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To detect anomalous propagation echoes in radar data, an automated procedure based on a neural network classification scheme has been developed. Earlier results had indicated that algorithms used to detect anomalous propagation must be calibrated before they can be applied to new sites. Developing a calibration dataset is typically laborious as it involves a human expert. To eliminate this problem, an efficient methodology of calibrating and validating neural network–based detection is proposed. Using volume scan radar reflectivity data from two WSR-88D locations, the authors demonstrate that the procedure can be calibrated easily and applied successfully to different sites.
To detect anomalous propagation echoes in radar data, an automated procedure based on a neural network classification scheme has been developed. Earlier results had indicated that algorithms used to detect anomalous propagation must be calibrated before they can be applied to new sites. Developing a calibration dataset is typically laborious as it involves a human expert. To eliminate this problem, an efficient methodology of calibrating and validating neural network–based detection is proposed. Using volume scan radar reflectivity data from two WSR-88D locations, the authors demonstrate that the procedure can be calibrated easily and applied successfully to different sites.
The relationship between monthly mean area-averaged rainfall and monthly mean fractional rainfall occurrence is used to develop a new method of open ocean rainfall estimation. This method uses acoustic sensors attached to drifting buoys to sample rainfall occurrence in space and time. The fractional rainfall occurrences measured by the sensors are used in a linear relationship to estimate monthly rainfall averaged over large (i.e., 2.5° × 2.5°) areas. This estimation method is tested for different scenarios using a stochastic model. Results support the feasibility of this new rainfall estimation scheme. Simulations show that the existing density of drifting buoys is inadequate, but densities around 10 times the existing density will give correlation coefficients between estimated and true rainfall around 0.55. Estimates obtained with this method may be used to calibrate and/or validate the satellite-based methods of open ocean rainfall.
The relationship between monthly mean area-averaged rainfall and monthly mean fractional rainfall occurrence is used to develop a new method of open ocean rainfall estimation. This method uses acoustic sensors attached to drifting buoys to sample rainfall occurrence in space and time. The fractional rainfall occurrences measured by the sensors are used in a linear relationship to estimate monthly rainfall averaged over large (i.e., 2.5° × 2.5°) areas. This estimation method is tested for different scenarios using a stochastic model. Results support the feasibility of this new rainfall estimation scheme. Simulations show that the existing density of drifting buoys is inadequate, but densities around 10 times the existing density will give correlation coefficients between estimated and true rainfall around 0.55. Estimates obtained with this method may be used to calibrate and/or validate the satellite-based methods of open ocean rainfall.
This paper describes the design and operation of a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) for in situ measurements of precipitation drop size distribution. The instrument records orthogonal image projections of raindrops as they cross its sensing area, and can provide a wealth of information, including velocity and shape, of individual raindrops. The 2DVD is a sensitive optical instrument that is exposed to rain, high humidity, and possibly high temperatures. These and other issues such as calibration procedures impact its performance. Under low-wind conditions, the instrument can provide accurate and detailed information on drop size, terminal velocity, and drop shape in a field setting, and the instrument's advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
This paper describes the design and operation of a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) for in situ measurements of precipitation drop size distribution. The instrument records orthogonal image projections of raindrops as they cross its sensing area, and can provide a wealth of information, including velocity and shape, of individual raindrops. The 2DVD is a sensitive optical instrument that is exposed to rain, high humidity, and possibly high temperatures. These and other issues such as calibration procedures impact its performance. Under low-wind conditions, the instrument can provide accurate and detailed information on drop size, terminal velocity, and drop shape in a field setting, and the instrument's advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
A multicomponent radar-based algorithm for real-time precipitation estimation is developed. The algorithm emphasizes the combined use of weather radar observations and in situ rain gauge rainfall measurements. The temporal and spatial scales of interest are hourly to storm-total accumulations for areas of 4 km2 to approximately 16 km2. The processing steps include beam–height-effect correction, vertical integration, convective–stratiform classification, conversion from radar observables to rainfall rate, range-effect correction, and transformation of the estimated rainfall rates from polar coordinates to a Cartesian grid. Additionally, the algorithm applies advection correction to the gridded rainfall rates to minimize the temporal sampling effect and, subsequently, aggregates the corrected rainfall rates to 1-hourly, 3-hourly, and storm-total accumulations. The system applies different parameter values for convective and stratiform regimes. The calibration of the system is formulated as a global optimization problem, which is solved using the Gauss–Newton adaptive stochastic method. The algorithm is cast in a recursive formulation with parameters adjusted in real time. Evaluation of the system is based on an extensive dataset from the Melbourne, Florida, WSR-88D radar site.
