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Isaac M. Held
Vitaly D. Larichev


The scaling argument developed by the authors in a previous work for eddy amplitudes and fluxes in a horizontally homogeneous, two-layer model on an f plane is extended to a β plane. In terms of the nondimensional number ξ=U/(βλ2), where λ is the deformation radius and U is the mean thermal wind, the result for the rms eddy velocity V, the characteristic wavenumber of the energy-containing eddies and of the eddy-driven jets k j , and the magnitude of the eddy diffusivity for potential vorticity D, in the limit ξ ≫ 1, are as follows:
VUkj −1DU2
Numerical simulations provide qualitative support for this scaling but suggest that it underestimates the sensitivity of these eddy statistics to the value of ξ. A generalization that is applicable to continuous stratification is suggested that leads to the estimates
VT2−1kj TD2T3−1
where T is a timescale determined by the environment; in particular, it equals λU −1 in the two-layer model and N(f z U)−1 in a continuous flow with uniform shear and stratification. This same scaling has also been suggested as relevant to a continuously stratified fluid in the opposite limit, ξ ≪ 1. Therefore, the authors suggest that it may be of general relevance in planetary atmosphere and in the oceans.
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Vitaly D. Larichev
Isaac M. Held


A horizontally homogeneous two-layer quasigeostrophic model with imposed environmental vertical shear is used to study eddy energies and fluxes in the regime in which an inverse barotropic energy cascade excites eddies of much larger scale than the deformation radius. It is shown that the eddy potential vorticity flux, “thickness” flux, and the extraction of energy from the background flow are dominated by the largest eddies excited by the cascade, and not by deformation-scale eddies. The role of the latter is a catalytic one of transferring the baroclinic energy cascading downscale into the barotropic mode, thereby energizing the inverse cascade.

Based on this picture, scaling arguments are developed for the eddy energy level and potential vorticity flux in statistical equilibrium. The potential vorticity flux can be thought of as generated by a diffusivity of magnitude Ukd/k2 0 , where U is the difference between the mean currents in the two layers, kd is the inverse of the deformation radius, and k 0 is the wavenumber of the energy-containing eddies. This result is closely related to that proposed by Green, although the underlying dynamical picture is different.

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Stephen M. Griffies
Anand Gnanadesikan
Ronald C. Pacanowski
Vitaly D. Larichev
John K. Dukowicz
, and
Richard D. Smith


This paper considers the requirements that must be satisfied in order to provide a stable and physically based isoneutral tracer diffusion scheme in a z-coordinate ocean model. Two properties are emphasized: 1) downgradient orientation of the diffusive fluxes along the neutral directions and 2) zero isoneutral diffusive flux of locally referenced potential density. It is shown that the Cox diffusion scheme does not respect either of these properties, which provides an explanation for the necessity to add a nontrivial background horizontal diffusion to that scheme. A new isoneutral diffusion scheme is proposed that aims to satisfy the stated properties and is found to require no horizontal background diffusion.

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