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Kevin M. Smalley
Matthew D. Lebsock


Geostationary observations provide measurements of the cloud liquid water path (LWP), permitting continuous observation of cloud evolution throughout the daylit portion of the diurnal cycle. Relative to LWP derived from microwave imagery, these observations have biases related to scattering geometry, which systematically varies throughout the day. Therefore, we have developed a set of bias corrections using microwave LWP for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 and -17 (GOES-16 and GOES-17) observations of LWP derived from retrieved cloud-optical properties. The bias corrections are defined based on scattering geometry (solar zenith, sensor zenith, and relative azimuth) and low cloud fraction. We demonstrate that over the low-cloud regions of the northeast and southeast Pacific, these bias corrections drastically improve the characteristics of the retrieved LWP, including its regional distribution, diurnal variation, and evolution along short-time-scale Lagrangian trajectories.

Significance Statement

Large uncertainty exists in cloud liquid water path derived from geostationary observations, which is caused by changes in the scattering geometry of sunlight throughout the day. This complicates the usefulness of geostationary satellites to analyze the time evolution of clouds using geostationary data. Therefore, microwave imagery observations of liquid water path, which do not depend on scattering geometry, are used to create a set of corrections for geostationary data that can be used in future studies to analyze the time evolution of clouds from space.

Open access
Ryan Eastman
Matthew Lebsock
, and
Robert Wood


Collocated CloudSat rain rates and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) 89-GHz brightness temperature T b retrievals allow for the development of an algorithm to estimate light, warm rain statistics as a function of AMSR-E 89-GHz T b for shallow marine clouds. Four statistics are calculated from CloudSat rainfall rate estimates within each 4 km × 6 km T b pixel sampled by both sensors: the probability of rainfall, the mean rain rate, the mean rate when raining, and the maximum rain rate. Observations with overlying cold clouds are removed from the analysis. To account for confounding variables that modify T b , curves are fit to the mean relationships between T b and these four statistics within bins of constant column-integrated water vapor from AMSR-E, and sea surface temperature and wind speed from reanalysis grids. The coefficients that define these curves are then applied to all available AMSR-E T b retrievals to estimate rain rate throughout the eastern subtropical oceans. A preliminary analysis shows strong agreement between AMSR-E rain rates and the CloudSat training dataset. Comparison with an existing microwave precipitation product shows that the new statistical product has an improved sensitivity to light rain. A climatology for the year 2007 shows that precipitation rates tend to be heavier where the sea surface is warmer and that rain is most frequent where stratocumulus transitions to trade cumulus in the subtropics.

Full access
Matthew D. Lebsock
Kentaroh Suzuki


A precipitating marine cumulus cloud simulation is coupled to radiation propagation models to simulate active and passive microwave observations at 94 GHz. The simulations are used to examine the error characteristics of the total water path retrieved from the integral constraints of the passive microwave brightness temperature or the path-integrated attenuation (PIA) using a spatial interpolation technique. Three sources of bias are considered: 1) the misdetection of cloudy pixels as clear, 2) the systematic differences in the column water vapor between cloudy and clear skies, and 3) the nonuniform beamfilling effects on the observables. The first two sources result in biases on the order of 5–10 g m−2 of opposite signs that tend to cancel. The third source results in a bias that increases monotonically with the water path that approaches 50%. Nonuniform beamfilling is sensitive to footprint size. Random error results from both instrument measurement precision and the natural variability in the relationship between the water path and the observables. Random errors for the retrievals using the CloudSat PIA are estimated to be the larger of either 20 g m−2 or 30%. A radar/radiometer system with a measurement precision of 0.3 K or 0.05 dB could reduce this error to the larger of either 10 g m−2 or 30%. All error mechanisms reported here result from variability in either the spatial structure of the atmosphere or the hydrometeor drop size distribution. The results presented here are specific to the cloud simulation and in general the magnitude will vary globally.

Full access
Peter Kalmus
Matthew Lebsock
, and
João Teixeira


The authors estimate summer mean boundary layer water and energy budgets along a northeast Pacific transect from 35° to 15°N, which includes the transition from marine stratocumulus to trade cumulus clouds. Observational data is used from three A-Train satellites, Aqua, CloudSat, and the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO); data derived from GPS signals intercepted by microsatellites of the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC); and the container-ship-based Marine Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Cloud System Study/Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (GCSS/WGNE) Pacific Cross-Section Intercomparison (GPCI) Investigation of Clouds (MAGIC) campaign. These are unique satellite and shipborne observations providing the first global-scale observations of light precipitation, new vertically resolved radiation budget products derived from the active sensors, and well-sampled radiosonde data near the transect. In addition to the observations, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) fields are utilized to estimate the budgets. Both budgets approach within 3 W m−2 averaged along the transect, although uncertainty estimates from the study are much larger than this residual. A mean entrainment rate along the transect of mm s−1 is also estimated. A gradual transition is observed in the climatological mean from the stratocumulus regime to the cumulus regime characterized by an increase in boundary layer height, latent heat flux, rain, and the horizontal advection of dry air and a decrease in entrainment of warm dry air.