A multicomponent radar-based algorithm for real-time precipitation estimation is developed. The algorithm emphasizes the combined use of weather radar observations and in situ rain gauge rainfall measurements. The temporal and spatial scales of interest are hourly to storm-total accumulations for areas of 4 km2 to approximately 16 km2. The processing steps include beam–height-effect correction, vertical integration, convective–stratiform classification, conversion from radar observables to rainfall rate, range-effect correction, and transformation of the estimated rainfall rates from polar coordinates to a Cartesian grid. Additionally, the algorithm applies advection correction to the gridded rainfall rates to minimize the temporal sampling effect and, subsequently, aggregates the corrected rainfall rates to 1-hourly, 3-hourly, and storm-total accumulations. The system applies different parameter values for convective and stratiform regimes. The calibration of the system is formulated as a global optimization problem, which is solved using the Gauss–Newton adaptive stochastic method. The algorithm is cast in a recursive formulation with parameters adjusted in real time. Evaluation of the system is based on an extensive dataset from the Melbourne, Florida, WSR-88D radar site.
The performance of a real-time radar rainfall estimation algorithm is examined based on an extensive dataset of volume scan reflectivity and rain gauge rainfall measurements from the WSR-88D site in Melbourne, Florida. Radar rainfall estimates are evaluated based on the following radar–rain gauge statistics: mean difference (bias), normalized root-mean-square difference, and correlation coefficient. The spatiotemporal scales of interest are hourly accumulations over 4 km × 4 km grids. First, the authors demonstrate the convergence properties of the algorithm’s adaptive parameter estimation procedure and conduct sensitivity tests of the system with respect to changes in the parameter values. Second, the major components of the algorithm are compared with the operational WSR-88D Precipitation Processing Subsystem. The authors show reduction in the radar–rain gauge root-mean-square difference up to 40%, resulting from the new parameterization schemes and the real-time calibration procedure. When rainfall classification is included, the reduction is higher (up to 50%). The authors show that correction for rain field advection moderately improves estimation accuracy (up to 20%). Finally, the authors show that the algorithm can effectively remove range-dependent systematic errors in radar observations.
The performance of a real-time radar rainfall estimation algorithm is examined based on an extensive dataset of volume scan reflectivity and rain gauge rainfall measurements from the WSR-88D site in Melbourne, Florida. Radar rainfall estimates are evaluated based on the following radar–rain gauge statistics: mean difference (bias), normalized root-mean-square difference, and correlation coefficient. The spatiotemporal scales of interest are hourly accumulations over 4 km × 4 km grids. First, the authors demonstrate the convergence properties of the algorithm’s adaptive parameter estimation procedure and conduct sensitivity tests of the system with respect to changes in the parameter values. Second, the major components of the algorithm are compared with the operational WSR-88D Precipitation Processing Subsystem. The authors show reduction in the radar–rain gauge root-mean-square difference up to 40%, resulting from the new parameterization schemes and the real-time calibration procedure. When rainfall classification is included, the reduction is higher (up to 50%). The authors show that correction for rain field advection moderately improves estimation accuracy (up to 20%). Finally, the authors show that the algorithm can effectively remove range-dependent systematic errors in radar observations.
The authors investigate a disdrometer that provides information on raindrop size distribution, terminal velocity, and shape using video imaging technology. Two video cameras are enclosed in a large box and provide images of the passing drops. The box modifies the air flow, and this in turn affects the drop trajectories, causing some of the drops to miss the sensing area in the instrument’s opening. The authors investigate the distortion of the trajectories using numerical simulation methods of computational fluid dynamics. This approach enables the authors to quantify the effects of wind velocity and direction on the instrument’s measurement of drop size distribution. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that the shape of the enclosure of the instrument causes errors in the detection of the small drops. Small drops can get caught in a vortex that develops over the inlet. Some of them end up being counted more than once as they cross the sensing area while others are carried away and not counted at all. Also, the spatial distribution of the drops passing across the sensing area is distorted by the wind. The computational results are supported by observational evidence.
