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- Author or Editor: Luc Rainville x
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology x
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An inexpensive vertically profiling float that draws its energy from the ocean surface wavefield is described. Termed the “Wirewalker,” it is a generalized platform capable of supporting a variety of self-contained instruments. The motion of the waves drives the positively buoyant profiler downward. It then free floats upward, decoupled from the surface motion field. The design focuses on mechanical simplicity and low cost. In moderate sea states, a prototype Wirewalker has completed profiles to depths of 60 m every 15 min. Profiles from the surface to 50–100 m can be obtained rapidly enough that diel and higher-frequency variability can be resolved.
An inexpensive vertically profiling float that draws its energy from the ocean surface wavefield is described. Termed the “Wirewalker,” it is a generalized platform capable of supporting a variety of self-contained instruments. The motion of the waves drives the positively buoyant profiler downward. It then free floats upward, decoupled from the surface motion field. The design focuses on mechanical simplicity and low cost. In moderate sea states, a prototype Wirewalker has completed profiles to depths of 60 m every 15 min. Profiles from the surface to 50–100 m can be obtained rapidly enough that diel and higher-frequency variability can be resolved.
As part of the second Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS-2), the ship-towed Surface Salinity Profiler (SSP) was used to measure near-surface turbulence and stratification on horizontal spatial scales of tens of kilometers over time scales of hours, resolving structures outside the observational capabilities of autonomous or Lagrangian platforms. Observations of microstructure variability of temperature were made at approximately 37 cm depth from the SSP. The platform can be used to measure turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate when the upper ocean is sufficiently stratified by calculating temperature gradient spectra from the microstructure data and fitting to low-wavenumber theoretical Batchelor spectra. Observations of dissipation rate made across a range of wind speeds under 12 m s−1 were consistent with the results of previous studies of near-surface turbulence and with existing turbulence scalings. Microstructure sensors mounted on the SSP can be used to investigate the spatial structure of near-surface turbulence. This provides a new means to study the connections between near-surface turbulence and the larger-scale distributions of heat and salt in the near-surface layer of the ocean.
As part of the second Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS-2), the ship-towed Surface Salinity Profiler (SSP) was used to measure near-surface turbulence and stratification on horizontal spatial scales of tens of kilometers over time scales of hours, resolving structures outside the observational capabilities of autonomous or Lagrangian platforms. Observations of microstructure variability of temperature were made at approximately 37 cm depth from the SSP. The platform can be used to measure turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate when the upper ocean is sufficiently stratified by calculating temperature gradient spectra from the microstructure data and fitting to low-wavenumber theoretical Batchelor spectra. Observations of dissipation rate made across a range of wind speeds under 12 m s−1 were consistent with the results of previous studies of near-surface turbulence and with existing turbulence scalings. Microstructure sensors mounted on the SSP can be used to investigate the spatial structure of near-surface turbulence. This provides a new means to study the connections between near-surface turbulence and the larger-scale distributions of heat and salt in the near-surface layer of the ocean.
The lack of continuous spatial and temporal sampling of hydrographic measurements in large parts of the Arctic Ocean remains a major obstacle for quantifying mean state and variability of the Arctic Ocean circulation. This shortcoming motivates an assessment of the utility of Argo-type floats, the challenges of deploying such floats due to the presence of sea ice, and the implications of extended times of no surfacing on hydrographic inferences. Within the framework of an Arctic coupled ocean–sea ice state estimate that is constrained to available satellite and in situ observations, we establish metrics for quantifying the usefulness of such floats. The likelihood of float surfacing strongly correlates with the annual sea ice minimum cover. Within the float lifetime of 4–5 years, surfacing frequency ranges from 10–100 days in seasonally sea ice–covered regions to 1–3 years in multiyear sea ice–covered regions. The longer the float drifts under ice without surfacing, the larger the uncertainty in its position, which translates into larger uncertainties in hydrographic measurements. Below the mixed layer, especially in the western Arctic, normalized errors remain below 1, suggesting that measurements along a path whose only known positions are the beginning and end points can help constrain numerical models and reduce hydrographic uncertainties. The error assessment presented is a first step in the development of quantitative methods for guiding the design of observing networks. These results can and should be used to inform a float network design with suggested locations of float deployment and associated expected hydrographic uncertainties.
The lack of continuous spatial and temporal sampling of hydrographic measurements in large parts of the Arctic Ocean remains a major obstacle for quantifying mean state and variability of the Arctic Ocean circulation. This shortcoming motivates an assessment of the utility of Argo-type floats, the challenges of deploying such floats due to the presence of sea ice, and the implications of extended times of no surfacing on hydrographic inferences. Within the framework of an Arctic coupled ocean–sea ice state estimate that is constrained to available satellite and in situ observations, we establish metrics for quantifying the usefulness of such floats. The likelihood of float surfacing strongly correlates with the annual sea ice minimum cover. Within the float lifetime of 4–5 years, surfacing frequency ranges from 10–100 days in seasonally sea ice–covered regions to 1–3 years in multiyear sea ice–covered regions. The longer the float drifts under ice without surfacing, the larger the uncertainty in its position, which translates into larger uncertainties in hydrographic measurements. Below the mixed layer, especially in the western Arctic, normalized errors remain below 1, suggesting that measurements along a path whose only known positions are the beginning and end points can help constrain numerical models and reduce hydrographic uncertainties. The error assessment presented is a first step in the development of quantitative methods for guiding the design of observing networks. These results can and should be used to inform a float network design with suggested locations of float deployment and associated expected hydrographic uncertainties.
Properties of the surface mixed layer (ML) are critical for understanding and predicting atmosphere–sea ice–ocean interactions in the changing Arctic Ocean. Mooring measurements are typically unable to resolve the ML in the Arctic due to the need for instruments to remain below the surface to avoid contact with sea ice and icebergs. Here, we use measurements from a series of three moorings installed for one year in the Beaufort Sea to demonstrate that upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) installed on subsurface floats can be used to estimate ML properties. A method is developed for combining measured peaks in acoustic backscatter and inertial shear from the ADCPs to estimate the ML depth. Additionally, we use an inverse sound speed model to infer the summer ML temperature based on offsets in ADCP altimeter distance during open-water periods. The ADCP estimates of ML depth and ML temperature compare favorably with measurements made from mooring temperature sensors, satellite SST, and from an autonomous Seaglider. These methods could be applied to other extant mooring records to recover additional information about ML property changes and variability.
Properties of the surface mixed layer (ML) are critical for understanding and predicting atmosphere–sea ice–ocean interactions in the changing Arctic Ocean. Mooring measurements are typically unable to resolve the ML in the Arctic due to the need for instruments to remain below the surface to avoid contact with sea ice and icebergs. Here, we use measurements from a series of three moorings installed for one year in the Beaufort Sea to demonstrate that upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) installed on subsurface floats can be used to estimate ML properties. A method is developed for combining measured peaks in acoustic backscatter and inertial shear from the ADCPs to estimate the ML depth. Additionally, we use an inverse sound speed model to infer the summer ML temperature based on offsets in ADCP altimeter distance during open-water periods. The ADCP estimates of ML depth and ML temperature compare favorably with measurements made from mooring temperature sensors, satellite SST, and from an autonomous Seaglider. These methods could be applied to other extant mooring records to recover additional information about ML property changes and variability.