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  • Tornadogenesis x
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Conrad L. Ziegler

analysis of cloud drop growth by collec tion: Part II. Single initial distributions. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 1825 1831. , and --, 1974c: An analysis of cloud drop growth by collec tion: Part III. Accretion and self-collection. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 2118-2126.Bigg, E. K., 1953: The supemooling of water. ?roc. Phys. Soc. London, I~66, 668-694.Brandes, E. A., 1984: Relationships between radar-derived thermodynamic variables and tornadogenesis. Mort. Wea. Rev., 112,1033-1052.Brazier-Smith, P. R., S. G

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Robert E. Schlesinger

(Bonesteele andLin, 1978), even though the model grid is an orderof magnitude too coarse to resolve tornadofunnels.Paine and Kaplan (1977) have regarded the tornadofunnel as the final stage in a cascade of kinetic energythat begins with the synoptic-scale cyclone withinwhich the severe weather outbreak develops. Tothe extent that this is valid, tornadogenesis shouldbe elucidated by studying the dynamics of themesovortex in which the tornado is embedded. Anespecially attractive approach might be the

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Jerry M. Straka
John R. Anderson

-level downdrafts are in somecases stronger and deeper in simulations made with the ice phase than in simulations made without the icephase. These differences are due, in part, to the additional cooling associated with the melting of ice, and areconsistent with findings of several other recent studies of low-level downdraft production in deep convectivestorms.1. Introduction Cloud models have been used to study many aspectsof deep convection including longevity, propagation,rotation, tornadogenesis, and hail

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Richard Rotunno
Joseph Klemp

, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100-104.--, and C. A. Doswell III, 1979: Severe thunderstorm evolution and mesocyclone structure as related to tornadogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 107, 1184-1197.Lewellen, W. S., 1976: Theoretical Models of the tornado vortex. Proc. Symp. on Tornadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, Lubbock, Texas Tech University, 107 143.Lilly, D. K., 1982: The development and maintenance of rotation in convective storms, Intense Atmospheric Vortices, L

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Conrad L. Ziegler
William J. Martin
Roger A. Pielke
, and
Robert L. Walko

.Brandes, E. A., 1984: Relationships between radar-derived thermo dynamic: variables and tornadogenesis. Men. Wea. Rev., 112, 1033-1052.Carbone, R. ]E., J. W. Conway, N. A. Crook, and M. W. Moncrieff, 1990: The generation and propagation of a nocturnal squall line. Part I: Observations and implications for mesoscale predictabil ity. Mor. l. Wea. Rev., 118, 26-49.Carlson, T. N., and F. H. Ludlam, 1968: Conditions for the formation of severe local storms. Tellus, 20, 203-226.--, R. A. Anthes

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Danièle Hauser
Frank Roux
, and
Paul Amayenc

variables and tornadogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev, 112, 1033-1052.Chong, M., and J. Testud, 1983: Three-dimensional wind field analysis from dual-Doppler radar data. Part IIIz The boundary condition: An optimum determination based on variational concept. J. Climate Appl. Meteor., 22, 1227-1241. and F. Roux, 1983: Three-dimensional wind field analysis from dual-Doppler radar data. Part II: Minimizing the error due to temporal variation. J. ClimateAppl. Meteor., 22, 1216-1226.--, P. Amayenc, G

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Jean-Luc Redelsperger
Terry L. Clark

., 107, 682-703.Veyre, P., G. Sommeria and Y. Fouquart, 1980: Mod61isation de l'effet des h6t6rog6n6it~s du champ radiatif infra-rouge sur la dynamique des nuages. J. Rech. Atmos., 14, 89-108.Wexler, H., 1961: A boundary layer interpretation of the low-level jet. Tellus, 13, 368-378.Wilson, J. W., 1986: Tornadogenesis by nonprecipitation induced wind shear lines. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 270-284. , and W. E. Schreiber, 1986: Initiation of convective storms at radar-observed boundary layer

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N. Andrew Crook
Terry L. Clark
, and
Mitchell W. Moncrieff

features (for example, the secondary instabilities along the shear zone; see Fig. 9 in Smith 1990) that will only appear at higher resolution. It may also help to explain why there is no evidence of vortex shedding in the low-resolution FRDEC and FRINC experiments. These results also have practical importance for the Denver Cyclone as they help explain the very narrow shear zones that are observed with the Cyclone and are favored locations for tornadogenesis (Wilson et al. 1990). As discussed by SR

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Bart Geerts
Peter V. Hobbs

frontal rainbands. Quart. J. Roy. Meleor. Soc., 105, 945-962.Brandes, E. A., 1984: Relationships between radar derived thermo dynamic variables and tornadogenesis. Mort. Wea. Rev., 112, 1033-1052.Chong, M., and D. Hauser, 1989: A tropical squall line observed during the COPT81 experiment in West Africa. Part II: water budget. Mon. Wea. Rev, 117, 728-744.Emanuel, K. A., 1983: The Lagrangian parcel dynamics of moist symmetric instability. J. Atmos. $cL, 40, 2368-2376.Genesis of Atlantic Lows

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N. Andrew Crook
Terry L. Clark
, and
Mitchell W. Moncrieff

circulations that develop downwind of a ridge like thePalmer Divide. Section 3 describes the basic shear pattern that forms in the lee of a heated obstacle. Section4 then analyzes some of the boundary layer circulationsthat develop in this shear pattern. Section 5 focuses onthe convergence/vorticity zone in the lee of the obstacleand describes some of the small-scale circulations thatare believed to be important for tornadogenesis. Finally, section 6 shows how the eddies in the boundarylayer force a

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