The Bias in Moment Estimators for Parameters of Drop Size Distribution Functions: Sampling from Exponential Distributions

Paul L. Smith Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota

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Donna V. Kliche Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota

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The moment estimators frequently used to estimate parameters for drop size distribution (DSD) functions being “fitted” to observed raindrop size distributions are biased. Consequently, the fitted functions often do not represent well either the raindrop samples or the underlying populations from which the samples were taken. Monte Carlo simulations of the process of sampling from a known exponential DSD, followed by the application of a variety of moment estimators, demonstrate this bias. Skewness in the sampling distributions of the DSD moments is the root cause of this bias, and this skewness increases with the order of the moment. As a result, the bias is stronger when higher-order moments are used in the procedures. Correlations of the sample moments with the size of the largest drop in a sample (Dmax) lead to correlations of the estimated parameters with Dmax, and, in turn, to spurious correlations between the parameters. These things can lead to erroneous inferences about characteristics of the raindrop populations that are being sampled. The bias, and the correlations, diminish as the sample size increases, so that with large samples the moment estimators may become sufficiently accurate for many purposes.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Paul L. Smith, IAS, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 57701.


The moment estimators frequently used to estimate parameters for drop size distribution (DSD) functions being “fitted” to observed raindrop size distributions are biased. Consequently, the fitted functions often do not represent well either the raindrop samples or the underlying populations from which the samples were taken. Monte Carlo simulations of the process of sampling from a known exponential DSD, followed by the application of a variety of moment estimators, demonstrate this bias. Skewness in the sampling distributions of the DSD moments is the root cause of this bias, and this skewness increases with the order of the moment. As a result, the bias is stronger when higher-order moments are used in the procedures. Correlations of the sample moments with the size of the largest drop in a sample (Dmax) lead to correlations of the estimated parameters with Dmax, and, in turn, to spurious correlations between the parameters. These things can lead to erroneous inferences about characteristics of the raindrop populations that are being sampled. The bias, and the correlations, diminish as the sample size increases, so that with large samples the moment estimators may become sufficiently accurate for many purposes.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Paul L. Smith, IAS, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 57701.


Investigators frequently acquire observations of raindrop sizes and seek to describe the drop size distributions (DSDs) of the underlying populations from which the samples were taken by analytical expressions, with the exponential or gamma function being most common. Although moment methods to estimate parameters for the DSD functions have become more or less traditional, Haddad et al. (1996, 1997) pointed out that such methods are biased. Hydrologists have long been aware of this bias (e.g., Wallis et al. 1974; Maidment 1993), and Smith and Kliche (2003) provided examples of the bias for the case of raindrop observations. Nevertheless, the intuitive appeal of the moment approach seems almost irresistible, and the associated mathematical manipulations lend a convincing aura. Yet the methods are indeed biased, in the statistical sense that the expected values of the “fitted” parameters differ from the parameters of the underlying raindrop populations, and so can lead to erroneous inferences about the characteristics of the DSDs being sampled.

The bias in the moment methods can be demonstrated by testing their ability to recover parameters of known DSDs from which samples are taken. This must be done by computer simulation, because DSDs in nature are inherently unknown. The simulations herein use a Monte Carlo simulation procedure similar to that described in Smith et al. (1993) and outlined below. This paper gives results for samples taken from a hypothetical exponential DSD fitted with various moment-based procedures; corresponding results for samples taken from gamma DSDs will be presented later.

