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- Author or Editor: Andrew F. Thompson x
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Satellite altimetry and high-resolution ocean models indicate that the Southern Ocean comprises an intricate web of narrow, meandering jets that undergo spontaneous formation, merger, and splitting events, as well as rapid latitude shifts over periods of weeks to months. The role of topography in controlling jet variability is explored using over 100 simulations from a doubly periodic, forced-dissipative, two-layer quasigeostrophic model. The system is forced by a baroclinically unstable, vertically sheared mean flow in a domain that is large enough to accommodate multiple jets. The dependence of (i) meridional jet spacing, (ii) jet variability, and (iii) domain-averaged meridional transport on changes in the length scale and steepness of simple sinusoidal topographical features is analyzed.
The Rhines scale, ℓ
= 2π
Satellite altimetry and high-resolution ocean models indicate that the Southern Ocean comprises an intricate web of narrow, meandering jets that undergo spontaneous formation, merger, and splitting events, as well as rapid latitude shifts over periods of weeks to months. The role of topography in controlling jet variability is explored using over 100 simulations from a doubly periodic, forced-dissipative, two-layer quasigeostrophic model. The system is forced by a baroclinically unstable, vertically sheared mean flow in a domain that is large enough to accommodate multiple jets. The dependence of (i) meridional jet spacing, (ii) jet variability, and (iii) domain-averaged meridional transport on changes in the length scale and steepness of simple sinusoidal topographical features is analyzed.
The Rhines scale, ℓ
= 2π
Along various stretches of the Antarctic margins, dense Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) escapes its formation sites and descends the continental slope. This export necessarily raises the isopycnals associated with lighter density classes over the continental slope, resulting in density surfaces that connect the near-freezing waters of the continental shelf to the much warmer circumpolar deep water (CDW) at middepth offshore. In this article, an eddy-resolving process model is used to explore the possibility that AABW export enhances shoreward heat transport by creating a pathway for CDW to access the continental shelf without doing any work against buoyancy forces. In the absence of a net alongshore pressure gradient, the shoreward CDW transport is effected entirely by mesoscale and submesoscale eddy transfer. Eddies are generated partly by instabilities at the pycnocline, sourcing their energy from the alongshore wind stress, but primarily by instabilities at the CDW–AABW interface, sourcing their energy from buoyancy loss on the continental shelf. This combination of processes induces a vertical convergence of eddy kinetic energy and alongshore momentum into the middepth CDW layer, sustaining a local maximum in the eddy kinetic energy over the slope and balancing the Coriolis force associated with the shoreward CDW transport. The resulting slope turbulence self-organizes into a series of alternating along-slope jets with strongly asymmetrical contributions to the slope energy and momentum budgets. Cross-shore variations in the potential vorticity gradient cause the jets to drift continuously offshore, suggesting that fronts observed in regions of AABW down-slope flow may in fact be transient features.
Along various stretches of the Antarctic margins, dense Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) escapes its formation sites and descends the continental slope. This export necessarily raises the isopycnals associated with lighter density classes over the continental slope, resulting in density surfaces that connect the near-freezing waters of the continental shelf to the much warmer circumpolar deep water (CDW) at middepth offshore. In this article, an eddy-resolving process model is used to explore the possibility that AABW export enhances shoreward heat transport by creating a pathway for CDW to access the continental shelf without doing any work against buoyancy forces. In the absence of a net alongshore pressure gradient, the shoreward CDW transport is effected entirely by mesoscale and submesoscale eddy transfer. Eddies are generated partly by instabilities at the pycnocline, sourcing their energy from the alongshore wind stress, but primarily by instabilities at the CDW–AABW interface, sourcing their energy from buoyancy loss on the continental shelf. This combination of processes induces a vertical convergence of eddy kinetic energy and alongshore momentum into the middepth CDW layer, sustaining a local maximum in the eddy kinetic energy over the slope and balancing the Coriolis force associated with the shoreward CDW transport. The resulting slope turbulence self-organizes into a series of alternating along-slope jets with strongly asymmetrical contributions to the slope energy and momentum budgets. Cross-shore variations in the potential vorticity gradient cause the jets to drift continuously offshore, suggesting that fronts observed in regions of AABW down-slope flow may in fact be transient features.
