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  • Author or Editor: R. V. Anderson x
  • Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society x
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Rebecca E. Morss
Julie L. Demuth
Heather Lazrus
Leysia Palen
C. Michael Barton
Christopher A. Davis
Chris Snyder
Olga V. Wilhelmi
Kenneth M. Anderson
David A. Ahijevych
Jennings Anderson
Melissa Bica
Kathryn R. Fossell
Jennifer Henderson
Marina Kogan
Kevin Stowe
, and
Joshua Watts


During the last few decades, scientific capabilities for understanding and predicting weather and climate risks have advanced rapidly. At the same time, technological advances, such as the Internet, mobile devices, and social media, are transforming how people exchange and interact with information. In this modern information environment, risk communication, interpretation, and decision-making are rapidly evolving processes that intersect across space, time, and society. Instead of a linear or iterative process in which individual members of the public assess and respond to distinct pieces of weather forecast or warning information, this article conceives of weather prediction, communication, and decision-making as an interconnected dynamic system. In this expanded framework, information and uncertainty evolve in conjunction with people’s risk perceptions, vulnerabilities, and decisions as a hazardous weather threat approaches; these processes are intertwined with evolving social interactions in the physical and digital worlds. Along with the framework, the article presents two interdisciplinary research approaches for advancing the understanding of this complex system and the processes within it: analysis of social media streams and computational natural–human system modeling. Examples from ongoing research are used to demonstrate these approaches and illustrate the types of new insights they can reveal. This expanded perspective together with research approaches, such as those introduced, can help researchers and practitioners understand and improve the creation and communication of information in atmospheric science and other fields.

Open access
L. L. Pan
E. L. Atlas
R. J. Salawitch
S. B. Honomichl
J. F. Bresch
W. J. Randel
E. C. Apel
R. S. Hornbrook
A. J. Weinheimer
D. C. Anderson
S. J. Andrews
S. Baidar
S. P. Beaton
T. L. Campos
L. J. Carpenter
D. Chen
B. Dix
V. Donets
S. R. Hall
T. F. Hanisco
C. R. Homeyer
L. G. Huey
J. B. Jensen
L. Kaser
D. E. Kinnison
T. K. Koenig
J.-F. Lamarque
C. Liu
J. Luo
Z. J. Luo
D. D. Montzka
J. M. Nicely
R. B. Pierce
D. D. Riemer
T. Robinson
P. Romashkin
A. Saiz-Lopez
S. Schauffler
O. Shieh
M. H. Stell
K. Ullmann
G. Vaughan
R. Volkamer
, and
G. Wolfe


The Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) experiment was conducted from Guam (13.5°N, 144.8°E) during January–February 2014. Using the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream V research aircraft, the experiment investigated the photochemical environment over the tropical western Pacific (TWP) warm pool, a region of massive deep convection and the major pathway for air to enter the stratosphere during Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. The new observations provide a wealth of information for quantifying the influence of convection on the vertical distributions of active species. The airborne in situ measurements up to 15-km altitude fill a significant gap by characterizing the abundance and altitude variation of a wide suite of trace gases. These measurements, together with observations of dynamical and microphysical parameters, provide significant new data for constraining and evaluating global chemistry–climate models. Measurements include precursor and product gas species of reactive halogen compounds that impact ozone in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere. High-accuracy, in situ measurements of ozone obtained during CONTRAST quantify ozone concentration profiles in the upper troposphere, where previous observations from balloonborne ozonesondes were often near or below the limit of detection. CONTRAST was one of the three coordinated experiments to observe the TWP during January–February 2014. Together, CONTRAST, Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX), and Coordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST), using complementary capabilities of the three aircraft platforms as well as ground-based instrumentation, provide a comprehensive quantification of the regional distribution and vertical structure of natural and pollutant trace gases in the TWP during NH winter, from the oceanic boundary to the lower stratosphere.

