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Nicholas A. Bond
Meghan F. Cronin


The weather patterns during periods of anomalous surface fluxes in the Kuroshio recirculation gyre of the western North Pacific are documented. Separate analyses are carried out for the cold season (October– March) when the net surface heat flux is controlled by the combination of the turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes (Q turb), and for the warm season (May–August) when the net heating is dominated by the net radiative fluxes (Q rad). For analysis of high-frequency (daily to weekly) variations in the fluxes, direct measurements from the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO) for the period June 2004–November 2005 are used to specify flux events. For analysis of interannual variations, these events are selected using NCEP–NCAR reanalysis estimates for Q turb in the cold season, and International Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) data for cloud fraction, as a proxy for Q rad, in the warm season.

During the cold season, episodic high-frequency flux events are associated with significant anomalies in the east–west sea level pressure gradients, and hence meridional winds and lower-tropospheric air temperature, reflecting the dominance of the atmospheric forcing of the flux variability. On the other hand, interannual variations in Q turb are associated with relatively weak atmospheric circulation anomalies, implying a relatively important role for the ocean. During the warm season, high-frequency fluctuations in the net surface fluxes occur due to a mix of anomalies in Q turb and Q rad. Enhanced cloudiness in the vicinity of KEO, and hence reduced Q rad, tends to occur in association with weak cyclonic disturbances of extratropical origin. A regional atmospheric circulation favoring these types of events also was found for warm seasons that were cloudier on the whole. Results suggest that the ocean’s influence on air–sea fluxes at KEO is manifested mostly on interannual time scales during the cold season.

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Meghan F. Cronin
William S. Kessler


Near-surface shear in the Pacific cold tongue front at 2°N, 140°W was measured using a set of five moored current meters between 5 and 25 m for nine months during 2004–05. Mean near-surface currents were strongly westward and only weakly northward (∼3 cm s−1). Mean near-surface shear was primarily westward and, thus, oriented to the left of the southeasterly trades. When the southwestward geostrophic shear was subtracted from the observed shear, the residual ageostrophic currents relative to 25 m were northward and had an Ekman-like spiral, in qualitative agreement with an Ekman model modified for regions with a vertically uniform front. According to this “frontal Ekman” model, the ageostrophic Ekman spiral is forced by the portion of the wind stress that is not balanced by the surface geostrophic shear. Analysis of a composite tropical instability wave (TIW) confirms that ageostrophic shear is minimized when winds blow along the front, and strengthens when winds blow oblique to the front. Furthermore, the magnitude of the near-surface shear, both in the TIW and diurnal composites, was sensitive to near-surface stratification and mixing. A diurnal jet was observed that was on average 12 cm s−1 stronger at 5 m than at 25 m, even though daytime stratification was weak. The resulting Richardson number indicates that turbulent viscosity is larger at night than daytime and decreases with depth. A “generalized Ekman” model is also developed that assumes that viscosity becomes zero below a defined frictional layer. The generalized model reproduces many of the features of the observed mean shear and is valid both in frontal regions and at the equator.

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Meghan F. Cronin
Sonya Legg
, and
Paquita Zuidema


No Abstract available.

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Shun Ohishi
Tomoki Tozuka
, and
Meghan F. Cronin


Detailed mechanisms for frontogenesis/frontolysis of the sea surface temperature (SST) front in the Agulhas Return Current (ARC) region are investigated using outputs from a high-resolution coupled general circulation model. The SST front is maintained throughout the year through an approximate balance between frontolysis by surface heat flux and frontogenesis by horizontal advection. Although a southward (northward) cross-isotherm flow on the northern (southern) side of the front is weaker than a strong eastward along-isotherm current in the frontal region, this cross-isotherm confluent flow advects warmer (cooler) temperature toward the SST front north (south) of the front and acts as the dominant frontogenesis mechanism. In addition, stronger (weaker) frontogenesis in austral summer (winter) is attributed to the stronger (weaker) cross-isotherm confluence, which may be linked to seasonal variations of the Agulhas Current, ARC, and Antarctic Circumpolar Current. On the other hand, the contribution from entrainment is relatively small, because frontolysis by larger (smaller) entrainment velocity on the northern (southern) side opposes frontogenesis by less (more) effective cooling associated with a thicker (thinner) mixed layer and smaller (larger) temperature difference between the mixed layer and entrained water in the northern (southern) region. To gain further insight into the time-mean cross-isotherm confluent flow in the frontal region, the vorticity balance is examined. It is shown that anticyclonic (cyclonic) vorticity advection north (south) of the front by the mean cross-isotherm confluence is in balance with the sum of cyclonic (anticyclonic) vorticity advection by the mean along-isotherm flow and cross-isotherm eddy–mean interaction.

