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Liao-Fan Lin
Zhaoxia Pu


This study characterizes the spatial and temporal variability of the background error covariance between the land surface soil moisture and atmospheric states for a better understanding of the potentials of assimilating satellite soil moisture data under a framework of strongly coupled land–atmosphere data assimilation. The study uses the Noah land surface model coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model and the National Meteorological Center (NMC) method for computing the land–atmosphere background error covariance from 2015 to 2017 over the contiguous United States. The results show that the forecast errors in top-10-cm soil moisture and near-surface air potential temperature and specific humidity are correlated and relatively large during the daytime in the summer. The magnitude of the error correlation between these three states is comparable. For example, in July, the error correlation averaged over all day- and nighttime samples is −0.13 for near-surface temperature and humidity, −0.20 for surface soil moisture and near-surface temperature, and 0.15 for surface soil moisture and near-surface humidity. During the summer, the forecast errors in surface soil moisture are correlated with those of atmospheric states up to the sigma pressure level of 0.9 (approximately 900 hPa for a sea level location) with domain-mean correlations of −0.15 and 0.1 for temperature and humidity, respectively. The results suggest that assimilation of satellite soil moisture data could provide cross-variable impacts comparable to those assimilating conventional near-surface temperature and humidity data. The forecast errors of soil moisture are only marginally correlated with those of the winds.

Full access
Liao-Fan Lin
Zhaoxia Pu


Remotely sensed soil moisture data are typically incorporated into numerical weather models under a framework of weakly coupled data assimilation (WCDA), with a land surface analysis scheme independent from the atmospheric analysis component. In contrast, strongly coupled data assimilation (SCDA) allows simultaneous correction of atmospheric and land surface states but has not been sufficiently explored with land surface soil moisture data assimilation. This study implemented a variational approach to assimilate the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) 9-km enhanced retrievals into the Noah land surface model coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model under a framework of both WCDA and SCDA. The goal of the study is to quantify the relative impact of assimilating SMAP data under different coupling frameworks on the atmospheric forecasts in the summer. The results of the numerical experiments during July 2016 show that SCDA can provide additional benefits on the forecasts of air temperature and humidity compared to WCDA. Over the U.S. Great Plains, assimilation of SMAP data under WCDA reduces a warm bias in temperature and a dry bias in humidity by 7.3% and 19.3%, respectively, while the SCDA case contributes an additional bias reduction of 2.2% (temperature) and 3.3% (humidity). While WCDA leads to a reduction of RMSE in temperature forecasts by 4.1%, SCDA results in additional reduction of RMSE by 0.8%. For the humidity, the reduction of RMSE is around 1% for both WCDA and SCDA.

Free access
Liao-Fan Lin
Zhaoxia Pu


Strongly coupled land–atmosphere data assimilation has not yet been implemented into operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems. Up to now, upper-air measurements have been assimilated mainly in atmospheric analyses, while land and near-surface data have been assimilated mainly into land surface models. Thus, this study aims to explore the benefits of assimilating atmospheric and land surface observations within the framework of strongly coupled data assimilation. Specifically, we added soil moisture as a control state within the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) and conducted a series of numerical experiments through the assimilation of 2-m temperature/humidity and in situ surface soil moisture data along with conventional atmospheric measurements such as radiosondes into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with the Noah land surface model. The verification against in situ measurements and analyses show that compared to the assimilation of conventional data, adding soil moisture as a control state and assimilating 2-m humidity can bring additional benefits to analyses and forecasts. The impact of assimilating 2-m temperature (surface soil moisture) data is positive mainly on the temperature (soil moisture) analyses but on average marginal for other variables. On average, below 750 hPa, verification against the NCEP analysis indicates that the respective RMSE reduction in the forecasts of temperature and humidity is 5% and 2% for assimilating conventional data; 10% and 5% for including soil moisture as a control state; and 16% and 11% for simultaneously adding soil moisture as a control state and assimilating 2-m humidity data.

Open access
Pin-Lun Li
Liao-Fan Lin
, and
Chia-Jeng Chen


Satellite and model precipitation such as the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) data are valuable in hydrometeorological applications. This study investigates the performance of various satellite and model precipitation products in Taiwan from 2015 to 2017, including data derived from the Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM Early and Final Runs (IMERG_E and IMERG_F), Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation in near–real time (GSMaP_NRT), and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. We assess these products by comparing them against data collected from 304 surface stations and gauge-based gridded data. Our assessment emphasizes factors influential in precipitation estimation, such as season, temperature, elevation, and extreme event. Further, we assess the hydrological response to each precipitation product via continuous flow simulation in two selected watersheds. The results indicate that the performance of these precipitation products is subject to seasonal and regional variations. The satellite products (i.e., IMERG and GSMaP) perform better than the model (i.e., WRF) in the warm season and vice versa in the cold season, most apparently in northern Taiwan. For selected extreme events, WRF can simulate better rainfall amount and distribution. The seasonal and regional variations in precipitation estimation are also reflected in flow simulations: IMERG in general produces the most rational flow simulation, GSMaP tends to overestimate and be least useful for hydrological applications, while WRF simulates high flows that show accurate time to the peak flows and are better in the southern watershed.

