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- Author or Editor: LANCE F. BOSART x
- Journal of Hydrometeorology x
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We present a comparative analysis of atmospheric rivers (ARs) and Great Plains low-level jets (GPLLJs) in the central United States during April–September 1901–2010 using ECMWF’s Coupled Reanalysis of the Twentieth Century (CERA-20C). The analysis is motivated by a perceived need to highlight overlap and synergistic opportunities between traditionally disconnected AR and GPLLJ research. First, using the Guan–Walliser integrated vapor transport (IVT)-based AR classification and Bonner–Whiteman-based GPLLJ classification, we identify days with either an AR and/or GPLLJ spanning 15% of the central United States. These days are grouped into five event samples: 1) all GPLLJ, 2) AR GPLLJ, 3) non-AR GPLLJ, 4) AR non-GPLLJ, and 5) all AR. Then, we quantify differences in the frequency, seasonality, synoptic environment, and extreme weather impacts corresponding to each event sample. Over the twentieth century, April–September AR frequency remained constant whereas GPLLJ frequency significantly decreased. Of GPLLJ days, 36% are associated with a coincident AR. Relative to ARs that are equally probable from April–September, GPLLJs exhibit distinct seasonality, with peak occurrence in July. A 500-hPa geopotential height comparison shows a persistent ridge over the central United States for non-AR GPLLJ days, whereas on AR GPLLJ days, a trough-and-ridge pattern is present over western to eastern CONUS. AR GPLLJ days have 34% greater 850-hPa windspeeds, 53% greater IVT, and 72% greater 24-h precipitation accumulation than non-AR GPLLJ days. In terms of 95th-percentile 850-hPa wind speed, IVT, and 24-h precipitation, that of AR GPLLJs is 25%, 45%, and 23% greater than non-AR GPLLJs, respectively.
We present a comparative analysis of atmospheric rivers (ARs) and Great Plains low-level jets (GPLLJs) in the central United States during April–September 1901–2010 using ECMWF’s Coupled Reanalysis of the Twentieth Century (CERA-20C). The analysis is motivated by a perceived need to highlight overlap and synergistic opportunities between traditionally disconnected AR and GPLLJ research. First, using the Guan–Walliser integrated vapor transport (IVT)-based AR classification and Bonner–Whiteman-based GPLLJ classification, we identify days with either an AR and/or GPLLJ spanning 15% of the central United States. These days are grouped into five event samples: 1) all GPLLJ, 2) AR GPLLJ, 3) non-AR GPLLJ, 4) AR non-GPLLJ, and 5) all AR. Then, we quantify differences in the frequency, seasonality, synoptic environment, and extreme weather impacts corresponding to each event sample. Over the twentieth century, April–September AR frequency remained constant whereas GPLLJ frequency significantly decreased. Of GPLLJ days, 36% are associated with a coincident AR. Relative to ARs that are equally probable from April–September, GPLLJs exhibit distinct seasonality, with peak occurrence in July. A 500-hPa geopotential height comparison shows a persistent ridge over the central United States for non-AR GPLLJ days, whereas on AR GPLLJ days, a trough-and-ridge pattern is present over western to eastern CONUS. AR GPLLJ days have 34% greater 850-hPa windspeeds, 53% greater IVT, and 72% greater 24-h precipitation accumulation than non-AR GPLLJ days. In terms of 95th-percentile 850-hPa wind speed, IVT, and 24-h precipitation, that of AR GPLLJs is 25%, 45%, and 23% greater than non-AR GPLLJs, respectively.
Extreme precipitation can have significant adverse impacts on infrastructure and property, human health, and local economies. This paper examines recent changes in extreme precipitation in the northeast United States. Daily station data from 58 stations missing less than 5% of days for the years 1979–2014 from the U.S. Historical Climatology Network were used to analyze extreme precipitation, defined as the top 1% of days with precipitation. A statistically significant (95% confidence level) increasing trend of the threshold for the top 1% of extreme precipitation events was found (0.3 mm yr−1). This increasing trend was due to both an increase in the frequency of extreme events and the magnitude of extreme events. Rainfall events ≥ 150 mm (24-h accumulation) increased in frequency from 6 events between 1979 and 1996 to 25 events between 1997 and 2014, a 317% increase. The annual daily maximum precipitation, or the highest recorded precipitation amount in a given year, increased by an average of 1.6 mm yr−1, a total increase of 58.0 mm. Decreasing trends in extreme precipitation were observed east of Lake Erie during the warm season. Increasing trends in extreme precipitation were most robust during the fall months of September, October, and November, and particularly at locations further inland. The analysis showed that increases in events that were tropical in nature, or associated with tropical moisture, led to the observed increase in extreme precipitation during the fall months.
Extreme precipitation can have significant adverse impacts on infrastructure and property, human health, and local economies. This paper examines recent changes in extreme precipitation in the northeast United States. Daily station data from 58 stations missing less than 5% of days for the years 1979–2014 from the U.S. Historical Climatology Network were used to analyze extreme precipitation, defined as the top 1% of days with precipitation. A statistically significant (95% confidence level) increasing trend of the threshold for the top 1% of extreme precipitation events was found (0.3 mm yr−1). This increasing trend was due to both an increase in the frequency of extreme events and the magnitude of extreme events. Rainfall events ≥ 150 mm (24-h accumulation) increased in frequency from 6 events between 1979 and 1996 to 25 events between 1997 and 2014, a 317% increase. The annual daily maximum precipitation, or the highest recorded precipitation amount in a given year, increased by an average of 1.6 mm yr−1, a total increase of 58.0 mm. Decreasing trends in extreme precipitation were observed east of Lake Erie during the warm season. Increasing trends in extreme precipitation were most robust during the fall months of September, October, and November, and particularly at locations further inland. The analysis showed that increases in events that were tropical in nature, or associated with tropical moisture, led to the observed increase in extreme precipitation during the fall months.