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- Author or Editor: Leah S. Campbell x
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Long-lake-axis-parallel (LLAP) lake-effect precipitation systems that form when the flow is parallel to the long axis of an elongated body of water frequently produce intense, highly localized snowfall. Conceptual models of these LLAP systems typically emphasize the role of thermally forced land breezes from the flanking shorelines, with low-level convergence and ascent centered near the lake axis. In reality, other factors such as shoreline geometry and differential surface roughness can strongly influence LLAP systems. Here a WRF Model simulation is used to examine the mesoscale forcing of lake-effect precipitation over Lake Ontario during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. In the simulation, the large-scale flow, shoreline geometry, and differential surface heating and roughness contribute to the development of three major airmass boundaries. The first is a land-breeze front that forms along a bulge in the south shoreline between St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, and Thirty Mile Point, New York; extends downstream over eastern Lake Ontario; and plays a primary role in the LLAP system development. The second is a land-breeze front that forms along the southeast shoreline near Oswego, New York; extends downstream and obliquely across the LLAP system near Tug Hill; and influences inland precipitation processes. The third is a convergence zone that extends downstream from the north shoreline near Point Petre, Ontario, Canada; and contributes to the intermittent development of lake-effect precipitation north of the primary LLAP system. These results highlight the multifaceted nature of LLAP system development over Lake Ontario, especially the contributions of shoreline geometry and mesoscale airmass boundaries.
Long-lake-axis-parallel (LLAP) lake-effect precipitation systems that form when the flow is parallel to the long axis of an elongated body of water frequently produce intense, highly localized snowfall. Conceptual models of these LLAP systems typically emphasize the role of thermally forced land breezes from the flanking shorelines, with low-level convergence and ascent centered near the lake axis. In reality, other factors such as shoreline geometry and differential surface roughness can strongly influence LLAP systems. Here a WRF Model simulation is used to examine the mesoscale forcing of lake-effect precipitation over Lake Ontario during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. In the simulation, the large-scale flow, shoreline geometry, and differential surface heating and roughness contribute to the development of three major airmass boundaries. The first is a land-breeze front that forms along a bulge in the south shoreline between St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, and Thirty Mile Point, New York; extends downstream over eastern Lake Ontario; and plays a primary role in the LLAP system development. The second is a land-breeze front that forms along the southeast shoreline near Oswego, New York; extends downstream and obliquely across the LLAP system near Tug Hill; and influences inland precipitation processes. The third is a convergence zone that extends downstream from the north shoreline near Point Petre, Ontario, Canada; and contributes to the intermittent development of lake-effect precipitation north of the primary LLAP system. These results highlight the multifaceted nature of LLAP system development over Lake Ontario, especially the contributions of shoreline geometry and mesoscale airmass boundaries.
Lake-effect storms frequently produce a pronounced precipitation maximum over the Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill), which rises 500 m above Lake Ontario’s eastern shore. Here Weather Research and Forecasting Model simulations are used to examine the mechanisms responsible for the Tug Hill precipitation maximum observed during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field program. A key contributor was a land-breeze front that formed along Lake Ontario’s southeastern shoreline and extended inland and northeastward across Tug Hill, cutting obliquely across the lake-effect system. Localized ascent along this boundary contributed to an inland precipitation maximum even in simulations in which Tug Hill was removed. The presence of Tug Hill intensified and broadened the ascent region, increasing parameterized depositional and accretional hydrometeor growth, and reducing sublimational losses. The inland extension of the land-breeze front and its contribution to precipitation enhancement appear to be unidentified previously and may be important in other lake-effect storms over Tug Hill.
Lake-effect storms frequently produce a pronounced precipitation maximum over the Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill), which rises 500 m above Lake Ontario’s eastern shore. Here Weather Research and Forecasting Model simulations are used to examine the mechanisms responsible for the Tug Hill precipitation maximum observed during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field program. A key contributor was a land-breeze front that formed along Lake Ontario’s southeastern shoreline and extended inland and northeastward across Tug Hill, cutting obliquely across the lake-effect system. Localized ascent along this boundary contributed to an inland precipitation maximum even in simulations in which Tug Hill was removed. The presence of Tug Hill intensified and broadened the ascent region, increasing parameterized depositional and accretional hydrometeor growth, and reducing sublimational losses. The inland extension of the land-breeze front and its contribution to precipitation enhancement appear to be unidentified previously and may be important in other lake-effect storms over Tug Hill.
