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  • Waves, oceanic x
  • Journal of Hydrometeorology x
  • 12th International Precipitation Conference (IPC12) x
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Clement Guilloteau
Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
Pierre Kirstetter
Jackson Tan
, and
George J. Huffman

. 3 , right column). Two-dimensional space–time PSDs are commonly used in climate and Earth science to analyze the propagation of atmospheric and oceanic waves along longitudes ( Wheeler and Kiladis 1999 ; Lin et al. 2006 ; Orbe et al. 2020 ). The left half of the PSD (negative wavelengths) corresponds to eastward propagating waves and the right half (positive wavelengths) corresponds to westward propagating waves. The two-dimensional space–time PSD shows the energy of the eastward and westward

Open access
F. Joseph Turk
Sarah E. Ringerud
Yalei You
Andrea Camplani
Daniele Casella
Giulia Panegrossi
Paolo Sanò
Ardeshir Ebtehaj
Clement Guilloteau
Nobuyuki Utsumi
Catherine Prigent
, and
Christa Peters-Lidard

-0011.1 . Haddad , Z. S. , R. C. Sawaya , S. Kacimi , O. O. Sy , F. J. Turk , and J. Steward , 2017 : Interpreting millimeter-wave radiances over tropical convective clouds . J. Geophys. Res. , 122 , 1650 – 1664 , . Hamada , A. , and Y. N. Takayabu , 2016 : Improvements in detection of light precipitation with the Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (GPM DPR) . J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 33 , 653 – 667

Free access
Nobuyuki Utsumi
F. Joseph Turk
Ziad S. Haddad
Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
, and
Hyungjun Kim

index, it is in the EPC database for analysis purposes, as a means to efficiently separate the results of this study by fixed surface types. The surface type information obtained from GPROF product provides 14 surface type classes (i.e., ocean, sea ice, five types of vegetation, four types of snow cover, standing water, land/ocean or water coast, and sea ice edge) based on self-similar emissivities derived from TELSEM ( Aires et al. 2011 ; Passive Microwave Algorithm Team Facility 2018 ). In the

Open access
Andrea Camplani
Daniele Casella
Paolo Sanò
, and
Giulia Panegrossi

:// . Walker , A. E. , and B. E. Goodison , 1993 : Discrimination of a wet snow cover using passive microwave satellite data . Ann. Glaciol. , 17 , 307 – 311 , . 10.3189/S026030550001301X Wang , D. , and Coauthors , 2017 : Surface emissivity at microwaves to millimeter waves over polar regions: Parameterization and evaluation with aircraft experiments . J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 34 , 1039 – 1059 , . 10

Open access
Alberto Ortolani
Francesca Caparrini
Samantha Melani
Luca Baldini
, and
Filippo Giannetti

based on the attenuation caused by rainfall on microwave (MW) links used for satellite TV broadcasting or cellular networks backhauling are encountering increasing attention. Both of them share the common principle that electromagnetic wave is attenuated by the presence of raindrops. Attenuation depends on frequency that for telecommunication systems is typically in the range 10–40 GHz. While the attenuation mechanism is basically the same, the link geometries have different characteristics

Open access