Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC)
Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) is an international program with the ultimate goal of observing the weather-climate system of the Earth’s largest archipelago, the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent (MC), to improve understanding and prediction of its local variability and global impact. The program is endorsed by CLIVAR and other WCRP/WWRP groups. Its participants come from over 15 countries. The program started in 2017 and is continuing through and beyond 2021 with several international field campaigns in the region.
YMC has motivated a surge of research activities on various topics related to the MC. Publications on these topics have appeared in the journals of AMS, AGU, EGU, MSJ, RMS, and CGU. To better serve readers of these journals, the YMC Science Steering Committee is coordinating with these organizations on a cross-organization special collection of papers on YMC topics. A master list of this special collection is hosted on the YMC homepage. The papers published in AMS journals appear below.
The five themes of YMC are Atmospheric Convection, Upper-Ocean Processes and Air-Sea Interaction, Stratosphere-Troposphere Interaction, Aerosol, and Prediction improvement. Main activities of YMC include field observations, data sharing, modeling, prediction applications, and capacity building. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts relevant to YMC to the participating journals of their choice. This special collection covers the period from January 2020 through December 2025. Authors of papers on YMC topics published in 2016-2019 in the participating journals may request their papers to be retroactively included in the special collection.
Collection organizers:
Chidong Zhang and Kunio Yoneyama
Co-Chairs of YMC Science Steering Committee
Years of the Maritime Continent
Variability of two Pacific western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—during the strong 2010/11 La Niña event is investigated using ship-based hydrographic observations and moored current-meter data collected off the east coasts of the Philippines. The geostrophic currents calculated using the hydrographic data show that, during the 2010/11 La Niña winter, the Kuroshio decreased by ∼10 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1), whereas the Mindanao Current increased by ∼5–10 Sv, relative to the normal winter in late 2012. The interannual variability based on the hydrographic data is confirmed by moored current-meter measurements and satellite altimeter geostrophic currents. A coastally trapped Kelvin wave model is used to explain the interannual variability of the two WBCs during the different ENSO phases. The good comparison of the simulated sea level anomalies around the Philippines with the altimeter data suggests that the interannual variability of the WBCs is associated with Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. We identified that the Kelvin waves are excited by downwelling equatorial Rossby waves propagating into the Indonesian Seas during the La Niña. The transport anomalies of the WBCs are comparable to the total meridional transport anomalies integrated across the interior North Pacific Ocean, suggesting the importance of the WBCs in the heat charge–discharge processes of the western Pacific warm pool during ENSO events.
Significance Statement
The two western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—play the role of closing the subtropical and tropical gyre circulation of the Pacific Ocean. Their variability during ENSO is unknown. Existing studies based on numerical modeling suggest that their variability is highly correlated with ENSO, with the Kuroshio stronger and Mindanao Current weaker during La Niña and vice versa during El Niño. Here, we use in situ hydrographic observations combined with mooring and satellite altimeter data to show that the Kuroshio transport decreases and the Mindanao Current transport increases during the 2010/11 La Niña, the dynamics of which are controlled by the Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. The result is important for the warm pool dynamics during ENSO.
Variability of two Pacific western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—during the strong 2010/11 La Niña event is investigated using ship-based hydrographic observations and moored current-meter data collected off the east coasts of the Philippines. The geostrophic currents calculated using the hydrographic data show that, during the 2010/11 La Niña winter, the Kuroshio decreased by ∼10 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1), whereas the Mindanao Current increased by ∼5–10 Sv, relative to the normal winter in late 2012. The interannual variability based on the hydrographic data is confirmed by moored current-meter measurements and satellite altimeter geostrophic currents. A coastally trapped Kelvin wave model is used to explain the interannual variability of the two WBCs during the different ENSO phases. The good comparison of the simulated sea level anomalies around the Philippines with the altimeter data suggests that the interannual variability of the WBCs is associated with Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. We identified that the Kelvin waves are excited by downwelling equatorial Rossby waves propagating into the Indonesian Seas during the La Niña. The transport anomalies of the WBCs are comparable to the total meridional transport anomalies integrated across the interior North Pacific Ocean, suggesting the importance of the WBCs in the heat charge–discharge processes of the western Pacific warm pool during ENSO events.
