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- Author or Editor: Milind Sharma x
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The dual-polarization radar characteristics of severe storms are commonly used as indicators to estimate the size and intensity of deep convective updrafts. In this study, we track rapid fluctuations in updraft intensity and size by objectively identifying polarimetric fingerprints such as ZDR and KDP columns, which serve as proxies for mixed-phase updraft strength. We quantify the volume of ZDR and KDP columns to evaluate their utility in diagnosing temporal variability in lightning flash characteristics. Specifically, we analyze three severe storms that developed in environments with low-to-moderate instability and strong 0–6-km wind shear in northern Alabama during the 2016–17 VORTEX-Southeast field campaign. In these three cases (a tornadic supercell embedded in stratiform precipitation, a nontornadic supercell, and a supercell embedded within a quasi-linear convective system), we find that the volume of the KDP columns exhibits a stronger correlation with the total flash rate. The higher covariability of the KDP column volume with the total flash rate suggests that the overall electrification and precipitation microphysics were dominated by cold cloud processes. The lower covariability with the ZDR column volume indicates the presence of nonsteady updrafts or a less prominent role of warm rain processes in graupel growth and subsequent electrification. Furthermore, we observe that the majority of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strikes a carried negative charge to the ground. In contrast to findings from a tornadic supercell over the Great Plains, lightning flash initiations in the Alabama storms primarily occurred outside the footprint of the ZDR and KDP column objects.
Significance Statement
This study quantifies the correlation between mixed-phase updraft intensity and total lightning flash rate in three severe storms in northern Alabama. In the absence of direct updraft velocity measurements, we use polarimetric signatures, such as ZDR and KDP columns, as proxies for updraft strength. Our analysis of polarimetric radar and lightning mapping array data reveals that the lightning flash rate is more highly correlated with the KDP column volume than with the ZDR column volume in all three storms examined. This contrasts with previous findings in storms over the central Great Plains, where the ZDR column volume showed higher covariability with flash rate. Interestingly, lightning initiation in the Alabama storms mainly occurred outside the ZDR and KDP column areas, contrary to previous findings.
The dual-polarization radar characteristics of severe storms are commonly used as indicators to estimate the size and intensity of deep convective updrafts. In this study, we track rapid fluctuations in updraft intensity and size by objectively identifying polarimetric fingerprints such as ZDR and KDP columns, which serve as proxies for mixed-phase updraft strength. We quantify the volume of ZDR and KDP columns to evaluate their utility in diagnosing temporal variability in lightning flash characteristics. Specifically, we analyze three severe storms that developed in environments with low-to-moderate instability and strong 0–6-km wind shear in northern Alabama during the 2016–17 VORTEX-Southeast field campaign. In these three cases (a tornadic supercell embedded in stratiform precipitation, a nontornadic supercell, and a supercell embedded within a quasi-linear convective system), we find that the volume of the KDP columns exhibits a stronger correlation with the total flash rate. The higher covariability of the KDP column volume with the total flash rate suggests that the overall electrification and precipitation microphysics were dominated by cold cloud processes. The lower covariability with the ZDR column volume indicates the presence of nonsteady updrafts or a less prominent role of warm rain processes in graupel growth and subsequent electrification. Furthermore, we observe that the majority of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strikes a carried negative charge to the ground. In contrast to findings from a tornadic supercell over the Great Plains, lightning flash initiations in the Alabama storms primarily occurred outside the footprint of the ZDR and KDP column objects.
Significance Statement
This study quantifies the correlation between mixed-phase updraft intensity and total lightning flash rate in three severe storms in northern Alabama. In the absence of direct updraft velocity measurements, we use polarimetric signatures, such as ZDR and KDP columns, as proxies for updraft strength. Our analysis of polarimetric radar and lightning mapping array data reveals that the lightning flash rate is more highly correlated with the KDP column volume than with the ZDR column volume in all three storms examined. This contrasts with previous findings in storms over the central Great Plains, where the ZDR column volume showed higher covariability with flash rate. Interestingly, lightning initiation in the Alabama storms mainly occurred outside the ZDR and KDP column areas, contrary to previous findings.
