As a lecturer of micrometeorology, I have to explain to my students the essentials of the Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory leading to the so-called Dyer–Businger expressions for nondimensional wind and temperature profiles in the atmospheric surface layer. Sometimes I use the “heuristic” derivation that can be found in Fleagle and Businger (1980, 275; hereafter denoted as FB), which was written by Joost Businger (1996, personal communication).
The MOS theory is based purely on dimensional analysis; that is, the nondimensional profiles follow from curve fitting the experimental data that is organized into dimensionless groups. In this procedure the choice of the mathematical form of the fitting function is entirely free. From a lecturer’s point of view, the attractive aspect of Businger’s approach is that it is based on some physics, although one must realize that for turbulent flows it is impossible to derive nondimensional profiles from first physical principles. It appeared that in the unstable case the functions Businger derived fit most experimental data very well in the region 0 ⩽ z/L < ≈−1.
In preparing my lectures, I found that by changing one step in Businger’s derivation a new mathematical form for ϕm and ϕh is obtained that also fit the experimental data for 0 ⩽ z/L < −1. In addition, the new ϕh function appears to obey the scaling rules of free convection; that is, the new ϕh becomes proportional to (−z/L)−1/3 for −z/L → ∞, whereas the Businger ϕh is proportional to (−z/L)−1/2.
Considering the influence of J. Businger in micrometeorology, it is very likely that if Businger would have followed this “new” derivation the new mathematical form for ϕm and ϕh would have been used in most practical applications. The objective of this paper to point out this new form, so this paper is meant to be an “historical” note.
I have changed the derivation of Businger only at one point. I copied the rest, by which I adopted all the assumptions and simplifications made by him. Some of these are very questionable. Considering the historical nature of this note, it is irrelevant whether Businger’s or my derivation is correct or incorrect since it is impossible to derive ϕm and ϕh functions using purely physical arguments.
Alternative derivation
Discussion and concluding remarks
This note is meant to show that by a slight change in Businger’s derivation alternative expressions for ϕm and ϕh can be obtained for unstable conditions, which, in the range of 0 < −z/L < −1, are virtually the same as the original ones but that behave differently for very unstable situations. The new expression for ϕh has the free-convection behavior, as found by many authors [e.g., Högström (1996) and Kader and Yaglom (1990)]. For an historical overview, see Monin and Yaglom (1971).
The new ϕm expression has a “−1/6-power behavior” in the free-convection range. In literature there is still an ongoing debate on the free-convection behavior of ϕm. The expression derived by Kader and Yaglom (1990) has a “+1/3-power behavior,” which entirely contradicts with the “−1/4-power behavior” of (1); see, for example, Högström (1996). Expression (5) is leaning toward the −1/4 asymptote. There is still a need for reliable data for very unstable conditions in order to be able to conclude which expression is the best.
In principle, one can use formula (6) and an alternative relationship between Ri and z/L, for example, Ri = 1.5z/L instead of Ri = z/L as proposed by Högström (1996) to obtain a different expression for ϕh. Also, (6) allows expressions for the nondimensional ϕ functions in terms of Ri. It is outside the scope of this note to explore this issue further.
I am grateful to my students who asked me all those questions I could not answer. The comments of the reviewers are acknowledged.
Businger, J. A., J. C., Wyngaard, Y. Izumi, and E. F. Bradley, 1971:Flux profile relationships in the atmospheric surface layer. J. Atmos. Sci.,28, 181–189.
Fleagle, R. G., and J. A. Businger, 1980: An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics. 2d ed. Academic Press, 432 pp.
Högström, U., 1996: Review of some basic characteristics of the atmospheric surface layer. Bound.-Layer Meteor.,78, 215–246.
Kader, B. A., and A. M. Yaglom, 1990: Mean fields and fluctuation moments in unstable stratified turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech.,212, 637–661.
Monin, A. S., and A. M. Yaglom, 1971: Statistical Fluid Mechanics:Mechanics of Turbulence. Vol. 1, MIT Press, 766 pp.
Panofsky, H. A., and J. A. Dutton, 1984: Atmospheric Turbulence, Models and Methods for Engineering Applications. John Wiley, 399 pp.