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- Author or Editor: Cynthia L. Combs x
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GOES digital imagery has been collected and processed using new techniques over portions of the United States since March 1988. High spatial and temporal resolution satellite cloud composite climatologies (SCCCs) have been produced that represent cloud frequency maps for each season. For each month studied, the cloud composite products represent the cloud occurrence frequency for each GOES pixel location and depict the overall spatial distribution of cloud cover over large portions of the United States.
The satellite composites present a new cloud climatology at a greater spatial and temporal resolution than previously available. Composites with ground resolutions of 2.5 km at hourly time intervals show striking patterns of cloud cover that are not detected in preexisting cloud climatologies.
A comparison between the SCCCs and climatologies produced from conventional surface observations is presented. The comparison is quite good for most stations, yet some significant differences are noted and discussed. Cloud occurrence in the vast areas between surface observing sites can now be analyzed using the new SCCC tool.
GOES digital imagery has been collected and processed using new techniques over portions of the United States since March 1988. High spatial and temporal resolution satellite cloud composite climatologies (SCCCs) have been produced that represent cloud frequency maps for each season. For each month studied, the cloud composite products represent the cloud occurrence frequency for each GOES pixel location and depict the overall spatial distribution of cloud cover over large portions of the United States.
The satellite composites present a new cloud climatology at a greater spatial and temporal resolution than previously available. Composites with ground resolutions of 2.5 km at hourly time intervals show striking patterns of cloud cover that are not detected in preexisting cloud climatologies.
A comparison between the SCCCs and climatologies produced from conventional surface observations is presented. The comparison is quite good for most stations, yet some significant differences are noted and discussed. Cloud occurrence in the vast areas between surface observing sites can now be analyzed using the new SCCC tool.
The next-generation U.S. polar-orbiting environmental satellite program, the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), promises unprecedented capabilities for nighttime remote sensing by way of the day/night band (DNB) low-light visible sensor. The DNB will use moonlight illumination to characterize properties of the atmosphere and surface that conventionally have been limited to daytime observations. Since the moon is a highly variable source of visible light, an important question is where and when various levels of lunar illumination will be available. Here, nighttime moonlight availability was examined based on simulations done in the context of Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)/DNB coverage and sensitivity. Results indicate that roughly 45% of all JPSS-orbit [sun-synchronous, 1330 local equatorial crossing time on the ascending node (LTAN)] nighttime observations in the tropics and midlatitudes would provide levels of moonlight at crescent moon or greater. Two other orbits, 1730 and 2130 LTAN, were also considered. The inclusion of a 2130 LTAN satellite would provide similar availability to 1330 LTAN in terms of total moonlit nights, but with approximately a third of those nights being additional because of this orbit’s capture of a different portion of the lunar cycle. Nighttime availability is highly variable for near-terminator orbits. A 1-h shift from the 1730 LTAN near-terminator orbit to 1630 LTAN would nearly double the nighttime availability globally from this orbit, including expanded availability at midlatitudes. In contrast, a later shift to 1830 LTAN has a negligible effect. The results are intended to provide high-level guidance for mission planners, algorithm developers, and various users of low-light applications from these future satellite programs.
The next-generation U.S. polar-orbiting environmental satellite program, the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), promises unprecedented capabilities for nighttime remote sensing by way of the day/night band (DNB) low-light visible sensor. The DNB will use moonlight illumination to characterize properties of the atmosphere and surface that conventionally have been limited to daytime observations. Since the moon is a highly variable source of visible light, an important question is where and when various levels of lunar illumination will be available. Here, nighttime moonlight availability was examined based on simulations done in the context of Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)/DNB coverage and sensitivity. Results indicate that roughly 45% of all JPSS-orbit [sun-synchronous, 1330 local equatorial crossing time on the ascending node (LTAN)] nighttime observations in the tropics and midlatitudes would provide levels of moonlight at crescent moon or greater. Two other orbits, 1730 and 2130 LTAN, were also considered. The inclusion of a 2130 LTAN satellite would provide similar availability to 1330 LTAN in terms of total moonlit nights, but with approximately a third of those nights being additional because of this orbit’s capture of a different portion of the lunar cycle. Nighttime availability is highly variable for near-terminator orbits. A 1-h shift from the 1730 LTAN near-terminator orbit to 1630 LTAN would nearly double the nighttime availability globally from this orbit, including expanded availability at midlatitudes. In contrast, a later shift to 1830 LTAN has a negligible effect. The results are intended to provide high-level guidance for mission planners, algorithm developers, and various users of low-light applications from these future satellite programs.
