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  • Author or Editor: A. D. PEARSON x
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The 39 tornado occurrences associated with the four hurricanes which struck the United States during 1964 are shown to favor a location in the right front quadrant of the storm. A distribution of hurricane tornadoes over the past 10 yr. is presented, also favoring the right front quadrant. Some suggestion of a preference for afternoon formation is rejected because a time bias was noted in reports from hurricane Isabell.

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Thomas T. Warner
Mercedes N. Lakhtakia
James D. Doyle
, and
Robert A. Pearson


The Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model is initialized with calm winds, a barotropic temperature pattern, and a uniform surface pressure in studies of the response of the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) to realistic differential fluxes of heal and moisture at the sea surface in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream. A maritime sounding from the GALE data region during Intensive Observation Period 2 (IOP 2) is used to define the initial vertical structure of the temperature and humidity fields. The sensitivity of the MABL to two sea surface temperature (SST) patterns is tested. One is a relatively smooth analysis that is typical of those used by research and operational models applied on the synoptic scale and mesoscale. The other is based on the experimental 14 km high-resolution analysis of NOAA. In addition, other simulations are used to determine the sensitivity of the MABL response to physical factors such as surface moisture fluxes, latent heating, and the sea-surface roughness. These studies have two purposes: one is to provide a better understanding of the three- dimensional MABL response to a realistic SST pattern; the other is to isolate the mesoscale circulations produced by this differential thermal forcing so that their interaction with other processes, such as cyclogenesis, can be inferred in real-data simulations.

The results of simulations using the two SST analyses are quite different. For example, the MABL front that develops near the north wall of the Gulf Stream is much stronger with the high-resolution analysis. Horizontal temperature gradients below 950 mb are 2–3 times larger, horizontal velocities near the surface are in excess of 7 m s−1 instead of ∼2 m s−1, and the vertical velocity patterns showed significantly different spatial characteristics and amplitudes. In both simulations, responses to the surface forcing extended upward to about 800 mb. In the experiment with the high-resolution SST analysis, a moderately strong mesoscale circulation was produced in the MABL within 12 h. Additional factors found to be important contributors to the MABL response are latent heat release in the lower atmosphere and sea-surface fluxes of moisture. The enhancement of the heat and moisture fluxes associated with the higher winds in the vicinity of the MABL front also significantly contributes to the amplitude of the circulation.

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Henry Chang
Helga S. Huntley
A. D. Kirwan Jr.
Daniel F. Carlson
Jean A. Mensa
Sanchit Mehta
Guillaume Novelli
Tamay M. Özgökmen
Baylor Fox-Kemper
Brodie Pearson
Jenna Pearson
Ramsey R. Harcourt
, and
Andrew C. Poje


We present an analysis of ocean surface dispersion characteristics, on 1–100-m scales, obtained by optically tracking a release of O ( 600 ) bamboo plates for 2 h in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Under sustained 5–6 m s−1 winds, energetic Langmuir cells are clearly delineated in the spatially dense plate observations. Within 10 min of release, the plates collect in windrows with 15-m spacing aligned with the wind. Windrow spacing grows, through windrow merger, to 40 m after 20 min and then expands at a slower rate to 50 m. The presence of Langmuir cells produces strong horizontal anisotropy and scale dependence in all surface dispersion statistics computed from the plate observations. Relative dispersion in the crosswind direction initially dominates but eventually saturates, while downwind dispersion exhibits continual growth consistent with contributions from both turbulent fluctuations and organized mean shear. Longitudinal velocity differences in the crosswind direction indicate mean convergence at scales below the Langmuir cell diameter and mean divergence at larger scales. Although the second-order structure function measured by contemporaneous GPS-tracked surface drifters drogued at ~0.5 m shows persistent r 2/3 power law scaling down to 100–200-m separation scales, the second-order structure function for the very near surface plates observations has considerably higher energy and significantly shallower slope at scales below 100 m. This is consistent with contemporaneous data from undrogued surface drifters and previously published model results indicating shallowing spectra in the presence of direct wind-wave forcing mechanisms.

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D. H. Lenschow
I. R. Paluch
A. R. Bandy
R. Pearson Jr.
S. R. Kawa
C. J. Weaver
B. J. Huebert
J. G. Kay
D. C. Thornton
, and
A. R. Driedger III

A combined atmospheric chemistry-meteorology experiment, the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Marine Stratocumulus (DYCOMS), was carried out during the summer of 1985 over the eastern Pacific Ocean using the NCAR Electra aircraft. The objectives were to 1) study the budgets of several trace reactive species in a relatively pristine, steady-state, horizontally homogeneous, well-mixed boundary layer capped by a strong inversion and 2) study the formation, maintenance and dissipation of marine stratocumulus that persists off the California coast (as well as similar regions elsewhere) in summer. We obtained both mean and turbulence measurements of meteorological variables within and above the cloud-capped boundary layer that is typical of this region. Ozone was used successfully as a tracer for estimating entrainment rate. We found, however, that horizontal variability was large enough for ozone that a correction needs to be included in the ozone budget for the horizontal displacement due to turns even though the airplane was allowed to drift with the wind. The time rate-of-change term was significant in both the ozone and radon budgets; as a result, a considerably longer time interval than the two hours used between sets of flight legs would be desirable to improve the measurement accuracy of this term.

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