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Danyang Wang
Yanluan Lin


Tropical cyclone (TC) wind structure is important for its intensity change and induced damage, but its modulating factors remain to be explored. A heat-engine-based surface wind structure parameter α, reflecting TC’s relative compactness, is introduced and derived based on an entropy budget framework. We found that α is modulated by three key parameters: the thermodynamic efficiency ϵ PI in potential intensity theory, the Carnot efficiency ϵ C of the system, and the degree of irreversibility α irr of the system. A higher α irr contributes to a larger α and a lower heat engine efficiency. An expression linking TC intensity and compactness also emerges under this framework. Idealized simulations of a typical moist TC (CTL), a dry (DRY) TC, and a moist reversible TC (REV; in which hydrometeors do not fall out) evinced that the significantly higher α irr in CTL, due to irreversible entropy productions from precipitation dissipation, water vapor diffusion, and irreversible phase changes, contributes to its much larger compactness compared to DRY and REV. The study illustrates the importance of irreversible entropy production processes in modulating TC surface wind field. Simple estimate suggests that α will increase due to a hypothesized increased α irr with warming because of increased water content. This indicates that TCs will become more compact in a warmer climate.

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Danyang Wang
Yanluan Lin


The size and structure of tropical cyclones (TCs) are investigated using idealized numerical simulations. Three simulations are conducted: a pure dry TC (DRY), a moist reversible TC (REV) with fallout of hydrometeors in the atmosphere disallowed, and a typical TC (CTL). It was found that the width of the eyewall ascent region and the radius of maximum wind r m are much larger in DRY and REV than those in CTL. This is closely related to the deep inflow layer (~4 km) in DRY and REV associated with a different entropy restoration mechanism under the subsidence region. With the wide ascents, the close link between r m and the outer radius in DRY and REV can be well predicted by the Emanuel and Rotunno (ER11) model. The magnitude of subsidence, mainly controlled by the vertical gradient of entropy in the mid- and upper troposphere, is nearly one order greater in DRY and REV than that in CTL. This study demonstrates that the falling nature of hydrometeors poses a strong constraint on the size and structure of real world TCs via the entropy distribution in the subsidence region. The wide ascent, self-stratification in the outflow, and decently reproduced wind profile in DRY and REV suggest that DRY and REV behave like a prototype of the ER11 model with CTL being an extreme type.

Free access
Yuanlong Li
Yuqing Wang
, and
Yanluan Lin


The dynamics of eyewall contraction of tropical cyclones (TCs) has been revisited in this study based on both three-dimensional and axisymmetric simulations and dynamical diagnostics. Because eyewall contraction is closely related to the contraction of the radius of maximum wind (RMW), its dynamics is thus often studied by examining the RMW tendency in previous studies. Recently, Kieu and Stern et al. proposed two different frameworks to diagnose the RMW tendency but had different conclusions. In this study, the two frameworks are evaluated first based on theoretical analysis and idealized numerical simulations. It is shown that the framework of Kieu is a special case of the earlier framework of Willoughby et al. if the directional derivative is applied. An extension of Stern et al.’s approach not only can reproduce but also can predict the RMW tendency. A budget of the azimuthal-mean tangential wind tendency indicates that the contributions by radial and vertical advections to the RMW tendency vary with height. Namely, radial advection dominates the RMW contraction in the lower boundary layer, and vertical advection favors the RMW contraction in the upper boundary layer and lower troposphere. In addition to the curvature, the increase of the radial gradient of horizontal mixing (including the resolved eddy mixing in three dimensions) near the eyewall prohibits eyewall contraction in the lower boundary layer. Besides, the vertical mixing including surface friction also plays an important role in the cessation of eyewall contraction in the lower boundary layer.

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Yuanlong Li
Yuqing Wang
, and
Yanluan Lin


Although the development of supergradient winds is well understood, the importance of supergradient winds in tropical cyclone (TC) intensification is still under debate. One view is that the spinup of the eyewall occurs by the upward advection of high tangential momentum associated with supergradient winds from the boundary layer. The other view argues that the upward advection of supergradient winds by eyewall updrafts results in an outward agradient force, leading to the formation of a shallow outflow layer immediately above the inflow boundary layer. As a result, the spinup of tangential wind in the eyewall by the upward advection of supergradient wind from the boundary layer is largely offset by the spindown of tangential wind due to the outflow resulting from the agradient force. In this study, the net contribution by the upward advection of the supergradient wind component from the boundary layer to the intensification rate and final intensity of a TC are quantified through ensemble sensitivity numerical experiments using an axisymmetric TC model. Results show that consistent with the second view above, the positive upward advection of the supergradient wind component from the boundary layer by eyewall updrafts is largely offset by the negative radial advection due to the outflow resulting from the outward agradient force. As a result, the upward advection of the supergradient wind component contributes little (often less than 4%) to the intensification rate and but it contributes about 10%–15% to the final intensity of the simulated TC due to the enhanced inner-core air–sea thermodynamic disequilibrium.

Free access
Yuanlong Li
Yuqing Wang
, and
Yanluan Lin


This is a reply to the comments by Smith et al. (2020, hereafter SGM20) on the work of Li et al. (2020, hereafter LWL20) recently published in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. All the comments and concerns by SGM20 have been well addressed or clarified. We think that most of the comments by SGM20 are not in line with the intention of LWL20 and provide one-sided and thus little scientifically meaningful arguments. Regarding the comment on the adequacy of the methodology adopted in LWL20, we believe that the design of the thought (sensitivity) experiment is adequate to address the scientific issue under debate and helps quantify the contribution by the upward advection of the supergradient component of boundary layer wind to tropical cyclone intensification, which is shown to be very marginal. Note that we are open to accept any alternative, better methods to be used to further address this scientific issue.