A comprehensive and accurate global water vapor dataset is critical to the adequate understanding of water vapor's role in the earth's climate system. To begin to satisfy this need, the authors have produced a blended dataset made up of global, 5-yr (1988–92), l°x 1° spatial resolution, atmospheric water vapor (WV) and liquid water path products. These new products consist of both the daily total column-integrated composites and a multilayered WV product at three layers (1000–700, 700–500, 500–300 mb). The analyses combine WV retrievals from the Television and Infrared Operational Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager, and radiosonde observations. The global, vertical-layered water vapor dataset was developed by slicing the blended total column water vapor using layer information from TOVS and radiosonde. Also produced was a companion, over oceans only, liquid water path dataset. Satellite observations of liquid water path are growing in importance since many of the global climate models are now either incorporating or contain liquid water as an explicit variable. The complete dataset (all three products) has been named NVAP, an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Water Vapor Project.
This paper provides examples of the new dataset as well as scientific analysis of the observed annual cycle and the interannual variability of water vapor at global, hemispheric, and regional scales. A distinct global annual cycle is shown to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere observations. Planetary-scale variations are found to relate well to recent independent estimates of tropospheric temperature variations. Maps of regional interannual variability in the 5-yr period show the effect of the 1992 ENSO and other features.
A comprehensive and accurate global water vapor dataset is critical to the adequate understanding of water vapor's role in the earth's climate system. To begin to satisfy this need, the authors have produced a blended dataset made up of global, 5-yr (1988–92), l°x 1° spatial resolution, atmospheric water vapor (WV) and liquid water path products. These new products consist of both the daily total column-integrated composites and a multilayered WV product at three layers (1000–700, 700–500, 500–300 mb). The analyses combine WV retrievals from the Television and Infrared Operational Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager, and radiosonde observations. The global, vertical-layered water vapor dataset was developed by slicing the blended total column water vapor using layer information from TOVS and radiosonde. Also produced was a companion, over oceans only, liquid water path dataset. Satellite observations of liquid water path are growing in importance since many of the global climate models are now either incorporating or contain liquid water as an explicit variable. The complete dataset (all three products) has been named NVAP, an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Water Vapor Project.
This paper provides examples of the new dataset as well as scientific analysis of the observed annual cycle and the interannual variability of water vapor at global, hemispheric, and regional scales. A distinct global annual cycle is shown to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere observations. Planetary-scale variations are found to relate well to recent independent estimates of tropospheric temperature variations. Maps of regional interannual variability in the 5-yr period show the effect of the 1992 ENSO and other features.
Refinements and improvements of an earlier technique to retrieve the cloud liquid water path (LWP) of nonprecipitating clouds over land surfaces using Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) 85.5-GHz measurements are presented. These techniques require estimates of the microwave surface emissivity, which are derived in clear-sky regions from SSM/I measurements and window infrared measurements from the Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer on GOES-7. A comparison of forward model calculations with SSM/I measurements in clear regions demonstrates that over a 7-day period the surface emissivities are stable.
To overcome limitations in the single-channel retrieval method under certain situations, a new method is developed that uses a normalized polarization difference (NPD) of the brightness temperatures. This method has the advantages of providing estimates of the LWP for low clouds and being extremely insensitive to the surface skin temperature. Radiative transfer simulations also show that the polarization difference at 37 GHz may be useful for retrievals in high water vapor environments and for large cloud LWP.
An intercomparison of the different retrieval methods over Platteville, Colorado, reveals large discrepancies for certain cases, but the NPD method is found to agree best with coincident ground-based microwave radiometer measurements of cloud LWP. This success is primarily due to the larger than average surface polarization differences near the Platteville site. While the NPD method shows promise in distinguishing between low, moderate, and high values of cloud LWP, a comprehensive validation effort is required to further evaluate its accuracy and limitations.
Refinements and improvements of an earlier technique to retrieve the cloud liquid water path (LWP) of nonprecipitating clouds over land surfaces using Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) 85.5-GHz measurements are presented. These techniques require estimates of the microwave surface emissivity, which are derived in clear-sky regions from SSM/I measurements and window infrared measurements from the Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer on GOES-7. A comparison of forward model calculations with SSM/I measurements in clear regions demonstrates that over a 7-day period the surface emissivities are stable.
To overcome limitations in the single-channel retrieval method under certain situations, a new method is developed that uses a normalized polarization difference (NPD) of the brightness temperatures. This method has the advantages of providing estimates of the LWP for low clouds and being extremely insensitive to the surface skin temperature. Radiative transfer simulations also show that the polarization difference at 37 GHz may be useful for retrievals in high water vapor environments and for large cloud LWP.
An intercomparison of the different retrieval methods over Platteville, Colorado, reveals large discrepancies for certain cases, but the NPD method is found to agree best with coincident ground-based microwave radiometer measurements of cloud LWP. This success is primarily due to the larger than average surface polarization differences near the Platteville site. While the NPD method shows promise in distinguishing between low, moderate, and high values of cloud LWP, a comprehensive validation effort is required to further evaluate its accuracy and limitations.