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  • Weather and Forecasting x
  • Tropical Cyclone Intensity Experiment (TCI) x
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Shixuan Zhang
Zhaoxia Pu

72-h HWRF simulation. In addition, the adjustment of MSLP during the first 6-h forecast of RL-4D-TCI is not observed in RL-4DRES-TCI ( Fig. 10b ), implying that the high-resolution background error covariance and denser observational bin can possibly reduce the initial adjustment in HWRF after DA. Following Pu et al. (2016) , the net radial force field F , which is defined as the difference between the sum of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces and the radial pressure gradient force, is

Open access
Russell L. Elsberry
Natasha Buholzer
Christopher S. Velden
, and
Mary S. Jordan

October, these geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite-based positions agree well with the NHC best tracks, albeit with a consistent bias to the west. However, there are two times (0600 and 1200 UTC 4 October) when Joaquin was rapidly moving northeastward that the SATCON positions are highly biased to the east. An Air Force reconnaissance mission 305 was presumably responsible for that NHC best track position at 1200 UTC 4 October (and similarly mission 303 for 0000 UTC 4 October and mission 304

Free access
Russell L. Elsberry
Eric A. Hendricks
Christopher S. Velden
Michael M. Bell
Melinda Peng
Eleanor Casas
, and
Qingyun Zhao

appropriate SAMURAI wind increments. For each of these three domain 2 time steps, three time steps are taken on the 5-km domain 3 centered on the TC forecast position (both domains 2 and 3 are moved with the storm). In each time step on each domain, the mass fields will be adjusted to the SAMURAI wind increment forcing derived for that 15-min AMV dataset. Since the time steps for domains 1, 2, and 3 are 90, 30, and 10 s, the SCDI with 15-min AMV datasets will have 10, 30, and 90 time steps, respectively

Full access