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Yolande L. Serra
George N. Kiladis
, and
Meghan F. Cronin


Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and low-level wind fields in the Atlantic and Pacific intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) are dominated by variability on synoptic time scales primarily associated with easterly waves during boreal summer and fall. This study uses spectral filtering of observed OLR data to capture the convective variability coupled to Pacific easterly waves. Filtered OLR is then used as an independent variable to isolate easterly wave structure in wind, temperature, and humidity fields from open-ocean buoys, radiosondes, and gridded reanalysis products. The analysis shows that while some Pacific easterly waves originate in the Atlantic, most of the waves appear to form and strengthen within the Pacific. Pacific easterly waves have wavelengths of 4200–5900 km, westward phase speeds of 11.3–13.6 m s−1, and maximum meridional wind anomalies at about 600 hPa. A warm, moist boundary layer is observed ahead of the waves, with moisture lofted quickly through the troposphere by deep convection, followed by a cold, dry signal behind the wave. The waves are accompanied by substantial cloud forcing and surface latent heat flux fluctuations in buoy observations. In the central Pacific the horizontal structure of the waves appears as meridionally oriented inverted troughs, while in the east Pacific the waves are oriented southwest–northeast. Both are tilted slightly eastward with height. Although these tilts are consistent with adiabatic barotropic and baroclinic conversions to eddy energy, energetics calculations imply that Pacific easterly waves are driven primarily by convective heating. This differs from African easterly waves, where the barotropic and baroclinic conversions dominate.

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Michael J. McPhaden
Meghan F. Cronin
, and
Dai C. McClurg


The eastern tropical Pacific Ocean is important climatically because of its influence on the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle and the American monsoon. Accurate prediction of these phenomena requires a better understanding of the background climatological conditions on which seasonal-to-interannual time-scale anomalies develop in the region. This study addresses the processes responsible for the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature (SST) in the eastern tropical Pacific using 3 yr (April 2000–March 2003) of moored buoy and satellite data between 8°S and 12°N along 95°W. Results indicate that at all latitudes, surface heat fluxes are important in the mixed layer temperature balance. At 8°S, in a region of relatively deep mean thermocline and mixed layer, local storage of heat crossing the air–sea interface accounts for much of the seasonal cycle in SST. In the equatorial cold tongue and the intertropical convergence zone, where mean upwelling leads to relatively thin mixed layers, vertical turbulent mixing with the upper thermocline is a major contributor to SST change. Lateral temperature advection by seasonally varying large-scale currents is most significant near the equator but is generally of secondary importance. There is a hemispheric asymmetry in seasonal SST variations, with larger amplitudes in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere. This asymmetry is mainly due to forcing from the southerly component of the trade winds, which shifts the axis of equatorial upwelling south of the equator while creating an oceanic convergence zone to the north that limits the northward spread of cold upwelled water. In general, results support the Mitchell and Wallace hypothesis about the importance of southerly winds and ocean–atmosphere feedbacks in establishing seasonally varying climatological conditions in the eastern tropical Pacific.

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Allison Hogikyan
Meghan F. Cronin
Dongxiao Zhang
, and
Seiji Kato


