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David M. Mocko
William R. Cotton


The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), developed at Colorado State University, was used to predict boundary-layer clouds and diagnose fractional cloudiness. The primary case study for this project occurred on 7 July 1987 off the coast of southern California. On this day, a transition in the type of boundary-layer cloud was observed from a clear area, to an area of small scattered cumulus, to an area of broken stratocumulus, and finally, to an area of solid stratocumulus. This case study occurred during the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment field study. RAMS was configured as a nested-grid mesoscale model with a fine grid having 5-km horizontal grid spacing covering the transition area.

Various fractional cloudiness schemes found in the literature were implemented into RAMS and tested against each other to determine which best represented observed conditions. The complexities of the parameterizations used to diagnose the fractional cloudiness varied from simple functions of relative humidity to a function of the model's subgrid variability. It was found that some of the simpler schemes identified the cloud transition better, while others performed poorly.

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David M. Mocko
Y. C. Sud


Four different methods of estimating land surface evapotranspiration are compared by forcing each scheme with near-surface atmospheric and soil- and vegetation-type forcing data available through International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project Initiative I for a 2-yr period (1987–88). The three classical energy balance methods by Penman, by Priestley–Taylor, and by Thornthwaite are chosen; however, the Thornthwaite method is combined with a Mintz formulation of the relationship between actual and potential evapotranspiration. The fourth method uses the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB), which is currently used in the climate version of the Goddard Earth Observing System II GCM. The goal of this study is to determine the benefit of using SSiB as opposed to one of the energy balance schemes for accurate simulation of surface fluxes and hydrology. Direct comparison of sensible and latent fluxes and ground temperature is not possible because such datasets are not available. However, the schemes are intercompared. The Penman and Priestley–Taylor schemes produce higher evapotranspiration than SSiB, while the Mintz–Thornthwaite scheme produces lower evapotranspiration than SSiB. Comparisons of model-derived soil moisture with observations show SSiB performs well in Illinois but performs poorly in central Russia. This later problem has been identified to be emanating from errors in the calculation of snowmelt and its infiltration. Overall, runoff in the energy balance schemes show less of a seasonal cycle than does SSiB, partly because a larger contribution of snowmelt in SSiB goes directly into runoff. However, basin- and continental-scale runoff values from SSiB validate better with observations as compared to each of the three energy balance methods. This implies a better evapotranspiration and hydrologic cycle simulation by SSiB as compared to the energy balance methods.

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David M. Mocko
Y. C. Sud


Refinements to the snow-physics scheme of the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB) are described and evaluated. The upgrades include a partial redesign of the conceptual architecture of snowpack to better simulate the diurnal temperature of the snow surface. For a deep snowpack, there are two separate prognostic temperature snow layers: the top layer responds to diurnal fluctuations in the surface forcing, while the deep layer exhibits a slowly varying response. In addition, the use of a very deep soil temperature and a treatment of snow aging with its influence on snow density is parameterized and evaluated. The upgraded snow scheme produces better timing of snowmelt in Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP)-style simulations using International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Initiative I data for 1987–88 in the Russian Wheat Belt region.

To simulate more realistic runoff in regions with high orographic variability, additional improvements are made to SSiB's soil hydrology. These improvements include an orography-based surface runoff scheme as well as interaction with a water table below SSiB's three soil layers. The addition of these parameterizations further helps to simulate more realistic runoff and accompanying prognostic soil moisture fields in the GSWP-style simulations.

In intercomparisons of the performance of the new snow-physics SSiB with its earlier versions using an 18-yr single-site dataset from Valdai, Russia, the revised version of SSiB described in this paper again produces the earliest onset of snowmelt. Soil moisture and deep soil temperatures also compare favorably with observations.