Previous idealized investigations of Southern Ocean overturning have omitted its connection with the Antarctic continental shelves, leaving the influence of shelf processes on Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) export unconsidered. In particular, the contribution of mesoscale eddies to setting the stratification and overturning circulation in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is well established, yet their role in cross-shelf exchange of water masses remains unclear. This study proposes a residual-mean theory that elucidates the connection between Antarctic cross-shelf exchange and overturning in the ACC, and the contribution of mesoscale eddies to the export of AABW. The authors motivate and verify this theory using an eddy-resolving process model of a sector of the Southern Ocean. The strength and pattern of the simulated overturning circulation strongly resemble those of the real ocean and are closely captured by the residual-mean theory. Over the continental slope baroclinic instability is suppressed, and so transport by mesoscale eddies is reduced. This suppression of the eddy fluxes also gives rise to the steep “V”-shaped isopycnals that characterize the Antarctic Slope Front in AABW-forming regions of the continental shelf. Furthermore, to produce water on the continental shelf that is dense enough to sink to the deep ocean, the deep overturning cell must be at least comparable in strength to wind-driven mean overturning on the continental slope. This results in a strong sensitivity of the deep overturning strength to changes in the polar easterly winds.
Previous idealized investigations of Southern Ocean overturning have omitted its connection with the Antarctic continental shelves, leaving the influence of shelf processes on Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) export unconsidered. In particular, the contribution of mesoscale eddies to setting the stratification and overturning circulation in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is well established, yet their role in cross-shelf exchange of water masses remains unclear. This study proposes a residual-mean theory that elucidates the connection between Antarctic cross-shelf exchange and overturning in the ACC, and the contribution of mesoscale eddies to the export of AABW. The authors motivate and verify this theory using an eddy-resolving process model of a sector of the Southern Ocean. The strength and pattern of the simulated overturning circulation strongly resemble those of the real ocean and are closely captured by the residual-mean theory. Over the continental slope baroclinic instability is suppressed, and so transport by mesoscale eddies is reduced. This suppression of the eddy fluxes also gives rise to the steep “V”-shaped isopycnals that characterize the Antarctic Slope Front in AABW-forming regions of the continental shelf. Furthermore, to produce water on the continental shelf that is dense enough to sink to the deep ocean, the deep overturning cell must be at least comparable in strength to wind-driven mean overturning on the continental slope. This results in a strong sensitivity of the deep overturning strength to changes in the polar easterly winds.
The eddy heat flux generated by statistically equilibrated baroclinic turbulence supported on a uniform, horizontal temperature gradient is examined using a two-layer β-plane quasigeostrophic model. The dependence of the eddy diffusivity of temperature, Dτ , on external parameters such as β, bottom friction κ, the deformation radius λ, and the velocity jump 2U, is provided by numerical simulations at 110 different points in the parameter space β * = βλ 2/U and κ * = κλ/U. There is a special “pivot” value of β *, β piv * ≈ 11/16, at which Dτ depends weakly on κ *. But otherwise Dτ has a complicated dependence on both β * and κ *, highlighted by the fact that reducing κ * leads to increases (decreases) in Dτ if β is less than (greater than) β piv *. Existing heat-flux parameterizations, based on Kolmogorov cascade theories, predict that Dτ is nonzero and independent of κ * in the limit κ * → 0. Simulations show indications of this regime provided that κ * ≤ 0.04 and 0.25 ≤ β * ≤ 0.5.
All important length scales in this problem, namely the mixing length, the scale of the energy containing eddies, the Rhines scale, and the spacing of the zonal jets, converge to a common value as bottom friction is reduced. The mixing length and jet spacing do not decouple in the parameter regime considered here, as predicted by cascade theories. The convergence of these length scales is due to the formation of jet-scale eddies that align along the eastward jets. The baroclinic component of these eddies helps force the zonal mean flow, which occurs through nonzero Reynolds stress correlations in the upper layer, as opposed to the barotropic mode. This behavior suggests that the dynamics of the inverse barotropic cascade are insufficient to fully describe baroclinic turbulence.
