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D. J. Jeffrey


Quasi-stationary approximations for the size distribution of aerosols have been derived by Friedlander using similarity arguments and dimensional analysis. In this paper they are rederived using an approach based on explicit models of the coagulation mechanisms that determine the spectrum of particle sizes. The primary aim is to cast Friedlander's work into a form suitable for Author generalization, but the new approach also clarifies criticism of the “sedimentation subrange.” The balance between coagulation growth and sedimentation loss postulated by Friedlander is interpreted differently and a new solution for this range is given. In contrast to the other subranges, the solution is not unique (granted the assumption that it is quasi-stationary), because it depends on the form of the externally imposed vertical gradient in number density. The new approach is also applied to a condensation subrange for the smallest particles.

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David J. Wilke
Jeffrey D. Kepert
, and
Kevin J. Tory


The meteorological conditions over the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia, are investigated on 18 March 2018, the day of the Tathra bushfire. We present an analysis of the event based on high-resolution (100- and 400-m grid-length) simulations with the Bureau of Meteorology’s ACCESS numerical weather prediction system and available observations. Through this analysis we find several mesoscale features that likely contributed to the extreme fire event. Key among these was the development of horizontal convective rolls, which emanated from inland and aided the fire’s spread toward Tathra. The rolls interacted with the terrain to produce complex regions of strongly ascending and descending air, likely accelerating the lofting of firebrands and potentially contributing to the significant lee-slope fire behavior observed. Mountain waves, specifically trapped lee waves, occurred on the day and are hypothesized to have contributed to the strong winds around the time the fire began. These waves may also have influenced conditions during the period of peak fire activity when the fire spotted across the Bega River and impacted Tathra. Finally, the passage of the cold front through the fireground was complex, with frontal regression observed at a nearby station and likely also through Tathra. We postulate that interactions between the strong prefrontal flow and the initially weak change resulted in highly variable and dangerous fire weather across the fireground for a significant period after the change initially occurred.

Significance Statement

The town of Tathra on the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia, was devastated on 18 March 2018, when a wildfire ignited in nearby bushland and quickly intensified to impact the town. Using high-resolution numerical weather simulations, we investigate the conditions that led to the extreme fire behavior. The simulations show that the fire ignited and intensified under highly variable conditions driven by complex interactions between the flow over nearby mountains and the passage of a strong cold front. This case study highlights the value of such models in understanding high-impact weather for the purpose of hazard preparedness and emergency response. Additionally, it contributes to a growing number of case studies that indicate the future direction of high-impact forecast services.

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Paul A. Gregory
Lawrie J. Rikus
, and
Jeffrey D. Kepert


The ability of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems to predict solar exposure (or insolation) was tested, with the aim of predicting large-scale solar energy several days in advance. The bureau’s Limited Area Prediction System (LAPS) and Mesoscale Assimilation model (MALAPS) were examined for the 2008 calendar year. Comparisons were made with estimates of solar exposure obtained from satellites for the whole Australian continent, as well as site-based exposure observations taken at eight locations across Australia. Monthly-averaged forecast solar exposure over Australia showed good agreement with satellite estimates; the day-to-day exposure values showed some consistent biases, however. Differences in forecast solar exposure were attributed to incorrect representation of convective cloud in the tropics during summer as well as clouds formed by orographic lifting over mountainous areas in southeastern Australia. Comparison with site-based exposure observations was conducted on a daily and hourly basis. The site-based exposure measurements were consistent with the findings from the analysis against satellite data. Hourly analysis at selected sites confirmed that models predicted the solar exposure accurately through low-level clouds (e.g., cumulus), provided that the forecast cloud coverage was accurate. The NWP models struggle to predict solar exposure through middle and high clouds formed by ice crystals (e.g., altocumulus). Sites located in central Australia showed that the monthly-averaged errors in daily solar exposure forecast by the NWP systems were within 5%–10%, up to two days in advance. These errors increased to 20%–30% in the tropics and coastal areas.

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Vijai T. Jayadevan
Jeffrey J. Rodriguez
, and
Alexander D. Cronin


For this study a ground-based sky imaging system was developed that, unlike most other such systems, consists of a low-cost sun-tracking camera fitted with a fish-eye lens. The application of interest is short-term solar power forecasting, so cloud detection is an important step. The hybrid thresholding algorithm proposed by Li et al. for cloud detection is employed. Most cloud detection algorithms make use of the red and blue components in a color image. Though these features perform well for many images, they do not produce good results for the images in this study due to the insufficient contrast between cloud and sky pixels when using ratios between red and blue. To overcome this issue, a new feature, the normalized saturation/value (NSV) ratio, is proposed that is computed in the hue–saturation–value (HSV) color space. This study shows that the NSV ratio produces good contrast between cloud and sky pixels not only for the images in this study but also for general sky images acquired using different camera systems. The reasoning behind the choice of the new ratio is described, and quantitative and qualitative results are presented.