Full access
Haruka Hotta
Kentaroh Suzuki
Daisuke Goto
, and
Matthew Lebsock


This study investigates how subgrid cloud water inhomogeneity within a grid spacing of a general circulation model (GCM) links to the global climate through precipitation processes. The effect of the cloud inhomogeneity on autoconversion rate is incorporated into the GCM as an enhancement factor using a prognostic cloud water probability density function (PDF), which is assumed to be a truncated skewed-triangle distribution based on the total water PDF originally implemented. The PDF assumption and the factor are evaluated against those obtained by global satellite observations and simulated by a global cloud-system-resolving model (GCRM). Results show that the factor implemented exerts latitudinal variations, with higher values at low latitudes, qualitatively consistent with satellite observations and the GCRM. The GCM thus validated for the subgrid cloud inhomogeneity is then used to investigate how the characteristics of the enhancement factor affect global climate through sensitivity experiments with and without the factor incorporated. The latitudinal variation of the factor is found to have a systematic impact that reduces the cloud water and the solar reflection at low latitudes in the manner that helps mitigate the too-reflective cloud bias common among GCMs over the tropical oceans. Due to the limitation of the factor arising from the PDF assumption, however, no significant impact is found in the warm rain formation process. Finally, it is shown that the functional form for the PDF in a GCM is crucial to properly characterize the observed cloud water inhomogeneity and its relationship with precipitation.

Open access
Mark Smalley
Kay Sušelj
Matthew Lebsock
, and
Joao Teixeira


A single-column model (SCM) is used to simulate a variety of environmental conditions between Los Angeles, California, and Hawaii in order to identify physical elements of parameterizations that are required to reproduce the observed behavior of marine boundary layer (MBL) cloudiness. The SCM is composed of the JPL eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux (EDMF) mixing formulation and the RRTMG radiation model. Model forcings are provided by the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA2). Simulated low cloud cover (LCC), rain rate, albedo, and liquid water path are compared to collocated pixel-level observations from A-Train satellites. This framework ensures that the JPL EDMF is able to simulate a continuum of real-world conditions. First, the JPL EDMF is shown to reproduce the observed mean LCC as a function of lower-tropospheric stability. Joint probability distributions of lower-tropospheric cloud fraction, height, and lower-tropospheric stability (LTS) show that the JPL EDMF improves upon its MERRA2 input but struggles to match the frequency of observed intermediate-range LCC. We then illustrate the physical roles of plume lateral entrainment and eddy-diffusivity mixing length in producing a realistic behavior of LCC as a function of LTS. In low-LTS conditions, LCC is mostly sensitive to the ability of convection to mix moist air out of the MBL. In high-LTS conditions, LCC is also sensitive to the turbulent mixing of free-tropospheric air into the MBL. In the intermediate LTS regime typical of stratocumulus–cumulus transition there is proportional sensitivity to both mixing mechanisms, emphasizing the utility of a combined eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux approach for representing mixing processes.

Full access
Kay Suselj
Derek Posselt
Mark Smalley
Matthew D. Lebsock
, and
Joao Teixeira


We develop a methodology for identification of candidate observables that best constrain the parameterization of physical processes in numerical models. This methodology consists of three steps: (i) identifying processes that significantly impact model results, (ii) identifying observables that best constrain the influential processes, and (iii) investigating the sensitivity of the model results to the measurement error and vertical resolution of the constraining observables. This new methodology is applied to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory stochastic multiplume Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (JPL-EDMF) model for two case studies representing nonprecipitating marine stratocumulus and marine shallow convection. The uncertainty of physical processes is characterized with uncertainty of model parameters. We find that the most uncertain processes in the JPL-EDMF model are related to the representation of lateral entrainment for convective plumes and parameterization of mixing length scale for the eddy-diffusivity part of the model. The results show a strong interaction between these uncertain processes. Measurements of the water vapor profile for shallow convection and of the cloud fraction profile for the stratocumulus case are among those measurements that best constrain the uncertain JPL-EDMF processes. The interdependence of the required vertical resolution and error characteristics of the observational system are shown. If the observations are associated with larger error, their vertical resolution has to be finer and vice versa. We suggest that the methodology and results presented here provide an objective basis for defining requirements for future observing systems such as future satellite missions to observe clouds and the planetary boundary layer.