Full access
Bruce A. Wielicki
D. F. Young
M. G. Mlynczak
K. J. Thome
S. Leroy
J. Corliss
J. G. Anderson
C. O. Ao
R. Bantges
F. Best
K. Bowman
H. Brindley
J. J. Butler
W. Collins
J. A. Dykema
D. R. Doelling
D. R. Feldman
N. Fox
X. Huang
R. Holz
Y. Huang
Z. Jin
D. Jennings
D. G. Johnson
K. Jucks
S. Kato
D. B. Kirk-Davidoff
R. Knuteson
G. Kopp
D. P. Kratz
X. Liu
C. Lukashin
A. J. Mannucci
N. Phojanamongkolkij
P. Pilewskie
V. Ramaswamy
H. Revercomb
J. Rice
Y. Roberts
C. M. Roithmayr
F. Rose
S. Sandford
E. L. Shirley
Sr. W. L. Smith
B. Soden
P. W. Speth
W. Sun
P. C. Taylor
D. Tobin
, and
X. Xiong

The Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission will provide a calibration laboratory in orbit for the purpose of accurately measuring and attributing climate change. CLARREO measurements establish new climate change benchmarks with high absolute radiometric accuracy and high statistical confidence across a wide range of essential climate variables. CLARREO's inherently high absolute accuracy will be verified and traceable on orbit to Système Internationale (SI) units. The benchmarks established by CLARREO will be critical for assessing changes in the Earth system and climate model predictive capabilities for decades into the future as society works to meet the challenge of optimizing strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change. The CLARREO benchmarks are derived from measurements of the Earth's thermal infrared spectrum (5–50 μm), the spectrum of solar radiation reflected by the Earth and its atmosphere (320–2300 nm), and radio occultation refractivity from which accurate temperature profiles are derived. The mission has the ability to provide new spectral fingerprints of climate change, as well as to provide the first orbiting radiometer with accuracy sufficient to serve as the reference transfer standard for other space sensors, in essence serving as a “NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] in orbit.” CLARREO will greatly improve the accuracy and relevance of a wide range of space-borne instruments for decadal climate change. Finally, CLARREO has developed new metrics and methods for determining the accuracy requirements of climate observations for a wide range of climate variables and uncertainty sources. These methods should be useful for improving our understanding of observing requirements for most climate change observations.

Full access
C. L. Reddington
K. S. Carslaw
P. Stier
N. Schutgens
H. Coe
D. Liu
J. Allan
J. Browse
K. J. Pringle
L. A. Lee
M. Yoshioka
J. S. Johnson
L. A. Regayre
D. V. Spracklen
G. W. Mann
A. Clarke
M. Hermann
S. Henning
H. Wex
T. B. Kristensen
W. R. Leaitch
U. Pöschl
D. Rose
M. O. Andreae
J. Schmale
Y. Kondo
N. Oshima
J. P. Schwarz
A. Nenes
B. Anderson
G. C. Roberts
J. R. Snider
C. Leck
P. K. Quinn
X. Chi
A. Ding
J. L. Jimenez
, and
Q. Zhang


The largest uncertainty in the historical radiative forcing of climate is caused by changes in aerosol particles due to anthropogenic activity. Sophisticated aerosol microphysics processes have been included in many climate models in an effort to reduce the uncertainty. However, the models are very challenging to evaluate and constrain because they require extensive in situ measurements of the particle size distribution, number concentration, and chemical composition that are not available from global satellite observations. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP) aims to improve the robustness of global aerosol models by combining new methodologies for quantifying model uncertainty, to create an extensive global dataset of aerosol in situ microphysical and chemical measurements, and to develop new ways to assess the uncertainty associated with comparing sparse point measurements with low-resolution models. GASSP has assembled over 45,000 hours of measurements from ships and aircraft as well as data from over 350 ground stations. The measurements have been harmonized into a standardized format that is easily used by modelers and nonspecialist users. Available measurements are extensive, but they are biased to polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere, leaving large pristine regions and many continental areas poorly sampled. The aerosol radiative forcing uncertainty can be reduced using a rigorous model–data synthesis approach. Nevertheless, our research highlights significant remaining challenges because of the difficulty of constraining many interwoven model uncertainties simultaneously. Although the physical realism of global aerosol models still needs to be improved, the uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing will be reduced most effectively by systematically and rigorously constraining the models using extensive syntheses of measurements.

Open access
Rob Cifelli
V. Chandrasekar
L. Herdman
D. D. Turner
A. B. White
T. I. Alcott
M. Anderson
P. Barnard
S. K. Biswas
M. Boucher
J. Bytheway
H. Chen
H. Cutler
J. M. English
L. Erikson
F. Junyent
D. J. Gottas
J. Jasperse
L. E. Johnson
J. Krebs
J. van de Lindt
J. Kim
M. Leon
Y. Ma
M. Marquis
W. Moninger
G. Pratt
C. Radhakrishnan
M. Shields
J. Spaulding
B. Tehranirad
, and
R. Webb


Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information (AQPI) is a synergistic project that combines observations and models to improve monitoring and forecasts of precipitation, streamflow, and coastal flooding in the San Francisco Bay Area. As an experimental system, AQPI leverages more than a decade of research, innovation, and implementation of a statewide, state-of-the-art network of observations, and development of the next generation of weather and coastal forecast models. AQPI was developed as a prototype in response to requests from the water management community for improved information on precipitation, riverine, and coastal conditions to inform their decision-making processes. Observation of precipitation in the complex Bay Area landscape of California’s coastal mountain ranges is known to be a challenging problem. But, with new advanced radar network techniques, AQPI is helping fill an important observational gap for this highly populated and vulnerable metropolitan area. The prototype AQPI system consists of improved weather radar data for precipitation estimation; additional surface measurements of precipitation, streamflow, and soil moisture; and a suite of integrated forecast modeling systems to improve situational awareness about current and future water conditions from sky to sea. Together these tools will help improve emergency preparedness and public response to prevent loss of life and destruction of property during extreme storms accompanied by heavy precipitation and high coastal water levels—especially high-moisture laden atmospheric rivers. The Bay Area AQPI system could potentially be replicated in other urban regions in California, the United States, and worldwide.

Open access
M. Ades
R. Adler
Rob Allan
R. P. Allan
J. Anderson
Anthony Argüez
C. Arosio
J. A. Augustine
C. Azorin-Molina
J. Barichivich
J. Barnes
H. E. Beck
Andreas Becker
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
David I. Berry
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier. Bock
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier. Boucher
S. A. Buehler
Laura. Carrea
Hanne H. Christiansen
F. Chouza
John R. Christy
E.-S. Chung
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Gil P. Compo
Owen R. Cooper
Curt Covey
A. Crotwell
Sean M. Davis
Elvira de Eyto
Richard A. M de Jeu
B.V. VanderSat
Curtis L. DeGasperi
Doug Degenstein
Larry Di Girolamo
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Imke Durre
Geoff S. Dutton
G. Duveiller
James W. Elkins
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Richard A. Frey
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
J. Garforth
S. K. Gupta
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Ian Harris
Andrew K Heidinger
D. L. Hemming
Shu-peng (Ben) Ho
Daan Hubert
Dale F. Hurst
I. Hüser
Antje Inness
K. Isaksen
Viju John
Philip D. Jones
J. W. Kaiser
S. Kelly
S. Khaykin
R. Kidd
Hyungiun Kim
Z. Kipling
B. M. Kraemer
D. P. Kratz
R. S. La Fuente
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
T. Leblanc
Bailing Li
Norman G Loeb
Craig S. Long
Diego Loyola
Wlodzimierz Marszelewski
B. Martens
Linda May
Michael Mayer
M. F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
W. Paul Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Ben R. Miller
Diego G. Miralles
Stephen A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Jens Mühle
R. Myneni
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Tim J. Osborn
T. Park
A. Pasik
Andrew M. Paterson
Mauri S. Pelto
S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick
G. Pétron
C. Phillips
Bernard Pinty
S. Po-Chedley
L. Polvani
W. Preimesberger
M. Pulkkanen
W. J. Randel
Samuel Rémy
L. Ricciardulli
A. D. Richardson
L. Rieger
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
Karen H. Rosenlof
Chris Roth
A. Rozanov
James A. Rusak
O. Rusanovskaya
T. Rutishäuser
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
P. Sawaengphokhai
T. Scanlon
Verena Schenzinger
S. Geoffey Schladow
R. W Schlegel
Eawag Schmid, Martin
H. B. Selkirk
S. Sharma
Lei Shi
S. V. Shimaraeva
E. A. Silow
Adrian J. Simmons
C. A. Smith
Sharon L Smith
B. J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
T. H. Sparks
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Dimitri A. Streletskiy
G. Taha
Hagen Telg
S. J. Thackeray
M. A. Timofeyev
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald J. van der A
Robin, VanderSat B.V. van der Schalie
Gerard van der SchrierW. Paul
Guido R. van der Werf
Piet Verburg
Jean-Paul Vernier
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray Wang
Shohei G. Watanabe
Mark Weber
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer
David Wiese
Anne C. Wilber
Jeanette D. Wild
Takmeng Wong
R. Iestyn Woolway
Xungang Yin
Lin Zhao
Guanguo Zhao
Xinjia Zhou
Jerry R. Ziemke
, and
Markus Ziese
Free access
Christopher J. White
Daniela I. V. Domeisen
Nachiketa Acharya
Elijah A. Adefisan
Michael L. Anderson
Stella Aura
Ahmed A. Balogun
Douglas Bertram
Sonia Bluhm
David J. Brayshaw
Jethro Browell
Dominik Büeler
Andrew Charlton-Perez
Xandre Chourio
Isadora Christel
Caio A. S. Coelho
Michael J. DeFlorio
Luca Delle Monache
Francesca Di Giuseppe
Ana María García-Solórzano
Peter B. Gibson
Lisa Goddard
Carmen González Romero
Richard J. Graham
Robert M. Graham
Christian M. Grams
Alan Halford
W. T. Katty Huang
Kjeld Jensen
Mary Kilavi
Kamoru A. Lawal
Robert W. Lee
David MacLeod
Andrea Manrique-Suñén
Eduardo S. P. R. Martins
Carolyn J. Maxwell
William J. Merryfield
Ángel G. Muñoz
Eniola Olaniyan
George Otieno
John A. Oyedepo
Lluís Palma
Ilias G. Pechlivanidis
Diego Pons
F. Martin Ralph
Dirceu S. Reis Jr.
Tomas A. Remenyi
James S. Risbey
Donald J. C. Robertson
Andrew W. Robertson
Stefan Smith
Albert Soret
Ting Sun
Martin C. Todd
Carly R. Tozer
Francisco C. Vasconcelos Jr.
Ilaria Vigo
Duane E. Waliser
Fredrik Wetterhall
, and
Robert G. Wilson


