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James B. Elsner

There is widespread concern about the recent increase in North Atlantic hurricane activity. Results here suggest that fledgling storms tracking east to west at low latitudes are more likely to reach hurricane intensity than those traveling on a more northerly trajectory. The annual occurrence of these straight-moving hurricanes (east to west at low latitudes) is statistically linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) using a Poisson regression. Because the occurrence of U.S. hurricanes south of about 35°N is positively correlated with the abundance of straight-moving hurricanes, an accurate prediction of ENSO together with observations of the NAO could be used to forecast seasonal hurricane probabilities along the southeast U.S. coast. It is stressed that in order to understand the range of mechanisms associated with hurricane activity, it is important to consider factors that influence tracks. In this regard, the NAO is a leading candidate.

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Todd B. Kimberlain
James B. Elsner


Hurricane activity over the North Atlantic basin during 1995 and 1996 is compared to the combined hurricane activity over the previous four years (1991–94). The earlier period produced a total of 15 hurricanes compared to a total of 20 hurricanes over the latter period. Despite this similarity in numbers, the hurricanes of 1995 and 1996 were generally of the tropical-only variety, which marks a substantial departure from activity during the early 1990s. The return of tropical-only hurricanes to the Atlantic basin is likely the result of several global and local factors, including cool SST conditions in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific and warm SSTs in the tropical Atlantic. The hurricane activity of 1995 and 1996 is more reminiscent of activity of some seasons during the early and mid-1950s.

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Zoe Schroder
James B. Elsner


Environmental variables are routinely used in estimating when and where tornadoes are likely to occur, but more work is needed to understand how tornado and casualty counts of severe weather outbreak vary with the larger-scale environmental factors. Here the authors demonstrate a method to quantify “outbreak”-level tornado and casualty counts with respect to variations in large-scale environmental factors. They do this by fitting negative binomial regression models to cluster-level environmental data to estimate the number of tornadoes and the number of casualties on days with at least 10 tornadoes. Results show that a 1000 J kg−1 increase in CAPE corresponds to a 5% increase in the number of tornadoes and a 28% increase in the number of casualties, conditional on at least 10 tornadoes and holding the other variables constant. Further, results show that a 10 m s−1 increase in deep-layer bulk shear corresponds to a 13% increase in tornadoes and a 98% increase in casualties, conditional on at least 10 tornadoes and holding the other variables constant. The casualty-count model quantifies the decline in the number of casualties per year and indicates that outbreaks have a larger impact in the Southeast than elsewhere after controlling for population and geographic area.

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James B. Elsner
Thomas H. Jagger


The authors build on their efforts to understand and predict coastal hurricane activity by developing statistical seasonal forecast models that can be used operationally. The modeling strategy uses May–June averaged values representing the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Southern Oscillation index (SOI), and the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation to predict the probabilities of observing U.S. hurricanes in the months ahead (July–November). The models are developed using a Bayesian approach and make use of data that extend back to 1851 with the earlier hurricane counts (prior to 1899) treated as less certain relative to the later counts. Out-of-sample hindcast skill is assessed using the mean-squared prediction error within a hold-one-out cross-validation exercise. Skill levels are compared to climatology. Predictions show skill above climatology, especially using the NAO + SOI and the NAO-only models. When the springtime NAO values are below normal, there is a heightened risk of U.S. hurricane activity relative to climatology. The preliminary NAO value for 2005 is −0.565 standard deviations so the NAO-only model predicts a 13% increase over climatology of observing three or more U.S. hurricanes.

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Nam-Young Kang
James B. Elsner


Violent typhoons continue to have catastrophic impacts on economies and welfare, but how they are responding to global warming has yet to be fully understood. Here, an empirical framework is used to explain physically why observations support a tight connection between increasing ocean warmth and the increasing intensity of supertyphoons in the western North Pacific. It is shown that the energy needed for deep convection is on the rise with greater heat and moisture in the lower tropical troposphere but that this energy remains untapped when air pressure is high. Accordingly, tropical cyclone formation is becoming less common, but those that do form are likely to reach extreme intensities from the discharge of stored energy. These thermodynamic changes to the environment most significantly influence the upper portion of extreme typhoon intensities, indicating that supertyphoons are likely to be stronger at the expense of overall tropical cyclone occurrences in the western North Pacific.

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Nam-Young Kang
James B. Elsner


Research on trends in western North Pacific tropical cyclone (TC) activity is limited by problems associated with different wind speed conversions used by the various meteorological agencies. This paper uses a quantile method to effectively overcome this conversion problem. Following the assumption that the intensity ranks of TCs are the same among agencies, quantiles at the same probability level in different data sources are regarded as having the same wind speed level. Tropical cyclone data from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) are chosen for research and comparison. Trends are diagnosed for the upper 45% of the strongest TCs annually. The 27-yr period beginning with 1984, when the JMA began using the Dvorak (1982) technique, is determined to be the most reliable for achieving consensus among the two agencies regarding these trends. The start year is a compromise between including as many years in the data as possible, but not so many that the period includes observations that result in inconsistent trend estimates. The consensus of TC trends between the two agencies over the period is interpreted as fewer but stronger events since 1984, even with the lower power dissipation index (PDI) in the western North Pacific in recent years.

