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- Author or Editor: Sebastian W. Hoch x
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Pseudovertical temperature “soundings” from lines of inexpensive temperature sensors on the sidewalls of Utah’s Salt Lake valley are compared with contemporaneous radiosonde soundings from the north, open end of the valley. Morning [0415 mountain standard time (MST)] soundings are colder, and afternoon (1615 MST) soundings are warmer than radiosonde soundings because of warm and cold boundary layers that form over the slopes. Cross-valley temperature differences occur between east- and west-facing sidewalls because of differing insolation. Differences in vertically averaged pseudovertical and radiosonde temperatures are generally within 1°C, with a standard deviation of 2°–3°C. The pseudovertical soundings are especially good proxies for radiosondes in winter. The sounding comparisons identified along-valley differences in temperature, inversion depth, and lapse rate that have led to hypotheses concerning their causes, to be evaluated with future research. The low cost and much better time resolution of the pseudovertical soundings suggest that such lines will be a useful supplement to valley radiosondes and will have significant operational advantages if available in real time. Lines of surface-based sensors will prove useful in identifying intravalley meteorological differences and may be used to estimate free-air temperature structure in other valleys where radiosondes are unavailable.
Pseudovertical temperature “soundings” from lines of inexpensive temperature sensors on the sidewalls of Utah’s Salt Lake valley are compared with contemporaneous radiosonde soundings from the north, open end of the valley. Morning [0415 mountain standard time (MST)] soundings are colder, and afternoon (1615 MST) soundings are warmer than radiosonde soundings because of warm and cold boundary layers that form over the slopes. Cross-valley temperature differences occur between east- and west-facing sidewalls because of differing insolation. Differences in vertically averaged pseudovertical and radiosonde temperatures are generally within 1°C, with a standard deviation of 2°–3°C. The pseudovertical soundings are especially good proxies for radiosondes in winter. The sounding comparisons identified along-valley differences in temperature, inversion depth, and lapse rate that have led to hypotheses concerning their causes, to be evaluated with future research. The low cost and much better time resolution of the pseudovertical soundings suggest that such lines will be a useful supplement to valley radiosondes and will have significant operational advantages if available in real time. Lines of surface-based sensors will prove useful in identifying intravalley meteorological differences and may be used to estimate free-air temperature structure in other valleys where radiosondes are unavailable.
Climatological features of the surface wind on diurnal and seasonal time scales over a 17-yr period in an area of complex terrain at Dugway Proving Ground in northwestern Utah are analyzed, and potential synoptic-scale, mesoscale, and microscale forcings on the surface wind are identified. Analysis of the wind climatology at 26 automated weather stations revealed a bimodal wind direction distribution at times when thermally driven circulations were expected to produce a single primary direction. The two modes of this distribution are referred to as the “northerly” and “southerly” regimes. The northerly regime is most frequent in May, and the southerly regime is most frequent in August. January, May, and August constitute a “tripole seasonality” of the wind evolution. Although both regimes occur in all months, the monthly changes in regime frequency are related to changes in synoptic and mesoscale phenomena including the climatological position of the primary synoptic baroclinic zone in the western United States, interaction of the large-scale flow with the Sierra Nevada, and thermal low pressure systems that form in the Intermountain West in summer. Numerous applications require accurate forecasts of surface winds in complex terrain, yet mesoscale models perform relatively poorly in these areas, contributing to poor operational forecast skill. Knowledge of the climatologically persistent wind flows and their potential forcings will enable relevant model deficiencies to be addressed.
Climatological features of the surface wind on diurnal and seasonal time scales over a 17-yr period in an area of complex terrain at Dugway Proving Ground in northwestern Utah are analyzed, and potential synoptic-scale, mesoscale, and microscale forcings on the surface wind are identified. Analysis of the wind climatology at 26 automated weather stations revealed a bimodal wind direction distribution at times when thermally driven circulations were expected to produce a single primary direction. The two modes of this distribution are referred to as the “northerly” and “southerly” regimes. The northerly regime is most frequent in May, and the southerly regime is most frequent in August. January, May, and August constitute a “tripole seasonality” of the wind evolution. Although both regimes occur in all months, the monthly changes in regime frequency are related to changes in synoptic and mesoscale phenomena including the climatological position of the primary synoptic baroclinic zone in the western United States, interaction of the large-scale flow with the Sierra Nevada, and thermal low pressure systems that form in the Intermountain West in summer. Numerous applications require accurate forecasts of surface winds in complex terrain, yet mesoscale models perform relatively poorly in these areas, contributing to poor operational forecast skill. Knowledge of the climatologically persistent wind flows and their potential forcings will enable relevant model deficiencies to be addressed.