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Craig R. Ferguson
David M. Mocko


While investigating linkages between afternoon peak rainfall amount and land–atmosphere coupling strength, a statistically significant trend in phase 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2) warm season (April–September) afternoon (1700–2259 UTC) precipitation was noted for a large fraction of the conterminous United States, namely, two-thirds of the area east of the Mississippi River, during the period from 1979 to 2015. To verify and better characterize this trend, a thorough statistical analysis is undertaken. The analysis focuses on three aspects of precipitation: amount, frequency, and intensity at 6-hourly time scale and for each calendar month separately. At the NLDAS-2 native resolution of 0.125° × 0.125°, Kendall’s tau and Sen’s slope estimators are used to detect and estimate trends and the Pettitt test is used to detect breakpoints. Parallel analyses are conducted on both NARR and Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), subdaily precipitation estimates. Widespread breakpoints of field significance at the α = 0.05 level are detected in the NLDAS-2 frequency and intensity series for all months and 6-h periods that are absent from the analogous NARR and MERRA-2 datasets. These breakpoints are shown to correspond with a July 1996 NLDAS-2 transition away from hourly 2° × 2.5° NOAA/CPC precipitation estimates to hourly 4-km stage II Doppler radar precipitation estimates in the temporal disaggregation of CPC daily gauge analyses. While NLDAS-2 may provide the most realistic diurnal precipitation cycle overall, users should be aware of this discontinuity and its direct effect on long-term trends in subdaily precipitation and indirect effects on trends in modeled soil moisture, surface temperature, surface energy and water fluxes, snow cover, snow water equivalent, and runoff/streamflow.

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Soni Yatheendradas
David M. Mocko
Christa Peters-Lidard
, and
Sujay Kumar


Using information theory, our study quantifies the importance of selected indicators for the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) maps. We use the technique of mutual information (MI) to measure the importance of any indicator to the USDM, and because MI is derived solely from the data, our findings are independent of any model structure (conceptual, physically based, or empirical). We also compare these MIs against the drought representation effectiveness ratings in the North America Drought Indices and Indicators Assessment (NADIIA) survey for Köppen climate zones. This reveals 1) agreement between some ratings and our MI values [high for example indicators like standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI)]; 2) some divergences (e.g., soil moisture has high ratings but near-zero MIs for ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) soil moisture in the Western United States, indicating the need of another remotely sensed soil moisture source); and 3) new insights into the importance of variables such as snow water equivalent (SWE) that are not included in sources like NADIIA. Further analysis of the MI results yields findings related to 1) hydrological mechanisms (summertime SWE domination during individual drought events through snowmelt into the water-scarce soil); 2) hydroclimatic types (the top pair of inputs in the Western and non-Western regions are SPEIs and soil moistures, respectively); and 3) predictability (high for the California 2012–17 event, with longer-time scale indicators dominating). Finally, the high MIs between multiple indicators jointly and the USDM indicate potentially high drought forecasting accuracies achievable using only model-based inputs, and the potential for global drought monitoring using only remotely sensed inputs, especially for locations having insufficient in situ observations.

Significance Statement

Drought maps from the U.S. Drought Monitor and the Objective Short- and Long-Term Drought Indicator Blends and Blend Equivalents are integrated information sources of the different types of drought. Multiple indicators go into creation of these maps, yet it is usually not clear to both public and private stakeholders like local agencies and insurance companies about the importance of any indicator in any region and season to the drought maps. Our study provides such objective information to enable understanding the mechanism and type of drought occurring at a location, season, and possibly event of interest, as well as to potentially aid in better drought monitoring and forecasting using smaller custom sets of indicators.

Free access
David M. Mocko
Sujay V. Kumar
Christa D. Peters-Lidard
, and
Shugong Wang


This study presents an evaluation of the impact of vegetation conditions on a land surface model (LSM) simulation of agricultural drought. The Noah-MP LSM is used to simulate water and energy fluxes and states, which are transformed into drought categories using percentiles over the continental United States from 1979 to 2017. Leaf area index (LAI) observations are assimilated into the dynamic vegetation scheme of Noah-MP. A weekly operational drought monitor (the U.S. Drought Monitor) is used for the evaluation. The results show that LAI assimilation into Noah-MP’s dynamic vegetation scheme improves the model’s ability to represent drought, particularly over cropland areas. LAI assimilation improves the simulation of the drought category, detection of drought conditions, and reduces the instances of drought false alarms. The assimilation of LAI in these locations not only corrects model errors in the simulation of vegetation, but also can help to represent unmodeled physical processes such as irrigation toward improved simulation of agricultural drought.

