franklin


“Best tracks” are National Hurricane Center (NHC) poststorm analyses of the intensity, central pressure, position, and size of Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basin tropical and subtropical cyclones. This paper estimates the uncertainty (average error) for Atlantic basin best track parameters through a survey of the NHC Hurricane Specialists who maintain and update the Atlantic hurricane database. A comparison is then made with a survey conducted over a decade ago to qualitatively assess changes in the uncertainties. Finally, the implications of the uncertainty estimates for NHC analysis and forecast products as well as for the prediction goals of the Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program are discussed.

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James L. Franklin
Steven E. Feuer
John Kaplan
, and
Sim D. Aberson


In 1982, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Hurricane Research Division began a series of experiments to collect Omega dropwindsonde (ODW) observations within about 1000 km of the center of tropical cyclones. By 1992, 16 ODW datasets had been collected in 10 Atlantic basin hurricanes and tropical storms. Objective wind analyses for each dataset 10 levels from 100 mb to the surface, have been produced using a consistent set of analysis parameters. The objective analyses, which resolve synoptic-scale features in the storm environment with an accuracy and confidence unattainable from routine operational analyses, have been used to examine relationships between a tropical cyclone's motion and its surrounding synoptic-scale flow.

Tropical cyclone motion is found to be consistent with barotropic steering of the vortex by the surrounding flow within 3° latitude (333 km) of the cyclone center. At this radius, the surrounding deep-layer-mean flow explains over 90% of the variance in vortex motion. The analyses show vorticity asymmetries that strongly resemble the β gyres common to barotropic models, although other synoptic features in the environment make isolation of these gyres from the wind fields difficult. A reasonably strong relationship is found between the motion of the vortex (relative to its large scale surrounding flow) and the absolute vorticity gradient of the vortex environment.

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James L. Franklin
Stephen J. Lord
Steven E. Feuer
, and
Frank D. Marks Jr.


A set of three-dimensional, filtered, multiply nested objective analyses has been completed for the wind field of Hurricane Gloria for 0000 UTC 25 September 1985. At this time Gloria was one of the most intense hurricanes ever observed in the Atlantic basin, with a minimum sea level pressure of 919 mb. The nested analyses, based on observations from airborne Doppler radar and Omega dropwindsondes, simultaneously describe eyewall and synoptic-scale features, and are the most comprehensive analyses of a single hurricane constructed to date. The analyses have been used to document the multiscale kinematic structure of Gloria and to investigate the relationship between the kinematic fields and the motion of the vortex.

The analyses indicate that the vortex was unusually barotropic. The radius of maximum wind (RMW) was nearly vertical below 500 mb, with a slight inward slope with height between 750 and 550 mb. The strongest azimuthal mean tangential winds were found well above the boundary layer, near 550 mb, where the RMW was smallest. We speculate that this unusual structure was associated with a concentric eye cycle. A persistent asymmetry in the distribution of eyewall convection was associated with the vertical shear of the environmental flow.

The vortex moved approximately 2.5 m s−1 faster than the deep layer mean flow averaged at 667-km radius from the center. Barotropic models have predicted a relationship between the relative motion of the vortex and the gradients of absolute vorticity in the cyclone's environment; however, the predicted relationship was not found for Gloria. The vortex also did not move with the mean flow in the immediate vicinity of the center; the motion of the hurricane was most consistent with the 300–850-mb layer mean flow well outside the eyewall, at a radius of 65 km. The analyses suggest that the environmental flow near the center had been distorted by eyewall convection, with the scale of the distortion determined by the local Rossby radius of deformation.

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James L. Franklin
John Kaplan
Christopher S. Velden
, and
Christopher M. Hayden


Omega dropwindsonde and other in situ (INS) data collected during the NOAA/Hurricane Research Division's (HRD) Hurricane Field Program are used as a ground truth dataset for the evaluation of VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) soundings over the subtropical Atlantic. The experiments were coordinated with the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Services at the University of Wisconsin. The focus of this study is to determine whether soundings derived from VAS radiances are an improvement over the first-guess data used as a starting point in the sounding retrieval process. First guess inputs for this study are provided by NMCs Regional Analysis and Forecast System (RAFS) nested grid model (NGM).

In a case study, an objective algorithm is used to analyze the INS, VAS, and first-guess data at and below 500 mb from an HRD experiment on 1–2 September 1988. The case study is supplemented by a statistical investigation of data composited from other HRD experiments. In particular, we examine VAS estimates of horizontal temperature and moisture gradients to see if they represent improvements over the first guess.

The temperature and moisture descriptions in the vicinity of a 500 mb cold low were improved by the VAS in the case study; however, VAS temperature gradients were found to be generally less accurate than those of the first guess. Temperature gradients from the VAS were also consistently stronger than INS or first-guess gradients. The composite study found that large-scale VAS moisture gradients were better than those of the first guess. Other results indicate a preferred mode for VAS modifications to the guess: the primary impact of the VAS radiances on the first guess was to improve the description of the phasing of horizontal features. The VAS representation of the amplitude of features, however, was not consistently an improvement. This suggests that in tropical applications, VAS data may be most suitable for subjective forecasting uses; if VAS data are to be used in numerical weather prediction, strongest weight should be given to the representation of the location of weather features (troughs, ridges, etc.), and relatively weak weight should be given to the representation of the strength of these features.

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