The eddy heat flux generated by statistically equilibrated baroclinic turbulence supported on a uniform, horizontal temperature gradient is examined using a two-layer β-plane quasigeostrophic model. The dependence of the eddy diffusivity of temperature, Dτ , on external parameters such as β, bottom friction κ, the deformation radius λ, and the velocity jump 2U, is provided by numerical simulations at 110 different points in the parameter space β * = βλ 2/U and κ * = κλ/U. There is a special “pivot” value of β *, β piv * ≈ 11/16, at which Dτ depends weakly on κ *. But otherwise Dτ has a complicated dependence on both β * and κ *, highlighted by the fact that reducing κ * leads to increases (decreases) in Dτ if β is less than (greater than) β piv *. Existing heat-flux parameterizations, based on Kolmogorov cascade theories, predict that Dτ is nonzero and independent of κ * in the limit κ * → 0. Simulations show indications of this regime provided that κ * ≤ 0.04 and 0.25 ≤ β * ≤ 0.5.
All important length scales in this problem, namely the mixing length, the scale of the energy containing eddies, the Rhines scale, and the spacing of the zonal jets, converge to a common value as bottom friction is reduced. The mixing length and jet spacing do not decouple in the parameter regime considered here, as predicted by cascade theories. The convergence of these length scales is due to the formation of jet-scale eddies that align along the eastward jets. The baroclinic component of these eddies helps force the zonal mean flow, which occurs through nonzero Reynolds stress correlations in the upper layer, as opposed to the barotropic mode. This behavior suggests that the dynamics of the inverse barotropic cascade are insufficient to fully describe baroclinic turbulence.
The eddy heat flux generated by the statistically equilibrated baroclinic instability of a uniform, horizontal temperature gradient is studied using a two-mode f-plane quasigeostrophic model. An overview of the dependence of the eddy diffusivity D on the bottom friction κ, the deformation radius λ, the vertical variation of the large-scale flow U, and the domain size L is provided by numerical simulations at 70 different values of the two nondimensional control parameters κλ/U and L/λ. Strong, axisymmetric, well-separated baroclinic vortices dominate both the barotropic vorticity and the temperature fields. The core radius of a single vortex is significantly larger than λ but smaller than the eddy mixing length ℓmix. On the other hand, the typical vortex separation is comparable to ℓmix. Anticyclonic vortices are hot, and cyclonic vortices are cold. The motion of a single vortex is due to barotropic advection by other distant vortices, and the eddy heat flux is due to the systematic migration of hot anticyclones northward and cold cyclones southward. These features can be explained by scaling arguments and an analysis of the statistically steady energy balance. These arguments result in a relation between D and ℓmix. Earlier scaling theories based on coupled Kolmogorovian cascades do not account for these coherent structures and are shown to be unreliable. All of the major properties of this dilute vortex gas are exponentially sensitive to the strength of the bottom drag. As the bottom drag decreases, both the vortex cores and the vortex separation become larger. Provided that ℓmix remains significantly smaller than the domain size, then local mixing length arguments are applicable, and our main empirical result is ℓmix ≈ 4λ exp(0.3U/κλ).
The eddy heat flux generated by the statistically equilibrated baroclinic instability of a uniform, horizontal temperature gradient is studied using a two-mode f-plane quasigeostrophic model. An overview of the dependence of the eddy diffusivity D on the bottom friction κ, the deformation radius λ, the vertical variation of the large-scale flow U, and the domain size L is provided by numerical simulations at 70 different values of the two nondimensional control parameters κλ/U and L/λ. Strong, axisymmetric, well-separated baroclinic vortices dominate both the barotropic vorticity and the temperature fields. The core radius of a single vortex is significantly larger than λ but smaller than the eddy mixing length ℓmix. On the other hand, the typical vortex separation is comparable to ℓmix. Anticyclonic vortices are hot, and cyclonic vortices are cold. The motion of a single vortex is due to barotropic advection by other distant vortices, and the eddy heat flux is due to the systematic migration of hot anticyclones northward and cold cyclones southward. These features can be explained by scaling arguments and an analysis of the statistically steady energy balance. These arguments result in a relation between D and ℓmix. Earlier scaling theories based on coupled Kolmogorovian cascades do not account for these coherent structures and are shown to be unreliable. All of the major properties of this dilute vortex gas are exponentially sensitive to the strength of the bottom drag. As the bottom drag decreases, both the vortex cores and the vortex separation become larger. Provided that ℓmix remains significantly smaller than the domain size, then local mixing length arguments are applicable, and our main empirical result is ℓmix ≈ 4λ exp(0.3U/κλ).