We demonstrate the utility of transient polarimetric signatures (Z DR and K DP columns, a proxy for surges in a thunderstorm updraft) to explain variability in lightning flash rates in a tornadic supercell. Observational data from a WSR-88D and the Oklahoma lightning mapping array are used to map the temporal variance of polarimetric signatures and VHF sources from lightning channels. It is shown, via three-dimensional and cross-sectional analyses, that the storm was of inverted polarity resulting from anomalous electrification. Statistical analysis confirms that mean flash area in the Z DR column region was 10 times smaller than elsewhere in the storm. On an average, 5 times more flash initiations occurred within Z DR column regions, thereby supporting existing theory of an inverse relationship between flash initiation rates and lightning channel extent. Segmentation and object identification algorithms are applied to gridded radar data to calculate metrics such as height, width, and volume of Z DR and K DP columns. Variability in lightning flash rates is best explained by the fluctuations in Z DR column volume with a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient value of 0.72. The highest flash rates occur in conjunction with the deepest Z DR columns (up to 5 km above environmental melting level) and largest volumes of Z DR columns extending up to the −20°C level (3 km above the melting level). Reduced flash rates toward the end of the analysis are indicative of weaker updrafts manifested as low Z DR column volumes at and above the −10°C level. These findings are consistent with recent studies linking lightning to the interplay between storm dynamics, kinematics, thermodynamics, and precipitation microphysics.
We demonstrate the utility of transient polarimetric signatures (Z DR and K DP columns, a proxy for surges in a thunderstorm updraft) to explain variability in lightning flash rates in a tornadic supercell. Observational data from a WSR-88D and the Oklahoma lightning mapping array are used to map the temporal variance of polarimetric signatures and VHF sources from lightning channels. It is shown, via three-dimensional and cross-sectional analyses, that the storm was of inverted polarity resulting from anomalous electrification. Statistical analysis confirms that mean flash area in the Z DR column region was 10 times smaller than elsewhere in the storm. On an average, 5 times more flash initiations occurred within Z DR column regions, thereby supporting existing theory of an inverse relationship between flash initiation rates and lightning channel extent. Segmentation and object identification algorithms are applied to gridded radar data to calculate metrics such as height, width, and volume of Z DR and K DP columns. Variability in lightning flash rates is best explained by the fluctuations in Z DR column volume with a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient value of 0.72. The highest flash rates occur in conjunction with the deepest Z DR columns (up to 5 km above environmental melting level) and largest volumes of Z DR columns extending up to the −20°C level (3 km above the melting level). Reduced flash rates toward the end of the analysis are indicative of weaker updrafts manifested as low Z DR column volumes at and above the −10°C level. These findings are consistent with recent studies linking lightning to the interplay between storm dynamics, kinematics, thermodynamics, and precipitation microphysics.
During the DOE ARM TRACER IOP spanning June to September 2022, two fixed ARM sites and a mobile team concurrently sampled the air mass heterogeneity across sea and bay-breeze fronts around the greater Houston metropolitan region. Here, we quantify the spatiotemporal variability between maritime (coastal/bay side of breeze fronts) and continental (inland side of breeze fronts) air masses over 15 IOP days characterized by strong sea breeze forcing. We analyze environmental profile data from 177 radiosondes and use S- and C-band radar data to track and quantify the variability in attributes of more than 2300 shallow and transitioning cells across different air masses. Composite analysis of environmental profiles indicates that during early afternoon, the sea-breeze maritime air mass exhibits lower CAPE than the bay-breeze maritime air mass. As the sea breeze advances inland with time, CAPE within the maritime air mass exceeds that of the continental air mass to the north of the breeze fronts. In general, maritime cells have larger mean composite reflectivity and cell widths compared to continental cells; however, the response varies between shallow and transitioning cells. Mean composite 20-dBZ echo-top heights, however, are similar across air masses for both shallow and transitioning cells. The continental and maritime inflow air mass for transitioning cells has significantly different mean values for mixed-layer entrainment CAPE, lifted condensation level, level of free condensation, boundary layer depth, and diluted equilibrium level. For shallow cells, only total precipitable water shows a significant difference.