Simulation of raindrop sampling

We seek to determine the sampling distributions of DSD parameters that are fitted to raindrop observations by moment methods. This is done by simulating repetitive sampling from a specified population DSD, which is exponential in form for the present paper. An exponential DSD is usually expressed in the form
where n(D) is the number concentration of drops of diameter D per unit size interval, and n0 and Λ are concentration and size parameters, respectively, of the DSD. On conventional semilogarithmic plots, as introduced by Marshall and Palmer (1948), n(D) becomes a straight line with intercept n0 and slope −Λ.
For the purposes of these simulations, (1) is more conveniently expressed in terms of the total drop number concentration NT and the mass-weighted mean diameter Dm (=4/Λ) as
Defining a dimensionless size variable y = D/Dm, this becomes
This can be recognized as the product of the mean number concentration NT and the probability density function (PDF) of drop size 4 exp(−4y). For convenience herein, we also designate the mean sample size (number of drops) as NT. This could be viewed as representing a volume-sampling instrument with a sample volume of 1 m3 (independent of the drop size). However, a sample volume of α m3 and a mean drop concentration N t/α would lead to the same mean sample size and the same sampling statistics. Thus, with the drop sizes normalized to Dm, the results can be organized simply by the value of NT.

The simulation proceeds from a selected value of NT by first drawing from a Poisson distribution with a mean value NT to determine the actual total number of drops C in a given sample. Then, C values of y drawn from the exponential PDF establish the (normalized) sizes of those drops. Normalized values for the six sample moments of M1S through M6S are next calculated for each sample, and then various moment-based calculations (discussed in section 4 and summarized in the appendix) are applied to estimate the DSD parameters. For purposes of the present work, we classified the drop sizes into intervals of Δy = 0.02, representing the size classification procedure that is common to drop-measuring instruments, and truncated the exponential PDF at y = 3.0. Repetition of the sampling and fitting process yields the desired distributions. We used about 1 000 000 drops (e.g., 50 000 samples with NT = 20 and 5000 samples with NT = 200) in the simulations; because the probability of a drop in an exponential PDF being larger than y = 3.0 is 6 × 10−6, we are lacking a total of about six larger drops from a full exponential DSD.

Characteristics of sampling distributions

Before considering the moment-based fits, we first examine some characteristics of the distributions of the sample moments MiS = Σc Di [i = 3 gives the sample moment related to liquid water concentration (LWC); i = 6 gives radar reflectivity factor Z] themselves. Sampling from long-tailed DSDs, like the exponential, exhibits certain general features. Sample values of the moments are unbiased: the expected, or mean, value of MiS corresponds to that moment of the drop population being sampled. However, the sampling distributions are skewed, as indicated by the fractional standard deviations calculated by Gertzman and Atlas (1977) and as shown in Smith et al. (1993). According to Gertzman and Atlas, the fractional standard deviation (FSD) σi/Mi for sample values of the DSD moment Mi as determined with a volume-sampling instrument studying an exponential DSD would be
where VS is the instrument-sampling volume. The general form for the moments of an exponential DSD can be written
The product NTVS in the denominator of (6) is the mean sample size, which, for a sample volume of 1 m3, would be numerically equal to NT. Thus, for i = 3 (LWC) and NT = 100, (6) gives (σ3/M3) = 0.447. The distribution of a positive quantity (M3S) with an FSD this large is necessarily skewed.

Inspection of (6) shows that the skewness increases with the order i of the moment Mi, and decreases with increasing sample size NT. Figure 1 illustrates the former property for the sample moments M3S (LWC) and M6S (Z), for the case NT = 100. The general tendency is for the sample moments to be lower than the corresponding population values; this behavior is the ultimate cause of the bias in the moment methods for estimating DSD parameters. As shown in section 4, the increase of the skewness with the moment order leads to greater biases when higher moments are employed. Figure 2 illustrates how the median sample moments approach the population values as the sample size increases. The skewness of the sampling distributions, and the resulting biases, decrease in a similar manner.

