A Comparison of Canadian and United States Standard Methods of Measuring Precipitation

Marie Sanderson Department of Geography, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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Methods of measuring precipitation vary from country to country. Consequently, the comparability of precipitation data along international borders is questionable. The present paper compares 5 years of precipitation data at Windsor, Ontario, using the standard Canadian and United States methods of measuring precipitation. Monthly rain amounts are very similar, but substantial differences exist in snow measurement. The Canadian method appears to overestimate precipitation from snowfall.


Methods of measuring precipitation vary from country to country. Consequently, the comparability of precipitation data along international borders is questionable. The present paper compares 5 years of precipitation data at Windsor, Ontario, using the standard Canadian and United States methods of measuring precipitation. Monthly rain amounts are very similar, but substantial differences exist in snow measurement. The Canadian method appears to overestimate precipitation from snowfall.
