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- Author or Editor: Robert A. Kropfli x
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology x
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When observing clouds with radars, there are a number of design parameters, such as transmitted power, antenna size, and wavelength, that can affect the detection threshold. In making calculations of radar thresholds, also known as minimum sensitivities, it is usually assumed that the radar pulse volume is completely filled with targets. In this paper, the issue of partial beam filling, which results, for instance, if a cloud is thin with respect to the pulse length, or measurements are being made near cloud edges, is investigated. This study pursues this question by using measurements of radar reflectivities made with a 35-GHz, surface-based radar with 37.5-m pulse lengths, and computing how reflectivity statistics would be affected if the same clouds and/or precipitation had been observed with a radar with a 450-m pulse length. In a dataset measured during winter over a midcontinental site, partial beamfilling degraded the percentage of clouds detected by about 22% if it was assumed that the minimum detection threshold was −30 dBZ. In a second dataset collected during summer over a summertime subtropical site that was dominated by thin, boundary layer stratus, partial beam filling degraded the percentage of clouds detected by 38%, again assuming a minimum detection threshold of −30 dBZ. This study provides a preliminary indication of how radar reflectivity statistics from a spaceborne cloud radar may be impacted by design constraints, which would mandate a pulse length of around 500 m and a minimum detection threshold of around −30 dBZ.
When observing clouds with radars, there are a number of design parameters, such as transmitted power, antenna size, and wavelength, that can affect the detection threshold. In making calculations of radar thresholds, also known as minimum sensitivities, it is usually assumed that the radar pulse volume is completely filled with targets. In this paper, the issue of partial beam filling, which results, for instance, if a cloud is thin with respect to the pulse length, or measurements are being made near cloud edges, is investigated. This study pursues this question by using measurements of radar reflectivities made with a 35-GHz, surface-based radar with 37.5-m pulse lengths, and computing how reflectivity statistics would be affected if the same clouds and/or precipitation had been observed with a radar with a 450-m pulse length. In a dataset measured during winter over a midcontinental site, partial beamfilling degraded the percentage of clouds detected by about 22% if it was assumed that the minimum detection threshold was −30 dBZ. In a second dataset collected during summer over a summertime subtropical site that was dominated by thin, boundary layer stratus, partial beam filling degraded the percentage of clouds detected by 38%, again assuming a minimum detection threshold of −30 dBZ. This study provides a preliminary indication of how radar reflectivity statistics from a spaceborne cloud radar may be impacted by design constraints, which would mandate a pulse length of around 500 m and a minimum detection threshold of around −30 dBZ.
A method is presented that estimates particle fall velocities from Doppler velocity and reflectivity measurements taken with a vertically pointing Doppler radar. The method is applicable to uniform, stratified clouds and is applied here to cirrus clouds. A unique aspect of the technique consists of partitioning the Doppler velocities into discrete cloud height and cloud reflectivity bins prior to temporal averaging. The first step of the method is to temporally average the partitioned Doppler velocities over an hour or two to remove the effects of small-scale vertical air motions. This establishes relationships between particle fall velocity and radar reflectivity at various levels within the cloud. Comparisons with aircraft in situ observations from other experiments show consistency with the remote-sensing observations. These results suggest that particle fall speeds can be determined to within 5–10 cm s−1 by means of this technique.
A method is presented that estimates particle fall velocities from Doppler velocity and reflectivity measurements taken with a vertically pointing Doppler radar. The method is applicable to uniform, stratified clouds and is applied here to cirrus clouds. A unique aspect of the technique consists of partitioning the Doppler velocities into discrete cloud height and cloud reflectivity bins prior to temporal averaging. The first step of the method is to temporally average the partitioned Doppler velocities over an hour or two to remove the effects of small-scale vertical air motions. This establishes relationships between particle fall velocity and radar reflectivity at various levels within the cloud. Comparisons with aircraft in situ observations from other experiments show consistency with the remote-sensing observations. These results suggest that particle fall speeds can be determined to within 5–10 cm s−1 by means of this technique.
A remote-sensing technique called TRACIR (tracking air with circular-polarization radar) was developed recently for studying air-parcel trajectories in clouds. The technique uses a dual-circular-polarization radar to detect microwave chaff fibers that serve as tracers of the air motion. The radar is able to detect the chaff inside clouds and precipitation by measuring the circular-depolarization ratio, which is much higher for chaff than for hydrometeors. Chaff concentrations are also estimated by the technique, thus permitting turbulent diffusion in clouds to be examined. Demonstrations of TRACIR's capabilities are presented for three cases in which chaff was used to simulate the movement of cloud-seeding nuclei in clouds and precipitation. In two cases involving airborne chaff releases, the gradual drift and diffusion of chaff in a stratiform cloud are contrasted with its abrupt transport and dispersion in a convective cloud. In the third case study, the technique successfully detected a plume of chaff released from the ground in a snowstorm. In each case the radar data provided three-dimensional visualizations of the extent of the chaff region and maps of the chaff concentration with excellent spatial and temporal resolution.