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Thomas H. Jagger
James B. Elsner


The authors apply a procedure called Bayesian model averaging (BMA) for examining the utility of a set of covariates for predicting the distribution of U.S. hurricane counts and demonstrating a consensus model for seasonal prediction. Hurricane counts are derived from near-coastal tropical cyclones over the period 1866–2008. The covariate set consists of the May–October monthly averages of the Atlantic SST, North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, Southern Oscillation index (SOI), and sunspot number (SSN). BMA produces posterior probabilities indicating the likelihood of the model given the set of annual hurricane counts and covariates. The September SSN covariate appears most often in the higher-probability models. The sign of the September SSN parameter is negative indicating that the probability of a U.S. hurricane decreases with more sunspots. A consensus hindcast for the 2007 and 2008 season is made by averaging forecasts from a large subset of models weighted by their corresponding posterior probability. A cross-validation exercise confirms that BMA can provide more accurate forecasts compared to methods that select a single “best” model. More importantly, the BMA procedure incorporates more of the uncertainty associated with making a prediction of this year’s hurricane activity from data.

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Thomas H. Jagger
James B. Elsner


Models that predict annual U.S. hurricane activity assume a Poisson distribution for the counts. Here the authors show that this assumption applied to Florida hurricanes leads to a forecast that underpredicts both the number of years without hurricanes and the number of years with three or more hurricanes. The underdispersion in forecast counts arises from a tendency for hurricanes to arrive in groups along this part of the coastline. The authors then develop an extension to their earlier statistical model that assumes that the rate of hurricane clusters follows a Poisson distribution with cluster size capped at two hurricanes. Hindcasts from the cluster model better fit the distribution of Florida hurricanes conditional on the climate covariates including the North Atlantic Oscillation and Southern Oscillation index. Results are similar to models that parameterize the extra-Poisson variation in the observed counts, including the negative binomial and the Poisson inverse Gaussian models. The authors argue, however, that the cluster model is physically consistent with the way Florida hurricanes tend to arrive in groups.

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James B. Elsner
Zoe Schroder


Empirical studies have led to improvements in evaluating and quantifying the tornado threat. However, more work is needed to put the research onto a solid statistical foundation. Here the authors begin to build this foundation by introducing and then demonstrating a statistical model to estimate damage rating (enhanced Fujita scale) probabilities. A goal is to alert researchers to available statistical technology for improving severe weather warnings. The model is cumulative logistic regression and the parameters are determined using Bayesian inference. The model is demonstrated by estimating damage rating probabilities from values of known environmental factors on days with many tornadoes in the United States. Controlling for distance to nearest town/city, which serves as a proxy variable for damage target density, the model quantifies the chance that a particular tornado will be assigned any damage rating given specific environmental conditions. Under otherwise average conditions, the model estimates a 65% chance that a tornado occurring in a city or town will be rated EF0 when bulk shear (1000–500-hPa layer) is weak (10 m s−1). This probability drops to 38% when the bulk shear is strong (40 m s−1). The model quantifies the corresponding increases in the chance of the same tornado receiving higher damage ratings. Quantifying changes to the probability distribution on the ordered damage rating categories is a natural application of cumulative logistic regression.

Free access
James B. Elsner
Thomas H. Jagger


A hierarchical Bayesian strategy for modeling annual U.S. hurricane counts from the period 1851–2000 is illustrated. The approach is based on a separation of the reliable twentieth-century records from the less precise nineteenth-century records and makes use of Poisson regression. The work extends a recent climatological analysis of U.S. hurricanes by including predictors (covariates) in the form of indices for the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Model integration is achieved through a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. A Bayesian strategy that uses only hurricane counts from the twentieth century together with noninformative priors compares favorably to a traditional (frequentist) approach and confirms a statistical relationship between climate patterns and coastal hurricane activity. Coinciding La Niña and negative NAO conditions significantly increase the probability of a U.S. hurricane. Hurricane counts from the nineteenth century are bootstrapped to obtain informative priors on the model parameters. The earlier records, though less reliable, allow for a more precise description of U.S. hurricane activity. This translates to a greater certainty in the authors' belief about the effects of ENSO and NAO on coastal hurricane activity. Similar conclusions are drawn when annual U.S. hurricane counts are disaggregated into regional counts. Contingent on the availability of values for the covariates, the models can be used to make predictive inferences about the hurricane season.

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