Significance Statement
The two western boundary currents (WBCs)—the Kuroshio and the Mindanao Current—play the role of closing the subtropical and tropical gyre circulation of the Pacific Ocean. Their variability during ENSO is unknown. Existing studies based on numerical modeling suggest that their variability is highly correlated with ENSO, with the Kuroshio stronger and Mindanao Current weaker during La Niña and vice versa during El Niño. Here, we use in situ hydrographic observations combined with mooring and satellite altimeter data to show that the Kuroshio transport decreases and the Mindanao Current transport increases during the 2010/11 La Niña, the dynamics of which are controlled by the Kelvin wave propagation from the Sulawesi–Sulu Seas clockwise around the Philippine Archipelago. The result is important for the warm pool dynamics during ENSO.
The seasonal and interannual variations of the Mindanao Current (MC) retroflection are studied using surface geostrophic currents of satellite altimeters covering January 1993–December 2019. The results show that the Mindanao Current mainstream retroflects back to the Pacific Ocean north of the Talaud Islands in boreal summer and intrudes into the northern Maluku Sea in boreal winter. The variation of the MC retroflection has resulted in the seasonal movement of the sea surface color fronts at the entrance of the Indonesian seas, both of which are highly correlated to the seasonal transport variations of the North Equatorial Countercurrent, lagging the latter due to the westward propagation of the seasonal Rossby waves. The MC retroflection and sea surface color fronts are found to move synchronously on interannual time scales at the Pacific entrance of the Indonesian seas, with the Niño-3.4 index lagging by about 2 months. The MC retroflection intrudes anomalously deeper than the seasonal cycle into the northern Maluku Sea in El Niño winters, while it tends to take a leaping path in La Niña winters. During El Niño summers, the leaping path of the MC is changed into a penetrating path sometimes.
Significance Statement
The Mindanao Current is the western boundary current (WBC) of the North Pacific Ocean tropical gyre and is much stronger than the ocean interior gyre circulation. This equatorward WBC forces strong exchanges between the equatorial Pacific and the marginal seas as it turns eastward at the entrance of the Indonesian seas. The path of the Mindanao Current retroflection is very important for Rossby wave reflection and for Indo-Pacific interbasin exchange leading to global repercussions, both of which are thought to be controlled by linear dynamics in the past. Here, we disclose the seasonal and interannual movement of the retroflection path, showing strong nonlinear dynamics important for ENSO and interocean exchange.
The seasonal and interannual variations of the Mindanao Current (MC) retroflection are studied using surface geostrophic currents of satellite altimeters covering January 1993–December 2019. The results show that the Mindanao Current mainstream retroflects back to the Pacific Ocean north of the Talaud Islands in boreal summer and intrudes into the northern Maluku Sea in boreal winter. The variation of the MC retroflection has resulted in the seasonal movement of the sea surface color fronts at the entrance of the Indonesian seas, both of which are highly correlated to the seasonal transport variations of the North Equatorial Countercurrent, lagging the latter due to the westward propagation of the seasonal Rossby waves. The MC retroflection and sea surface color fronts are found to move synchronously on interannual time scales at the Pacific entrance of the Indonesian seas, with the Niño-3.4 index lagging by about 2 months. The MC retroflection intrudes anomalously deeper than the seasonal cycle into the northern Maluku Sea in El Niño winters, while it tends to take a leaping path in La Niña winters. During El Niño summers, the leaping path of the MC is changed into a penetrating path sometimes.
Significance Statement
The Mindanao Current is the western boundary current (WBC) of the North Pacific Ocean tropical gyre and is much stronger than the ocean interior gyre circulation. This equatorward WBC forces strong exchanges between the equatorial Pacific and the marginal seas as it turns eastward at the entrance of the Indonesian seas. The path of the Mindanao Current retroflection is very important for Rossby wave reflection and for Indo-Pacific interbasin exchange leading to global repercussions, both of which are thought to be controlled by linear dynamics in the past. Here, we disclose the seasonal and interannual movement of the retroflection path, showing strong nonlinear dynamics important for ENSO and interocean exchange.
Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) is a primary source of predictability for summertime weather and climate on the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) time scale. Using the GFDL SPEAR S2S prediction system, we evaluate the BSISO prediction skills based on 20-yr (2000–19) hindcast experiments with initializations from May to October. It is revealed that the overall BSISO prediction skill using all hindcasts reaches out to 22 days as measured by BSISO indices before the bivariate anomalous correlation coefficient (ACC) drops below 0.5. Results also show that the northeastward-propagating canonical BSISO (CB) event has a higher prediction skill than the northward dipole BSISO (DB) event (28 vs 23 days). This is attributed to CB’s more periodic nature, resulting in its longer persistence, while DB events are more episodic accompanied by a rapid demise after reaching maximum enhanced convection over the equatorial Indian Ocean. From a forecaster’s perspective, a precursory strong Kelvin wave component in the equatorial western Pacific signifies the subsequent development of a CB event, which is likely more predictable. Investigation of individual CB events shows a large interevent spread in terms of their prediction skills. For CB, the events with weaker and fluctuating amplitude during their lifetime have relatively lower prediction skills likely linked to their weaker convection–circulation coupling. Interestingly, the prediction skills of individual CB events tend to be relatively higher and less scattered during late summer (August–October) than those in early summer (May–July), suggestive of the seasonal modulation on the evolution and predictability of BSISO.
Significance Statement
The advance of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction largely depends on dynamical models’ ability to predict some major intrinsic modes in the climate system, including the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO). Using a newly developed S2S prediction system, we thoroughly evaluated its performance in predicting BSISO, and revealed the skill dependence on the BSISO propagation diversity. Here we provide physical explanations of what influences the BSISO predictions and identify different precursory signals for two types of BSISO, which have important implications for operational forecasts.
Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) is a primary source of predictability for summertime weather and climate on the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) time scale. Using the GFDL SPEAR S2S prediction system, we evaluate the BSISO prediction skills based on 20-yr (2000–19) hindcast experiments with initializations from May to October. It is revealed that the overall BSISO prediction skill using all hindcasts reaches out to 22 days as measured by BSISO indices before the bivariate anomalous correlation coefficient (ACC) drops below 0.5. Results also show that the northeastward-propagating canonical BSISO (CB) event has a higher prediction skill than the northward dipole BSISO (DB) event (28 vs 23 days). This is attributed to CB’s more periodic nature, resulting in its longer persistence, while DB events are more episodic accompanied by a rapid demise after reaching maximum enhanced convection over the equatorial Indian Ocean. From a forecaster’s perspective, a precursory strong Kelvin wave component in the equatorial western Pacific signifies the subsequent development of a CB event, which is likely more predictable. Investigation of individual CB events shows a large interevent spread in terms of their prediction skills. For CB, the events with weaker and fluctuating amplitude during their lifetime have relatively lower prediction skills likely linked to their weaker convection–circulation coupling. Interestingly, the prediction skills of individual CB events tend to be relatively higher and less scattered during late summer (August–October) than those in early summer (May–July), suggestive of the seasonal modulation on the evolution and predictability of BSISO.
Significance Statement
The advance of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction largely depends on dynamical models’ ability to predict some major intrinsic modes in the climate system, including the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO). Using a newly developed S2S prediction system, we thoroughly evaluated its performance in predicting BSISO, and revealed the skill dependence on the BSISO propagation diversity. Here we provide physical explanations of what influences the BSISO predictions and identify different precursory signals for two types of BSISO, which have important implications for operational forecasts.
