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  • Planetary waves x
  • Air–Sea Interactions from the Diurnal to the Intraseasonal during the PISTON, MISOBOB, and CAMP2Ex Observational Campaigns in the Tropics x
  • Years of the Maritime Continent x
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Wei-Ting Chen
Shih-Pei Hsu
Yuan-Huai Tsai
, and
Chung-Hsiung Sui

, we chose MT instead of pure MRG waves ( Matsuno 1966 ) in this study. Table 1. The range of planetary zonal wavenumber, period, and equivalent depth chosen for filtering waves and their corresponding reference. Positive (negative) planetary zonal wavenumber indicates eastward (westward) propagation. MJO and MT do not follow the dispersion curve so the equivalent depths are not calculated. c. Diurnal cycle analysis To analyze the diurnal variation of precipitation, the dates are separated into

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Benjamin A. Toms
Susan C. van den Heever
Emily M. Riley Dellaripa
Stephen M. Saleeby
, and
Eric D. Maloney

1. Introduction Deep convective structures populate the tropics, provide the energetics that drive the large-scale tropical circulation, and interact with superimposed atmospheric waves ( Riehl and Malkus 1957 ; Lorenz 1969 ; Hendon and Liebmann 1991 ; Kiladis and Weickmann 1992 ; Chang 1995 ; Lane et al. 2001 ; Fierro et al. 2009 ). The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO; Madden and Julian 1971 , 1972 , 1994 ; Zhang 2005 ) is one such disturbance, and while the MJO is commonly defined

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