The ocean surface albedo is responsible for the distribution of solar (shortwave) radiant energy between the atmosphere and ocean and therefore is a key parameter in Earth’s surface energy budget. In situ ocean observations typically do not measure upward reflected solar radiation, which is necessary to compute net solar radiation into the ocean. Instead, the upward component is computed from the measured downward component using an albedo estimate. At two NOAA Ocean Climate Station buoy sites in the North Pacific, the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) monthly climatological albedo has been used, while for the NOAA Global Tropical Buoy Array a constant albedo is used. This constant albedo is also used in the Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) bulk flux algorithm. This study considers the impacts of using the more recently available NASA Cloud and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) albedo product for these ocean surface heat flux products. Differences between albedo estimates in global satellite products like these imply uncertainty in the net surface solar radiation heat flux estimates that locally exceed the target uncertainty of 1.0 W m−2 for the global mean, set by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Albedo has large spatiotemporal variability on hourly, monthly, and interannual time scales. Biases in high-resolution SWnet (the difference between surface downwelling and upwelling shortwave radiation) can arise if the albedo diurnal cycle is unresolved. As a result, for periods when satellite albedo data are not available it is recommended that an hourly climatology be used when computing high-resolution net surface shortwave radiation.

Open access
Masanori Konda
Hiroshi Ichikawa
Hiroyuki Tomita
, and
Meghan F. Cronin


Wintertime sea surface heat flux variability across the Kuroshio Extension (KE) front is analyzed using data from the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO) buoy in the Kuroshio recirculation gyre south of the KE front and from the Japan Agency for Marine–Earth Science and Technology KEO (JKEO) buoy in the north of the front. The coincident data used are from periods during two winters (2007 and 2008), when both buoys had a complete suite of meteorological data. In these two winter periods, the focus of this research is on three types of typical weather patterns referred to here as the northerly wind condition, the monsoon wind condition, and the normal condition. During the northerly wind condition, latent and sensible heat fluxes were large and often varied simultaneously at both sites, whereas during the monsoon wind condition the latent heat flux at the KEO site was significantly larger than that at the JKEO site. The difference between these heat flux patterns is attributed to the different airmass transformations that occur when prevailing winds blow across the KE front versus along the front. Reanalysis products appear to reproduce these heat flux spatial patterns at synoptic scales. It is suggested that the relative frequencies of these different types of weather conditions result in anomalous spatial patterns in the heat fluxes on monthly time scales.

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Luc Rainville
Steven R. Jayne
, and
Meghan F. Cronin


Mooring measurements from the Kuroshio Extension System Study (June 2004–June 2006) and from the ongoing Kuroshio Extension Observatory (June 2004–present) are combined with float measurements of the Argo network to study the variability of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) across the entire gyre, on time scales from days, to seasons, to a decade. The top of the STMW follows a seasonal cycle, although observations reveal that it primarily varies in discrete steps associated with episodic wind events. The variations of the STMW bottom depth are tightly related to the sea surface height (SSH), reflecting mesoscale eddies and large-scale variations of the Kuroshio Extension and recirculation gyre systems. Using the observed relationship between SSH and STMW, gridded SSH products and in situ estimates from floats are used to construct weekly maps of STMW thickness, providing nonbiased estimates of STMW total volume, annual formation and erosion volumes, and seasonal and interannual variability for the past decade. Year-to-year variations are detected, particularly a significant decrease of STMW volume in 2007–10 primarily attributable to a smaller volume formed. Variability of the heat content in the mode water region is dominated by the seasonal cycle and mesoscale eddies; there is only a weak link to STMW on interannual time scales, and no long-term trends in heat content and STMW thickness between 2002 and 2011 are detected. Weak lagged correlations among air–sea fluxes, oceanic heat content, and STMW thickness are found when averaged over the northwestern Pacific recirculation gyre region.

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Meghan F. Cronin
Shang-Ping Xie
, and
Hiroshi Hashizume


Barometric pressure, surface temperature, and wind time series in the eastern equatorial Pacific are analyzed to determine if oceanic tropical instability wave (TIW) sea surface temperature variations cause barometric pressure gradients large enough to influence the atmospheric boundary layer. During the study period from April 2001 to September 2002, 11 TIWs propagated westward past 110°W, causing a spectral peak at 20–30 days in the sea surface temperature (SST) meridional difference between 2°N, 110°W and 0°, 110°W. Likewise, the meridional pressure difference also had a spectral peak in the 20–30-day TIW band. Cross-spectral analysis shows that within the TIW band, SST-induced pressure variations were roughly −0.1 hPa °C−1 in magnitude. The resulting pressure gradient force is comparable in magnitude to other terms in the meridional momentum balance. Implications about the role of the boundary layer capping in the adjustment to SST forcing are discussed.

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