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Michael G. Bosilovich
Jiun-Dar Chern
David Mocko
Franklin R. Robertson
, and
Arlindo M. da Silva


The assimilation of observations in reanalyses incurs the potential for the physical terms of budgets to be balanced by a term relating the fit of the observations relative to a forecast first guess analysis. This may indicate a limitation in the physical processes of the background model or perhaps assimilating data from an inconsistent observing system. In the MERRA reanalysis, an area of long-term moisture flux divergence over land has been identified over the central United States. Here, the water vapor budget is evaluated in this region, taking advantage of two unique features of the MERRA diagnostic output: 1) a closed water budget that includes the analysis increment and 2) a gridded diagnostic output dataset of the assimilated observations and their innovations (e.g., forecast departures).

In the central United States, an anomaly occurs where the analysis adds water to the region, while precipitation decreases and moisture flux divergence increases. This is related more to a change in the observing system than to a deficiency in the model physical processes. MERRA’s Gridded Innovations and Observations (GIO) data narrow the observations that influence this feature to the ATOVS and Aqua satellites during the 0600 and 1800 UTC analysis cycles, when radiosonde information is not prevalent. Observing system experiments further narrow the instruments that affect the anomalous feature to AMSU-A (mainly window channels) and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). This effort also shows the complexities of the observing system and the reactions of the regional water budgets in reanalyses to the assimilated observations.

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Jiangfeng Wei
Paul A. Dirmeyer
Dominik Wisser
Michael G. Bosilovich
, and
David M. Mocko


Irrigation is an important human activity that may impact local and regional climate, but current climate model simulations and data assimilation systems generally do not explicitly include it. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) shows more irrigation signal in surface evapotranspiration (ET) than the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) because ERA-Interim adjusts soil moisture according to the observed surface temperature and humidity while MERRA has no explicit consideration of irrigation at the surface. But, when compared with the results from a hydrological model with detailed considerations of agriculture, the ET from both reanalyses show large deficiencies in capturing the impact of irrigation. Here, a back-trajectory method is used to estimate the contribution of irrigation to precipitation over local and surrounding regions, using MERRA with observation-based corrections and added irrigation-caused ET increase from the hydrological model. Results show substantial contributions of irrigation to precipitation over heavily irrigated regions in Asia, but the precipitation increase is much less than the ET increase over most areas, indicating that irrigation could lead to water deficits over these regions. For the same increase in ET, precipitation increases are larger over wetter areas where convection is more easily triggered, but the percentage increase in precipitation is similar for different areas. There are substantial regional differences in the patterns of irrigation impact, but, for all the studied regions, the highest percentage contribution to precipitation is over local land.

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Paul A. Dirmeyer
Jiangfeng Wei
Michael G. Bosilovich
, and
David M. Mocko


A quasi-isentropic, back-trajectory scheme is applied to output from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and a land-only replay with corrected precipitation to estimate surface evaporative sources of moisture supplying precipitation over every ice-free land location for the period 1979–2005. The evaporative source patterns for any location and time period are effectively two-dimensional probability distributions. As such, the evaporative sources for extreme situations like droughts or wet intervals can be compared to the corresponding climatological distributions using the method of relative entropy. Significant differences are found to be common and widespread for droughts, but not wet periods, when monthly data are examined. At pentad temporal resolution, which is more able to isolate floods and situations of atmospheric rivers, values of relative entropy over North America are typically 50%–400% larger than at monthly time scales. Significant differences suggest that moisture transport may be a key factor in precipitation extremes. Where evaporative sources do not change significantly, it implies other local causes may underlie the extreme events.

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Grey S. Nearing
David M. Mocko
Christa D. Peters-Lidard
Sujay V. Kumar
, and
Youlong Xia


Model benchmarking allows us to separate uncertainty in model predictions caused by model inputs from uncertainty due to model structural error. This method is extended with a “large sample” approach (using data from multiple field sites) to measure prediction uncertainty caused by errors in 1) forcing data, 2) model parameters, and 3) model structure, and use it to compare the efficiency of soil moisture state and evapotranspiration flux predictions made by the four land surface models in phase 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2). Parameters dominated uncertainty in soil moisture estimates and forcing data dominated uncertainty in evapotranspiration estimates; however, the models themselves used only a fraction of the information available to them. This means that there is significant potential to improve all three components of NLDAS-2. In particular, continued work toward refining the parameter maps and lookup tables, the forcing data measurement and processing, and also the land surface models themselves, has potential to result in improved estimates of surface mass and energy balances.

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