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Binbin Zhou
Jun Du


A new multivariable-based diagnostic fog-forecasting method has been developed at NCEP. The selection of these variables, their thresholds, and the influences on fog forecasting are discussed. With the inclusion of the algorithm in the model postprocessor, the fog forecast can now be provided centrally as direct NWP model guidance. The method can be easily adapted to other NWP models. Currently, knowledge of how well fog forecasts based on operational NWP models perform is lacking. To verify the new method and assess fog forecast skill, as well as to account for forecast uncertainty, this fog-forecasting algorithm is applied to a multimodel-based Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS). MEPS consists of 10 members using two regional models [the NCEP Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the NCAR Advanced Research version of WRF (ARW)] with 15-km horizontal resolution. Each model has five members (one control and four perturbed members) using the breeding technique to perturb the initial conditions and was run once per day out to 36 h over eastern China for seven months (February–September 2008). Both deterministic and probabilistic forecasts were produced based on individual members, a one-model ensemble, and two-model ensembles. A case study and statistical verification, using both deterministic and probabilistic measuring scores, were performed against fog observations from 13 cities in eastern China. The verification was focused on the 12- and 36-h forecasts.

By applying the various approaches, including the new fog detection scheme, ensemble technique, multimodel approach, and the increase in ensemble size, the fog forecast accuracy was steadily and dramatically improved in each of the approaches: from basically no skill at all [equitable threat score (ETS) = 0.063] to a skill level equivalent to that of warm-season precipitation forecasts of the current NWP models (0.334). Specifically, 1) the multivariable-based fog diagnostic method has a much higher detection capability than the liquid water content (LWC)-only based approach. Reasons why the multivariable approach works better than the LWC-only method were also illustrated. 2) The ensemble-based forecasts are, in general, superior to a single control forecast measured both deterministically and probabilistically. The case study also demonstrates that the ensemble approach could provide more societal value than a single forecast to end users, especially for low-probability significant events like fog. Deterministically, a forecast close to the ensemble median is particularly helpful. 3) The reliability of probabilistic forecasts can be effectively improved by using a multimodel ensemble instead of a single-model ensemble. For a small ensemble such as the one in this study, the increase in ensemble size is also important in improving probabilistic forecasts, although this effect is expected to decrease with the increase in ensemble size.

Full access
Jun Du
Binbin Zhou
, and
Jason Levit


Responding to the call for new verification methods in a recent editorial in Weather and Forecasting, this study proposed two new verification metrics to quantify the forecast challenges that a user faces in decision-making when using ensemble models. The measure of forecast challenge (MFC) combines forecast error and uncertainty information together into one single score. It consists of four elements: ensemble mean error, spread, nonlinearity, and outliers. The cross correlation among the four elements indicates that each element contains independent information. The relative contribution of each element to the MFC is analyzed by calculating the correlation between each element and MFC. The biggest contributor is the ensemble mean error, followed by the ensemble spread, nonlinearity, and outliers. By applying MFC to the predictability horizon diagram of a forecast ensemble, a predictability horizon diagram index (PHDX) is defined to quantify how the ensemble evolves at a specific location as an event approaches. The value of PHDX varies between 1.0 and −1.0. A positive PHDX indicates that the forecast challenge decreases as an event nears (type I), providing creditable forecast information to users. A negative PHDX value indicates that the forecast challenge increases as an event nears (type II), providing misleading information to users. A near-zero PHDX value indicates that the forecast challenge remains large as an event nears, providing largely uncertain information to users. Unlike current verification metrics that verify at a particular point in time, PHDX verifies a forecasting process through many forecasting cycles. Forecasting-process-oriented verification could be a new direction in model verification. The sample ensemble forecasts used in this study are produced from the NCEP global and regional ensembles.

