Preliminary measurements of wind turbulence in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) have been made with heterodyne Doppler lidars (HDLs) in the late 1980s and early 1990s. For instance, Ancellet et al. (1989) report an experiment where the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is estimated from the spectral broadening of HDL signals. Eberhard et al. (1989) derived vertical profiles of momentum fluxes in the PBL from the radial velocities measured by an HDL that scanned the laser beam conically around the vertical axis. Similar observations based on perpendicular range-height scans are also reported by Gal-Chen et al. (1992). In the same paper, the concept of estimating the dissipation rate of TKE from wind spectra is introduced. In this method, the time series of the vertical velocity acquired at a given range from a vertically pointing HDL is Fourier transformed. The resulting spectrum displays the expected −5/3 slope from which the dissipation rate may be estimated. Mayor et al. (1997) Fourier transformed range-resolved velocity profiles to recover the spectral behavior of the spatial fluctuations of the wind directly. No time-to-range conversion is needed. Frehlich et al. (1998) use another approach based on the estimation of the structure function of the radial velocity. They retrieve vertical profiles of TKE dissipation rate and outer length scale. In contrast to the previous works referenced previoulsy, Frehlich et al. (1998) account for the pulse averaging effect and measurement errors.
As far as the use of radars in turbulence measurement is concerned, several techniques have been developed and tested (Cohn 1995). They suffer a major limitation because of the wide divergence of the sounding beam and sidelobes. As compared with radars, lidars transmit “pencil” beams with small divergence, less than one milliradian. The size of the turbulence structures (or eddies) that are effectively sensed by active remote sensor, lidar or radar is a key factor. Lidars retrieve the strength of turbulence from the signature of turbulent eddies longer than the probing pulse (typically between 30 and 300 m), in contrast to radars that mostly rely on the spectral broadening brought by the intrapulse wind fluctuations.
The present article presents a new approach for measuring the dissipation rate and the κ-spectral peak (outer scale of TKE). In our study, the turbulence parameters are retrieved from wind spectra. Power spectra of HDL radial velocity profiles are computed and averaged over some time (that is, several profiles). A prediction of this spectrum based on Kolomogorov–Obukhov’s theory and including a proper treatment of pulse averaging and measurement errors is then fitted (in a least square sense) to the average spectrum computed from HDL velocities. The free parameters of the predictive model that achieve the best fit produce estimates for the dissipative rate and the outer scale of TKE. This method allows fast computation of turbulence quantities but is not suited to profiling because long-range intervals are required for the computation of wind spectra. Our approach presents the advantages of the HDL signal accumulation technique (Rye and Hardesty 1993) for the retrieval of the turbulence parameters and stresses the limitation of this technique in presence of turbulent eddy advection. A study of uncertainty on our spectral model leads to a condition for a reliable retrieval of wind spectra.
The theory and a discussion of a mathematical model accounting for pulse averaging effect and the contribution of measurement errors to velocity spectra is presented in section 2. The model is used in sections 3 and 4 to predict the turbulent spectrum of the radial velocities measured by the lidar. The prediction is tested on simulated HDL data. Then the possibility to estimate the TKE dissipation rate and the κ-spectral peak is introduced. It is tested on a set of actual HDL data acquired during the Boundary Layer Study in the Paris Area [Étude de la Couche Limite en Agglomération Parisienne (ECLAP)] experiment (Dupont et al. 1999). The turbulence parameters are qualitatively compared with the turbulence parameters deduced from a sonic anemometer deployed on the experiment site during the field campaign.
Lidar measurement
Equation (4) assumes that e(r) and υm(r) have no cross correlation. This assumption calls for a justification since it is known that the measurement errors depend statistically on υm(r). For instance, the variance of errors increases with strong windshears or strong turbulent fluctuations. The statistical dependence does not imply, however, that there is a significant cross correlation between both quantities. Numerical studies (e.g., Frehlich et al. 1998) support the assumption that the cross-correlation term is negligible in the cloud-free atmosphere.
Equation (2) was proposed by Frehlich (1997) and Frehlich et al. (1998) for 2-μm HDL with Gaussian-shaped pulses with no chirp. The applicability to any HDL (not necessarily Gaussian shaped and linearly chirped) must be considered further.