Large amounts of tropical precipitation have been observed as significantly concentrated over the western coast of Sumatra Island. In the present study, we used a cloud-resolving model to perform 14-day numerical simulations and reproduce the distinctive precipitation distributions over western Sumatra Island and adjacent areas. The control experiment, in which the warmer sea surface temperature (SST) near the coast was incorporated and the terminal velocity and effective radius of ice clouds were parameterized to be temperature dependent, adequately reproduced the precipitation concentration as well as the diurnal cycles of precipitation. We then used the column-integrated frozen moist static energy budget equation, which is virtually equivalent to the column-integrated moisture budget equation under the weak temperature gradient assumption, to formulate sensitivity experiments focusing on the effects of coastal SST and upper-level ice clouds. Analysis of the time-averaged fields revealed that the column-integrated moisture and precipitation in the coast were significantly reduced when a cooler coastal SST or larger ice cloud particle size was assumed. Based on the comparison of the sensitivity experiments and in situ observations, we speculate that ice clouds, which are exported from inland convection that is strictly regulated by solar radiation, promote the accumulation of moisture in the coastal region by mitigating radiative cooling. Together with the moisture and heat supplied by the warm ocean surface, they contribute to the large amounts of precipitation here.
Large amounts of tropical precipitation have been observed as significantly concentrated over the western coast of Sumatra Island. In the present study, we used a cloud-resolving model to perform 14-day numerical simulations and reproduce the distinctive precipitation distributions over western Sumatra Island and adjacent areas. The control experiment, in which the warmer sea surface temperature (SST) near the coast was incorporated and the terminal velocity and effective radius of ice clouds were parameterized to be temperature dependent, adequately reproduced the precipitation concentration as well as the diurnal cycles of precipitation. We then used the column-integrated frozen moist static energy budget equation, which is virtually equivalent to the column-integrated moisture budget equation under the weak temperature gradient assumption, to formulate sensitivity experiments focusing on the effects of coastal SST and upper-level ice clouds. Analysis of the time-averaged fields revealed that the column-integrated moisture and precipitation in the coast were significantly reduced when a cooler coastal SST or larger ice cloud particle size was assumed. Based on the comparison of the sensitivity experiments and in situ observations, we speculate that ice clouds, which are exported from inland convection that is strictly regulated by solar radiation, promote the accumulation of moisture in the coastal region by mitigating radiative cooling. Together with the moisture and heat supplied by the warm ocean surface, they contribute to the large amounts of precipitation here.
Diurnal processes play a primary role in tropical weather. A leading hypothesis is that atmospheric gravity waves diurnally forced near coastlines propagate both offshore and inland, encouraging convection as they do so. In this study we extend the linear analytic theory of diurnally forced gravity waves, allowing for discontinuities in stability and for linear changes in stability over a finite-depth “transition layer.” As an illustrative example, we first consider the response to a commonly studied heating function emulating diurnally oscillating coastal temperature gradients, with a low-level stability change between the boundary layer and troposphere. Gravity wave rays resembling the upper branches of “Saint Andrew’s cross” are forced along the coastline at the surface, with the stability changes inducing reflection, refraction, and ducting of the individual waves comprising the rays, with analogous behavior evident in the rays themselves. Refraction occurs smoothly in the transition-layer solution, with substantially less reflection than in the discontinuous solution. Second, we consider a new heating function which emulates an upper-level convective heating diurnal cycle, and consider stability changes associated with the tropical tropopause. Reflection, refraction, and ducting again occur, with the lower branches of Saint Andrew’s cross now evident. We compare these solutions to observations taken during the Years of the Maritime Continent field campaign, noting better qualitative agreement with the transition-layer solution than the discontinuous solution, suggesting the tropopause is an even weaker gravity wave reflector than previously thought.
Significance Statement
This study extends our theoretical understanding of how forced atmospheric gravity waves change with atmospheric structure. Gravity wave behavior depends on atmospheric stability: how much the atmosphere resists vertical displacements of air. Where stability changes, waves reflect and refract, analogously to when light passes from water to air. Our study presents new mathematical tools for understanding this reflection and refraction, demonstrating reflection is substantially weaker when stability increases over “transition layers,” than when stability increases suddenly. Our results suggest the tropical tropopause reflects less gravity wave energy than previously thought, with potential design implications for weather and climate models, to be assessed in future work.
