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. 3 , right column). Two-dimensional space–time PSDs are commonly used in climate and Earth science to analyze the propagation of atmospheric and oceanic waves along longitudes ( Wheeler and Kiladis 1999 ; Lin et al. 2006 ; Orbe et al. 2020 ). The left half of the PSD (negative wavelengths) corresponds to eastward propagating waves and the right half (positive wavelengths) corresponds to westward propagating waves. The two-dimensional space–time PSD shows the energy of the eastward and westward
. 3 , right column). Two-dimensional space–time PSDs are commonly used in climate and Earth science to analyze the propagation of atmospheric and oceanic waves along longitudes ( Wheeler and Kiladis 1999 ; Lin et al. 2006 ; Orbe et al. 2020 ). The left half of the PSD (negative wavelengths) corresponds to eastward propagating waves and the right half (positive wavelengths) corresponds to westward propagating waves. The two-dimensional space–time PSD shows the energy of the eastward and westward
Imager (prior to May 2014). These correlations are computed at 20° × 20° regions (ocean) or 10° latitude bands (land) every month over a 3-month period that is either centered on (Final) or trailing (Late and Early) that month. The spatial and temporal coarseness is needed to ensure sufficient sample sizes, with additional postprocessing to reduce fluctuations due to noise. Therefore, the Kalman correlations give us a quantitative measure at every location of the skill of, say, an estimate from
Imager (prior to May 2014). These correlations are computed at 20° × 20° regions (ocean) or 10° latitude bands (land) every month over a 3-month period that is either centered on (Final) or trailing (Late and Early) that month. The spatial and temporal coarseness is needed to ensure sufficient sample sizes, with additional postprocessing to reduce fluctuations due to noise. Therefore, the Kalman correlations give us a quantitative measure at every location of the skill of, say, an estimate from
:// . Walker , A. E. , and B. E. Goodison , 1993 : Discrimination of a wet snow cover using passive microwave satellite data . Ann. Glaciol. , 17 , 307 – 311 , . 10.3189/S026030550001301X Wang , D. , and Coauthors , 2017 : Surface emissivity at microwaves to millimeter waves over polar regions: Parameterization and evaluation with aircraft experiments . J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 34 , 1039 – 1059 , . 10
:// . Walker , A. E. , and B. E. Goodison , 1993 : Discrimination of a wet snow cover using passive microwave satellite data . Ann. Glaciol. , 17 , 307 – 311 , . 10.3189/S026030550001301X Wang , D. , and Coauthors , 2017 : Surface emissivity at microwaves to millimeter waves over polar regions: Parameterization and evaluation with aircraft experiments . J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 34 , 1039 – 1059 , . 10