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  • Journal of Hydrometeorology x
  • 12th International Precipitation Conference (IPC12) x
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Akhil Sanjay Potdar
Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
Devon Woods
, and
Manabendra Saharia

specific hydrologic processes. For example, the Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) system used worldwide estimates runoff generation ( Sweeney 1992 ), However, FFG only addresses parts of the flood’s characteristics and does not focus on water propagation overland or along streams. It misses any occurrence of flooding downstream of the rainfall, especially the delay, magnitude, and duration of the flood. Because a flood forecasting system needs to describe these characteristics ahead of time, modern instances

Full access
Alberto Ortolani
Francesca Caparrini
Samantha Melani
Luca Baldini
, and
Filippo Giannetti

they need the integration with other systems for applications requiring high quantitative precisions, or spatial scales of about 1 km or less, or measurement updated timely and more frequently than 5 min. These are, for instance, desirable temporal and spatial resolutions for nowcasting purposes in hydrology ( WMO 2017 ). This scenario suggests that new measurement techniques and new data merging strategies are needed to improve the rainfall estimation at local scales. Nonconventional techniques

Open access
Zhe Li
Daniel B. Wright
Sara Q. Zhang
Dalia B. Kirschbaum
, and
Samantha H. Hartke

algorithm (GPROF; Kummerow et al. 2001 , 2015 ), the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) family of products ( Ashouri et al. 2015 ; Hsu et al. 1997 ), and “cloud morphing”-based techniques such as the CPC morphing technique (CMORPH; Joyce et al. 2004 ; Xie et al. 2017 ), JAXA’s Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GsMAP; Kubota et al. 2007 ), and NASA’s Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG; Huffman et al. 2018

Full access
F. Joseph Turk
Sarah E. Ringerud
Yalei You
Andrea Camplani
Daniele Casella
Giulia Panegrossi
Paolo Sanò
Ardeshir Ebtehaj
Clement Guilloteau
Nobuyuki Utsumi
Catherine Prigent
, and
Christa Peters-Lidard

1. Introduction For many hydrological, climate, and weather forecasting applications, an important quantity is the amount of precipitation that falls on Earth’s surface over a given time interval, i.e., the surface precipitation rate. A fully global satellite-based precipitation estimate that can transition across changing Earth surface conditions and complex land–water boundaries is an important capability for proper evaluation of the precipitation produced or diagnosed in weather and climate

Free access
Phu Nguyen
Mohammed Ombadi
Vesta Afzali Gorooh
Eric J. Shearer
Mojtaba Sadeghi
Soroosh Sorooshian
Kuolin Hsu
David Bolvin
, and
Martin F. Ralph

progress in GEO sensor technologies along with the advancements in machine learning (ML) techniques, such as support vector machines, random forests, artificial neural network (ANN), deep learning, the new generation of precipitation retrieval algorithms must outperform the current operational products ( Meyer et al. 2016 ; Kuligowski et al. 2016 ; Sadeghi et al. 2019 ; Upadhyaya et al. 2020 ). In recent years, many studies have been conducted to utilize the generation sensor information to improve

Open access
Yingzhao Ma
V. Chandrasekar
Haonan Chen
, and
Robert Cifelli

the contribution of lateral terrestrial water flow on regionally hydrological cycle. Coupled with the height above nearest drainage (HAND) technique, the National Water Model (NWM) system with its core component as WRF-Hydro offers an operational framework for real-time and forecast flood guidance across the contiguous United States ( Johnson et al. 2019 ). As noted above, the WRF-Hydro system has been implemented for a wide range of research and operational prediction problems over the world

Free access
Chandra Rupa Rajulapati
Simon Michael Papalexiou
Martyn P. Clark
Saman Razavi
Guoqiang Tang
, and
John W. Pomeroy

products [e.g., Climate Prediction Center (CPC) unified precipitation estimates, Global Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC) precipitation dataset, NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data] have become available at various spatial and temporal resolutions based on different data sources (e.g., ground observations, satellites, radar, reanalysis) and data merging techniques. While such datasets are useful to investigate the spatial and temporal behavior in global precipitation ( Fischer and Knutti 2014 ; Ghosh 2012

Full access
Samantha H. Hartke
Daniel B. Wright
Dalia B. Kirschbaum
Thomas A. Stanley
, and
Zhe Li

phenomena in locations and at scales not previously possible. SMPPs use algorithms that merge passive microwave and infrared sensing data from multiple satellites (e.g., Kidd and Levizzani 2011 ; Kidd and Huffman 2011 ; Tapiador et al. 2012 ; Wright 2018 ). Commonly used SMPPs include the TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA; Huffman et al. 2007 ), the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) morphing technique (CMORPH; Joyce et al. 2004 ), and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed

Free access
Clement Guilloteau
Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
Pierre Kirstetter
Jackson Tan
, and
George J. Huffman

half-hourly gauge–radar QPE from the Ground Validation Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (GV-MRMS; Petersen et al. 2020 ) suite of products is used in this study as a high-quality reference to evaluate the satellite QPEs. GV-MRMS builds on the MRMS QPE that is derived from 176 WSR-88D radars and more than 18 000 automatic hourly rain gauges over the contiguous United States and Canada ( Zhang et al. 2016 ). Advanced data integration techniques are used to create 3D reflectivity mosaic grids and

Open access
Yagmur Derin
Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
, and
Jonathan J. Gourley

distance from the coastline. c. GV-MRMS The evaluation of SPPs requires deriving high-quality reference rainfall datasets at the satellite product pixel spatial and temporal resolution. In this study as a reference dataset the high-resolution, ground-based, radar–rain gauge corrected precipitation dataset GV-MRMS ( Kirstetter et al. 2012 , 2018 ) is used. GV-MRMS builds on MRMS that uses advanced data integration techniques to create high-resolution 3D reflectivity mosaic grids and quantitative

Full access