Diurnal processes play a primary role in tropical weather. A leading hypothesis is that atmospheric gravity waves diurnally forced near coastlines propagate both offshore and inland, encouraging convection as they do so. In this study we extend the linear analytic theory of diurnally forced gravity waves, allowing for discontinuities in stability and for linear changes in stability over a finite-depth “transition layer.” As an illustrative example, we first consider the response to a commonly studied heating function emulating diurnally oscillating coastal temperature gradients, with a low-level stability change between the boundary layer and troposphere. Gravity wave rays resembling the upper branches of “Saint Andrew’s cross” are forced along the coastline at the surface, with the stability changes inducing reflection, refraction, and ducting of the individual waves comprising the rays, with analogous behavior evident in the rays themselves. Refraction occurs smoothly in the transition-layer solution, with substantially less reflection than in the discontinuous solution. Second, we consider a new heating function which emulates an upper-level convective heating diurnal cycle, and consider stability changes associated with the tropical tropopause. Reflection, refraction, and ducting again occur, with the lower branches of Saint Andrew’s cross now evident. We compare these solutions to observations taken during the Years of the Maritime Continent field campaign, noting better qualitative agreement with the transition-layer solution than the discontinuous solution, suggesting the tropopause is an even weaker gravity wave reflector than previously thought.
Significance Statement
This study extends our theoretical understanding of how forced atmospheric gravity waves change with atmospheric structure. Gravity wave behavior depends on atmospheric stability: how much the atmosphere resists vertical displacements of air. Where stability changes, waves reflect and refract, analogously to when light passes from water to air. Our study presents new mathematical tools for understanding this reflection and refraction, demonstrating reflection is substantially weaker when stability increases over “transition layers,” than when stability increases suddenly. Our results suggest the tropical tropopause reflects less gravity wave energy than previously thought, with potential design implications for weather and climate models, to be assessed in future work.
Studies have indicated exaggerated Maritime Continent (MC) barrier effect in simulations of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), a dominant source of subseasonal predictability in the tropics. This issue has plagued the modeling and operational forecasting communities for decades, while the sensitivity of MC barrier on MJO predictability has not been addressed quantitatively. In this study, perfect-model ensemble forecasts are conducted with an aquaplanet configuration of the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) in which both basic state and tropical modes of variability are reasonably simulated with a warm pool–like SST distribution. When water-covered terrain mimicking MC landmasses is added to the warm pool–like SST framework, the eastward propagation of the MJO is disturbed by the prescribed MC aqua-mountain. The MJO predictability estimate with the perfect-model experiment is about 6 weeks but reduces to about 4 weeks when the MJO is impeded by the MC aqua-mountain. Given that the recent operational forecasts show an average of 3–4 weeks of MJO prediction skill, we can conclude that improving the MJO propagation crossing the MC could improve the MJO skill to 5–6 weeks, close to the potential predictability found in this study (6 weeks). Therefore, more effort toward understanding and improving the MJO propagation is needed to enhance the MJO and MJO-related forecasts to improve the subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction.
Studies have indicated exaggerated Maritime Continent (MC) barrier effect in simulations of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), a dominant source of subseasonal predictability in the tropics. This issue has plagued the modeling and operational forecasting communities for decades, while the sensitivity of MC barrier on MJO predictability has not been addressed quantitatively. In this study, perfect-model ensemble forecasts are conducted with an aquaplanet configuration of the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) in which both basic state and tropical modes of variability are reasonably simulated with a warm pool–like SST distribution. When water-covered terrain mimicking MC landmasses is added to the warm pool–like SST framework, the eastward propagation of the MJO is disturbed by the prescribed MC aqua-mountain. The MJO predictability estimate with the perfect-model experiment is about 6 weeks but reduces to about 4 weeks when the MJO is impeded by the MC aqua-mountain. Given that the recent operational forecasts show an average of 3–4 weeks of MJO prediction skill, we can conclude that improving the MJO propagation crossing the MC could improve the MJO skill to 5–6 weeks, close to the potential predictability found in this study (6 weeks). Therefore, more effort toward understanding and improving the MJO propagation is needed to enhance the MJO and MJO-related forecasts to improve the subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction.