During the DOE ARM TRACER IOP spanning June to September 2022, two fixed ARM sites and a mobile team concurrently sampled the air mass heterogeneity across sea and bay-breeze fronts around the greater Houston metropolitan region. Here, we quantify the spatiotemporal variability between maritime (coastal/bay side of breeze fronts) and continental (inland side of breeze fronts) air masses over 15 IOP days characterized by strong sea breeze forcing. We analyze environmental profile data from 177 radiosondes and use S- and C-band radar data to track and quantify the variability in attributes of more than 2300 shallow and transitioning cells across different air masses. Composite analysis of environmental profiles indicates that during early afternoon, the sea-breeze maritime air mass exhibits lower CAPE than the bay-breeze maritime air mass. As the sea breeze advances inland with time, CAPE within the maritime air mass exceeds that of the continental air mass to the north of the breeze fronts. In general, maritime cells have larger mean composite reflectivity and cell widths compared to continental cells; however, the response varies between shallow and transitioning cells. Mean composite 20-dBZ echo-top heights, however, are similar across air masses for both shallow and transitioning cells. The continental and maritime inflow air mass for transitioning cells has significantly different mean values for mixed-layer entrainment CAPE, lifted condensation level, level of free condensation, boundary layer depth, and diluted equilibrium level. For shallow cells, only total precipitable water shows a significant difference.
Difficulty in using observations to isolate the impacts of aerosols from meteorology on deep convection often stems from inability to resolve the spatiotemporal variations in the environment serving as the storm’s inflow region. During the DOE TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) in June-September 2022, a Texas A&M University (TAMU) team conducted a mobile field campaign to characterize the meteorological and aerosol variability in airmasses that serve as inflow to convection across the ubiquitous mesoscale boundaries associated with the sea- and bay-breezes in the Houston, Texas, region. These boundaries propagate inland over the fixed DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sites. However, convection occurs on either or both the continental or maritime sides or along the boundary. The maritime and continental airmasses serving as convection inflow may be quite distinct, with different meteorological and aerosol characteristics that fixed-site measurements cannot simultaneously sample. Thus, a primary objective of TAMU TRACER was to provide mobile measurements similar to those at the fixed sites, but in the opposite airmass across these moving mesoscale boundaries. TAMU TRACER collected radiosonde, lidar, aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and ice nucleating particle (INP) measurements on 29 enhanced operations days covering a variety of maritime, continental, outflow, and pre-frontal airmasses. This paper summarizes the TAMU TRACER deployment and measurement strategy, instruments, available datasets, and provides sample cases highlighting differences between these mobile measurements and those made at the ARM sites. We also highlight the exceptional TAMU TRACER undergraduate student participation in high impact learning activities through forecasting and field deployment opportunities.
Difficulty in using observations to isolate the impacts of aerosols from meteorology on deep convection often stems from inability to resolve the spatiotemporal variations in the environment serving as the storm’s inflow region. During the DOE TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) in June-September 2022, a Texas A&M University (TAMU) team conducted a mobile field campaign to characterize the meteorological and aerosol variability in airmasses that serve as inflow to convection across the ubiquitous mesoscale boundaries associated with the sea- and bay-breezes in the Houston, Texas, region. These boundaries propagate inland over the fixed DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sites. However, convection occurs on either or both the continental or maritime sides or along the boundary. The maritime and continental airmasses serving as convection inflow may be quite distinct, with different meteorological and aerosol characteristics that fixed-site measurements cannot simultaneously sample. Thus, a primary objective of TAMU TRACER was to provide mobile measurements similar to those at the fixed sites, but in the opposite airmass across these moving mesoscale boundaries. TAMU TRACER collected radiosonde, lidar, aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and ice nucleating particle (INP) measurements on 29 enhanced operations days covering a variety of maritime, continental, outflow, and pre-frontal airmasses. This paper summarizes the TAMU TRACER deployment and measurement strategy, instruments, available datasets, and provides sample cases highlighting differences between these mobile measurements and those made at the ARM sites. We also highlight the exceptional TAMU TRACER undergraduate student participation in high impact learning activities through forecasting and field deployment opportunities.