Full access
Danyang Wang
Yanluan Lin
, and
Daniel R. Chavas
Free access
Danyang Wang
Yanluan Lin
, and
Daniel R. Chavas


A model for tropical cyclone (TC) potential size (PS), which is capable of predicting the equilibrium outer radius of a TC solely from environmental parameters, is proposed. The model combines an updated Carnot cycle model with a physical model for the wind profile, which serve as energetic and dynamic constraints, respectively, on the minimum pressure. Physically, the Carnot cycle model defines how much the surface pressure can be dropped energetically, and the wind profile model defines how large the steady-state storm needs to be to yield that pressure drop for a given maximum wind speed. The model yields an intrinsic length scale V Carnot/f, with f the Coriolis parameter, V Carnot similar to the potential intensity Vp , but without a dependence on the surface exchange coefficients of enthalpy Ck and momentum Cd . Analytic tests with the theory varying outflow temperature, sea surface temperature (SST), and f demonstrate that the model predictions are qualitatively consistent with the Vp /f scaling for outer size found in past work. The model also predicts a weak dependence of outer size on Cd , Ck , and horizontal mixing length lh of turbulence, consistent with numerical simulation results. Idealized numerical simulation experiments with varied tropopause temperature, SST, f, Cd , Ck , and lh show that the model performs well in predicting the simulated outer radius. The V Carnot/f scaling also better captures the dependence of simulated TC size on SST than Vp /f. Overall, the model appears to capture the essential physics that determine equilibrium TC size on the f plane.

Free access
Yuanlong Li
Yuqing Wang
Yanluan Lin
, and
Xin Wang


The radius of maximum wind (RMW) has been found to contract rapidly well preceding rapid intensification in tropical cyclones (TCs) in recent literature, but the understanding of the involved dynamics is incomplete. In this study, this phenomenon is revisited based on ensemble axisymmetric numerical simulations. Consistent with previous studies, because the absolute angular momentum (AAM) is not conserved following the RMW, the phenomenon cannot be understood based on the AAM-based dynamics. Both budgets of tangential wind and the rate of change in the RMW are shown to provide dynamical insights into the simulated relationship between the rapid intensification and rapid RMW contraction. During the rapid RMW contraction stage, due to the weak TC intensity and large RMW, the moderate negative radial gradient of radial vorticity flux and small curvature of the radial distribution of tangential wind near the RMW favor rapid RMW contraction but weak diabatic heating far inside the RMW leads to weak low-level inflow and small radial absolute vorticity flux near the RMW and thus a relatively small intensification rate. As RMW contraction continues and TC intensity increases, diabatic heating inside the RMW and radial inflow near the RMW increase, leading to a substantial increase in radial absolute vorticity flux near the RMW and thus the rapid TC intensification. However, the RMW contraction rate decreases rapidly due to the rapid increase in the curvature of the radial distribution of tangential wind near the RMW as the TC intensifies rapidly and RMW decreases.

Full access
Danyang Wang
Jun-Ichi Yano
, and
Yanluan Lin


The vorticity variability associated with the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) is examined. The analysis is focused on the 150-hPa pressure level, because a clear dipolar-vortex signal, reminiscent of the theoretically proposed strongly nonlinear solitary Rossby wave solution (albeit with the opposite sign), is seen in raw data at that level. A local empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis over the equatorial region of the Eastern Hemisphere (0°–180°E) identifies the two principal components representing an eastward propagation of a dipolar vortex trapped to the equator. Association of this propagation structure with the moist convective variability of the MJO is demonstrated by regressing the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) against this EOF pair. The obtained evolution of the OLR field is similar to the one obtained by a direct application of the EOF to the OLR. A link of the local vorticity variability associated with the MJO to the global dynamics is further investigated by regressing the global vorticity field against the time series of the identified local EOF pair. The Rossby wave trains tend to propagate toward the Indian Ocean from higher latitudes, just prior to an initiation of the MJO, and in turn, they propagate back toward the higher latitudes from the MJO active region over the Indian Ocean. A three-dimensional regression reveals an equivalent barotropic structure of the MJO vortex pair with the signs opposite to those at 150 hPa underneath. A vertical normal mode analysis finds that this vertical structure is dominated by the equivalent height of about 10 km.

Open access
Yuqing Wang
Yuanlong Li
Jing Xu
Zhe-Min Tan
, and
Yanluan Lin


In this study, a simple energetically based dynamical system model of tropical cyclone (TC) intensification is modified to account for the observed dependence of the intensification rate (IR) on the storm intensity. According to the modified dynamical system model, the TC IR is controlled by the intensification potential (IP) and the weakening rate due to surface friction beneath the eyewall. The IP is determined primarily by the rate of change in the potential energy available for a TC to develop, which is a function of the thermodynamic conditions of the atmosphere and the underlying ocean, and the dynamical efficiency of the TC system. The latter depends strongly on the degree of convective organization within the eyewall and the inner-core inertial stability of the storm. At a relatively low TC intensity, the IP of the intensifying storm is larger than the frictional weakening rate, leading to an increase in the TC IR with TC intensity in this stage. As the storm reaches an intermediate intensity of 30–40 m s−1, the difference between IP and frictional weakening rate reaches its maximum, concurrent with the maximum IR. Later on, the IR decreases as the TC intensifies further because the frictional dissipation increases with TC intensity at a faster rate than the IP. Finally, the storm approaches its maximum potential intensity (MPI) and the IR becomes zero. The modified dynamical system model is validated with results from idealized simulations with an axisymmetric nonhydrostatic, cloud-resolving model.

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