Oceanic boundary currents over the continental slope exhibit variability with a range of time scales. Numerical studies of steady, along-slope currents over a sloping bathymetry have shown that cross-slope Ekman transport can advect buoyancy surfaces in a bottom boundary layer (BBL) so as to produce vertically sheared geostrophic flows that bring the total flow to rest: a process known as buoyancy shutdown of Ekman transport or Ekman arrest. This study considers the generation and evolution of near-bottom flows due to a barotropic, oscillating, and laterally sheared flow over a slope. The sensitivity of the boundary circulation to changes in oscillation frequency ω, background flow amplitude, bottom slope, and background stratification is explored. When ω/f ≪ 1, where f is the Coriolis frequency, oscillations allow the system to escape from the steady buoyancy shutdown scenario. The BBL is responsible for generating a secondary overturning circulation that produces vertical velocities that, combined with the potential vorticity (PV) anomalies of the imposed barotropic flow, give rise to a time-mean, rectified, vertical eddy PV flux into the ocean interior: a “PV pump.” In these idealized simulations, the PV anomalies in the BBL make a secondary contribution to the time-averaged PV flux. Numerical results show the domain-averaged eddy PV flux increases nonlinearly with ω with a peak near the inertial frequency, followed by a sharp decay for ω/f > 1. Different physical mechanisms are discussed that could give rise to the temporal variability of boundary currents.
Oceanic boundary currents over the continental slope exhibit variability with a range of time scales. Numerical studies of steady, along-slope currents over a sloping bathymetry have shown that cross-slope Ekman transport can advect buoyancy surfaces in a bottom boundary layer (BBL) so as to produce vertically sheared geostrophic flows that bring the total flow to rest: a process known as buoyancy shutdown of Ekman transport or Ekman arrest. This study considers the generation and evolution of near-bottom flows due to a barotropic, oscillating, and laterally sheared flow over a slope. The sensitivity of the boundary circulation to changes in oscillation frequency ω, background flow amplitude, bottom slope, and background stratification is explored. When ω/f ≪ 1, where f is the Coriolis frequency, oscillations allow the system to escape from the steady buoyancy shutdown scenario. The BBL is responsible for generating a secondary overturning circulation that produces vertical velocities that, combined with the potential vorticity (PV) anomalies of the imposed barotropic flow, give rise to a time-mean, rectified, vertical eddy PV flux into the ocean interior: a “PV pump.” In these idealized simulations, the PV anomalies in the BBL make a secondary contribution to the time-averaged PV flux. Numerical results show the domain-averaged eddy PV flux increases nonlinearly with ω with a peak near the inertial frequency, followed by a sharp decay for ω/f > 1. Different physical mechanisms are discussed that could give rise to the temporal variability of boundary currents.
The Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) naturally lends itself to interpretations using a zonally averaged framework. Yet, navigation around steep and complicated bathymetric obstacles suggests that local dynamics may be far removed from those described by zonally symmetric models. In this study, both observational and numerical results indicate that zonal asymmetries, in the form of topography, impact global flow structure and transport properties.
The conclusions are based on a suite of more than 1.5 million virtual drifter trajectories advected using a satellite altimetry–derived surface velocity field spanning 17 years. The focus is on sites of “cross front” transport as defined by movement across selected sea surface height contours that correspond to jets along most of the ACC. Cross-front exchange is localized in the lee of bathymetric features with more than 75% of crossing events occurring in regions corresponding to only 20% of the ACC’s zonal extent.
These observations motivate a series of numerical experiments using a two-layer quasigeostrophic model with simple, zonally asymmetric topography, which often produces transitions in the front structure along the channel. Significantly, regimes occur where the equilibrated number of coherent jets is a function of longitude and transport barriers are not periodic. Jet reorganization is carried out by eddy flux divergences acting to both accelerate and decelerate the mean flow of the jets. Eddy kinetic energy is amplified downstream of topography due to increased baroclinicity related to topographic steering. The combination of high eddy kinetic energy and recirculation features enhances particle exchange. These results stress the complications in developing consistent circumpolar definitions of the ACC fronts.
The Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) naturally lends itself to interpretations using a zonally averaged framework. Yet, navigation around steep and complicated bathymetric obstacles suggests that local dynamics may be far removed from those described by zonally symmetric models. In this study, both observational and numerical results indicate that zonal asymmetries, in the form of topography, impact global flow structure and transport properties.
The conclusions are based on a suite of more than 1.5 million virtual drifter trajectories advected using a satellite altimetry–derived surface velocity field spanning 17 years. The focus is on sites of “cross front” transport as defined by movement across selected sea surface height contours that correspond to jets along most of the ACC. Cross-front exchange is localized in the lee of bathymetric features with more than 75% of crossing events occurring in regions corresponding to only 20% of the ACC’s zonal extent.
These observations motivate a series of numerical experiments using a two-layer quasigeostrophic model with simple, zonally asymmetric topography, which often produces transitions in the front structure along the channel. Significantly, regimes occur where the equilibrated number of coherent jets is a function of longitude and transport barriers are not periodic. Jet reorganization is carried out by eddy flux divergences acting to both accelerate and decelerate the mean flow of the jets. Eddy kinetic energy is amplified downstream of topography due to increased baroclinicity related to topographic steering. The combination of high eddy kinetic energy and recirculation features enhances particle exchange. These results stress the complications in developing consistent circumpolar definitions of the ACC fronts.
Diagnostics of ocean variability that reflect and influence local transport properties of heat and chemical species vary by an order of magnitude along the Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Topographic “hotspots” are important regions of localized transport anomalies. This study uses a primitive equation channel model to investigate the structure of eddy kinetic energy (EKE), one measure of variability, in an oceanic regime. A storm-track approach emphasizes the importance of stationary eddies, which result from flow interactions with topography, on setting EKE distributions. The influence of these interactions extends far downstream of the topography and impacts EKE patterns through localized convergence and divergence of heat. Unlike for zonal averages, local contributions to the stationary fluxes from terms that integrate to zero in a zonal average are important. The simulations show a strong sensitivity of the zonal structure as well as the distribution and amplitude of stationary eddy fluxes to the surface wind forcing. By focusing on local, time-averaged stationary eddy fluxes, insight into the dynamical structure of the ACC can be gained that is concealed in the averaging procedure associated with traditional zonal or along-stream analyses.
Diagnostics of ocean variability that reflect and influence local transport properties of heat and chemical species vary by an order of magnitude along the Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Topographic “hotspots” are important regions of localized transport anomalies. This study uses a primitive equation channel model to investigate the structure of eddy kinetic energy (EKE), one measure of variability, in an oceanic regime. A storm-track approach emphasizes the importance of stationary eddies, which result from flow interactions with topography, on setting EKE distributions. The influence of these interactions extends far downstream of the topography and impacts EKE patterns through localized convergence and divergence of heat. Unlike for zonal averages, local contributions to the stationary fluxes from terms that integrate to zero in a zonal average are important. The simulations show a strong sensitivity of the zonal structure as well as the distribution and amplitude of stationary eddy fluxes to the surface wind forcing. By focusing on local, time-averaged stationary eddy fluxes, insight into the dynamical structure of the ACC can be gained that is concealed in the averaging procedure associated with traditional zonal or along-stream analyses.
Climate models consistently project (i) a decline in the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and (ii) a strengthening of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing. These two processes suggest potentially conflicting tendencies of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC): a weakening AMOC due to changes in the North Atlantic but a strengthening AMOC due to changes in the Southern Ocean. Here we focus on the transient evolution of the global ocean overturning circulation in response to a perturbation to the NADW formation rate. We propose that the adjustment of the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation is a critical component in mediating AMOC changes. Using a hierarchy of ocean and climate models, we show that the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation provides the first response to AMOC changes through wave processes, whereas the Southern Ocean overturning circulation responds on longer (centennial to millennial) time scales that are determined by eddy diffusion processes. Changes in the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation compensate AMOC changes, which allows the Southern Ocean overturning circulation to evolve independently of the AMOC, at least over time scales up to many decades. In a warming climate, the Indo-Pacific develops an overturning circulation anomaly associated with the weakening AMOC that is characterized by a northward transport close to the surface and a southward transport in the deep ocean, which could effectively redistribute heat between the basins. Our results highlight the importance of interbasin exchange in the response of the global ocean overturning circulation to a changing climate.