The individual components of the slope-parallel surface radiation balance were measured in and around Arizona’s Meteor Crater to investigate the effects of topography on the radiation balance. The crater basin has a diameter of 1.2 km and a depth of 170 m. The observations cover the crater floor, the crater rim, four sites on the inner sidewalls on an east–west transect, and two sites outside the crater. Interpretation of the role of topography on radiation differences among the sites on a representative clear day is facilitated by the unique symmetric crater topography. The shortwave radiation balance was affected by the topographic effects of terrain exposure, terrain shading, and terrain reflections, and by surface albedo variations. Terrain exposure caused a site on the steeper upper eastern sidewall of the crater to receive 6% more daily integrated shortwave energy than a site on the lower part of the same slope. Terrain shading had a larger effect on the lower slopes than on the upper slopes. At the lower western slope site the daily total was reduced by 6%. Measurements indicate a diffuse radiation enhancement due to sidewall reflections. The longwave radiation balance was affected by counterradiation from the crater sidewalls and by reduced emissions due to the formation of a nighttime temperature inversion. The total nighttime longwave energy loss at the crater floor was 72% of the loss observed at the crater rim.
The individual components of the slope-parallel surface radiation balance were measured in and around Arizona’s Meteor Crater to investigate the effects of topography on the radiation balance. The crater basin has a diameter of 1.2 km and a depth of 170 m. The observations cover the crater floor, the crater rim, four sites on the inner sidewalls on an east–west transect, and two sites outside the crater. Interpretation of the role of topography on radiation differences among the sites on a representative clear day is facilitated by the unique symmetric crater topography. The shortwave radiation balance was affected by the topographic effects of terrain exposure, terrain shading, and terrain reflections, and by surface albedo variations. Terrain exposure caused a site on the steeper upper eastern sidewall of the crater to receive 6% more daily integrated shortwave energy than a site on the lower part of the same slope. Terrain shading had a larger effect on the lower slopes than on the upper slopes. At the lower western slope site the daily total was reduced by 6%. Measurements indicate a diffuse radiation enhancement due to sidewall reflections. The longwave radiation balance was affected by counterradiation from the crater sidewalls and by reduced emissions due to the formation of a nighttime temperature inversion. The total nighttime longwave energy loss at the crater floor was 72% of the loss observed at the crater rim.
At slope and valley floor sites in the Owens Valley of California, the late afternoon near-surface air temperature decline is often followed by a temporary temperature rise before the expected nighttime cooling resumes. The spatial and temporal patterns of this evening warming phenomenon, as seen in the March/April 2006 Terrain-Induced Rotor Experiment, are investigated using a widely distributed network of 51 surface-based temperature dataloggers. Hypotheses on the causes of the temperature rises are tested using heavily instrumented 34-m meteorological towers that were located within the datalogger array. The evening temperature rise follows the development of a shallow temperature deficit layer over the slopes and floor of the valley in which winds blow downslope. Background winds within the valley, freed from frictional deceleration from the earth’s surface by this layer, accelerate. The increased vertical wind shear across the temperature deficit layer eventually creates shear instability and mixes out the layer, creating the observed warming near the ground. As momentum is exchanged during the mixing event, the wind direction near the surface gradually turns from downslope to the background wind direction. After the short period of warming associated with the mixing, ongoing net radiative loss causes a resumption of the cooling.
At slope and valley floor sites in the Owens Valley of California, the late afternoon near-surface air temperature decline is often followed by a temporary temperature rise before the expected nighttime cooling resumes. The spatial and temporal patterns of this evening warming phenomenon, as seen in the March/April 2006 Terrain-Induced Rotor Experiment, are investigated using a widely distributed network of 51 surface-based temperature dataloggers. Hypotheses on the causes of the temperature rises are tested using heavily instrumented 34-m meteorological towers that were located within the datalogger array. The evening temperature rise follows the development of a shallow temperature deficit layer over the slopes and floor of the valley in which winds blow downslope. Background winds within the valley, freed from frictional deceleration from the earth’s surface by this layer, accelerate. The increased vertical wind shear across the temperature deficit layer eventually creates shear instability and mixes out the layer, creating the observed warming near the ground. As momentum is exchanged during the mixing event, the wind direction near the surface gradually turns from downslope to the background wind direction. After the short period of warming associated with the mixing, ongoing net radiative loss causes a resumption of the cooling.
