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  • Author or Editor: Witold F. Krajewski x
  • Journal of Hydrometeorology x
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Bong-Chul Seo
Witold F. Krajewski


This study explores the scale effects of radar rainfall accumulation fields generated using the new super-resolution level II radar reflectivity data acquired by the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) network of the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) weather radars. Eleven months (May 2008–August 2009, exclusive of winter months) of high-density rain gauge network data are used to describe the uncertainty structure of radar rainfall and rain gauge representativeness with respect to five spatial scales (0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 km). While both uncertainties of gauge representativeness and radar rainfall show simple scaling behavior, the uncertainty of radar rainfall is characterized by an almost 3 times greater standard error at higher temporal and spatial resolutions (15 min and 0.5 km) than at lower resolutions (1 h and 8 km). These results may have implications for error propagation through distributed hydrologic models that require high-resolution rainfall input. Another interesting result of the study is that uncertainty obtained by averaging rainfall products produced from the super-resolution reflectivity data is slightly lower at smaller scales than the uncertainty of the corresponding resolution products produced using averaged (recombined) reflectivity data.

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Bertrand Vignal
Witold F. Krajewski


The vertical variability of reflectivity is an important source of error that affects estimations of rainfall quantity by radar. This error can be reduced if the vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) is known. Different methods are available to determine VPR based on volume-scan radar data. Two such methods were tested. The first, used in the Swiss Meteorological Service, estimates a mean VPR directly from volumetric radar data collected close to the radar. The second method takes into account the spatial variability of reflectivity and relies on solving an inverse problem in determination of the local profile. To test these methods, two years of archived level-II radar data from the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the corresponding rain gauge observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet were used. The results, obtained by comparing rain estimates from radar data corrected for the VPR influence with rain gauge observations, show the benefits of the methods—and also their limitations. The performance of the two methods is similar, but the inverse method consistently provides better results. However, for use in operational environments, it would require substantially more computational resources than the first method.

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Felipe Quintero
Witold F. Krajewski
, and
Marcela Rojas


This study proposes a flood potential index suitable for use in streamflow forecasting at any location in a drainage network. We obtained the index by comparing the discharge magnitude derived from a hydrologic model and the expected mean annual peak flow at the spatial scale of the basin. We use the term “flood potential” to indicate that uncertainty is associated with this information. The index helps communicate flood potential alerts to communities near rivers where there are no quantitative records of historical floods to provide a reference. This method establishes a reference that we can compare to forecasted hydrographs and that facilitates communication of their relative importance. As a proof of concept, the authors present an assessment of the index as applied to the peak flows that caused severe floods in Iowa in June 2008. The Iowa Flood Center uses the proposed approach operationally as part of its real-time hydrologic forecasting system.

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Bong-Chul Seo
Felipe Quintero
, and
Witold F. Krajewski


IMERG provides state-of-the-art satellite-based precipitation estimates that combine observations from multiple satellite platforms. This study evaluates IMERG products by examining hydrologic simulations of streamflow at a range of spatial scales. The main objective of this study is to assess the predictive utility of the near-real-time product (IMERG-Early). The assessment also includes the IMERG-Final product that is not available in real time. The authors used MRMS precipitation estimates and USGS streamflow observation data as references for the precipitation and streamflow evaluations during a 5-yr period (2016–20). The precipitation evaluation results show that IMERG-Early yields significant overestimations, particularly during warm months, with higher variability in its conditional distributions, whereas the performance of IMERG-Final seems unbiased. The authors performed hydrologic simulations using the Iowa Flood Center’s Hillslope Link Model with three precipitation forcing products, i.e., MRMS, IMERG-Early, and IMERG-Final. The simulation results reveal that IMERG-Early leads to high hit and false alarm rates due to its overestimation in precipitation and has almost no skill, as measured by the overall performance metric Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE), in streamflow prediction regarding basin scales ranging from 10 to 30 000 km2. This indicates that the product requires a bias correction before it is useful for real-time flood prediction. The streamflow prediction performance of IMERG-Final seems comparable to that of MRMS at spatial scales greater than 100 km2. This scale limitation is attributable to the IMERG’s product spatial resolution that is inadequate to capture the small-scale variability of precipitation.

