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  • Author or Editor: Thomas J. Greenwald x
  • Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society x
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Thomas J. Greenwald
Sundar A. Christopher

This study reviews the capability of the advanced imagers on Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) I–M to provide quantitative information about bulk microphysical properties of low-level stratiform clouds, namely, cloud liquid water path (LWP) and droplet effective radius (re ). Previous studies show that accurate estimates of cloud LWP from GOES imagers are possible, as evaluated from both ground-based and spaceborne passive microwave measurements, provided care is taken in vicarious calibration of the visible channel. GOES estimates of re have yet to be validated. However, the re versus LWP relationship derived from GOES and Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data shows good agreement with theory. The unique high-temporal sampling of the imager allows for detailed study of daytime characteristics of cloud microphysical properties and, possibly, indirect aerosol effect. Microphysical information for drizzling marine stratocumuli was also obtained, which was confirmed by direct comparison to ship-based C-band radar during the 1997 Tropical Eastern Pacific Process Study. From the promising results obtained thus far, GOES I–M imager data should be of great value in future field experiments involving low-level stratiform clouds.

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David L. Randel
Thomas H. Vonder Haar
Mark A. Ringerud
Graeme L. Stephens
Thomas J. Greenwald
, and
Cynthia L. Combs

A comprehensive and accurate global water vapor dataset is critical to the adequate understanding of water vapor's role in the earth's climate system. To begin to satisfy this need, the authors have produced a blended dataset made up of global, 5-yr (1988–92), l°x 1° spatial resolution, atmospheric water vapor (WV) and liquid water path products. These new products consist of both the daily total column-integrated composites and a multilayered WV product at three layers (1000–700, 700–500, 500–300 mb). The analyses combine WV retrievals from the Television and Infrared Operational Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager, and radiosonde observations. The global, vertical-layered water vapor dataset was developed by slicing the blended total column water vapor using layer information from TOVS and radiosonde. Also produced was a companion, over oceans only, liquid water path dataset. Satellite observations of liquid water path are growing in importance since many of the global climate models are now either incorporating or contain liquid water as an explicit variable. The complete dataset (all three products) has been named NVAP, an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Water Vapor Project.

This paper provides examples of the new dataset as well as scientific analysis of the observed annual cycle and the interannual variability of water vapor at global, hemispheric, and regional scales. A distinct global annual cycle is shown to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere observations. Planetary-scale variations are found to relate well to recent independent estimates of tropospheric temperature variations. Maps of regional interannual variability in the 5-yr period show the effect of the 1992 ENSO and other features.

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Thomas J. Greenwald
R. Bradley Pierce
Todd Schaack
Jason Otkin
Marek Rogal
Kaba Bah
Allen Lenzen
Jim Nelson
Jun Li
, and
Hung-Lung Huang


In support of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R series (GOES-R) program, the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is generating high quality simulated Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) radiances and derived products in real time over the continental United States. These data are mainly used for testing data-handling systems, evaluating ABI-derived products, and providing training material for forecasters participating in GOES-R Proving Ground test bed activities. The modeling system used to generate these datasets consists of advanced regional and global numerical weather prediction models in addition to state-of-the-art radiative transfer models, retrieval algorithms, and land surface datasets. The system and its generated products are evaluated for the 2014 Pacific Northwest wildfires; the 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado; and Hurricane Sandy. Simulated aerosol optical depth over the Front Range of Colorado during the Pacific Northwest wildfires was validated using high-density Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements. The aerosol, cloud, and meteorological modeling system used to generate ABI radiances was found to capture the transport of smoke from the Pacific wildfires into the Front Range of Colorado and true-color imagery created from these simulated radiances provided visualization of the smoke plumes. Evaluation of selected simulated ABI-derived products for the Moore tornado and Hurricane Sandy cases was done using real-time GOES sounder/imager products produced at CIMSS. Results show that simulated ABI moisture and atmospheric stability products, cloud products, and red–green–blue (RGB) airmass composite imagery are well suited as proxy ABI data for user preparedness.

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