Thermally driven valley-exit jets were investigated at Utah’s Weber Canyon, a main tributary of the Great Salt Lake basin. An intensive measurement campaign during July–September 2010 supplemented longer-term measurements to characterize the wind and temperature structure in the vicinity of the canyon exit. Exit jets at Weber Canyon are most frequent in late summer or early fall. Strong low-level-wind jets formed at the canyon exit on 75 of 90 nights (83%) during the measurement campaign, with the best-developed winds forming during synoptically undisturbed, clear-sky periods. Winds inside the canyon consisted of a weak down-valley flow layer that occupied most of the 1000-m depth of the canyon. The flow was observed to descend, thin, and accelerate at the valley exit, producing winds that were typically 2.5 times as strong but much more shallow than those inside the canyon. Maximum nighttime jet-axis wind speeds of 15–20 m s−1 are typically found about 80–120 m above the ground at the canyon exit on clear undisturbed nights in the late summer and fall. The jets form 1–3 h after sunset, approach a near-steady state during the late night, and continue until 5–6 h after sunrise, although slowly losing speed after sunrise. The jet is a local modification at the canyon exit of the thermally driven down-valley flow. Its continuation after sunrise is thought to be caused by the nighttime buildup and persistence of a cold-air pool in the Morgan Basin at the east end of the canyon. The potential for utilizing the exit jet for wind power generation is discussed.
Thermally driven valley-exit jets were investigated at Utah’s Weber Canyon, a main tributary of the Great Salt Lake basin. An intensive measurement campaign during July–September 2010 supplemented longer-term measurements to characterize the wind and temperature structure in the vicinity of the canyon exit. Exit jets at Weber Canyon are most frequent in late summer or early fall. Strong low-level-wind jets formed at the canyon exit on 75 of 90 nights (83%) during the measurement campaign, with the best-developed winds forming during synoptically undisturbed, clear-sky periods. Winds inside the canyon consisted of a weak down-valley flow layer that occupied most of the 1000-m depth of the canyon. The flow was observed to descend, thin, and accelerate at the valley exit, producing winds that were typically 2.5 times as strong but much more shallow than those inside the canyon. Maximum nighttime jet-axis wind speeds of 15–20 m s−1 are typically found about 80–120 m above the ground at the canyon exit on clear undisturbed nights in the late summer and fall. The jets form 1–3 h after sunset, approach a near-steady state during the late night, and continue until 5–6 h after sunrise, although slowly losing speed after sunrise. The jet is a local modification at the canyon exit of the thermally driven down-valley flow. Its continuation after sunrise is thought to be caused by the nighttime buildup and persistence of a cold-air pool in the Morgan Basin at the east end of the canyon. The potential for utilizing the exit jet for wind power generation is discussed.
Observations are analyzed to explain an unusual feature of the nighttime atmospheric structure inside Arizona’s idealized, basin-shaped Meteor Crater. The upper 75%–80% of the crater’s atmosphere, which overlies an intense surface-based inversion on the crater’s floor, maintains a near-isothermal lapse rate during the entire night, even while continuing to cool. Evidence is presented to show that this near-isothermal layer is produced by cold-air intrusions that come over the crater’s rim. The intrusions are driven by a regional-scale drainage flow that develops over the surrounding inclined Colorado Plateau. Cold air from the drainage flow builds up on the upwind side of the crater and splits around the crater at low levels. A shallow layer of cold air, however, spills over the 30–60-m-high rim and descends partway down the crater’s upwind inner sidewall until reaching its buoyancy equilibrium level. Detrainment of cold air during its katabatic descent and compensatory rising motions in the crater atmosphere destabilize the basin atmosphere, producing the observed near-isothermal lapse rate. A conceptual model of this phenomenon is presented.
Observations are analyzed to explain an unusual feature of the nighttime atmospheric structure inside Arizona’s idealized, basin-shaped Meteor Crater. The upper 75%–80% of the crater’s atmosphere, which overlies an intense surface-based inversion on the crater’s floor, maintains a near-isothermal lapse rate during the entire night, even while continuing to cool. Evidence is presented to show that this near-isothermal layer is produced by cold-air intrusions that come over the crater’s rim. The intrusions are driven by a regional-scale drainage flow that develops over the surrounding inclined Colorado Plateau. Cold air from the drainage flow builds up on the upwind side of the crater and splits around the crater at low levels. A shallow layer of cold air, however, spills over the 30–60-m-high rim and descends partway down the crater’s upwind inner sidewall until reaching its buoyancy equilibrium level. Detrainment of cold air during its katabatic descent and compensatory rising motions in the crater atmosphere destabilize the basin atmosphere, producing the observed near-isothermal lapse rate. A conceptual model of this phenomenon is presented.