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Grzegorz J. Ciach
Witold F. Krajewski
, and
Gabriele Villarini


Although it is broadly acknowledged that the radar-rainfall (RR) estimates based on the U.S. national network of Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) stations contain a high degree of uncertainty, no methods currently exist to inform users about its quantitative characteristics. The most comprehensive characterization of this uncertainty can be achieved by delivering the products in a probabilistic rather than the traditional deterministic form. The authors are developing a methodology for probabilistic quantitative precipitation estimation (PQPE) based on weather radar data. In this study, they present the central element of this methodology: an empirically based error structure model for the RR products.

The authors apply a product-error-driven (PED) approach to obtain a realistic uncertainty model. It is based on the analyses of six years of data from the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, WSR-88D radar (KTLX) processed with the Precipitation Processing System algorithm of the NEXRAD system. The modeled functional-statistical relationship between RR estimates and corresponding true rainfall consists of two components: a systematic distortion function and a stochastic factor quantifying remaining random errors. The two components are identified using a nonparametric functional estimation apparatus. The true rainfall is approximated with rain gauge data from the Oklahoma Mesonet and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service Micronet networks. The RR uncertainty model presented here accounts for different time scales, synoptic regimes, and distances from the radar. In addition, this study marks the first time in which results on RR error correlation in space and time are presented.

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Alexandros A. Ntelekos
James A. Smith
, and
Witold F. Krajewski


The climatology of thunderstorms and flash floods in the Baltimore, Maryland, metropolitan region is examined through analyses of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning observations from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) and discharge observations from 11 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream gauging stations. A point process framework is used for analyses of CG lightning strikes and the occurrences of flash floods. Analyses of lightning strikes as a space–time point process focus on the mean intensity function, from which the seasonal, diurnal, and spatial variation in mean lightning frequency are examined. Important elements of the spatial variation of mean lightning frequency are 1) initiation of thunderstorms along the Blue Ridge, 2) large variability of lightning frequency around the urban cores of Baltimore and Washington D.C., and 3) decreased lightning frequency over the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. Lightning frequency has a sharp seasonal maximum around mid-July, and the diurnal cycle of lightning frequency peaks between 2100 and 2200 UTC with a frequency that is more than an order of magnitude larger than the minimum frequency at 1200 UTC. The seasonal and diurnal variation of flash flood occurrence in urban streams of Baltimore mimics the seasonal and diurnal variation of lightning. The peak of the diurnal frequency of flash floods in Moores Run, a 9.1-km2 urban watershed in Baltimore City, occurs at 2200 UTC. Analyses of the lightning and flood peak data also show a close link between the occurrence of major thunderstorms systems and flash flooding on a regional scale.

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Bong-Chul Seo
Witold F. Krajewski
, and
Alexander Ryzhkov


This study demonstrates an implementation of the prototype quantitative precipitation R estimation algorithm using specific attenuation A for S-band polarimetric radar. The performance of R(A) algorithm is assessed, compared to the conventional algorithm using radar reflectivity Z, at multiple temporal scales. Because the factor α, defined as the net ratio of A to specific differential phase, is a key parameter of the algorithm characterized by drop size distributions (e.g., differential reflectivity Z dr dependence on Z), the estimation equations of α and a proper number of Z drZ samples required for a reliable α estimation are examined. Based on the dynamic estimation of α, the event-based evaluation using hourly rain gauge observations reveals that the performance of R(A) is superior to that of R(Z), with better agreement and lower variability. Despite its superiority, the study finds that R(A) leads to quite consistent overestimations of about 10%–30%. It is demonstrated that the application of uniform α over the entire radar domain yields the observed uncertainty because of the heterogeneity of precipitation in the domain. A climatological range-dependent feature of R(A) and R(Z) is inspected in the multiyear evaluation at yearly scale using rain totals for April–October. While R(Z) exposes a systematic shift and overestimation, each of which arise from the radar miscalibration and bright band effects, R(A) combining with multiple R(Z) values for solid/mixed precipitation shows relatively robust performance without those effects. The immunity of R(A) to partial beam blockage (PBB) based on both qualitative and quantitative analyses is also verified. However, the capability of R(A) regarding PBB is limited by the presence of the melting layer and its application requirement for the total span of differential phase (e.g., 3°), which is another challenge for light rain.