Finescale variations in orographic precipitation pose a major challenge for weather prediction, winter road maintenance, and avalanche forecasting and mitigation in mountainous regions. In this investigation, ground-based X-band radar observations collected during intensive observing period 6 (IOP6) of the Storm Chasing Utah Style Study (SCHUSS) are used to provide an example of these variations during a winter storm in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah. Emphasis is placed on precipitation features in and around Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC), which cuts orthogonally eastward into the central Wasatch Mountains. Precipitation during the weakly stratified prefrontal storm stage featured a wavelike barrier-scale reflectivity maximum over the Wasatch Crest and upper LCC that extended weakly westward along the transverse ridges flanking LCC. This precipitation pattern appeared to reflect a veering wind profile, with southwesterly flow over the transverse ridges but cross-barrier westerly flow farther aloft. Sublimation within dry subcloud air further diminished low-level radar reflectivities over lower LCC. In contrast, the cold-frontal stage was associated with stronger reflectivities over lower LCC and the adjoining north- to northwest-facing canyon wall, consistent with shallow, northwesterly upslope flow. These results highlight the finescale precipitation variations that can occur during winter storms in complex terrain and demonstrate the potential for improved analysis and forecasting of precipitation in LCC using a gap-filling radar.
Finescale variations in orographic precipitation pose a major challenge for weather prediction, winter road maintenance, and avalanche forecasting and mitigation in mountainous regions. In this investigation, ground-based X-band radar observations collected during intensive observing period 6 (IOP6) of the Storm Chasing Utah Style Study (SCHUSS) are used to provide an example of these variations during a winter storm in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah. Emphasis is placed on precipitation features in and around Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC), which cuts orthogonally eastward into the central Wasatch Mountains. Precipitation during the weakly stratified prefrontal storm stage featured a wavelike barrier-scale reflectivity maximum over the Wasatch Crest and upper LCC that extended weakly westward along the transverse ridges flanking LCC. This precipitation pattern appeared to reflect a veering wind profile, with southwesterly flow over the transverse ridges but cross-barrier westerly flow farther aloft. Sublimation within dry subcloud air further diminished low-level radar reflectivities over lower LCC. In contrast, the cold-frontal stage was associated with stronger reflectivities over lower LCC and the adjoining north- to northwest-facing canyon wall, consistent with shallow, northwesterly upslope flow. These results highlight the finescale precipitation variations that can occur during winter storms in complex terrain and demonstrate the potential for improved analysis and forecasting of precipitation in LCC using a gap-filling radar.
The factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement of lake-effect precipitation are poorly understood, yet critical for operational forecasting. Here we use nine cool seasons (16 November–15 April) of radar data from the Montague/Ft. Drum, New York (KTYX), WSR-88D, the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), and observations from the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign to examine variations in lake-effect precipitation enhancement east of Lake Ontario and over the Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill). Key factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement in this region include the strength of the incident boundary layer flow, the intensity of the lake-induced convective available potential energy (LCAPE), and the mode of the lake-effect system. Stronger flow favors higher precipitation rates, a precipitation maximum displaced farther downwind, and greater inland and orographic enhancement. The effects of LCAPE depend upon the strength of the flow. During periods of weak flow, higher LCAPE favors lower precipitation rates, a maximum closer to the shoreline, and lesser inland and orographic enhancement. During periods of strong flow, higher LCAPE favors higher precipitation rates, a maximum displaced farther downwind, and greater inland and orographic enhancement. Banded (nonbanded) modes favor higher (lower) precipitation rates, lesser (greater) inland and orographic enhancement, and a maximum closer to the shoreline (over Tug Hill). These results, for both manually measured and radar-estimated precipitation, are robust when many lake-effect events are considered, but substantial variability exists during individual events.
The factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement of lake-effect precipitation are poorly understood, yet critical for operational forecasting. Here we use nine cool seasons (16 November–15 April) of radar data from the Montague/Ft. Drum, New York (KTYX), WSR-88D, the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), and observations from the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign to examine variations in lake-effect precipitation enhancement east of Lake Ontario and over the Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill). Key factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement in this region include the strength of the incident boundary layer flow, the intensity of the lake-induced convective available potential energy (LCAPE), and the mode of the lake-effect system. Stronger flow favors higher precipitation rates, a precipitation maximum displaced farther downwind, and greater inland and orographic enhancement. The effects of LCAPE depend upon the strength of the flow. During periods of weak flow, higher LCAPE favors lower precipitation rates, a maximum closer to the shoreline, and lesser inland and orographic enhancement. During periods of strong flow, higher LCAPE favors higher precipitation rates, a maximum displaced farther downwind, and greater inland and orographic enhancement. Banded (nonbanded) modes favor higher (lower) precipitation rates, lesser (greater) inland and orographic enhancement, and a maximum closer to the shoreline (over Tug Hill). These results, for both manually measured and radar-estimated precipitation, are robust when many lake-effect events are considered, but substantial variability exists during individual events.
Sea-effect snowstorms generated over the Sea of Japan produce consistent and often heavy snowfall throughout the winter season, impacting downstream communities in northern and central Japan. Here, we use observations and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulations to examine the precipitation distribution produced by transverse-mode sea-effect snowbands that interacted with the mountainous terrain circumscribing Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido Island, Japan, on 12 January 2014. The bands observed here were horizontal convective rolls aligned normal to the mean flow and were ~10 km wide and up to ~100 km long. The bands approached Ishikari Bay at intervals of ~10–16 min, intensifying as they progressed through a quasi-stationary, elongated enhancement region that paralleled the Shakotan Peninsula and extended into the Ishikari plain. Hydrometeor advection, through an ascent region over the northeast slope of the Shakotan Peninsula, and along clockwise-turning trajectories steered by the boundary layer directional shear, contributed to sustained precipitation enhancement along a curve in the elongated enhancement region near the entrance to Ishikari Bay. Downstream, orographic flow deflection by the coastal mountains, likely accentuated by thermal and roughness gradients along the Shakotan Peninsula’s shoreline, produced convergence and ascent along the elongated enhancement region. This study demonstrates the impact of downstream topography on sea-effect snowstorms and has implications for improving the prediction of snowfall in this and other lake- and sea-effect regions.
Sea-effect snowstorms generated over the Sea of Japan produce consistent and often heavy snowfall throughout the winter season, impacting downstream communities in northern and central Japan. Here, we use observations and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulations to examine the precipitation distribution produced by transverse-mode sea-effect snowbands that interacted with the mountainous terrain circumscribing Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido Island, Japan, on 12 January 2014. The bands observed here were horizontal convective rolls aligned normal to the mean flow and were ~10 km wide and up to ~100 km long. The bands approached Ishikari Bay at intervals of ~10–16 min, intensifying as they progressed through a quasi-stationary, elongated enhancement region that paralleled the Shakotan Peninsula and extended into the Ishikari plain. Hydrometeor advection, through an ascent region over the northeast slope of the Shakotan Peninsula, and along clockwise-turning trajectories steered by the boundary layer directional shear, contributed to sustained precipitation enhancement along a curve in the elongated enhancement region near the entrance to Ishikari Bay. Downstream, orographic flow deflection by the coastal mountains, likely accentuated by thermal and roughness gradients along the Shakotan Peninsula’s shoreline, produced convergence and ascent along the elongated enhancement region. This study demonstrates the impact of downstream topography on sea-effect snowstorms and has implications for improving the prediction of snowfall in this and other lake- and sea-effect regions.