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Kevin J. Tory
William Thurston
, and
Jeffrey D. Kepert


In favorable atmospheric conditions, fires can produce pyrocumulonimbus cloud (pyroCb) in the form of deep convective columns resembling conventional thunderstorms, which may be accompanied by strong inflow, dangerous downbursts, and lightning strikes that can produce dangerous changes in fire behavior. PyroCb formation conditions are not well understood and are difficult to forecast. This paper presents a theoretical study of the thermodynamics of fire plumes to better understand the influence of a range of factors on plume condensation. Plume gases are considered to be undiluted at the fire source and approach 100% dilution at the plume top (neutral buoyancy). Plume condensation height changes are considered for this full range of dilution and for a given set of factors that include environmental temperature and humidity, fire temperature, and fire-moisture-to-heat ratios. The condensation heights are calculated and plotted as saturation point (SP) curves on thermodynamic diagrams. The position and slope of the SP curves provide insight into how plume condensation is affected by the environment thermodynamics and ratios of fire heat to moisture production. Plume temperature traces from large-eddy model simulations added to the diagrams provide additional insight into plume condensation heights and plume buoyancy at condensation. SP curves added to a mixed layer lifting condensation level on standard thermodynamic diagrams can be used to identify the minimum plume condensation height and buoyancy required for deep, moist, free convection to develop, which will aid pyroCb prediction.

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Joël J-M. Hirschi
Peter D. Killworth
, and
Jeffrey R. Blundell


An eddy-permitting numerical ocean model is used to investigate the variability of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Both wind stress and fluctuations of the seawater density contribute to MOC changes on subannual and seasonal time scales, whereas the interannual variability mainly reflects changes in the density field. Even on subannual and seasonal time scales, a significant fraction of the total MOC variability is due to changes of the density field in the upper 1000 m of the ocean. These changes reflect perturbations of the isopycnal structure that travel westward as Rossby waves. Because of a temporally changing phase difference between the eastern and western boundaries, the Rossby waves affect the MOC by modifying the basinwide east–west density gradient. Both the numerical model used in this study and calculations based on Rossby wave theory suggest that this effect can account for an MOC variability of several Sverdrups (Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). These results have implications for the interpretation of variability signals inferred from hydrographic sections and might contribute to the understanding of the results obtained from the Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) monitoring array deployed at 26°N in the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Eric W. Schulz
Jeffrey D. Kepert
, and
Diana J. M. Greenslade


A method for routinely verifying numerical weather prediction surface marine winds with satellite scatterometer winds is introduced. The marine surface winds from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s operational global and regional numerical weather prediction systems are evaluated. The model marine surface layer is described. Marine surface winds from the global and limited-area models are compared with observations, both in situ (anemometer) and remote (scatterometer). A 2-yr verification shows that wind speeds from the regional model are typically underestimated by approximately 5%, with a greater bias in the meridional direction than the zonal direction. The global model also underestimates the surface winds by around 5%–10%. A case study of a significant marine storm shows that where larger errors occur, they are due to an underestimation of the storm intensity, rather than to biases in the boundary layer parameterizations.

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Bruce A. Harper
John D. Holmes
Jeffrey D. Kepert
Luciano B. Mason
, and
Peter J. Vickery


Cook and Nicholls recently argued in this journal that the city of Darwin (Northern Territory), Australia, should be located in wind region D rather than in the current region C in the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1170.2 wind actions standard, in which region D has significantly higher risk. These comments critically examine the methods used by Cook and Nicholls and find serious flaws in them, sufficient to invalidate their conclusions. Specific flaws include 1) invalid assumptions in their analysis method, including that cyclones are assumed to be at the maximum intensity along their entire path across the sampling circle even after they have crossed extensive land areas; 2) a lack of verification that the simulated cyclone tracks are consistent with the known climatological data and in particular that the annual rate of simulated cyclones at each station greatly exceeds the numbers recorded for the entire Australian region; and 3) the apparent omission of key cyclones when comparing the risk at Darwin with two other locations. It is shown here that the number of cyclones that have affected Port Hedland (Western Australia), a site in Australia’s region D, greatly exceeds the number that have influenced Darwin over the same period for any chosen threshold of intensity. Analysis of the recorded gusts from anemometers at Port Hedland and Darwin that is presented here further supports this result. On the basis of this evidence, the authors conclude that Darwin’s tropical cyclone wind risk is adequately described by its current location in region C.

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Andrew J. Newman
Jeffrey R. Arnold
Andrew W. Wood
, and
Ethan D. Gutmann
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Jeffrey T. Kiehl
Christine A. Shields
James J. Hack
, and
William D. Collins


The climate sensitivity of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) is described in terms of the equilibrium change in surface temperature due to a doubling of carbon dioxide in a slab ocean version of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) and the transient climate response, which is the surface temperature change at the point of doubling of carbon dioxide in a 1% yr−1 CO2 simulation with the fully coupled CCSM. For a fixed atmospheric horizontal resolution across model versions, we show that the equilibrium sensitivity has monotonically increased across CSM1.4, CCSM2, to CCSM3 from 2.01° to 2.27° to 2.47°C, respectively. The transient climate response for these versions is 1.44° to 1.09° to 1.48°C, respectively.

Using climate feedback analysis, it is shown that both clear-sky and cloudy-sky processes have contributed to the changes in transient climate response. The dependence of these sensitivities on horizontal resolution is also explored. The equilibrium sensitivity of the high-resolution (T85) version of CCSM3 is 2.71°C, while the equilibrium response for the low-resolution model (T31) is 2.32°C. It is shown that the shortwave cloud response of the high-resolution version of the CCSM3 is anomalous compared to the low- and moderate-resolution versions.

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