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Bong-Chul Seo
Felipe Quintero
, and
Witold F. Krajewski


This study addresses the uncertainty of High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs), which were recently appended to the operational hydrologic forecasting framework. In this study, we examine the uncertainty features of HRRR QPFs for an Iowa flooding event that occurred in September 2016. Our evaluation of HRRR QPFs is based on the conventional approach of QPF verification and the analysis of mean areal precipitation (MAP) with respect to forecast lead time. The QPF verification results show that the precipitation forecast skill of HRRR significantly drops during short lead times and then gradually decreases for further lead times. The MAP analysis also demonstrates that the QPF error sharply increases during short lead times and starts decreasing slightly beyond 4-h lead time. We found that the variability of QPF error measured in terms of MAP decreases as basin scale and lead time become larger and longer, respectively. The effects of QPF uncertainty on hydrologic prediction are quantified through the hillslope-link model (HLM) simulations using hydrologic performance metrics (e.g., Kling–Gupta efficiency). The simulation results agree to some degree with those from the MAP analysis, finding that the performance achieved from the QPF forcing decreases during 1–3-h lead times and starts increasing with 4–6-h lead times. The best performance acquired at the 1-h lead time does not seem acceptable because of the large overestimation of the flood peak, along with an erroneous early peak that is not observed in streamflow observations. This study provides further evidence that HRRR contains a well-known weakness at short lead times, and the QPF uncertainty (e.g., bias) described as a function of forecast lead times should be corrected before its use in hydrologic prediction.

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Mekonnen Gebremichael
Thomas M. Over
, and
Witold F. Krajewski


In view of the importance of tropical rainfall and the ubiquitous need for its estimates in climate modeling, the authors assess the ability of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (PR) to characterize the scaling characteristics of rainfall by comparing the derived results with those obtained from the ground-based radar (GR) data. The analysis is based on 59 months of PR and GR rain rates at three TRMM ground validation (GV) sites: Houston, Texas; Melbourne, Florida; and Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. The authors consider spatial scales ranging from about 4 to 64 km at a fixed temporal scale corresponding to the sensor “instantaneous” snapshots (∼15 min). The focus is on the scaling of the marginal moments, which allows estimation of the scaling parameters from a single scene of data. The standard rainfall products of the PR and the GR are compared in terms of distributions of the scaling parameter estimates, the connection between the scaling parameters and the large-scale spatial average rain rate, and deviations from scale invariance. The five main results are as follows: 1) the PR yields values of the rain intermittence scaling parameter within 20% of the GR estimate; 2) both the PR and GR data show a one-to-one relationship between the intermittence scaling parameter and the large-scale spatial average rain rate that can be fit with the same functional form; 3) the PR underestimates the curvature of the scaling function from 20% to 50%, implying that high rain-rate extremes would be missed in a downscaling procedure; 4) the majority of the scenes (>85%) from both the PR and GR are scale invariant at the moment orders q = 0 and 2; and 5) the scale-invariance property tends to break down more likely over ocean than over land; the rainfall regimes that are not scale invariant are dominated by light storms covering large areas. Our results further show that for a sampling size of one year of data, the TRMM temporal sampling does not significantly affect the derived scaling characteristics. The authors conclude that the TRMM PR has the ability to characterize the basic scaling properties of rainfall, though the resulting parameters are subject to some degree of uncertainty.

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Alexandros A. Ntelekos
Konstantine P. Georgakakos
, and
Witold F. Krajewski


Quantifying uncertainty associated with flash flood warning or forecast systems is required to enable informed decision making by those responsible for operation and management of natural hazard protection systems. The current system used by the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) to issue flash-flood warnings and watches over the Unites States is a purely deterministic system. The authors propose a simple approach to augment the Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) with uncertainty propagation components. The authors briefly discuss the main components of the system, propose changes to improve it, and allow accounting for several sources of uncertainty. They illustrate their discussion with examples of uncertainty quantification procedures for several small basins of the Illinois River basin in Oklahoma. As the current FFGS is tightly coupled with two technologies, that is, threshold-runoff mapping and the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Hydrologic Model, the authors discuss both as sources of uncertainty. To quantify and propagate those sources of uncertainty throughout the system, they develop a simple version of the Sacramento model and use Monte Carlo simulation to study several uncertainty scenarios. The results point out the significance of the stream characteristics such as top width and the hydraulic depth on the overall uncertainty of the Flash Flood Guidance System. They also show that the overall flash flood guidance uncertainty is higher under drier initial soil moisture conditions. The results presented herein, although limited, are a necessary first step toward the development of probabilistic operational flash flood guidance forecast-response systems.

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