The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictive time scale, encompassing lead times ranging from 2 weeks to a season, is at the frontier of forecasting science. Forecasts on this time scale provide opportunities for enhanced application-focused capabilities to complement existing weather and climate services and products. There is, however, a “knowledge–value” gap, where a lack of evidence and awareness of the potential socioeconomic benefits of S2S forecasts limits their wider uptake. To address this gap, here we present the first global community effort at summarizing relevant applications of S2S forecasts to guide further decision-making and support the continued development of S2S forecasts and related services. Focusing on 12 sectoral case studies spanning public health, agriculture, water resource management, renewable energy and utilities, and emergency management and response, we draw on recent advancements to explore their application and utility. These case studies mark a significant step forward in moving from potential to actual S2S forecasting applications. We show that by placing user needs at the forefront of S2S forecast development—demonstrating both skill and utility across sectors—this dialogue can be used to help promote and accelerate the awareness, value, and cogeneration of S2S forecasts. We also highlight that while S2S forecasts are increasingly gaining interest among users, incorporating probabilistic S2S forecasts into existing decision-making operations is not trivial. Nevertheless, S2S forecasting represents a significant opportunity to generate useful, usable, and actionable forecast applications for and with users that will increasingly unlock the potential of this forecasting time scale.

Full access
Robert J. H. Dunn
F. Aldred
Nadine Gobron
John B. Miller
Kate M. Willett
M. Ades
Robert Adler
Richard, P. Allan
Rob Allan
J. Anderson
Anthony Argüez
C. Arosio
John A. Augustine
C. Azorin-Molina
J. Barichivich
H. E. Beck
Andreas Becker
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
David I. Berry
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
X. Bodin
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
S. A. Buehler
B. Calmettes
Laura Carrea
Laura Castia
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
E.-S. Chung
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
J.-F. Cretaux
M. Crotwell
Sean M. Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
R. Delaloye
Larry Di Girolamo
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Imke Durre
Geoff S. Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
James W. Elkins
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
J. Garforth
Matthew Gentry
S. K. Gupta
S. Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Ian Harris
D. L. Hemming
M. Hirschi
Shu-pen (Ben) Ho
F. Hrbacek
Daan Hubert
Dale F. Hurst
Antje Inness
K. Isaksen
Viju O. John
Philip D. Jones
Robert Junod
J. W. Kaiser
V. Kaufmann
A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Elizabeth C. Kent
R. Kidd
Hyungjun Kim
Z. Kipling
A. Koppa
B. M. Kraemer
D. P. Kratz
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
D. Lavers
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
R. Madelon
Michael Mayer
M. F. McCabe
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Christopher J. Merchant
Diego G. Miralles
L. Moesinger
Stephen A. Montzka
Colin Morice
L. Mösinger
Jens Mühle
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Ben Noll
J. O’Keefe
Tim J. Osborn
T. Park
A. J. Pasik
C. Pellet
Maury S. Pelto
S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick
G. Petron
Coda Phillips
S. Po-Chedley
L. Polvani
W. Preimesberger
D. G. Rains
W. J. Randel
Nick A. Rayner
Samuel Rémy
L. Ricciardulli
A. D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
N. J. Rodríguez-Fernández
K.H. Rosenlof
C. Roth
A. Rozanov
T. Rutishäuser
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
P. Sawaengphokhai
T. Scanlon