Cross-basin winds produced by asymmetric insolation of the crater sidewalls occur in Arizona’s Meteor Crater on days with weak background winds. The diurnal cycle of the cross-basin winds is analyzed together with radiation, temperature, and pressure measurements at the crater sidewalls for a 1-month period. The asymmetric irradiation causes horizontal temperature and pressure gradients across the crater basin that drive the cross-basin winds near the crater floor. The horizontal temperature and pressure gradients and wind directions change as the sun moves across the sky, with easterly winds in the morning and westerly winds in the evening. A case study of 12 October 2006 further illustrates the obtained relation between these parameters for an individual day. The occurrence of an elevated cross-basin flow on 23 October 2006 is shown to relate to the presence of an elevated inversion layer.
Cross-basin winds produced by asymmetric insolation of the crater sidewalls occur in Arizona’s Meteor Crater on days with weak background winds. The diurnal cycle of the cross-basin winds is analyzed together with radiation, temperature, and pressure measurements at the crater sidewalls for a 1-month period. The asymmetric irradiation causes horizontal temperature and pressure gradients across the crater basin that drive the cross-basin winds near the crater floor. The horizontal temperature and pressure gradients and wind directions change as the sun moves across the sky, with easterly winds in the morning and westerly winds in the evening. A case study of 12 October 2006 further illustrates the obtained relation between these parameters for an individual day. The occurrence of an elevated cross-basin flow on 23 October 2006 is shown to relate to the presence of an elevated inversion layer.
The Monte Carlo code for the physically correct tracing of photons in cloudy atmospheres (MYSTIC) three-dimensional radiative transfer model was used in a parametric study to determine the strength of longwave radiative heating and cooling in atmospheres enclosed in idealized valleys and basins. The parameters investigated included valley or basin shape, width, and near-surface temperature contrasts. These parameters were varied for three different representative atmospheric temperature profiles for different times of day. As a result of counterradiation from surrounding terrain, nighttime longwave radiative cooling in topographic depressions was generally weaker than over flat terrain. In the center of basins or valleys with widths exceeding 2 km, cooling rates quickly approached those over flat terrain, whereas the cooling averaged over the entire depression volume was still greatly reduced. Valley or basin shape had less influence on cooling rates than did valley width. Strong temperature gradients near the surface associated with nighttime inversion and daytime superadiabatic layers over the slopes significantly increased longwave radiative cooling and heating rates. Local rates of longwave radiative heating ranged between −30 (i.e., cooling) and 90 K day−1. The effects of the near-surface temperature gradients extended tens of meters into the overlying atmospheres. In small basins, the strong influence of nocturnal near-surface temperature inversions could lead to cooling rates exceeding those over flat plains. To investigate the relative role of longwave radiative cooling on total nighttime cooling in a basin, simulations were conducted for Arizona’s Meteor Crater using observed atmospheric profiles and realistic topography. Longwave radiative cooling accounted for nearly 30% of the total nighttime cooling observed in the Meteor Crater during a calm October night.
The Monte Carlo code for the physically correct tracing of photons in cloudy atmospheres (MYSTIC) three-dimensional radiative transfer model was used in a parametric study to determine the strength of longwave radiative heating and cooling in atmospheres enclosed in idealized valleys and basins. The parameters investigated included valley or basin shape, width, and near-surface temperature contrasts. These parameters were varied for three different representative atmospheric temperature profiles for different times of day. As a result of counterradiation from surrounding terrain, nighttime longwave radiative cooling in topographic depressions was generally weaker than over flat terrain. In the center of basins or valleys with widths exceeding 2 km, cooling rates quickly approached those over flat terrain, whereas the cooling averaged over the entire depression volume was still greatly reduced. Valley or basin shape had less influence on cooling rates than did valley width. Strong temperature gradients near the surface associated with nighttime inversion and daytime superadiabatic layers over the slopes significantly increased longwave radiative cooling and heating rates. Local rates of longwave radiative heating ranged between −30 (i.e., cooling) and 90 K day−1. The effects of the near-surface temperature gradients extended tens of meters into the overlying atmospheres. In small basins, the strong influence of nocturnal near-surface temperature inversions could lead to cooling rates exceeding those over flat plains. To investigate the relative role of longwave radiative cooling on total nighttime cooling in a basin, simulations were conducted for Arizona’s Meteor Crater using observed atmospheric profiles and realistic topography. Longwave radiative cooling accounted for nearly 30% of the total nighttime cooling observed in the Meteor Crater during a calm October night.