Full access
Jiaying Zhang
Liao-Fan Lin
, and
Rafael L. Bras


Hydrological applications rely on the availability and quality of precipitation products, especially model- and satellite-based products for use in areas without ground measurements. It is known that the quality of model- and satellite-based precipitation products is complementary: model-based products exhibit high quality during cold seasons while satellite-based products are better during warm seasons. To explore the complementary behavior of the quality of the precipitation products, this study uses 2-m air temperature as auxiliary information to evaluate high-resolution (0.1°/hourly) precipitation estimates from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model and from the version 5 Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) algorithm (i.e., early and final runs). The products are evaluated relative to the reference NCEP Stage IV precipitation estimates over the central United States during August 2015–July 2017. Results show that the IMERG final-run estimates are nearly unbiased, while the IMERG early-run and the WRF estimates are positively biased. The WRF estimates exhibit high correlations with the reference data when the temperature falls below 280 K. The IMERG estimates, both early and final runs, do so when the temperature exceeds 280 K. Moreover, the complementary behavior of the WRF and the IMERG products conditioned on air temperature does not vary with either season or location.

Full access
Liao-Fan Lin
Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
Rafael L. Bras
Alejandro N. Flores
, and
Jingfeng Wang


The objective of this study is to develop a framework for dynamically downscaling spaceborne precipitation products using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var). Numerical experiments have been conducted to 1) understand the sensitivity of precipitation downscaling through point-scale precipitation data assimilation and 2) investigate the impact of seasonality and associated changes in precipitation-generating mechanisms on the quality of spatiotemporal downscaling of precipitation. The point-scale experiment suggests that assimilating precipitation can significantly affect the precipitation analysis, forecast, and downscaling. Because of occasional overestimation or underestimation of small-scale summertime precipitation extremes, the numerical experiments presented here demonstrate that the wintertime assimilation produces downscaled precipitation estimates that are in closer agreement with the reference National Centers for Environmental Prediction stage IV dataset than similar summertime experiments. This study concludes that the WRF 4D-Var system is able to effectively downscale a 6-h precipitation product with a spatial resolution of 20 km to hourly precipitation with a spatial resolution of less than 10 km in grid spacing—relevant to finescale hydrologic applications for the era of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission.

Full access
Liao-Fan Lin
Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
Alejandro N. Flores
Satish Bastola
, and
Rafael L. Bras


This paper presents a framework that enables simultaneous assimilation of satellite precipitation and soil moisture observations into the coupled Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Noah land surface model through variational approaches. The authors tested the framework by assimilating precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and soil moisture data from the Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite. The results show that assimilation of both TRMM and SMOS data can effectively improve the forecast skills of precipitation, top 10-cm soil moisture, and 2-m temperature and specific humidity. Within a 2-day time window, impacts of precipitation data assimilation on the forecasts remain relatively constant for forecast lead times greater than 6 h, while the influence of soil moisture data assimilation increases with lead time. The study also demonstrates that the forecast skill of precipitation, soil moisture, and near-surface temperature and humidity are further improved when both the TRMM and SMOS data are assimilated. In particular, the combined data assimilation reduces the prediction biases and root-mean-square errors, respectively, by 57% and 6% (for precipitation); 73% and 27% (for soil moisture); 17% and 9% (for 2-m temperature); and 33% and 11% (for 2-m specific humidity).

Full access
Peter J. Marinescu
Daniel Abdi
Kyle Hilburn
Isidora Jankov
, and
Liao-Fan Lin


Estimates of soil moisture from two National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) models are compared to in situ observations. The estimates are from a high-resolution atmospheric model with a land surface model [High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model] and a hydrologic model from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Both models produce wetter soils in dry regions and drier soils in wet regions, as compared to the in situ observations. These soil moisture differences occur at most soil depths but are larger at the deeper depths below the surface (100 cm). Comparisons of soil moisture variability are also assessed as a function of soil moisture regime. Both models have lower standard deviations as compared to the in situ observations for all soil moisture regimes. The HRRR model’s soil moisture is better correlated with in situ observations for drier soils as compared to wetter soils—a trend that was not present in the CPC model comparisons. In terms of seasonality, soil moisture comparisons vary depending on the metric, time of year, and soil moisture regime. Therefore, consideration of both the seasonality and soil moisture regime is needed to accurately determine model biases. These NOAA soil moisture estimates are used for a variety of forecasting and societal applications, and understanding their differences provides important context for their applications and can lead to model improvements.

Significance Statement

Soil moisture is an essential variable coupling the land surface to the atmosphere. Accurate estimates of soil moisture are important for forecasting near-surface temperature and moisture, predicting where clouds will form, and assessing drought and fire risks. There are multiple estimates of soil moisture available, and in this study, we compare soil moisture estimates from two different National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) models to in situ observations. These comparisons include both soil moisture amount and variability and are conducted at several soil depths, in different soil moisture regimes, and for different seasons and years. This comprehensive assessment allows for an accurate assessment of biases within these models that would be missed when conducting analyses more broadly.