Verena Schenzinger
R. W. Schlegel
S. Sharma
Lei Shi
Adrian J. Simmons
Carolina Siso
Sharon L. Smith
B. J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
T. H. Sparks
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Martin Stengel
Dimitri A. Streletskiy
Sunny Sun-Mack
P. Tans
S. J. Thackeray
E. Thibert
D. Tokuda
Kleareti Tourpali
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
M. van der Vliet
Guido R. van der Werf
A. Vance
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray Wang
Markus Weber
David Wiese
Anne C. Wilber
Jeanette D. Wild
Takmeng Wong
R. Iestyn Woolway
Xinjia Zhou
Xungang Yin
Guangyu Zhao
Lin Zhao
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
, and
R. M. Zotta
Free access
R. J. H. Dunn
J. Blannin
N. Gobron
J. B. Miller
K. M. Willett
Melanie Ades
Robert Adler
Mihai Alexe
Richard P. Allan
John Anderson
Orlane Anneville
Yasuyuki Aono
Anthony Arguez
Dolores Armenteras Pascual
Carlo Arosio
Elizabeth Asher
John A. Augustine
Cesar Azorin-Molina
Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva
J. Barichivich
Hylke E. Beck
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
Xavier Bodin
Olivier Bonte
Michael G. Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
Stefan A. Buehler
Michael P. Byrne
Diego Campos
Fabrizio Cappucci
Laura Carrea
Kai-Lan Chang
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
Eui-Seok Chung
Laura M. Ciasto
Scott Clingan
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
Jean-Francois Crétaux
Theresa Crimmins
Molly Crotwell
Joshua Culpepper
Diego Cusicanqui
Sean Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
Reynald Delaloye
Elizabeth DiGangi
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Diane Duchemin
Hilary Dugan
Imke Durre
Geoff Dutton
Gregory Duveiller
Thomas W. Estilow
Nicole Estrella
David Fereday
Vitali E. Fioletov
Johannes Flemming
Michael J. Foster
Thomas Frederikse
Stacey M. Frith
Lucien Froidevaux
Martin Füllekrug
Judith Garforth
Jay Garg
Sophie Godin-Beekmann
Steven Goodman
Atsushi Goto
Alice Grimm
Alexander Gruber
Guojun Gu
Mauro Guglielmin
Sebastian Hahn
Leopold Haimberger
Brad D. Hall
Merritt E. Harlan
I. Harris
Deborah L. Hemming
Martin Hirschi
Shu-peng (Ben) Ho
Robert Holzworth
Radley M. Horton
Filip Hrbáček
Guojie Hu
Dale Hurst
Antje Inness
Ketil Isaksen
Viju O. John
P. D. Jones
Robert Junod
Andreas Kääb
Johannes W. Kaiser
Viktor Kaufmann
Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Sergey Khaykin
Richard Kidd
Tyler V. King
Zak Kipling
Akash Koppa
Benjamin M. Kraemer
R. Sofia La Fuente
Alo Laas
Xin Lan
Kathleen O. Lantz
Jeff Lapierre
David A. Lavers
Thierry Leblanc
Eric Leibensperger
Chris Lennard
Ben Liley
Yakun Liu
Y. T. Eunice Lo
Norman G. Loeb
Diego Loyola
Florence Magnin
Shin-Ichiro Matsuzaki
Tom Matthews
Michael Mayer
Michael McCarthy
Tim R. McVicar
Carl A. Mears
Annette Menzel
Christopher J. Merchant
Leo-Juhani Merio
Michael F. Meyer
Diego G. Miralles
Stephan A. Montzka
Colin Morice
Isamu Morino
Ivan Mrekaj
Jens Mühle
D. Nance
Julien P. Nicolas
Jeannette Noetzli
Ben Noll
John O’Keefe
Tim J. Osborn
Mark Parrington
Cécile Pellet
Mauri S. Pelto
Kyle Petersen
Coda Phillips
Don Pierson
Izidine Pinto
Stephen Po-Chedley
Paolo Pogliotti
Lorenzo Polvani
Wolfgang Preimesberger
Colin Price
William J. Randel
Colin Raymond
Samuel Rémy
Lucrezia Ricciardulli
Andrew D. Richardson
David A. Robinson
Matthew Rodell
Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
Cassandra D. W. Rogers
P. Rohini
Karen Rosenlof
Alexei Rozanov
Jozef Rozkošný
Olga O. Rusanovskaya
This Rutishauser
C. T. Sabeerali
Ryan Said
Tetsu Sakai
Ahira Sánchez-Lugo
Parnchai Sawaengphokhai
Verena Schenzinger
Robert W. Schlegel
Martin Schmid
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Fumi Sezaki
Xi Shao
Sapna Sharma
Lei Shi
Svetlana V. Shimaraeva
Ryuichiro Shinohara
Eugene A. Silow
Adrian J. Simmons
Sharon L. Smith
Brian J. Soden
Viktoria Sofieva
Logan Soldo
O. P. Sreejith
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Ryan Stauffer