The Maritime Continent (MC), located in the heart of the Indo-Pacific warm pool, plays an important role in the global climate. However, the future MC climate is largely unknown, in particular the ENSO–rainfall teleconnection. ENSO induces a zonal dipole pattern of rainfall variability across the Indo-Pacific Ocean, that is, positive variability in the tropical Pacific and negative variability toward the MC. Here, new CMIP6 models robustly project that, for both land and sea rainfall, the negative ENSO teleconnection over the MC (drier during El Niño and wetter during La Niña) could intensify significantly under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5–8.5 (SSP585) warming scenario. A strengthened teleconnection may cause enhanced droughts and flooding, leading to agricultural impacts and altering rainfall predictability over the region. Models also project that both the Indo-Pacific rainfall center and the zero crossing of dipole-like rainfall variability shift eastward; these adjustments are more notable during boreal summer than during winter. All these projections are robustly supported by the model agreement and scale up with the warming trend.
The Maritime Continent (MC), located in the heart of the Indo-Pacific warm pool, plays an important role in the global climate. However, the future MC climate is largely unknown, in particular the ENSO–rainfall teleconnection. ENSO induces a zonal dipole pattern of rainfall variability across the Indo-Pacific Ocean, that is, positive variability in the tropical Pacific and negative variability toward the MC. Here, new CMIP6 models robustly project that, for both land and sea rainfall, the negative ENSO teleconnection over the MC (drier during El Niño and wetter during La Niña) could intensify significantly under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5–8.5 (SSP585) warming scenario. A strengthened teleconnection may cause enhanced droughts and flooding, leading to agricultural impacts and altering rainfall predictability over the region. Models also project that both the Indo-Pacific rainfall center and the zero crossing of dipole-like rainfall variability shift eastward; these adjustments are more notable during boreal summer than during winter. All these projections are robustly supported by the model agreement and scale up with the warming trend.
This study investigated the daily cycle of the wind and divergence fields observed off the southwestern coast of Sumatra during a field campaign of the Years of the Maritime Continent pilot study. An algorithm was developed to retrieve kinematic variables from the single-Doppler data collected aboard the Research Vessel Mirai from 24 November to 13 December 2015. The observed daily cycles of the wind and divergence fields consisted of diurnal, semidiurnal, and short-term variations. Diurnal wind variation was characterized by deep and three-dimensional circulation. There was an approximate phase locking of the semidiurnal variation to the diurnal variation, both in the wind and divergence fields. The short-term wind variation occurred at a time scale of ∼1–3 h, and this pattern was associated with density currents or mesoscale gravity waves. Up to 73% of the daily vertical motion variance can be attributed to the diurnal and semidiurnal vertical motion variations with comparable strengths. Concurrently, precipitation propagated offshore in phase with density currents and mesoscale gravity waves. Our results suggest that diurnal and semidiurnal wind variations dominate the daily evolution of precipitation, whereas density currents and mesoscale gravity waves control offshore propagation. Additionally, it appears that the daily precipitation cycle is modulated by multiple-time-scale wind variabilities of less than a day, which is also responsible for the development of strong nocturnal convection off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.
Significance Statement
To improve our understanding of the daily wind and divergence cycle off the southwestern coast of Sumatra, we examined wind data collected by a shipborne Doppler radar. The observed daily cycles of the wind and divergence fields consisted of diurnal and semidiurnal variations, as well as a 1–3-h variation associated with a density current or mesoscale gravity wave. Our results suggest that diurnal and semidiurnal wind variations dominate the daily evolution of precipitation, whereas density currents and mesoscale gravity waves control offshore propagation. Thus, we highlight the role of multiple-time-scale wind variabilities of less than a day in modulating the daily precipitation cycle off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.