Equation (2) is tested on simulated signals. The signals are generated by the “feuilleté” (“sliced”) model of Salamitou et al. (1995). The feuilleté model is an end-to-end numerical model that produces realistic HDL signals and may be used to assess the performance of HDL under nonstationary conditions. It combines laser beam propagation, interaction with the atmosphere, optical mixing, quadratic detection, and Doppler frequency estimators. The model slices the scattering medium along the beam axis, with each slice retaining the full transverse geometry of the problem. In such a feuilleté model, the individual particles or targets are first grouped within each slice and then a summation over the wavefields originating from the various slices is performed to determine the HDL signal. Because each slice backscatters an optical wavefield with a random phase delay, the summation displays speckle fluctuations. These fluctuations are independent from one model run to another. The input parameters are the complex amplitude of the laser pulse, the system efficiency accounting for the degrading effect of refractive index turbulence, a “true” velocity profile υt(r), and profiles for backscatter coefficient and atmospheric attenuation. Drobinski et al. (1999) have shown that at 10 μm, the system efficiency is degraded for
For the present tests, two different types of laser pulses are considered (Fig. 1). One is representative of a 10-μm HDL (Fig. 1, left panels). The laser pulse lasts several microseconds. It starts with a gain-switched-spike followed by a tail. It contains a quadratic frequency chirp (Willets and Harris 1982). The parameters used for the spike, the pulse duration, and frequency chirp are those of the experimental 10-μm HDL of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (Delville et al. 1995). This system is described in section 3. The other laser pulse is representative of a 2-μm HDL (right panels of Fig. 1). The pulse shape is Gaussian, and the frequency chirp varies linearly with time. The parameters are taken from Frehlich et al. (1994).
For each set, υr(r) is estimated by the pulse-pair frequency estimator (Miller and Rochwarger 1972). The 500 signals of each set are accumulated to retrieve a single profile. The frequencies are estimated over a sliding range gate of length Δp = 96 m. The number of signal samples per estimate is M = Δp/δr = 64. Considering the large number of accumulations, the precision for υr(r) is expected to be ≃0.10 m s−1 for the 10-μm HDL, and ≃0.02 m s−1 for the 2-μm HDL. Here, υm(r) is computed from υt(r) by using Eq. (2).
The comparison between υr(r) and υm(r) is presented in Fig. 2. The left and right panels are for the 10-μm and 2-μm HDL, respectively [the υt(r) profiles for 10-μm and 2-μm HDL are different because they result from two realizations of the turbulent wind field]. On both panels, υr(r) is drawn with a solid line, and υm(r) with a dashed line. The agreement between the curves is good, the rms of the differences (0.12 and 0.02 m s−1) are of the same order as the expected precision. Equation (2) is thus validated to the extended case of non-Gaussian and/or chirped laser pulses.
The low-pass filtering effect of pulse averaging is illustrated in Fig. 3 where the transfer function ΦW(κ) is displayed for the two different HDL pulses (see Fig. 1). A processing range gate Δp = 150 m is assumed. The figure displays a sharp transition between weakly and strongly attenuated wavenumbers at about κW = 3.0 × 10−3 m−1 and κW = 4.5 × 10−3 m−1 for the 10-μm and 2-μm HDL, respectively (κW is defined as the wavenumber achieving the attenuation of −10 dB). The figure sets the minimum size of turbulent eddies that can be detected by the HDL. In the present case, the sizes are 333 m and 222 m for the 10-μm and 2-μm HDL, respectively. Smaller scale eddies are filtered out. Figure 4 gives
The contribution of measurement errors to wind spectra derived from HDL data is a critical issue. In Frehlich et al. (1998) and Mayor et al. (1997), the error contribution is estimated from actual velocity profiles recorded by the HDL, assuming statistical independence of the errors between consecutive velocity profiles.
In this paper, the error contribution is modeled a priori, that is, related to HDL parameters. Presently, the model is only applicable to the pulse-pair frequency estimator. The major advantage is that the error contribution can be predicted prior to any measurements, based on a small number of parameters. Thus it makes possible the determination of a set of processing parameters that will guarantee negligible errors for specified conditions.
