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A. Hollingsworth
J. Horn
, and
S. Uppala


We examine the tropical wind field analyses produced by a recent assimilation of the Final FGGE II-b dataset. Our aim is to estimate the effects, on the tropical wind analyses, of biases in the data and biases in the assimilation system. The assimilation system was similar to that used operationally at ECMWF in the first half of 1985. The period studied is the first Special Observing Period (SOP-1).

Important differences occur in the intensity of divergence at upper and lower levels in the western Pacific, as measured by cloud-track winds (SATOBs) and by rawinsondes (TEMPs). There appear to be important biases also in the SATOB estimates of the zonal flow at upper and lower levels in the eastern Pacific. There are substantial biases in the wind directions at some west African stations.

The 6-hour forecasts which provide the background fields for the analyses show important underestimates of the mean intensity of the tropical divergence field, particularly in the equatorial western Pacific. The errors in the background field probably occur because of underestimation of the intensity of tropical convection in the diabatic initialization and in the course of the forecast; the heavy spatial smoothing applied to the convective heating in the initialization probably also plays a role.

Data were available in sufficient quantities that the analysis algorithm corrected the mean errors in the background field to a very large extent. As a result, any residual uncertainty in the mean analyses is within the uncertainty of the observations. The analysis algorithm has a rather poor response to divergent information even on large scales, so the analyzed divergence field agrees best with the observational data showing the weakest divergence, both in the upper and lower troposphere. The mean analyzed divergence field in the west Pacific agrees with the 850 mb TEMP data but is weaker than the intensity suggested by the low-level SATOBs and the SHIPs. In the upper troposphere the analyzed divergence is weaker than that suggested by the TEMPS, but agrees with that suggested by the (probably less reliable) SATOBs. Thus in this important area in the tropics the biases in the new analyses of the mean divergent wind field appear to be within the range of biases in the data, but the divergence is probably still underestimated in the upper troposphere and near the surface.

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B. R. Bean
J. D. Horn


No Abstract Available.

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Randy D. Horn
William G. Finnegan
, and
Paul J. DeMott


Mathematical and experimental errors cast doubt on the ice nucleus activity spectrum of falling dry ice pellets as reported by Fukuta et al. (1971). Preliminary laboratory studies have established that ice embryos or small ice crystals will survive at ice saturation for periods up to 15 min in the Colorado State University Isothermal Cloud Chamber following dry ice seeding. These facts suggest that a re-evaluation be made of the methodology, amounts used, and the effects expected from dry ice seeding of natural clouds.

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Thomas L. Koehler
Charles J. Seman
James P. Nelson III
, and
Lyle H. Horn


Alternatives to the retrieval techniques applied by NESDIS operations to derive the FGGF Level IIa soundings are examined. A physical iterative retrieval technique is compared to the operational statistical method, and the influence of using higher resolution subsets of the original infrared observations is examined. These alternatives are evaluated using TIROS-N observations from a January 1980 period over the conventional data-rich region of the United States. The evaluations involve colocation statistics and 700–300 mb thickness difference fields. The initial tests using operational (9 × 7 HIRS/2 fields of view) resolution show that the physical iterative retrieval makes substantial corrections to climatological first guesses, but only minor corrections to a first guess based on the operational soundings. Colocation statistics and 700–300 mb thickness difference fields indicate that the physical retrieval method does not offer significant improvements over the FGGE operational soundings. As in the operational soundings, there is a tendency for the sounding errors to be synoptically correlated with troughs ton warm and ridges too cold, thus reducing thermal gradients.

In an attempt to improve the thermal gradient information, the physical iterative method (using the operational sounding first guess) was also employed to retrieve soundings based on radiances obtained from higher (3 × 3 HIRS/2 fields of view) resolution. Four different subsets of the 3 × 3 sounding sets were studied with varying horizontal resolutions and with and without manual editing. Each set shows some improvement over the 9 × 7 retrievals, particularly through a reduction of the bias in the low and midtroposphere. Further analysis reveals that the improvement in retrieval accuracy is sounding-type dependent, with only the 3 × 3 clear retrievals showing definite improvement over 9 × 7 retrievals for this case. The 700–300 mb thickness fields obtained from the 3 × 3 FOV soundings also show synoptically correlated errors.

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S. E. Kastner
A. R. Horner-Devine
J. M. Thomson
, and
S. N. Giddings


We use salinity observations from drifters and moorings at the Quinault River mouth to investigate mixing and stratification in a surf-zone-trapped river plume. We quantify mixing based on the rate of change of salinity DS/Dt in the drifters’ quasi-Lagrangian reference frame. We estimate a constant value of the vertical eddy diffusivity of salt of Kz = (2.2 ± 0.6) × 10−3 m2 s−1, based on the relationship between vertically integrated DS/Dt and stratification, with values as high as 1 × 10−2 m2 s−1 when stratification is low. Mixing, quantified as DS/Dt, is directly correlated to surf-zone stratification, and is therefore modulated by changes in stratification caused by tidal variability in freshwater volume flux. High DS/Dt is observed when the near-surface stratification is high and salinity gradients are collocated with wave-breaking turbulence. We observe a transition from low stratification and low DS/Dt at low tidal stage to high stratification and high DS/Dt at high tidal stage. Observed wave-breaking turbulence does not change significantly with stratification, tidal stage, or offshore wave height; as a result, we observe no relationship between plume mixing and offshore wave height for the range of conditions sampled. Thus, plume mixing in the surf zone is altered by changes in stratification; these are due to tidal variability in freshwater flux from the river and not wave conditions, presumably because depth-limited wave breaking causes sufficient turbulence for mixing to occur during all observed conditions.