Sampling the numerous small drops can be a major instrumental problem for exponential DSDs, and adequately sampling the relatively rare large drops is also a concern. Fewer than one drop in 400 in an exponential DSD is larger than D = 1.5Dm, and only about one in 3000 is larger than D = 2Dm. However, the drops larger than 1.5Dm contribute more than 15% of the LWC and more than 60% of the reflectivity factor. Consequently, the relatively large but relatively rare drops tend to be important in determining the moments of physical significance. The sample values of these moments are, therefore, correlated with the size of the largest drop in each sample (e.g., Fig. 3). Table 1 demonstrates that these correlations are stronger for higher-order moments, and remain appreciable even for fairly large sample sizes. The sample moments are, in turn, correlated with each other—an artifact of the sampling variability as discussed in Smith et al. (1993).

Figure 5 of Smith et al. (1993) showed that the maximum drop size in an exponential DSD is rarely approached in samples of even hundreds of drops. The distribution of values along the abscissa in Fig. 3 here demonstrates the same thing. There is clearly no basis for assuming truncation of the underlying DSD at the maximum observed drop diameter, with samples of such sizes.

The bias in moment estimators

The essence of the moment approach for estimating parameters for DSD functions is to use the same number of moments calculated from observed raindrop size distributions as there are parameters in the function to be fitted. Analytical expressions for the selected moments of that function are solved algebraically for the needed parameters, and observed values of the sample moments are then entered into the resulting equations to estimate the parameters. The appendix summarizes the relevant mathematical expressions used here. The use of moment methods for rain DSDs evidently began with Waldvogel’s (1974) paper on the “N0 jump” of DSDs. He used observed values of moments M3S and M6S (i.e., LWC and Z) along with (5), or its equivalent, to determine pairs of parameters for exponential functions like (1) that purportedly represented the observed DSDs. However, most functions that are fitted in this way do not represent well either the samples upon which they are based or the underlying populations from which the samples were taken.

The introductory section pointed out that such moment estimators are biased, and the fact that estimates of DSD parameters obtained in this way are biased was actually indicated in Smith et al. (1993). Figure 4, reproduced from that paper, compares sample estimates of m with the value of Dm for the exponentially distributed population from which the (simulated) samples were drawn. In this example, more than 80% of the values of m are underestimates, and the mean (the expected value) is about 78% of the population value. In terms of the more familiar exponential slope parameter Λ (=4/Dm), this means that Λ̂ is generally overestimated.

Estimators for exponential functions

Figure 5, based on an “ideal sample” of 100 drops from an exponential DSD, illustrates the bias in the moment-method fits. This ideal sample, unlike the randomly drawn samples used elsewhere in this paper, was constructed from the cumulative PDF of the drop size using the systematic procedure described below. It provides as close a representation of the PDF as could be achieved with a sample of 100 drops. Construction of the sample began with the “inverse cumulative PDF” NL, showing the number of drops of diameter D or larger:
where NT is the total number of drops in the sample. All 100 drops have D > 0, while (with the drop sizes quantized in intervals of ΔD/Dm = 0.02) only 92 have D/Dm ≥ 0.02. Thus, we assigned D/Dm = 0.01 to eight drops in the sample. Similarly, only 85 drops have D/Dm ≥ 0.04, so D/Dm = 0.03 was assigned to the next 7 drops in the sample, and so on. The stair-step plot in Fig. 5 represents the resulting sample.

The figure includes two moment-method fits to the sample for exponential DSD functions. The two are the “Waldvogel fit,” based on moments M3 and M6, as employed in Waldvogel (1974), and one based on M2 and M3. The one using parameters based on M3 and M6 does not represent either the “observed” sample or the original population DSD very well; the smaller discrepancy resulting when the lower moments (M2 and M3) are used in the calculation is evident.

The foregoing discussion and the specific example in Fig. 5 suggest the general nature of the bias in moment estimators for parameters of exponential DSD functions: they tend to overestimate both the concentration (intercept) parameter no and the size (slope) parameter Λ. In terms of the parameters of (2), they tend to underestimate Dm and overestimate NT, yielding fits having too many drops that are too small when compared with the original raindrop population. The biases are greater when higher moments are used in the procedure; Fig. 6 illustrates this behavior for n0. Consequently, procedures that use sample values of reflectivity in the moment calculations lead to greater biases than ones employing only lower moments.