Intense lake-effect snowfall results from a long-lake-axis-parallel (LLAP) precipitation band that often forms when the flow is parallel to the long axis of an elongated body of water, such as Lake Ontario. The intensity and persistence of the localized precipitation along the downwind shore and farther inland suggests the presence of a secondary circulation that helps organize such a band, and maintain it for some time as the circulation is advected inland. Unique airborne vertical-plane dual-Doppler radar data are used here to document this secondary circulation in a deep, well-organized LLAP band observed during intensive observing period (IOP) 2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. The circulation, centered on a convective updraft, intensified toward the downwind shore and only gradually weakened inland. The question arises as to what sustains such a circulation in the vertical plane across the LLAP band. WRF Model simulations indicate that the primary LLAP band and other convergence zones observed over Lake Ontario during this IOP were initiated by relatively shallow airmass boundaries, resulting from a thermal contrast (i.e., land-breeze front) and differential surface roughness across the southern shoreline. Airborne radar data near the downwind shore of the lake indicate that the secondary circulation was much deeper than these shallow boundaries and was sustained primarily by rather symmetric solenoidal forcing, enhanced by latent heat release within the updraft region.
Intense lake-effect snowfall results from a long-lake-axis-parallel (LLAP) precipitation band that often forms when the flow is parallel to the long axis of an elongated body of water, such as Lake Ontario. The intensity and persistence of the localized precipitation along the downwind shore and farther inland suggests the presence of a secondary circulation that helps organize such a band, and maintain it for some time as the circulation is advected inland. Unique airborne vertical-plane dual-Doppler radar data are used here to document this secondary circulation in a deep, well-organized LLAP band observed during intensive observing period (IOP) 2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. The circulation, centered on a convective updraft, intensified toward the downwind shore and only gradually weakened inland. The question arises as to what sustains such a circulation in the vertical plane across the LLAP band. WRF Model simulations indicate that the primary LLAP band and other convergence zones observed over Lake Ontario during this IOP were initiated by relatively shallow airmass boundaries, resulting from a thermal contrast (i.e., land-breeze front) and differential surface roughness across the southern shoreline. Airborne radar data near the downwind shore of the lake indicate that the secondary circulation was much deeper than these shallow boundaries and was sustained primarily by rather symmetric solenoidal forcing, enhanced by latent heat release within the updraft region.
A pronounced snowfall maximum occurs about 30 km downwind of Lake Ontario over the 600-m-high Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill), a region where lake-effect convection is affected by mesoscale forcing associated with landfall and orographic uplift. Profiling radar data from the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems field campaign are used to characterize the inland evolution of lake-effect convection that produces the Tug Hill snowfall maximum. Four K-band profiling Micro Rain Radars (MRRs) were aligned in a transect from the Ontario coast onto Tug Hill. Additional observations were provided by an X-band profiling radar (XPR). Analysis is presented of a major lake-effect storm that produced 6.4-cm liquid precipitation equivalent (LPE) snowfall over Tug Hill. This event exhibited strong inland enhancement, with LPE increasing by a factor of 1.9 over 15-km horizontal distance. MRR profiles reveal that this enhancement was not due to increases in the depth or intensity of lake-effect convection. With increasing inland distance, echoes transitioned from a convective toward a stratiform morphology, becoming less intense, more uniform, more frequent, and less turbulent. An inland increase in echo frequency (possibly orographically forced) contributes somewhat to snowfall enhancement. The XPR observations reproduce the basic vertical structure seen by the MRRs while also revealing a suppression of snowfall below 600 m AGL upwind of Tug Hill, possibly associated with subcloud sublimation or hydrometeor advection. Statistics from 29 events demonstrate that the above-described inland evolution of convection is common for lake-effect storms east of Lake Ontario.
A pronounced snowfall maximum occurs about 30 km downwind of Lake Ontario over the 600-m-high Tug Hill Plateau (hereafter Tug Hill), a region where lake-effect convection is affected by mesoscale forcing associated with landfall and orographic uplift. Profiling radar data from the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems field campaign are used to characterize the inland evolution of lake-effect convection that produces the Tug Hill snowfall maximum. Four K-band profiling Micro Rain Radars (MRRs) were aligned in a transect from the Ontario coast onto Tug Hill. Additional observations were provided by an X-band profiling radar (XPR). Analysis is presented of a major lake-effect storm that produced 6.4-cm liquid precipitation equivalent (LPE) snowfall over Tug Hill. This event exhibited strong inland enhancement, with LPE increasing by a factor of 1.9 over 15-km horizontal distance. MRR profiles reveal that this enhancement was not due to increases in the depth or intensity of lake-effect convection. With increasing inland distance, echoes transitioned from a convective toward a stratiform morphology, becoming less intense, more uniform, more frequent, and less turbulent. An inland increase in echo frequency (possibly orographically forced) contributes somewhat to snowfall enhancement. The XPR observations reproduce the basic vertical structure seen by the MRRs while also revealing a suppression of snowfall below 600 m AGL upwind of Tug Hill, possibly associated with subcloud sublimation or hydrometeor advection. Statistics from 29 events demonstrate that the above-described inland evolution of convection is common for lake-effect storms east of Lake Ontario.