Observations made during the Meteor Crater Experiment (METCRAX) field campaign revealed unexpected nighttime cooling characteristics in Arizona’s Meteor Crater. Unlike in other natural closed basins, a near-isothermal temperature profile regularly develops over most of the crater depth, with only a shallow stable layer near the crater floor. A conceptual model proposed by Whiteman et al. attributes the near-isothermal stratification to the intrusion, and subsequent detrainment, of near-surface air from outside the crater into the crater atmosphere. To quantify and test the hypothesis, a mass flux model of the intrusion process is developed. It is found that the observed temperature profile can be reproduced, providing confirmation of the conceptual model. The near-isothermal stratification can be explained as a result of progressively cooler air entering the crater and detraining into the atmosphere, combined with the finite time of ascent in the compensating rising motion. The strength of detrainment largely determines the characteristics of the cooling process. With weak detrainment, most of the cooling arises from an adiabatic rising motion (“filling-up” mode). Stronger detrainment leads to reduced rising motion and enhanced cooling at upper levels in the crater (“destabilization” mode). Of interest is that the detrainment also reduces the total cooling, which, for a given intrusion mass flux, is determined by the temperature difference between the intruding air and the crater atmosphere at rim height.
Observations made during the Meteor Crater Experiment (METCRAX) field campaign revealed unexpected nighttime cooling characteristics in Arizona’s Meteor Crater. Unlike in other natural closed basins, a near-isothermal temperature profile regularly develops over most of the crater depth, with only a shallow stable layer near the crater floor. A conceptual model proposed by Whiteman et al. attributes the near-isothermal stratification to the intrusion, and subsequent detrainment, of near-surface air from outside the crater into the crater atmosphere. To quantify and test the hypothesis, a mass flux model of the intrusion process is developed. It is found that the observed temperature profile can be reproduced, providing confirmation of the conceptual model. The near-isothermal stratification can be explained as a result of progressively cooler air entering the crater and detraining into the atmosphere, combined with the finite time of ascent in the compensating rising motion. The strength of detrainment largely determines the characteristics of the cooling process. With weak detrainment, most of the cooling arises from an adiabatic rising motion (“filling-up” mode). Stronger detrainment leads to reduced rising motion and enhanced cooling at upper levels in the crater (“destabilization” mode). Of interest is that the detrainment also reduces the total cooling, which, for a given intrusion mass flux, is determined by the temperature difference between the intruding air and the crater atmosphere at rim height.
Out of the 45 radars composing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) network, 21 are located in areas of complex terrain. Their mission to observe low-level wind shear at major airports prone to strong shear-induced accidents puts them in an ideal position to fill critical boundary layer observation gaps within the NEXRAD network in these regions. Retrievals such as Velocity Azimuth Display and Velocity Volume Processing (VVP) are used to create time-height profiles of the boundary layer from radar conical scans, but assume that a wide area around the radar is horizontally homogeneous. This assumption is rarely met in regions of complex terrain. This paper introduces a VVP retrieval with limited radius to make these profiling techniques informative for flows affected by topography. These retrievals can be applied to any operational radar to help examine critical boundary layer processes. VVP retrievals were derived from the TDWR for Salt Lake City International Airport, TSLC, during a summertime high ozone period. These observations highlighted thermally driven circulations and variations in boundary layer depth at high vertical and temporal resolution and provided insight on their influence on air quality.
Out of the 45 radars composing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) network, 21 are located in areas of complex terrain. Their mission to observe low-level wind shear at major airports prone to strong shear-induced accidents puts them in an ideal position to fill critical boundary layer observation gaps within the NEXRAD network in these regions. Retrievals such as Velocity Azimuth Display and Velocity Volume Processing (VVP) are used to create time-height profiles of the boundary layer from radar conical scans, but assume that a wide area around the radar is horizontally homogeneous. This assumption is rarely met in regions of complex terrain. This paper introduces a VVP retrieval with limited radius to make these profiling techniques informative for flows affected by topography. These retrievals can be applied to any operational radar to help examine critical boundary layer processes. VVP retrievals were derived from the TDWR for Salt Lake City International Airport, TSLC, during a summertime high ozone period. These observations highlighted thermally driven circulations and variations in boundary layer depth at high vertical and temporal resolution and provided insight on their influence on air quality.