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
Andrea K. Steiner
Paul C. Stoy
Pietro Stradiotti
Dmitry A. Streletskiy
Ghassan Taha
Stephen J. Thackeray
Emmanuel Thibert
Maxim A. Timofeyev
Kleareti Tourpali
Emma Tronquo
Mari R. Tye
Ronald van der A
Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
Arnold J. H. van Vliet
Piet Verburg
Jean-Paul Vernier
Isaac J. Vimont
Katrina Virts
Sebastián Vivero
Holger Vömel
Russell S. Vose
Ray H. J. Wang
Taran Warnock
Mark Weber
David N. Wiese
Jeannette D. Wild
Earle Williams
Takmeng Wong
Richard Iestyn Woolway
Xungang Yin
Zhenzhong Zeng
Lin Zhao
Feng Zhong
Jerry R. Ziemke
Markus Ziese
Ruxandra M. Zotta
, and
Cheng-Zhi Zou
Open access
Robert J. H. Dunn
John B. Miller
Kate M. Willett
Nadine Gobron
Melanie Ades
Robert Adler
Mihai Alexe
Richard P. Allan
John Anderson
Orlane Anneville
Yasuyuki Aono
Anthony Arguez
Carlo Arosio
John A. Augustine
Cesar Azorin-Molina
Jonathan Barichivich
John E. Barnes
Hylke E. Beck
Nicolas Bellouin
Angela Benedetti
Kevin Blagrave
Stephen Blenkinsop
Olivier Bock
Xavier Bodin
Michael Bosilovich
Olivier Boucher
Dennis Buechler
Stefan A. Buehler
Diego Campos
Laura Carrea
Kai-Lan Chang
Hanne H. Christiansen
John R. Christy
Eui-Seok Chung
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Scott Clingan
Melanie Coldewey-Egbers
Owen R. Cooper
Richard C. Cornes
Curt Covey
Jean-François Créatux
Theresa Crimmins
Thomas Cropper
Molly Crotwell
Joshua Culpepper
Diego Cusicanqui
Sean M. Davis
Richard A. M. de Jeu
Doug Degenstein
Reynald Delaloye
Martin T. Dokulil
Markus G. Donat
Wouter A. Dorigo
Hilary A. Dugan
Imke Durre
Geoff Dutton
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Nicole Estrella
David Fereday
Vitali E. Fioletov
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Lucien Froidevaux
Martin Füllekrug
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Jay Garg
Badin Gibbes
Steven Goodman
Atsushi Goto
Alexander Gruber
Guojun Gu
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Leopold Haimberger
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Ian Harris
Deborah L. Hemming
Martin Hirschi
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Yakun Liu
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Tim R. McVicar
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Leander Moesinger
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Taejin Park
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Mauri S. Pelto
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Coda Phillips
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Izidine Pinto
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Paolo Pogliotti
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William J. Randel
Samuel Rémy
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David A. Robinson
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Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
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Alexei Rozanov
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Eugene A. Silow
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O.P. Sreejith
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
Ryan Stauffer
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
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Emmanuel Thibert
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Robin van der Schalie
Gerard van der Schrier
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Jean-Paul Vernier
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Holger Vömel
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Ray H. J. Wang
Xinyue Wang
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Markus Ziese
Ruxandra M. Zotta
Cheng-Zhi Zou
Jessicca Allen
Amy V. Camper
Bridgette O. Haley
Gregory Hammer
S. Elizabeth Love-Brotak
Laura Ohlmann
Lukas Noguchi
Deborah B. Riddle
, and
Sara W. Veasey
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