Free access
Richard J. Roy
Matthew Lebsock
Luis Millán
, and
Ken B. Cooper


Differential absorption radar (DAR) offers an active remote sensing solution to the problem of measuring humidity profiles with high vertical and horizontal resolution in hydrometeor layers. The Vapor In-Cloud Profiling Radar (VIPR) is a frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) G-band DAR tunable from 167 to 174.8 GHz being developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Here we describe ground-based measurements from VIPR performed at the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) site for humidity product validation. Two distinct measurement capabilities are investigated: 1) humidity profiles inside of cloudy volumes with 180 m vertical resolution, and 2) integrated water vapor (IWV) between the surface and cloud base. High radar sensitivity permits detection of upper-tropospheric clouds and retrieval of humidity profiles above 10 km in height. We develop an improved humidity retrieval algorithm based on a regularized least squares method that includes detailed accounting of measurement covariances and systematic error sources. This regularization mitigates high-spatial-frequency humidity biases that arise from frequency-dependent hydrometeor scattering, which is an important limitation for DAR systems. Through comparisons with over 20 coincident radiosondes, we find close agreement between in situ and remotely sensed humidity profiles, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.96, root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.8 g m−3, and median retrieval precision of 0.5 g m−3. Using a merged radiosonde and Raman lidar product for surface-to-cloud-base IWV, we demonstrate precise column sounding capabilities with r = 1.00, RMSE of 1.2 mm, and median retrieval precision of 0.25 mm.

Free access
Lazaros Oreopoulos
Nayeong Cho
Dongmin Lee
Matthew Lebsock
, and
Zhibo Zhang


We evaluate two stochastic subcolumn generators used in GCMs to emulate subgrid cloud variability enabling comparisons with satellite observations and simulations of certain physical processes. Our evaluation necessitated the creation of a reference observational dataset that resolves horizontal and vertical cloud variability. The dataset combines two CloudSat cloud products that resolve two-dimensional cloud optical depth variability of liquid, ice, and mixed-phase clouds when blended at ∼200 m vertical and ∼2 km horizontal scales. Upon segmenting the dataset to individual “scenes,” mean profiles of the cloud fields are passed as input to generators that produce scene-level cloud subgrid variability. The assessment of generator performance at the scale of individual scenes and in a mean sense is largely based on inferred joint histograms that partition cloud fraction within predetermined combinations of cloud-top pressure–cloud optical thickness ranges. Our main finding is that both generators tend to underestimate optically thin clouds, while one of them also tends to overestimate some cloud types of moderate and high optical thickness. Associated radiative flux errors are also calculated by applying a simple transformation to the cloud fraction histogram errors, and are found to approach values almost as high as 3 W m−2 for the cloud radiative effect in the shortwave part of the spectrum.

Significance Statement

The purpose of the paper is to assess the realism of relatively simple ways of producing fine-scale cloud variability in global models from coarsely resolved cloud properties. The assessment is achieved via comparisons to observed cloud fields where the fine-scale variability is known in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Our results show that while the generators have considerable skill, they still suffer from consistent deficiencies that need to be addressed with further development guided by appropriate observations.

Free access
Matthew D. Lebsock
Christian Kummerow
, and
Graeme L. Stephens


Anomalies of precipitation, cloud, thermodynamic, and radiation variables are analyzed on the large spatial scale defined by the tropical oceans. In particular, relationships between the mean tropical oceanic precipitation anomaly and radiative anomalies are examined. It is found that tropical mean precipitation is well correlated with cloud properties and radiative fields. In particular, the tropical mean precipitation anomaly is positively correlated with the top of the atmosphere reflected shortwave anomaly and negatively correlated with the emitted longwave anomaly. The tropical mean relationships are found to primarily result from a coherent oscillation of precipitation and the area of high-level cloudiness. The correlations manifest themselves radiatively as a modest decrease in net downwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere, and a redistribution of energy from the surface to the atmosphere through reduced solar radiation to the surface and decreased longwave emission to space. Integrated over the tropical oceanic domain, the anomalous atmospheric column radiative heating is found to be about 10% of the magnitude of the anomalous latent heating. The temporal signature of the radiative heating is observed in the column mean temperature that indicates a coherent phase-lagged oscillation between atmospheric stability and convection. These relationships are identified as a radiative–convective cloud feedback that is observed on intraseasonal time scales in the tropical atmosphere.

Full access