Climate models consistently project (i) a decline in the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and (ii) a strengthening of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing. These two processes suggest potentially conflicting tendencies of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC): a weakening AMOC due to changes in the North Atlantic but a strengthening AMOC due to changes in the Southern Ocean. Here we focus on the transient evolution of the global ocean overturning circulation in response to a perturbation to the NADW formation rate. We propose that the adjustment of the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation is a critical component in mediating AMOC changes. Using a hierarchy of ocean and climate models, we show that the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation provides the first response to AMOC changes through wave processes, whereas the Southern Ocean overturning circulation responds on longer (centennial to millennial) time scales that are determined by eddy diffusion processes. Changes in the Indo-Pacific overturning circulation compensate AMOC changes, which allows the Southern Ocean overturning circulation to evolve independently of the AMOC, at least over time scales up to many decades. In a warming climate, the Indo-Pacific develops an overturning circulation anomaly associated with the weakening AMOC that is characterized by a northward transport close to the surface and a southward transport in the deep ocean, which could effectively redistribute heat between the basins. Our results highlight the importance of interbasin exchange in the response of the global ocean overturning circulation to a changing climate.
The insensitivity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)’s prominent isopycnal slope to changes in wind stress is thought to stem from the action of mesoscale eddies that counterbalance the wind-driven Ekman overturning—a framework verified in zonally symmetric circumpolar flows. Substantial zonal variations in eddy characteristics suggest that local dynamics may modify this balance along the path of the ACC. Analysis of an eddy-resolving ocean GCM shows that the ACC can be broken into broad regions of weak eddy activity, where surface winds steepen isopycnals, and a small number of standing meanders, across which the isopycnals relax. Meanders are coincident with sites of (i) strong eddy-induced modification of the mean flow and its vertical structure as measured by the divergence of the Eliassen–Palm flux and (ii) enhancement of deep eddy kinetic energy by up to two orders of magnitude over surrounding regions. Within meanders, the vorticity budget shows a balance between the advection of relative vorticity and horizontal divergence, providing a mechanism for the generation of strong vertical velocities and rapid changes in stratification. Temporal fluctuations in these diagnostics are correlated with variability in both the Eliassen–Palm flux and bottom speed, implying a link to dissipative processes at the ocean floor. At larger scales, bottom pressure torque is spatially correlated with the barotropic advection of planetary vorticity, which links to variations in meander structure. From these results, it is proposed that the “flexing” of standing meanders provides an alternative mechanism for reducing the sensitivity of the ACC’s baroclinicity to changes in forcing, separate from an ACC-wide change in transient eddy characteristics.
The insensitivity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)’s prominent isopycnal slope to changes in wind stress is thought to stem from the action of mesoscale eddies that counterbalance the wind-driven Ekman overturning—a framework verified in zonally symmetric circumpolar flows. Substantial zonal variations in eddy characteristics suggest that local dynamics may modify this balance along the path of the ACC. Analysis of an eddy-resolving ocean GCM shows that the ACC can be broken into broad regions of weak eddy activity, where surface winds steepen isopycnals, and a small number of standing meanders, across which the isopycnals relax. Meanders are coincident with sites of (i) strong eddy-induced modification of the mean flow and its vertical structure as measured by the divergence of the Eliassen–Palm flux and (ii) enhancement of deep eddy kinetic energy by up to two orders of magnitude over surrounding regions. Within meanders, the vorticity budget shows a balance between the advection of relative vorticity and horizontal divergence, providing a mechanism for the generation of strong vertical velocities and rapid changes in stratification. Temporal fluctuations in these diagnostics are correlated with variability in both the Eliassen–Palm flux and bottom speed, implying a link to dissipative processes at the ocean floor. At larger scales, bottom pressure torque is spatially correlated with the barotropic advection of planetary vorticity, which links to variations in meander structure. From these results, it is proposed that the “flexing” of standing meanders provides an alternative mechanism for reducing the sensitivity of the ACC’s baroclinicity to changes in forcing, separate from an ACC-wide change in transient eddy characteristics.