Significance Statement

River outflows are important sources of pollutants, sediment, and nutrients to the coastal ocean. Small rivers often meet large breaking waves in the surf zone close to shore, trapping river water and river-borne material near the beach. Such trapped material can influence coastal public health, beach morphology, and nearshore ecology. This study investigates how trapped fresh river water mixes with salty ocean water in the presence of large breaking waves by using high-resolution measurements of waves, salinity, and turbulence. We find that the surf zone is often fresh and stratified, which could have significant implications for the fate of riverine material. Wave breaking provides a constant source of turbulence, and the amount of mixing is limited by the degree of vertical salt stratification; more mixing occurs when stratification is higher.

Free access
Raúl P. Flores
Sabine Rijnsburger
Alexander R. Horner-Devine
Nirnimesh Kumar
Alejandro J. Souza
, and
Julie D. Pietrzak


This study investigates the influence of tidal straining in the generation of turbidity maximum zones (TMZ), which are observed to extend for tens of kilometers along some shallow, open coastal seas. Idealized numerical simulations are conducted to reproduce the cross-shore dynamics and tidal straining in regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs), where elliptical current patterns are generated by the interaction between stratification and a tidal Kelvin wave. Model results show that tidal straining leads to cross-shore sediment convergence and the formation of a nearshore TMZ that is detached from the coastline. The subtidal landward sediment fluxes are created by asymmetries in vertical mixing between the stratifying and destratifying phases of the tidal cycle. This process is similar to the tidal straining mechanism that is observed in estuaries, except that in this case the convergence zone and TMZ are parallel to the shoreline and perpendicular to both the direction of the freshwater flux and the major axis of the tidal flow. We introduce the term minor axis tidal straining (MITS) to describe the tidal straining in these systems and to differentiate it from the tidal straining that occurs when the major axis of the tidal ellipse is aligned with the density gradient. The occurrence of tidal straining and the coastal TMZ is predicted in terms of the Simpson (Si) and Stokes (Stk) numbers, and top–bottom tidal ellipticity difference (Δε). Based on our results, we find that SiStk2 > 3 and Δε > 0.5 provide a limiting condition for the required density gradients and latitudes for the occurrence of MITS and the generation of a TMZ.

Open access
Anne S. Daloz
S. J. Camargo
J. P. Kossin
K. Emanuel
M. Horn
J. A. Jonas
D. Kim
T. LaRow
Y.-K. Lim
C. M. Patricola
M. Roberts
E. Scoccimarro
D. Shaevitz
P. L. Vidale
H. Wang
M. Wehner
, and
M. Zhao


A realistic representation of the North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks is crucial as it allows, for example, explaining potential changes in U.S. landfalling systems. Here, the authors present a tentative study that examines the ability of recent climate models to represent North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks. Tracks from two types of climate models are evaluated: explicit tracks are obtained from tropical cyclones simulated in regional or global climate models with moderate to high horizontal resolution (1°–0.25°), and downscaled tracks are obtained using a downscaling technique with large-scale environmental fields from a subset of these models. For both configurations, tracks are objectively separated into four groups using a cluster technique, leading to a zonal and a meridional separation of the tracks. The meridional separation largely captures the separation between deep tropical and subtropical, hybrid or baroclinic cyclones, while the zonal separation segregates Gulf of Mexico and Cape Verde storms. The properties of the tracks’ seasonality, intensity, and power dissipation index in each cluster are documented for both configurations. The authors’ results show that, except for the seasonality, the downscaled tracks better capture the observed characteristics of the clusters. The authors also use three different idealized scenarios to examine the possible future changes of tropical cyclone tracks under 1) warming sea surface temperature, 2) increasing carbon dioxide, and 3) a combination of the two. The response to each scenario is highly variable depending on the simulation considered. Finally, the authors examine the role of each cluster in these future changes and find no preponderant contribution of any single cluster over the others.

Full access
Michael Horn
Kevin Walsh
Ming Zhao
Suzana J. Camargo
Enrico Scoccimarro
Hiroyuki Murakami
Hui Wang
Andrew Ballinger
Arun Kumar
Daniel A. Shaevitz
Jeffrey A. Jonas
, and
Kazuyoshi Oouchi


Future tropical cyclone activity is a topic of great scientific and societal interest. In the absence of a climate theory of tropical cyclogenesis, general circulation models are the primary tool available for investigating the issue. However, the identification of tropical cyclones in model data at moderate resolution is complex, and numerous schemes have been developed for their detection.