Error model
The assumption that the errors have a zero mean is not true in reality unless several precautions are taken. For the pulse–pair frequency estimator reasons for the occurence of systematic errors are colored noise, occurence of gross errors at low SNR (Frehlich and Yadlowsky 1994), and a possible asymmetry of the power spectrum of the sounding pulse (Dabas et al. 1998). A colored noise can be avoided in practice by a proper matching of the analog antialiasing filter and the sampling frequency at detection level or by applying a digital whitening filter. Gross errors can also be avoided by restricting the processing of the signals to those with high SNR. As for the errors introduced by the asymetry of the pulse, it can be corrected (Dabas et al. 1998; Dabas et al. 2000). In the following, we assume that no systematic errors occur.
The first- and second-order moments of f(l) can also be estimated from acquired velocity profiles (Mayor et al. 1997; similarly for water vapor by Kiemle et al. 1997), but they cannot be related to the Γ fluctuations by an analytical equation.
Equation (14) shows that the spatial autocorrelation of the frequency estimates depends on HDL signal statistics that cannot be related to HDL parameters unless some simplifying assumptions are made. In the following, we make the usual assumption of Gaussian HDL signal statistics and stationary processes. The optical wave captured by the HDL results from the addition of a great number of backscattered wavelets, which actually validates the Gaussian property. Stationarity, however, is an ideal property that HDL signals may approach over limited range and time intervals. It is nevertheless a reasonable approximation.
The ACF of measurement errors is now related to the single function γn(p, q). The next step is to determine γn(p, q). Two different approaches are possible: 1) estimating γn(p, q) from the signals, or 2) relating γn(p, q) to HDL and atmospheric parameters. The statistical estimate approach requires a large number of signals acquired under stationary conditions. In practice, this is possible with high repetition rate and stable HDL. We propose here to use the second approach.
Equation (20) offers the advantage that it can be conveniently applied since only the shape of the laser pulse and the variance of the radial velocity is required. Equation (20) can be used as a lower bound for the covariance, since
The autocorrelation function and the spectrum of measurement errors can be predicted from the laser pulse and the variance of the true radial wind using Eqs. (13), (16), (17), (20), and (23). We examine the relevance and practical significance of that prediction in this section.
The validation is based on processing simulated HDL signals. The simulation is conducted as in section 2.a. Two sets of 500 signals corresponding to the two different HDL shown in Fig. 1, are generated using a single velocity profile υt(r) corresponding to ϵ = 7 × 10−3 m2 s−3, κin = 0.33 m−1, and κout = 0.002 m−1 (i.e., 500 m). The standard deviation
The simulated signals display independent speckle statistics and no noise. The frequency analysis is conducted with the pulse–pair frequency estimator. It is applied over a sliding range gate of length Δp. The number of accumulation nacc is varied. For each nacc, nυ = 500/nacc radial velocity profiles are produced. Whenever necessary, the profiles are afterward debiased (Dabas et al. 1998). The effective profiles υm(r) are computed from Eq. (2) and afterward substracted from each profile υr(r), which finally results in nυ independent error profiles en(r).
The first set of tests considers the prediction of the standard deviation of measurement errors. The prediction is obtained from Eq. (14) with l = d. The decorrelating effect of wind variability is taken into account with
Figure 6 extends our validation to low SNR for the particular case of a 10-μm HDL. The main source of noise for HDL is detection shot noise controlled by the local oscillator. Thermal and preamplifier noise are other sources of noise (Oh et al. 1996). The SNR is 0 dB. Compared to Fig. 5, the discrepancies between predicted and estimated standard deviations of measurement errors are larger and again the largest differences appear for short Δp and/or small nacc. Once again, we suspect the first-order expansion Eq. (13) is responsible. A practical limit for an accurate prediction of the error variance is the accumulation number and the SNR must be large enough.
The predictability of error spectra is investigated in Figs. 7 and 8 in which
In addition, numerical investigations of the error spectrum have also been conducted for finite SNR that confirm the capability of our model to predict the shape of the spectral densities of errors.