Open access
Stanley G. Benjamin
Tatiana G. Smirnova
Eric P. James
Liao-Fan Lin
Ming Hu
David D. Turner
, and
Siwei He


Initialization methods are needed for geophysical components of Earth system prediction models. These methods are needed from medium-range to decadal predictions and also for short-range Earth system forecasts in support of safety (e.g., severe weather), economic (e.g., energy), and other applications. Strongly coupled land–atmosphere data assimilation (SCDA), producing balanced initial conditions across the land–atmosphere components, has not yet been introduced to operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems. Most NWP systems have evolved separate data assimilation (DA) procedures for the atmosphere versus land/snow system components. This separated method has been classified as a weakly coupled DA system (WCDA). In the NOAA operational short-range weather models, a moderately coupled land–snow–atmosphere assimilation method (MCLDA) has been implemented, a step forward from WCDA toward SCDA. The atmosphere and land (including snow) variables are both updated within the DA using the same set of observations (aircraft, radiosonde, satellite radiances, surface, etc.). Using this assimilation method, land surface state variables have cycled continuously for 6 years since 2015 for the 3-km NOAA HRRR model and with CONUS cycling since 1997. Month-long experiments were conducted with and without MCLDA for both winter and summer seasons using the 13-km Rapid Refresh model with atmosphere (50 levels), soil (9 levels), and snow (up to 2 layers if present) on the same horizontal grid. Improvements were evident for 2-m temperature for all times of day out to 6–12 h for both seasons but stronger in winter. Better temperature forecasts were also shown in the 1000–900-hPa layer corresponding roughly to the boundary layer.

Significance Statement

Accuracy of weather models depends on accurate initial conditions for soil temperature and moisture as well as for the atmosphere itself. This paper describes a moderately coupled data assimilation method that modifies soil conditions based on forecast error corrections indicated by atmospheric observations. This method has been tested for a month-long period in summer and winter and shown to consistently improve short-range forecasts of 2-m temperature and moisture. This coupled data assimilation method is used already in NOAA operational short-range models to improve its prediction skill for clouds, convective storms, and general weather conditions.

Open access
Zhiyong Meng
Xuefeng Meng
Chenggang Wang
Yipeng Huang
Shuhao Zhang
Hongjun Liu
Murong Zhang
Yijing Liu
Hao Huang
Lijuan Su
Quxin Cui
Feng Lu
Kun Zhao
Lei Zhu
Li Wang
Zhihua Zhou
Linchun Liu
Xuefeng Ma
Jiutao Shan
Yao Xiao
Daoru Zhu
Zhengwei Yang
Xucheng Zheng
Fan Bo
Lanqiang Bai
Xiaojuan Yao
Yonggang Sun
Manyun Lin
Zimeng Zheng
Liao Zhou
Xuelei Wang
Ke Liu
Luyi Chen
Lebao Yao
Ming Guan
Weikang Kong
Shaoyang Sun
Jiaxin Wang
Yikai Wu
Yaqi Qin
Xiaoying Jiang
Xiang Pan
Mufei Wang
Changan Zhang
Yanjun Tuo
Hanchao Li
Hui Li
Lixia Shi
Xiaohong Fang
Feng Zhu
Xin Sun
Jingbo Yun
Shiyun Liu
Huiqing Wang
Yawen Yang
Jingyi Wen
Peiyu Wang
Lanbo Liu
Nan Ren
Xiufeng Wu
Zhengyue Zhang
Jianyu Pei
Zhi Yang
, and
Cheng Xia


The heterogeneous land surface spanning the Yellow River irrigated oasis and the adjacent Kubuqi and Ulan Buh Desert (Hetao area) in Inner Mongolia, China, has been noted to frequently generate planetary boundary layer convergence line (BLCL), providing an important source of low-level lifting for convection initiation (CI). As the first field experiment to collect comprehensive observations of vegetation-contrast-resulting thermal circulations that consistently generate BLCLs and lead to CI, the DEsert-oasis COnvergence line and Deep convection Experiment (DECODE) was conducted from 5 July to 9 August 2022, in the Hetao area. Two oasis and four desert observation sites were set up in the region that exhibits the highest frequency of BLCL and CI occurrences, equipped with a suite of advanced instruments probing land-atmosphere interactions, planetary boundary layer processes, and evolution of BLCLs and their associated CI, including Doppler LiDARs, microwave radiometers, soil temperature and moisture sensors, eddy correlation systems, portable radiosondes, C-band polarimetric Doppler radar, aircraft, and Geostationary High-speed Imager onboard FY-4B satellite. DECODE captured 29 BLCLs (13 with CI), 66 gust fronts, 12 horizontal convective rolls, and one tornado. The observations unveiled full thermal circulations spanning the desert-oasis boundary characterized by a horizontal width of ∼25 km, a convergence height of ∼1 km above ground level (AGL), and divergence from 2 to ∼3.5 km AGL, with vertical wind speeds up to 2 m s1. Future publications stemming from DECODE will delve into a spectrum of scientific inquiries, including but not limited to land surface and boundary layer processes, BLCL dynamics, CI mechanisms, convective organization, predictability, and model evaluation, among others.

Open access