The influence of different tracking schemes on detected tropical cyclone activity and responses in the Hurricane Working Group experiments is examined herein. These are idealized atmospheric general circulation model experiments aimed at determining and distinguishing the effects of increased sea surface temperature and other increased CO2 effects on tropical cyclone activity. Two tracking schemes are applied to these data and the tracks provided by each modeling group are analyzed.

The results herein indicate moderate agreement between the different tracking methods, with some models and experiments showing better agreement across schemes than others. When comparing responses between experiments, it is found that much of the disagreement between schemes is due to differences in duration, wind speed, and formation-latitude thresholds. After homogenization in these thresholds, agreement between different tracking methods is improved. However, much disagreement remains, accountable for by more fundamental differences between the tracking schemes. The results indicate that sensitivity testing and selection of objective thresholds are the key factors in obtaining meaningful, reproducible results when tracking tropical cyclones in climate model data at these resolutions, but that more fundamental differences between tracking methods can also have a significant impact on the responses in activity detected.

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Jonah V. Steinbuck
Paul L. D. Roberts
Cary D. Troy
Alexander R. Horner-Devine
Fernando Simonet
Alfred H. Uhlman
Jules S. Jaffe
Stephen G. Monismith
, and
Peter J. S. Franks


Over the past decade, a novel free-fall imaging profiler has been under development at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to observe and quantify biological and physical structure in the upper 100 m of the ocean. The profiler provided the first detailed view of microscale phytoplankton distributions using in situ planar laser-induced fluorescence. The present study examines a recent incarnation of the profiler that features microscale turbulent flow measurement capabilities using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV). As the profiler descends through the water column, a vertical sheet of laser light illuminates natural particles below the profiler. Two sensitive charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras image a 25 cm × 25 cm × 0.6 cm region at a nominal frame rate of 8 Hz. The stereoscopic camera configuration allows all three components of velocity to be measured in the vertical plane with an average spatial resolution of approximately 3 mm. The performance of the PIV system is evaluated for deployments offshore of the southern California coast. The in situ image characteristics, including natural particle seeding density and imaged particle size, are found to be suitable for PIV. Ensemble-averaged velocity and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy estimates from the stereoscopic PIV system are consistent with observations from an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and acoustic Doppler current profiler, though it is revealed that the present instrument configuration influences the observed flow field. The salient challenges in adapting stereoscopic PIV for in situ, open-ocean turbulence measurements are identified, including cross-plane particle motion, instrument intrusiveness, and measurement uncertainty limitations. These challenges are discussed and recommendations are provided for future development: improved alignment with the dominant flow direction, mitigation of instrument intrusiveness, and improvements in illumination and imaging resolution.

Full access
Kevin J. E. Walsh
Suzana J. Camargo
Gabriel A. Vecchi
Anne Sophie Daloz
James Elsner
Kerry Emanuel
Michael Horn
Young-Kwon Lim
Malcolm Roberts
Christina Patricola
Enrico Scoccimarro
Adam H. Sobel
Sarah Strazzo
Gabriele Villarini
Michael Wehner
Ming Zhao
James P. Kossin
Tim LaRow
Kazuyoshi Oouchi
Siegfried Schubert
Hui Wang
Julio Bacmeister
Ping Chang
Fabrice Chauvin
Christiane Jablonowski
Arun Kumar
Hiroyuki Murakami
Tomoaki Ose
Kevin A. Reed
Ramalingam Saravanan
Yohei Yamada
Colin M. Zarzycki
Pier Luigi Vidale
Jeffrey A. Jonas
, and
Naomi Henderson


While a quantitative climate theory of tropical cyclone formation remains elusive, considerable progress has been made recently in our ability to simulate tropical cyclone climatologies and to understand the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation. Climate models are now able to simulate a realistic rate of global tropical cyclone formation, although simulation of the Atlantic tropical cyclone climatology remains challenging unless horizontal resolutions finer than 50 km are employed. This article summarizes published research from the idealized experiments of the Hurricane Working Group of U.S. Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR). This work, combined with results from other model simulations, has strengthened relationships between tropical cyclone formation rates and climate variables such as midtropospheric vertical velocity, with decreased climatological vertical velocities leading to decreased tropical cyclone formation. Systematic differences are shown between experiments in which only sea surface temperature is increased compared with experiments where only atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased. Experiments where only carbon dioxide is increased are more likely to demonstrate a decrease in tropical cyclone numbers, similar to the decreases simulated by many climate models for a future, warmer climate. Experiments where the two effects are combined also show decreases in numbers, but these tend to be less for models that demonstrate a strong tropical cyclone response to increased sea surface temperatures. Further experiments are proposed that may improve our understanding of the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation, including experiments with two-way interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and variations in atmospheric aerosols.

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