As a consequence, the main limitation of our model turns out to be the variance of errors. In practice, the validity of the model is restricted to large accumulations and SNR as discussed below in section 3b.
Measurement of turbulence parameters
Inversion of this prediction allows us to estimate Φt(κ) from actual HDL data. We explore this possibility below.
Derivation of wind spectra
Figure 9 presents the results. It is based on the simulation of nυ = 50 sets of 10 signals generated from 50 different input velocity profiles υt(r), all drawn from the same Kolmogorov–Obukhov spectrum [see Eq. (6) with ϵ = 7 × 10−3 m2 s−3, κin = 0.33 m−1, and κout = 0.002 m−1]. The simulations consider a 10-μm HDL (left panels in Fig. 1). White noise is added so that SNR = 0 dB. Each set of 10 signals is accumulated (nacc = 10) to produce a single-velocity profile υr(r) (Δp = 100 m). Then,
Figure 9 shows the contributions of Φm(κ) and
Statistical uncertainty
We study here the potential impact of statistical uncertainties on the “inversion” of
In comparison,
In Fig. 9, this condition is fulfilled up to κ = 3.5 × 10−3 m−1 (i.e., 286 m). In Fig. 10, we show that an accurate measurement
Equation (32) sets a minimum value for nacc
Limitations of the accumulation technique
Let us consider two HDL operating at 10 and 2 μm, respectively. From Fig. 4, we have
Retrieval of turbulence parameters during the ECLAP experiment
The operational procedure presented above has been applied to actual signals using the 10-μm HDL operated by Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) to retrieve κout and ϵ that characterize a fully developed turbulent state. The data were obtained during a field campaign (ECLAP) conducted during winter in 1994/ 95 to study planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics and meteorological conditions that could result in heavy pollution episodes (Dupont et al. 1999). During ECLAP, numerous in situ sensors including a sonic anemometer, were deployed on a site at the École Polytechnique located 25 km south of Paris.
The operational procedure described in sections 2 and 3 is applied to the actual 10-μm HDL signals to retrieve κout and ϵ. The dissipation rates ϵ obtained by HDL at ≃250 m are compared (at least for their order of magnitude) to those from the sonic anemometer at 30-m height.
Retrieval of wind spectra
The turbulent wind spectra are estimated with an accumulation factor of nacc = 20 and by averaging the power spectrum of nυ = 10 velocity profiles (nacc
This value of κout corresponds to a length scale that is larger than the height above the boundary (i.e., ≃250 m), and to eddies that transport momentum. Hence, the corresponding eddies are anisotropic. The −5/3 slope of the radial velocity component’s κ spectra is not sufficient evidence for the existence of an “inertial subrange” that depends on the flow being locally isotropic (Kolmogorov 1941). Considering the altitude of the LOS above the surface (see Fig. 13a) or the κ-spectral peak determined from our analysis (see Fig. 15), these structures are likely to be outside the inertial subrange. That the −5/3 regime predicted by Kolmogorov’s theory extends above the inertial subrange has been reported in literature (Busch and Panofsky 1968; Vinnichenko and Dutton 1969; Donelan and Miyake 1973).
The reasons why our model in Fig. 14 underestimates the actual spectrum in the high-wavenumber domain (κ ≥ κW) has not been determined precisely. However, it has no impact on the estimation of the turbulence quantities because it is outside the range over which the optimization (36) was performed. A possible explaination is pulse-to-pulse instability of the laser that makes the average frequency, the chirp and the shape of pulse fluctuate randomly from one shot to the other. The magnitude of the measurement errors may also be increased by natural wind variability and probably mainly by wind shear within the range gate. According to Dabas et al. (2000), the range of estimated ϵ values in the ECLAP experiment, using the LMD 10-μm HDL measurements, should not induce significative decorrelation due to turbulence, but Eq. (20) does not account for wind shear which may not be negligible.