Improved understanding of the influence of orography on lake-effect storms is crucial for weather forecasting in many lake-effect regions. The Tug Hill Plateau of northern New York (hereafter Tug Hill), rising 500 m above eastern Lake Ontario, experiences some of the most intense snowstorms in the world. Herein the authors investigate the enhancement of lake-effect snowfall over Tug Hill during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. During the 24-h study period, total liquid precipitation equivalent along the axis of maximum precipitation increased from 33.5 mm at a lowland (145 m MSL) site to 62.5 mm at an upland (385 m MSL) site, the latter yielding 101.5 cm of snow. However, the ratio of upland to lowland precipitation, or orographic ratio, varied with the mode of lake-effect precipitation. Strongly organized long-lake-axis parallel bands, some of which formed in association with the approach or passage of upper-level short-wave troughs, produced the highest precipitation rates but the smallest orographic ratios. Within these bands, radar echoes were deepest and strongest over Lake Ontario and the coastal lowlands and decreased in depth and median intensity over Tug Hill. In contrast, nonbanded broad-coverage periods exhibited the smallest precipitation rates and the largest orographic ratios, the latter reflecting an increase in the coverage and frequency of radar echoes over Tug Hill. These findings should aid operational forecasts and, given the predominance of broad-coverage lake-effect periods during the cool season, help explain the climatological snowfall maximum found over the Tug Hill Plateau.
Improved understanding of the influence of orography on lake-effect storms is crucial for weather forecasting in many lake-effect regions. The Tug Hill Plateau of northern New York (hereafter Tug Hill), rising 500 m above eastern Lake Ontario, experiences some of the most intense snowstorms in the world. Herein the authors investigate the enhancement of lake-effect snowfall over Tug Hill during IOP2b of the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) field campaign. During the 24-h study period, total liquid precipitation equivalent along the axis of maximum precipitation increased from 33.5 mm at a lowland (145 m MSL) site to 62.5 mm at an upland (385 m MSL) site, the latter yielding 101.5 cm of snow. However, the ratio of upland to lowland precipitation, or orographic ratio, varied with the mode of lake-effect precipitation. Strongly organized long-lake-axis parallel bands, some of which formed in association with the approach or passage of upper-level short-wave troughs, produced the highest precipitation rates but the smallest orographic ratios. Within these bands, radar echoes were deepest and strongest over Lake Ontario and the coastal lowlands and decreased in depth and median intensity over Tug Hill. In contrast, nonbanded broad-coverage periods exhibited the smallest precipitation rates and the largest orographic ratios, the latter reflecting an increase in the coverage and frequency of radar echoes over Tug Hill. These findings should aid operational forecasts and, given the predominance of broad-coverage lake-effect periods during the cool season, help explain the climatological snowfall maximum found over the Tug Hill Plateau.
The OWLeS IOP2b lake-effect case is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with a horizontal grid spacing of 148 m (WRF-LES mode). The dynamics and microphysics of the simulated high-resolution snowband and a coarser-resolution band from the parent nest (1.33-km horizontal grid spacing) are compared to radar and aircraft observations. The Ice Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-ratio Evolution (ISHMAEL) microphysics is used, which predicts the evolution of ice particle properties including shape, maximum diameter, density, and fall speed. The microphysical changes within the band that occur when going from 1.33-km to 148-m grid spacing are explored. Improved representation of the dynamics at higher resolution leads to a better representation of the microphysics of the snowband compared to radar and aircraft observations. Stronger updrafts in the high-resolution grid produce higher ice number concentrations and produce ice particles that are more heavily rimed and thus more spherical, smaller (in terms of mean maximum diameter), and faster falling. These changes to the ice particle properties in the high-resolution grid limit the production of aggregates and improve reflectivity compared to observations. Graupel, observed in the band at the surface, is simulated in the strongest convective updrafts, but only at the higher resolution. Ultimately, the duration of heavy precipitation just onshore from the collapse of convection is better predicted in the high-resolution domain compared to surface and radar observations.