The authors investigate a disdrometer that provides information on raindrop size distribution, terminal velocity, and shape using video imaging technology. Two video cameras are enclosed in a large box and provide images of the passing drops. The box modifies the air flow, and this in turn affects the drop trajectories, causing some of the drops to miss the sensing area in the instrument’s opening. The authors investigate the distortion of the trajectories using numerical simulation methods of computational fluid dynamics. This approach enables the authors to quantify the effects of wind velocity and direction on the instrument’s measurement of drop size distribution. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that the shape of the enclosure of the instrument causes errors in the detection of the small drops. Small drops can get caught in a vortex that develops over the inlet. Some of them end up being counted more than once as they cross the sensing area while others are carried away and not counted at all. Also, the spatial distribution of the drops passing across the sensing area is distorted by the wind. The computational results are supported by observational evidence.
Geographic information systems (GISs) combined with digital elevation models (DEMs) provide opportunities to evaluate weather radar beam blockage and other ground clutter phenomena. The authors explore this potential using topographic information and a simple beam propagation model for the complex terrain of Guam. To evaluate the effect of different DEM resolutions, they compare the simulated patterns of complete and partial beam blockage with probability of detection maps derived from a large database of level II radar reflectivity for the U.S. Air Force Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) on Guam. The main conclusion of the study is that the GIS approach provides useful insight into the actual pattern of blocked areas. The DEM resolution plays a role in resolving the blocked patterns. In general, higher DEM resolution provides better results although widely available lower-resolution DEMs can provide valuable information about beam-blocking effects.
Geographic information systems (GISs) combined with digital elevation models (DEMs) provide opportunities to evaluate weather radar beam blockage and other ground clutter phenomena. The authors explore this potential using topographic information and a simple beam propagation model for the complex terrain of Guam. To evaluate the effect of different DEM resolutions, they compare the simulated patterns of complete and partial beam blockage with probability of detection maps derived from a large database of level II radar reflectivity for the U.S. Air Force Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) on Guam. The main conclusion of the study is that the GIS approach provides useful insight into the actual pattern of blocked areas. The DEM resolution plays a role in resolving the blocked patterns. In general, higher DEM resolution provides better results although widely available lower-resolution DEMs can provide valuable information about beam-blocking effects.
The most common rainfall measuring sensor for validation of radar-rainfall products is the rain gauge. However, the difference between area-rainfall and rain gauge point-rainfall estimates imposes additional noise in the radar–rain gauge difference statistics, which should not be interpreted as radar error. A methodology is proposed to quantify the radar-rainfall error variance by separating the variance of the rain gauge area-point rainfall difference from the variance of radar–rain gauge ratio. The error in this research is defined as the ratio of the “true” rainfall to the estimated mean-areal rainfall by radar and rain gauge. Both radar and rain gauge multiplicative errors are assumed to be stochastic variables, lognormally distributed, with zero covariance. The rain gauge area-point difference variance is quantified based on the areal-rainfall variance reduction factor evaluated in the logarithmic domain. The statistical method described here has two distinct characteristics: first, it proposes a range-dependent formulation for the error variance, and second, the error variance estimates are relative to the mean rainfall at the radar product grids. Two months of radar and rain gauge data from the Melbourne, Florida, WSR-88D are used to illustrate the proposed method. The study concentrates on hourly rainfall accumulations at 2- and 4-km grid resolutions. Results show that the area-point difference in rain gauge rainfall contributes up to 60% of the variance observed in radar–rain gauge differences, depending on the radar grid size, the location of the sampling point in the grid, and the distance from the radar.
The most common rainfall measuring sensor for validation of radar-rainfall products is the rain gauge. However, the difference between area-rainfall and rain gauge point-rainfall estimates imposes additional noise in the radar–rain gauge difference statistics, which should not be interpreted as radar error. A methodology is proposed to quantify the radar-rainfall error variance by separating the variance of the rain gauge area-point rainfall difference from the variance of radar–rain gauge ratio. The error in this research is defined as the ratio of the “true” rainfall to the estimated mean-areal rainfall by radar and rain gauge. Both radar and rain gauge multiplicative errors are assumed to be stochastic variables, lognormally distributed, with zero covariance. The rain gauge area-point difference variance is quantified based on the areal-rainfall variance reduction factor evaluated in the logarithmic domain. The statistical method described here has two distinct characteristics: first, it proposes a range-dependent formulation for the error variance, and second, the error variance estimates are relative to the mean rainfall at the radar product grids. Two months of radar and rain gauge data from the Melbourne, Florida, WSR-88D are used to illustrate the proposed method. The study concentrates on hourly rainfall accumulations at 2- and 4-km grid resolutions. Results show that the area-point difference in rain gauge rainfall contributes up to 60% of the variance observed in radar–rain gauge differences, depending on the radar grid size, the location of the sampling point in the grid, and the distance from the radar.