Figure 15 is the histogram of
The mean value for κ-spectral peak is κout ≃ 410 m with a standard deviation of ≃100 m, which is partly due to the model accuracy and partly due to natural variability (see Fig. 14). The mean value of κoutz is ≃0.66 (±0.2). Previous studies have shown that κoutz depends on stratification (Busch and Panofsky 1968; Van Mieghen 1973; Hojstrup 1982): 0.01 ⩽ κoutz ⩽ 0.3 for free convection, 0.3 ⩽ κoutz ⩽ 1 for forced convection and 0.6 ⩽ κoutz in case of isotropic turbulence. Considering the present values of κoutz, they are consistent with forced convection and isotropic turbulence regimes.
Measurement of the TKE dissipation rate
Figure 18a compares lidar and sonic anemometer measured energy dissipation rates using Eq. (37) (represented with circles) and Eq. (38) (represented with stars). Numerical sensitivity study has shown that the model precision on ϵ estimates is ≃10% for κout ⩽ 0.004 m−1 (this values does not account for natural variability). The instrument statistical uncertainty is shown with vertical bars (±1 − σ). The comparison indicates both sensors obtain the same order of magnitude, which is encouraging considering the uncertainties of measurements. The rms error is 1.7 × 10−3 m2 s−3 and 1.4 × 10−3 m2 s−3 for Eqs. (37) and (38), respectively. It is due partly to the intrinsic errors in the measurements by the sonic anemometer and HDL, partly to errors introduced by the height correction, partly to the different geometries of the measurement (point measurements and spatial measurements), partly due to the spatial and temporal variability and, also to the signature of large-scale wind features.
The ratio of Eqs. (37) and (38) ranges between 1 and 2 at most. The difference between the two models does not affect the order of magnitude. In particular, the bias of 2 × 10−4 m2 s−3 for ϵ computed with Eq. (37) [8 × 10−4 m2 s−3 for ϵ computed with Eq. (38)] is not significant because, according to Fig. 11, nacc
Turbulent wind spectra
Spectral analysis of the radial velocities, retrieved using the 10-μm HDL operated by Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, during the ECLAP experiment produced a κ−5/3 power law. The data were collected during two IOPs on 9–10 and 13–14 March 1995, respectively. On these days, moderate to light winds prevailed, with the stability parameter zi/LMO, ranging between −7.3 and −1.1, indicating slightly unstable conditions sometimes with organized large eddies (Drobinski et al. 1998). Our estimate of turbulent energy dissipation rate ϵ using the HDL technique was consistent with the average computed from the sonic anemometer measurements. This is an indirect validation of our analysis. Corrections for height between the two instruments used two analytical models derived by Hojstrup (1982) and Moeng and Sullivan (1994). The energy dissipation rates measured by these two instruments ranged between 0.7 × 10−3 and 8 × 10−3 m2 s−3, which is moderate turbulence (McCready 1964). The κ-spectral peak ranged between 200 and 600 m.
Our method allows fast computation of turbulent wind spectra and retrieval of turbulence quantities. It is not suited to profiling. Comparatively, the estimation of a structure function can be made locally [see Eq. (39) in Frehlich et al. (1998)], and is suited to profiling. However, PBL wind fields may display organized structures such as organized roll vortices [their spacing is generally ≃1–5 km; see Etling and Brown (1993) for a review], streaks [their spacing is ≃100 m, and they are embedded in an ≃100-m layer depth, see, e.g., Moeng and Sullivan (1994); Weckwerth et al. (1996); Foster (1997)], or other coherent structures. These structures have a well-defined signature in the spectral domain that make them easily detectable, but their signature on a structure function may not be as straightforward. A detailed comparison of the spectral and time-domain (structure function) approaches is left to future works.
At present, a limitation of the HDL technique is due to limited range resolution, so these results must be considered as preliminary results. For planetary boundary layer studies, a desirable resolution is on the order (or below) of 100 m. A 2-μm HDL can achieve this resolution. Future works will also be directed to the possibility of improving the error model at lower SNR.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees that helped to improve the manuscript significantly; R. C. Foster and B. J. Rye for their comments and contribution to edit the final manuscript;M. Farge for fruitful discussions on turbulence theory;and P. Delville, B. Romand, C. Boitel, L. Menenger, and C. Loth for their assistance during the field campaign ECLAP. They are grateful to L. Menut and E. Dupont for providing the in situ sensors data. The work was conducted at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS and Météo-France, it was supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), and Alcatel (formerly Aérospatiale Cannes).