This study investigated the daily cycle of the wind and divergence fields observed off the southwestern coast of Sumatra during a field campaign of the Years of the Maritime Continent pilot study. An algorithm was developed to retrieve kinematic variables from the single-Doppler data collected aboard the Research Vessel Mirai from 24 November to 13 December 2015. The observed daily cycles of the wind and divergence fields consisted of diurnal, semidiurnal, and short-term variations. Diurnal wind variation was characterized by deep and three-dimensional circulation. There was an approximate phase locking of the semidiurnal variation to the diurnal variation, both in the wind and divergence fields. The short-term wind variation occurred at a time scale of ∼1–3 h, and this pattern was associated with density currents or mesoscale gravity waves. Up to 73% of the daily vertical motion variance can be attributed to the diurnal and semidiurnal vertical motion variations with comparable strengths. Concurrently, precipitation propagated offshore in phase with density currents and mesoscale gravity waves. Our results suggest that diurnal and semidiurnal wind variations dominate the daily evolution of precipitation, whereas density currents and mesoscale gravity waves control offshore propagation. Additionally, it appears that the daily precipitation cycle is modulated by multiple-time-scale wind variabilities of less than a day, which is also responsible for the development of strong nocturnal convection off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.
Significance Statement
To improve our understanding of the daily wind and divergence cycle off the southwestern coast of Sumatra, we examined wind data collected by a shipborne Doppler radar. The observed daily cycles of the wind and divergence fields consisted of diurnal and semidiurnal variations, as well as a 1–3-h variation associated with a density current or mesoscale gravity wave. Our results suggest that diurnal and semidiurnal wind variations dominate the daily evolution of precipitation, whereas density currents and mesoscale gravity waves control offshore propagation. Thus, we highlight the role of multiple-time-scale wind variabilities of less than a day in modulating the daily precipitation cycle off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.
The Maritime Continent disrupts eastward propagation of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). This study surveys the impact of the disruption—often known as the barrier effect—on the MJO teleconnections. The MJO propagation may be broadly categorized based on whether the MJO precipitation crosses the Maritime Continent (MC) during extended boreal winter seasons: successfully propagating across the MC (MJO-C) or being blocked by the MC (MJO-B). Compositing atmospheric circulation upon these two categories reveals that precipitation anomalies of MJO-C are stronger and more coherent than those of MJO-B, while their phase speed and lifetime are comparable. MJO-C and MJO-B excite distinct extratropical responses due to their diabatic heating in the deep tropics. Midlatitude circulation displays stronger and long-lasting negative geopotential anomalies in the northern Pacific Ocean 5–14 days after phase 7–8 of MJO-C, but significantly weaker anomalies from MJO-B. The extratropical water vapor transport during MJO-B and MJO-C differs markedly after phase 2. The Pacific–North American (PNA) pattern and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) both show significant response after phase 6 of MJO-C as its precipitation anomaly over the tropical Pacific during this period is stronger, while MJO-B has little impact on both. Surface air temperatures (SAT) at high latitudes during MJO-B and MJO-C are also significantly different. SAT is weaker and delayed in MJO-B in comparison to MJO-C, likely due to different meridional eddy heat fluxes.
The Maritime Continent disrupts eastward propagation of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). This study surveys the impact of the disruption—often known as the barrier effect—on the MJO teleconnections. The MJO propagation may be broadly categorized based on whether the MJO precipitation crosses the Maritime Continent (MC) during extended boreal winter seasons: successfully propagating across the MC (MJO-C) or being blocked by the MC (MJO-B). Compositing atmospheric circulation upon these two categories reveals that precipitation anomalies of MJO-C are stronger and more coherent than those of MJO-B, while their phase speed and lifetime are comparable. MJO-C and MJO-B excite distinct extratropical responses due to their diabatic heating in the deep tropics. Midlatitude circulation displays stronger and long-lasting negative geopotential anomalies in the northern Pacific Ocean 5–14 days after phase 7–8 of MJO-C, but significantly weaker anomalies from MJO-B. The extratropical water vapor transport during MJO-B and MJO-C differs markedly after phase 2. The Pacific–North American (PNA) pattern and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) both show significant response after phase 6 of MJO-C as its precipitation anomaly over the tropical Pacific during this period is stronger, while MJO-B has little impact on both. Surface air temperatures (SAT) at high latitudes during MJO-B and MJO-C are also significantly different. SAT is weaker and delayed in MJO-B in comparison to MJO-C, likely due to different meridional eddy heat fluxes.