A remote-sensing technique called TRACIR (tracking air with circular-polarization radar) was developed recently for studying air-parcel trajectories in clouds. The technique uses a dual-circular-polarization radar to detect microwave chaff fibers that serve as tracers of the air motion. The radar is able to detect the chaff inside clouds and precipitation by measuring the circular-depolarization ratio, which is much higher for chaff than for hydrometeors. Chaff concentrations are also estimated by the technique, thus permitting turbulent diffusion in clouds to be examined. Demonstrations of TRACIR's capabilities are presented for three cases in which chaff was used to simulate the movement of cloud-seeding nuclei in clouds and precipitation. In two cases involving airborne chaff releases, the gradual drift and diffusion of chaff in a stratiform cloud are contrasted with its abrupt transport and dispersion in a convective cloud. In the third case study, the technique successfully detected a plume of chaff released from the ground in a snowstorm. In each case the radar data provided three-dimensional visualizations of the extent of the chaff region and maps of the chaff concentration with excellent spatial and temporal resolution.
An approach to distinguish between various types of ice hydrometeors and to estimate their shapes using radar polarization measurements is discussed. It is shown that elevation angle dependencies of radar depolarization ratios can be used to distinguish between planar crystals, columnar crystals, and aggregates in reasonably homogeneous stratiform clouds. Absolute values of these ratios depend on the reflectivity-weighted mean particle aspect ratio in the polarization plane. Circular depolarization ratios depend on this ratio, and linear depolarization ratios depend on this ratio and particle orientation in the polarization plane. The use of nearly circular elliptical polarization provides a means of measuring depolarization for low reflectivity scatterers when the circular polarization fails due to low signal level in one of the receiving channels. Modeling of radar backscattering was applied to the elliptical depolarization ratios as measured by the Ka-band radar developed at the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory. Experimental data taken during the Winter Icing and Storms Instrument Test experiment in 1993 generally confirmed the calculations and demonstrated the applicability of the approach.
An approach to distinguish between various types of ice hydrometeors and to estimate their shapes using radar polarization measurements is discussed. It is shown that elevation angle dependencies of radar depolarization ratios can be used to distinguish between planar crystals, columnar crystals, and aggregates in reasonably homogeneous stratiform clouds. Absolute values of these ratios depend on the reflectivity-weighted mean particle aspect ratio in the polarization plane. Circular depolarization ratios depend on this ratio, and linear depolarization ratios depend on this ratio and particle orientation in the polarization plane. The use of nearly circular elliptical polarization provides a means of measuring depolarization for low reflectivity scatterers when the circular polarization fails due to low signal level in one of the receiving channels. Modeling of radar backscattering was applied to the elliptical depolarization ratios as measured by the Ka-band radar developed at the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory. Experimental data taken during the Winter Icing and Storms Instrument Test experiment in 1993 generally confirmed the calculations and demonstrated the applicability of the approach.
A remote sensing capability is needed to detect clouds of supercooled, drizzle-sized droplets, which are a major aircraft icing hazard. Discrimination among clouds of differing ice particle types is also important because both the presence and type of ice influence the survival of liquid in a cloud and the chances for occurrence of these large, most hazardous droplets. This work shows how millimeter-wavelength dual-polarization radar can be used to identify these differing hydrometeors. It also shows that by measuring the depolarization ratio (DR), the estimation of the hydrometeor type can be accomplished deterministically for drizzle droplets; ice particles of regular shapes; and to a considerable extent, the more irregular ice particles, and that discrimination is strongly influenced by the polarization state of the transmitted microwave radiation. Thus, appropriate selection of the polarization state is emphasized.
The selection of an optimal polarization state involves trade-offs in competing factors such as the functional dynamic range of DR, sensitivity to low-reflectivity clouds, and insensitivity to oscillations in the settling orientations of ice crystals. A 45° slant, quasi-linear polarization state, one in which only slight ellipticity is introduced, was found to offer a very good compromise, providing considerable advantages over standard horizontal and substantially elliptical polarizations. This was determined by theoretical scattering calculations that were verified experimentally in field measurements conducted during the Mount Washington Icing Sensors Project (MWISP). A selectable-dual-polarization Ka-band (8.66-mm wavelength) radar was used. A wide variety of hydrometeor types was sampled. Clear differentiation among planar crystals, columnar crystals, and drizzle droplets was achieved. Also, differentiation among crystals of fundamentally different shapes (aspect ratios) within each of the planar and columnar families was found possible. These distinctions matched calculations of DR, usually to within 1 or 2 dB. The results from MWISP and from previous experiments with other polarizations have demonstrated that the agreement between theory and measurements by this method is repeatable. Additionally, although less rigorously predicted by theory, the field measurements demonstrated substantial differentiation among the more irregular and more spherical ice particles, including aggregates, elongated aggregates, heavily rimed dendrites, and graupel. Measurable separation between these various irregular ice particle types and drizzle droplets was also verified.