Extension of this argument would appear to suggest that using the lowest moments—M0S, the sample size, and M1S, related to the mean drop diameter—would yield the smallest biases of all. Such would indeed be the case in a simple mathematical exercise like that involved here. However, as noted in Testud et al. (2001), Smith (2003), and elsewhere, instrument responses to very small drops are highly variable and often suspect. Thus, trying to use moments that are lower than M2S in the analysis would introduce another kind of uncertainty into the moment procedures. There may even be problems with using M2S; instruments that do not adequately sense drops as small as 0.2–0.3Dm may significantly underestimate the value of M2 (as illustrated in Table 2). If, say, Dm = 1 mm, this could be a challenging instrumentation problem. For that reason no approach using the lowest-order moments is considered here.

The skewness in the sampling distributions for the moments diminishes as the sample size increases (e.g., Fig. 2), so the bias in the moment estimators should also decrease with increasing sample size. Figure 7 shows that to be the case; with samples of hundreds or thousands of drops, the bias may become small enough to be negligible for many purposes.

Estimators for gamma functions

More recently, estimators involving three moments have been used in attempts to fit gamma distributions to DSD observations. Examples include Ulbrich (1983), Kozu and Nakamura (1991), Smith (1993), Tokay and Short (1996), and Ulbrich and Atlas (1998). While these procedures can produce closer fits to the observations, at least for part of the size spectrum, the bias that arises when moment methods are used with an assumed gamma form for the DSD is of even greater concern. A gamma DSD is often expressed in the form
with concentration parameter n1, distribution shape parameter μ, and size (scale) parameter λ. An alternative form using the same parameters as (2) is
while a third form using the normalized concentration parameter NW (Bringi and Chandrasekar 2001) is
An exponential DSD corresponds to a gamma DSD with shape parameter μ = 0; thus, in the present simulations, gamma functions fitted to the observations should have estimates of μ that are close to zero.

The example in Fig. 8, for the same ideal sample as that in Fig. 5, suggests that not to be the case. The curve for the gamma fit based on moments M2S, M3S, and M4S, as suggested in Smith (2003), has a shape parameter μ = 1.0; the actual calculated value of μ̂ was 1.013, but cumulants are not available for noninteger values of μ. Using the higher moments M3S, M4S, and M6S, as done by several of the aforementioned authors, would yield μ̂ = 3.365—a more strongly biased estimate. The second gamma curve in Fig. 8, for μ = 3.0, provides a close approximation. The gamma fits match part of the sample distribution reasonably well, but in no way do they correspond to the population from which the sample was taken. As noted, the fitted value of the gamma M2, M3, M4 shape parameter μ̂ is about 1.0; the expected value of μ̂ for samples of this size, drawn at random from an exponential DSD (μ = 0), is μ̂ = 1.50. For gamma fits based on moments M3, M4, M6, the median value of μ̂ is about 4.5. Thus, sampling the exponential DSD with samples of this size and attempting to fit a gamma DSD function by moment methods will not reveal that the underlying DSD is exponential.

Figure 9 illustrates the bias in the moment estimators for μ, for different choices of the three moments used in the procedure. The general tendency is to overestimate μ. Here again, the lower moments yield smaller biases; use of the sample reflectivity values (M6S) leads to the strongest bias among the examples illustrated. This bias can be quite misleading. Here, one has sampled from what is actually an exponential DSD, used moment methods in attempts to fit parameters of gamma distributions to the observations, found (biased) high values of μ̂, and probably concluded, quite erroneously, that the population DSD was gamma after all.

The hybrid approach used by Testud et al. (2001) does not employ a moment-based calculation to determine μ̂, but the estimators for their other gamma parameters (Dm and NW) are biased. Figure 10 illustrates this bias for values of m, which as noted earlier, tend to be underestimates. