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David A. Schecter


This paper discusses recent progress toward understanding the instability of a monotonic vortex at high Rossby number, due to the radiation of spiral inertia–gravity (IG) waves. The outward-propagating IG waves are excited by inner undulations of potential vorticity that consist of one or more vortex Rossby waves. An individual vortex Rossby wave and its IG wave emission have angular pseudomomenta of opposite sign, positive and negative, respectively. The Rossby wave therefore grows in response to producing radiation. Such growth is potentially suppressed by the resonant absorption of angular pseudomomentum in a critical layer, where the angular phase velocity of the Rossby wave matches the angular velocity of the mean flow. Suppression requires a sufficiently steep radial gradient of potential vorticity in the critical layer. Both linear and nonlinear steepness requirements are reviewed.

The formal theory of radiation-driven instability, or “spontaneous imbalance,” is generalized in isentropic coordinates to baroclinic vortices that possess active critical layers. Furthermore, the rate of angular momentum loss by IG wave radiation is reexamined in the hurricane parameter regime. Numerical results suggest that the negative radiation torque on a hurricane has a smaller impact than surface drag, despite recent estimates of its large magnitude.

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David A. Schecter


This paper presents a convenient method for diagnosing the sources of infrasound in a numerical simulation of a convective storm. The method is based on an exact acoustic wave equation for the perturbation Exner function Π′. One notable source term (Suu ) in the Π′ equation is commonly associated with adiabatic vortex fluctuations, whereas another (Sm ) is directly connected to the heat and mass generated or removed during phase transitions of moisture. Scale estimates suggest that other potential sources are usually unimportant. Simple numerical simulations of a disturbed vortex and evaporating cloud droplets are carried out to illustrate the infrasound of Suu and Sm . Moreover, the diagnostic method is applied to a towering cumulonimbus simulation that incorporates multiple categories of ice, liquid, and mixed-phase hydrometeors. The sensitivity of Sm to the modeling of the hail-to-rain category conversion is briefly addressed.

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David A. Schecter


This paper compares the tilt dynamics of a mature tropical cyclone simulated with a conventional cloud model to reduced modeling results and theoretical predictions. The primary experiment involves a tropical cyclone of hurricane strength on the f plane exposed to a finite period of idealized misalignment forcing. A complementary experiment shows how the vortex responds to the same forcing when moisture and symmetric secondary circulation (SSC) are removed from the initial condition. It is found that the applied forcing excites a much stronger tilt mode in the dry nonconvective vortex than in the moist convective hurricane. The evolution of tilt in both experiments agrees reasonably well with a simple linear response theory that neglects the SSC and assumes moisture merely reduces static stability in the vortex core. An additional experiment with suspended cloud water but no substantial SSC supports the theoretical notion that reduction of static stability is sufficient to inhibit the excitation of a tilt mode. However, there is some discrepancy between theory and details of asymmetric convection in the eyewall region of the simulated hurricane. Moreover, a final experiment without moisture but with an artificially maintained secondary circulation suggests that the SSC has a nonnegligible role in reducing tilt. Diagnosis of the primary hurricane simulation further illustrates how the SSC has discernible influence over misalignment at least in the eyewall. Sensitivity of tilt dynamics to the azimuthally averaged vortex structure is briefly addressed.

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David A. Schecter


The evolution of two symmetric midlevel mesoscale vortices situated above a warm ocean is examined with a basic cloud-resolving model. Idealized numerical experiments provide insight into how the evolution may vary with the initial vortex separation distance D and other parameters that influence the time scale for an isolated vortex to begin rapid intensification. The latter parameters include the ambient middle-tropospheric relative humidity (RH) and the initial midlevel wind speed of each vortex. At relatively low RH, there exists an interval of D where binary midlevel vortex interaction prevents tropical cyclone formation. While tropical cyclones generally develop at high RH, similar values of D can delay the process if the vortices are initially weak. Prevention or inhibition of tropical cyclone formation occurs in association with the outward expulsion of lower-tropospheric potential vorticity anomalies as the two vortices merge in the middle troposphere. It is proposed that the primary mechanism for midlevel merger and low-level potential vorticity expulsion involves the excitation of rotating misalignments in each vortex. An analog model based on this premise provides a good approximation for the range of D in which the merger–expulsion scenario occurs. Relatively strong vortices in high-RH environments promptly develop vigorous convection and begin rapid intensification. Differences between the interaction of such diabatic vortices and their adiabatic counterparts are briefly illustrated. In systems that generate tropical cyclones, the mature vortex properties (size and strength) are found to vary significantly with D.

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David A. Schecter


Tropical cyclones are commonly observed to have appreciable vertical misalignments prior to becoming full-strength hurricanes. The vertical misalignment (tilt) of a tropical cyclone is generally coupled to a pronounced asymmetry of inner-core convection, with the strongest convection tending to concentrate downtilt of the surface vortex center. Neither the mechanisms by which tilted tropical cyclones intensify nor the time scales over which such mechanisms operate are fully understood. The present study offers some insight into the asymmetric intensification process by examining the responses of tilted tropical cyclone–like vortices to downtilt diabatic forcing (heating) in a 3D nonhydrostatic numerical model. The magnitude of the heating is adjusted so as to vary the strength of the downtilt convection that it generates. A fairly consistent picture of intensification is found in various simulation groups that differ in their initial vortex configurations, environmental shear flows, and specific positionings of downtilt heating. The intensification mechanism generally depends on whether the low-level convergence σb produced in the vicinity of the downtilt heat source exceeds a critical value dependent on the local velocity of the low-level nondivergent background flow in a reference frame that drifts with the heat source. Supercritical σb causes fast spinup initiated by downtilt core replacement. Subcritical σb causes a slower intensification process. As measured herein, the supercritical intensification rate is approximately proportional to σb . The subcritical intensification rate has a more subtle scaling, and expectedly becomes negative when σb drops below a threshold for frictional spindown to dominate. The relevance of the foregoing results to real-world tropical cyclones is discussed.

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David A. Schecter


A cloud-resolving model is used to examine the intensification of tilted tropical cyclones from depression to hurricane strength over relatively cool and warm oceans under idealized conditions where environmental vertical wind shear has become minimal. Variation of the SST does not substantially change the time-averaged relationship between tilt and the radial length scale of the inner core, or between tilt and the azimuthal distribution of precipitation during the hurricane formation period (HFP). By contrast, for systems having similar structural parameters, the HFP lengthens superlinearly in association with a decline of the precipitation rate as the SST decreases from 30° to 26°C. In many simulations, hurricane formation progresses from a phase of slow or neutral intensification to fast spinup. The transition to fast spinup occurs after the magnitudes of tilt and convective asymmetry drop below certain SST-dependent levels following an alignment process explained in an earlier paper. For reasons examined herein, the alignment coincides with enhancements of lower–middle-tropospheric relative humidity and lower-tropospheric CAPE inward of the radius of maximum surface wind speed rm . Such moist-thermodynamic modifications appear to facilitate initiation of the faster mode of intensification, which involves contraction of rm and the characteristic radius of deep convection. The mean transitional values of the tilt magnitude and lower–middle-tropospheric relative humidity for SSTs of 28°–30°C are respectively higher and lower than their counterparts at 26°C. Greater magnitudes of the surface enthalpy flux and core deep-layer CAPE found at the higher SSTs plausibly compensate for less complete alignment and core humidification at the transition time.

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David A. Schecter


It has been proposed that the 0.5–10-Hz infrasound emitted by a severe storm is primarily generated by the axisymmetric oscillations of a tornado. This interpretation is challenged by a critical review of its theoretical foundation. A basic linear analysis shows that the principal axisymmetric oscillations of a subsonic, columnar vortex (axisymmetric Kelvin modes) cannot excite acoustic radiation. Numerical experiments further show that axisymmetric radiation is shaped primarily by the impulse that triggers the emission, not the properties of the vortex.

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David A. Schecter
Michael T. Montgomery


This paper derives a system of equations that approximately govern small-amplitude perturbations in a nonprecipitating cloudy vortex. The cloud coverage can be partial or complete. The model is used to examine moist vortex Rossby wave dynamics analytically and computationally. One example shows that clouds can slow the growth of phase-locked counter-propagating vortex Rossby waves in the eyewall of a hurricane-like vortex. Another example shows that clouds can (indirectly) damp discrete vortex Rossby waves that would otherwise grow and excite spiral inertia–gravity wave radiation from a monotonic cyclone at high Rossby number.

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David A. Schecter
Michael T. Montgomery


The spontaneous radiation of spiral inertia–gravity (IG) waves from monotonic cyclones is reexamined. Such radiation can occur most significantly in a parameter regime that includes strong supercell mesocyclones and hurricanes. First, linear theory is reviewed. In linear theory, a generic deformation of the cyclone excites discrete vortex Rossby (VR) waves. Each VR wave emits a frequency-matched spiral IG wave into the environment. The emission has positive feedback on the VR wave, causing both to grow. However, the VR wave also deposits wave activity into its critical layer at the radius r *. If the radial gradient of potential vorticity at r * exceeds a threshold, critical layer absorption suppresses the radiative instability.

On the other hand, numerical simulations of a shallow-water cyclone show that nonlinear changes to the critical layer can revive a damped VR wave and its radiation field after a brief period of decay. For such revival, it suffices that Ω b /|γ| ≳ 1. This inequality contains two characteristic frequencies. The denominator |γ| is the absolute value of the (negative) growth rate of the damped wave. The numerator Ω b is the mixing rate of the critical layer, which is proportional to the square root of the initial wave amplitude.

After damping is reversed, the radiative VR wave exhibits undulatory growth. Analysis shows that growth proceeds because radiation steadily removes negative wave activity from the cyclone. Secondary amplitude oscillations are due to back-and-forth exchanges of positive wave activity between the VR wave and its critical layer.

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David A. Schecter
Melville E. Nicholls


The dynamical core of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System has been tailored to simulate the infrasound of vortex motions and diabatic cloud processes in a convective storm. Earlier studies have shown that the customized model (c-RAMS) adequately simulates the infrasonic emissions of generic vortex oscillations. This paper provides evidence that c-RAMS accurately simulates the infrasound associated with parameterized phase transitions of cloud moisture. Specifically, analytical expressions are derived for the infrasonic emissions of evaporating water droplets in dry and humid environments. The dry analysis considers two single-moment parameterizations of the microphysics, which have distinguishable acoustic signatures. In general, the analytical results agree with the numerical output of the model. An appendix briefly demonstrates the ability of c-RAMS to accurately simulate the infrasound of the entropy and mass sources generated by an equilibrating cloud of icy hydrometeors.

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