Open access
Weihong Qian
Ning Jiang
, and
Jun Du


Although the use of anomaly fields in the forecast process has been shown to be useful and has caught forecasters’ attention, current short-range (1–3 days) weather analyses and forecasts are still predominantly total-field based. This paper systematically examines the pros and cons of anomaly- versus total-field-based approaches in weather analysis using a case from 1 July 1991 (showcase) and 41 cases from 1998 (statistics) of heavy rain events that occurred in China. The comparison is done for both basic atmospheric variables (height, temperature, wind, and humidity) and diagnostic parameters (divergence, vorticity, and potential vorticity). Generally, anomaly fields show a more enhanced and concentrated signal (pattern) directly related to surface anomalous weather events, while total fields can obscure the visualization of anomalous features due to the climatic background. The advantage is noticeable in basic atmospheric variables, but is marginal in nonconservative diagnostic parameters and is lost in conservative diagnostic parameters. Sometimes a mix of total and anomaly fields works the best; for example, in the moist vorticity when anomalous vorticity combines with total moisture, it can depict the heavy rain area the best when comparing to either the purely total or purely anomalous moist vorticity. Based on this study, it is recommended that anomaly-based weather analysis could be a valuable supplement to the commonly used total-field-based approach. Anomalies can help a forecaster to more quickly identify where an abnormal weather event might occur as well as more easily pinpoint possible meteorological causes than a total field. However, one should not use the anomaly structure approach alone to explain the underlying dynamics without a total field.

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Jing Huang
Jun Du
, and
Weihong Qian


A total of 163 tropical cyclones (TCs) occurred in the eastern China seas during 1979–2011 with four types of tracks: left turning, right turning, straight moving, and irregular. The left-turning type is unusual and hard to predict. In this paper, 133 TCs from the first three types have been investigated. A generalized beta–advection model (GBAM) is derived by decomposing a meteorological field into climatic and anomalous components. The ability of the GBAM to predict tracks 1–2 days in advance is compared with three classical beta–advection models (BAMs). For both normal and unusual tracks, the GBAM apparently outperformed the BAMs. The GBAM’s ability to predict unusual TC tracks is particularly encouraging, while the BAMs have no ability to predict the left-turning and right-turning TC tracks. The GBAM was also used to understand unusual TC tracks because it can be separated into two forms: a climatic-flow BAM (CBAM) and an anomalous-flow BAM (ABAM). In the CBAM a TC vortex is steered by the large-scale climatic background flow, while in the ABAM, a TC vortex interacts with the surrounding anomalous flows. This decomposition approach can be used to examine the climatic and anomalous flows separately. It is found that neither the climatic nor the anomalous flow alone can explain unusual tracks. Sensitivity experiments show that two anomalous highs as well as a nearby TC played the major roles in the unusual left turn of Typhoon Aere (2004). This study demonstrates that a simple model can work well if key factors are properly included.

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Weihong Qian
Jun Du
Xiaolong Shan
, and
Ning Jiang


Properly including moisture effects into a dynamical parameter can significantly increase the parameter’s ability to diagnose heavy rain locations. The relative humidity–based weighting approach used to extend the moist potential vorticity (MPV) to the generalized moist potential vorticity (GMPV) is analyzed and demonstrates such an improvement. Following the same approach, two new diagnostic parameters, moist vorticity (MV) and moist divergence (MD), have been proposed in this study by incorporating moisture effects into the traditional vorticity and divergence. A regional heavy rain event that occurred along the Yangtze River on 1 July 1991 is used as a case study, and 41 daily regional heavy rain events during the notorious flooding year of 1998 in eastern China are used for a systematic evaluation. Results show that after the moisture effects were properly incorporated, the improved ability of all three parameters to capture a heavy rain area is significant (statistically at the 99% confidence level): the GMPV is improved over the MPV by 194%, the MD over the divergence by 60%, and the MV over the vorticity by 34% in terms of the threat score (TS). The average TS is 0.270 for the MD, 0.262 for the MV, and 0.188 for the GMPV. Application of the MV and MD to assess heavy rain potential is not intended to replace a complete, multiscale forecasting methodology; however, the results from this study suggest that the MV and MD could be used to postprocess a model forecast to potentially improve heavy rain location predictions.

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Guo Deng
Jun Du
Yushu Zhou
Ling Yan
Jing Chen
Fajing Chen
Hongqi Li
, and
Jingzhou Wang