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List of Symbols
CK Kolmogorov constant
Refractive index structure parameterC2n c Light velocity
E(κ) Energy spectrum function
en(r) nth profile of measurement errors
f Frequency estimate
g(t) Laser pulse shape
H(r) Optical responsivity of the atmosphere
K Instrumental constant
k von Kármán constant
L Overall signal length in range increments δr
LMO Monin–Obukhov length
LOS Line of sight
l Index for L
M Number of time samples in a processing range gate
m Index for M
nacc Number of accumulated HDL shots
nυ Number of independent spectra
n Index for nacc or nυ
PRF Pulse repetition frequency
R Autocorrelation of the atmospheric return
r, r′ Space variables
SNR Broadband signal-to-noise ratio
s HDL signal
Tacc Accumulation time
Ts Sampling period
t Time variable
U Wind velocity
u∗ Friction velocity
υm(r) Theoretical turbulent wind velocity including spatial averaging
υr(r) Theoretical turbulent wind velocity including spatial averaging and errors
υt(r) True turbulent wind velocity
(r) Deviation of the true turbulent wind velocityυ′t W(r) Range weighting function
w∗ Convective velocity scale
z Vertical coordinate
zi PBL inversion height
Δp Processing range gate length
δ Dirac function
δr Range increment cTs/2
δij Kronecker symbol
Error on Φe(κ)δΦ̃e(κ) Error on Φm(κ)δΦ̂m(κ) Error on Φr(κ)δΦ̂r(κ) ϵ Turbulent energy dissipation rate
Γ HDL signal autocorrelation function estimate
γ HDL signal autocorrelation function
γg Autocorrelation function of the laser pulse
γnoise Autocorrelation function of the noise
κ Wavenumber
κacc Streamwise wavenumber such that κacc = (TaccU)−1
κin Inner scale of turbulence
κout Outer scale of turbulence, or κ-spectral peak, or “plateau”
κW Cutoff wavenumber such that ΦW(κW) = 0.1
Φe(κ) True measurement error spectrum
Model for the measurement error spectrumΦ̃e(κ) Estimate of the measurement error spectrumΦ̂e(κ) Φm(κ) Theoretical spectral density of υm(r)
Estimate of Φm(κ)Φ̂m(κ) Φr(κ) Theoretical spectral density of υr(r)
Estimate of Φr(κ)Φ̂r(κ) Φt(κ) True spectral density
Estimate of Φt(κ)Φ̂t(κ) ΦW(κ) Frequency response of W(z)
σU Standard deviation of U
συ Best-fit spectral model for velocity standard deviation
Standard deviation of υt(r)συt Estimate ofσ̂υt συt Standard deviation ofσΦ̂m(κ) Φ̂m(κ) Standard deviation ofσΦ̂r(κ) Φ̂r(κ)
Simulation of Turbulent Velocity Profiles
The appendix shows how a random realization of a turbulent velocity profile can be obtained from a power spectrum Φt(κ) such as the one expressed in Eq. (6).
The procedure starts with sampling Φt(κ) at the regularly spaced wavenumbers ki = (i/N − 0.5)/δr, with i = 0, . . . , N − 1, δr is the range increment for the generated velocity profile, and N is the length (in units of δr).
Derivation of Eqs. (13) and (14)
Maximal number of accumulated lidar signals nacc fulfilling condition 2 (see text) for a 10- and 2-μm HDL with κ−1W of 300 and 100 m, respectively. Between parentheses, is the minimum number nv that validates condition 1 (see text) for κout = 0.002 m−1 (i.e., 500 m), ϵ = 7 × 10−3 m2 s−3, and Δp = 100 m.
Average mean and turbulence PBL parameters measured at Palaiseau on 9, 10, 13, and 14 Mar 1995 (hereon called M09, M10, M13, and M14). Here, zi is the PBL height, u★ is the friction velocity, w★ is the convective velocity scale, LMO is the Monin–Obukhov length, and σU is the standard deviation of the wind velocity U.