The mean circulation and volume budgets in the upper 1200 m of the Maluku Sea are studied using multiyear current meter measurements of four moorings in the Maluku Channel and of one synchronous mooring in the Lifamatola Passage. The measurements show that the mean current in the depth range of 60–450 m is northward toward the Pacific Ocean with a mean transport of 2.07–2.60 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). In the depth range of 450–1200 m, a mean western boundary current (WBC) flows southward through the western Maluku Sea and connects with the southward flow in the Lifamatola Passage. The mean currents in the central-eastern Maluku Channel are found to flow northward at this depth range, suggesting an anticlockwise western intensified gyre circulation in the middle layer of the Maluku Sea. Budget analyses suggest that the mean transport of the intermediate WBC is 1.83–2.25 Sv, which is balanced by three transports: 1) 0.62–0.93 Sv southward transport into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage, 2) 0.97–1.01 Sv returning to the western Pacific Ocean through the central-eastern Maluku Channel, and 3) a residual transport surplus, suggested to upwell to the upper layer joining the northward transport into the Pacific Ocean. The dynamics of the intermediate gyre circulation are explained by the potential vorticity (PV) integral constraint of a semienclosed basin.
Significance Statement
The Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in the global ocean circulation and climate variations. Existing studies of the Indonesian Throughflow have focused on the upper thermocline currents. Here we identify, using mooring observations, an intermediate western boundary current with the core at 800–1000-m depth in the Maluku Sea, transporting intermediate waters from the Pacific into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage. Potential vorticity balance suggests an anticlockwise gyre circulation in the intermediate Maluku Sea, which is evidenced by the mooring and model data. Transport estimates suggest northward countercurrent in the upper Maluku Sea toward the Pacific, supplied by the Lifamatola Passage transport and upwelling from the intermediate layer in the Maluku Sea. Our results suggest the importance of the intermediate Indonesian Throughflow in global ocean circulation and overturn. More extensive investigations of the Indo-Pacific intermediate ocean circulation should be conducted to improve our understanding of global ocean overturn and heat and CO2 storages.
The mean circulation and volume budgets in the upper 1200 m of the Maluku Sea are studied using multiyear current meter measurements of four moorings in the Maluku Channel and of one synchronous mooring in the Lifamatola Passage. The measurements show that the mean current in the depth range of 60–450 m is northward toward the Pacific Ocean with a mean transport of 2.07–2.60 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). In the depth range of 450–1200 m, a mean western boundary current (WBC) flows southward through the western Maluku Sea and connects with the southward flow in the Lifamatola Passage. The mean currents in the central-eastern Maluku Channel are found to flow northward at this depth range, suggesting an anticlockwise western intensified gyre circulation in the middle layer of the Maluku Sea. Budget analyses suggest that the mean transport of the intermediate WBC is 1.83–2.25 Sv, which is balanced by three transports: 1) 0.62–0.93 Sv southward transport into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage, 2) 0.97–1.01 Sv returning to the western Pacific Ocean through the central-eastern Maluku Channel, and 3) a residual transport surplus, suggested to upwell to the upper layer joining the northward transport into the Pacific Ocean. The dynamics of the intermediate gyre circulation are explained by the potential vorticity (PV) integral constraint of a semienclosed basin.
Significance Statement
The Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in the global ocean circulation and climate variations. Existing studies of the Indonesian Throughflow have focused on the upper thermocline currents. Here we identify, using mooring observations, an intermediate western boundary current with the core at 800–1000-m depth in the Maluku Sea, transporting intermediate waters from the Pacific into the Seram–Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage. Potential vorticity balance suggests an anticlockwise gyre circulation in the intermediate Maluku Sea, which is evidenced by the mooring and model data. Transport estimates suggest northward countercurrent in the upper Maluku Sea toward the Pacific, supplied by the Lifamatola Passage transport and upwelling from the intermediate layer in the Maluku Sea. Our results suggest the importance of the intermediate Indonesian Throughflow in global ocean circulation and overturn. More extensive investigations of the Indo-Pacific intermediate ocean circulation should be conducted to improve our understanding of global ocean overturn and heat and CO2 storages.