A remote sensing capability is needed to detect clouds of supercooled, drizzle-sized droplets, which are a major aircraft icing hazard. Discrimination among clouds of differing ice particle types is also important because both the presence and type of ice influence the survival of liquid in a cloud and the chances for occurrence of these large, most hazardous droplets. This work shows how millimeter-wavelength dual-polarization radar can be used to identify these differing hydrometeors. It also shows that by measuring the depolarization ratio (DR), the estimation of the hydrometeor type can be accomplished deterministically for drizzle droplets; ice particles of regular shapes; and to a considerable extent, the more irregular ice particles, and that discrimination is strongly influenced by the polarization state of the transmitted microwave radiation. Thus, appropriate selection of the polarization state is emphasized.
The selection of an optimal polarization state involves trade-offs in competing factors such as the functional dynamic range of DR, sensitivity to low-reflectivity clouds, and insensitivity to oscillations in the settling orientations of ice crystals. A 45° slant, quasi-linear polarization state, one in which only slight ellipticity is introduced, was found to offer a very good compromise, providing considerable advantages over standard horizontal and substantially elliptical polarizations. This was determined by theoretical scattering calculations that were verified experimentally in field measurements conducted during the Mount Washington Icing Sensors Project (MWISP). A selectable-dual-polarization Ka-band (8.66-mm wavelength) radar was used. A wide variety of hydrometeor types was sampled. Clear differentiation among planar crystals, columnar crystals, and drizzle droplets was achieved. Also, differentiation among crystals of fundamentally different shapes (aspect ratios) within each of the planar and columnar families was found possible. These distinctions matched calculations of DR, usually to within 1 or 2 dB. The results from MWISP and from previous experiments with other polarizations have demonstrated that the agreement between theory and measurements by this method is repeatable. Additionally, although less rigorously predicted by theory, the field measurements demonstrated substantial differentiation among the more irregular and more spherical ice particles, including aggregates, elongated aggregates, heavily rimed dendrites, and graupel. Measurable separation between these various irregular ice particle types and drizzle droplets was also verified.
Ice cloud microphysical parameters derived from a remote sensing method that uses ground-based measurements from the Environmental Technology Laboratory’s Ka-band radar and an IR radiometer are compared to those obtained from aircraft sampling for the cirrus priority event from the FIRE-II experiment. Aircraft cloud samples were taken not only by traditional two-dimensional probes but also by using a new video sampler to account for small particles. The cloud parameter comparisons were made for time intervals when aircraft were passing approximately above ground-based instruments that were pointed vertically. Comparing characteristic particle sizes expressed in terms of median mass diameters of equal-volume spheres yielded a relative standard deviation of about 30%. The corresponding standard deviation for the cloud ice water content comparisons was about 55%. Such an agreement is considered good given uncertainties of both direct and remote approaches and several orders of magnitude in natural variability of ice cloud parameters. Values of reflectivity measured by the radar and calculated from aircraft samples also showed a reasonable agreement; however, calculated reflectivities averaged approximately 2 dB smaller than those measured. The possible reasons for this small bias are discussed. Ground-based and aircraft-derived particle characteristic sizes are compared to those available from published satellite measurements of this parameter for the cirrus priority case from FIRE-II. Finally, simultaneous and collocated, ground-based measurements of visible (0.523 nm) and longwave IR (10–11.4 μm) ice cloud extinction optical thickness obtained during the 1995 Arizona Program are also compared. These comparisons, performed for different cloud conditions, revealed a relative standard deviation of less than 20%;however, no systematic excess of visible extinction over IR extinction was observed in the considered experimental events.
Ice cloud microphysical parameters derived from a remote sensing method that uses ground-based measurements from the Environmental Technology Laboratory’s Ka-band radar and an IR radiometer are compared to those obtained from aircraft sampling for the cirrus priority event from the FIRE-II experiment. Aircraft cloud samples were taken not only by traditional two-dimensional probes but also by using a new video sampler to account for small particles. The cloud parameter comparisons were made for time intervals when aircraft were passing approximately above ground-based instruments that were pointed vertically. Comparing characteristic particle sizes expressed in terms of median mass diameters of equal-volume spheres yielded a relative standard deviation of about 30%. The corresponding standard deviation for the cloud ice water content comparisons was about 55%. Such an agreement is considered good given uncertainties of both direct and remote approaches and several orders of magnitude in natural variability of ice cloud parameters. Values of reflectivity measured by the radar and calculated from aircraft samples also showed a reasonable agreement; however, calculated reflectivities averaged approximately 2 dB smaller than those measured. The possible reasons for this small bias are discussed. Ground-based and aircraft-derived particle characteristic sizes are compared to those available from published satellite measurements of this parameter for the cirrus priority case from FIRE-II. Finally, simultaneous and collocated, ground-based measurements of visible (0.523 nm) and longwave IR (10–11.4 μm) ice cloud extinction optical thickness obtained during the 1995 Arizona Program are also compared. These comparisons, performed for different cloud conditions, revealed a relative standard deviation of less than 20%;however, no systematic excess of visible extinction over IR extinction was observed in the considered experimental events.