Using a 3-km regional ensemble prediction system (EPS), this study tested a three-dimensional (3D) rescaling mask for initial condition (IC) perturbation. Whether the 3D mask-based EPS improves ensemble forecasts over current two-dimensional (2D) mask-based EPS has been evaluated in three aspects: ensemble mean, spread, and probability. The forecasts of wind, temperature, geopotential height, sea level pressure, and precipitation were examined for a summer month (1–28 July 2018) and a winter month (1–27 February 2019) over a region in North China. The EPS was run twice per day (initiated at 0000 and 1200 UTC) to 36 h in forecast length, providing 56 warm-season forecast cases and 54 cold-season cases for verification. The warm and cold seasons are verified separately for comparison. The study found the following: 1) The vertical profile of IC perturbation becomes closer to that of analysis uncertainty with the 3D rescaling mask. 2) Ensemble performance is significantly improved in all three aspects. The biggest improvement is in the ensemble spread, followed by the probabilistic forecast, and the least improvement is in the ensemble mean forecast. Larger improvements are seen in the warm season than in the cold season. 3) More improvement is in the shorter time range (<24 h) than in the longer range. 4) Surface and lower-level variables are improved more than upper-level ones. 5) The underlying mechanism for the improvement has been investigated. Convective instability is found to be responsible for the spread increment and, thus, overall ensemble forecast improvement. Therefore, using a 3D rescaling mask is recommended for an EPS to increase its utility especially for shorter time range and surface weather elements.

Significant Statement

A weather prediction model is a complex system that consists of nonlinear differential equations. Small errors in either its inputs or model itself will grow with time during model integration, which will contaminate a forecast. To quantify such contamination (“uncertainty”) of a forecast, the ensemble forecasting technique is used. An ensemble of forecasts is a multiple of model runs at the same time but with slightly “perturbed” inputs or model versions. These small perturbations are supposed to represent true “uncertainty” in inputs or model representation. This study proposed a technique that makes a perturbation’s vertical structure more resemble real uncertainty (intrinsic error) in input data and confirmed that it can significantly improve ensemble forecast quality especially for a shorter time range and lower-level weather elements. It is found that convective instability is responsible for the improvement.

Open access
Huiling Yuan
Xiaogang Gao
Steven L. Mullen
Soroosh Sorooshian
Jun Du
, and
Hann-Ming Henry Juang


A feed-forward neural network is configured to calibrate the bias of a high-resolution probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecast (PQPF) produced by a 12-km version of the NCEP Regional Spectral Model (RSM) ensemble forecast system. Twice-daily forecasts during the 2002–2003 cool season (1 November–31 March, inclusive) are run over four U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic unit regions of the southwest United States. Calibration is performed via a cross-validation procedure, where four months are used for training and the excluded month is used for testing. The PQPFs before and after the calibration over a hydrological unit region are evaluated by comparing the joint probability distribution of forecasts and observations. Verification is performed on the 4-km stage IV grid, which is used as “truth.” The calibration procedure improves the Brier score (BrS), conditional bias (reliability) and forecast skill, such as the Brier skill score (BrSS) and the ranked probability skill score (RPSS), relative to the sample frequency for all geographic regions and most precipitation thresholds. However, the procedure degrades the resolution of the PQPFs by systematically producing more forecasts with low nonzero forecast probabilities that drive the forecast distribution closer to the climatology of the training sample. The problem of degrading the resolution is most severe over the Colorado River basin and the Great Basin for relatively high precipitation thresholds where the sample of observed events is relatively small.

Full access
Yu Xia
Jing Chen
Jun Du
Xiefei Zhi
Jingzhuo Wang
, and
Xiaoli Li


This study experimented with a unified scheme of stochastic physics and bias correction within a regional ensemble model [Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System–Regional Ensemble Prediction System (GRAPES-REPS)]. It is intended to improve ensemble prediction skill by reducing both random and systematic errors at the same time. Three experiments were performed on top of GRAPES-REPS. The first experiment adds only the stochastic physics. The second experiment adds only the bias correction scheme. The third experiment adds both the stochastic physics and bias correction. The experimental period is one month from 1 to 31 July 2015 over the China domain. Using 850-hPa temperature as an example, the study reveals the following: 1) the stochastic physics can effectively increase the ensemble spread, while the bias correction cannot. Therefore, ensemble averaging of the stochastic physics runs can reduce more random error than the bias correction runs. 2) Bias correction can significantly reduce systematic error, while the stochastic physics cannot. As a result, the bias correction greatly improved the quality of ensemble mean forecasts but the stochastic physics did not. 3) The unified scheme can greatly reduce both random and systematic errors at the same time and performed the best of the three experiments. These results were further confirmed by verification of the ensemble mean, spread, and probabilistic forecasts of many other atmospheric fields for both upper air and the surface, including precipitation. Based on this study, we recommend that operational numerical weather prediction centers adopt this unified scheme approach in ensemble models to achieve the best forecasts.

Open access