The OWLeS IOP2b lake-effect case is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with a horizontal grid spacing of 148 m (WRF-LES mode). The dynamics and microphysics of the simulated high-resolution snowband and a coarser-resolution band from the parent nest (1.33-km horizontal grid spacing) are compared to radar and aircraft observations. The Ice Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-ratio Evolution (ISHMAEL) microphysics is used, which predicts the evolution of ice particle properties including shape, maximum diameter, density, and fall speed. The microphysical changes within the band that occur when going from 1.33-km to 148-m grid spacing are explored. Improved representation of the dynamics at higher resolution leads to a better representation of the microphysics of the snowband compared to radar and aircraft observations. Stronger updrafts in the high-resolution grid produce higher ice number concentrations and produce ice particles that are more heavily rimed and thus more spherical, smaller (in terms of mean maximum diameter), and faster falling. These changes to the ice particle properties in the high-resolution grid limit the production of aggregates and improve reflectivity compared to observations. Graupel, observed in the band at the surface, is simulated in the strongest convective updrafts, but only at the higher resolution. Ultimately, the duration of heavy precipitation just onshore from the collapse of convection is better predicted in the high-resolution domain compared to surface and radar observations.
The distribution of radar-estimated precipitation from lake-effect snowbands over and downwind of Lake Ontario shows more snowfall in downwind areas than over the lake itself. Here, two nonexclusive processes contributing to this are examined: the collapse of convection that lofts hydrometeors over the lake and allows them to settle downwind; and stratiform ascent over land, due to the development of a stable boundary layer, frictional convergence, and terrain, leading to widespread precipitation there. The main data sources for this study are vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and hydrometeor vertical velocity in a well-defined, deep long-lake-axis-parallel band, observed on 11 December 2013 during the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) project. The profiles are derived from an airborne W-band Doppler radar, as well as an array of four K-band radars, an X-band profiling radar, a scanning X-band radar, and a scanning S-band radar.
The presence of convection offshore is evident from deep, strong (up to 10 m s−1) updrafts producing bounded weak-echo regions and locally heavily rimed snow particles. The decrease of the standard deviation, skewness, and peak values of Doppler vertical velocity during the downwind shore crossing is consistent with the convection collapse hypothesis. Consistent with the stratiform ascent hypothesis are (i) an increase in mean vertical velocity over land; and (ii) an increasing abundance of large snowflakes at low levels and over land, due to depositional growth and aggregation, evident from flight-level and surface particle size distribution data, and from differences in reflectivity values from S-, X-, K-, and W-band radars at nearly the same time and location.
The distribution of radar-estimated precipitation from lake-effect snowbands over and downwind of Lake Ontario shows more snowfall in downwind areas than over the lake itself. Here, two nonexclusive processes contributing to this are examined: the collapse of convection that lofts hydrometeors over the lake and allows them to settle downwind; and stratiform ascent over land, due to the development of a stable boundary layer, frictional convergence, and terrain, leading to widespread precipitation there. The main data sources for this study are vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and hydrometeor vertical velocity in a well-defined, deep long-lake-axis-parallel band, observed on 11 December 2013 during the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) project. The profiles are derived from an airborne W-band Doppler radar, as well as an array of four K-band radars, an X-band profiling radar, a scanning X-band radar, and a scanning S-band radar.
The presence of convection offshore is evident from deep, strong (up to 10 m s−1) updrafts producing bounded weak-echo regions and locally heavily rimed snow particles. The decrease of the standard deviation, skewness, and peak values of Doppler vertical velocity during the downwind shore crossing is consistent with the convection collapse hypothesis. Consistent with the stratiform ascent hypothesis are (i) an increase in mean vertical velocity over land; and (ii) an increasing abundance of large snowflakes at low levels and over land, due to depositional growth and aggregation, evident from flight-level and surface particle size distribution data, and from differences in reflectivity values from S-, X-, K-, and W-band radars at nearly the same time and location.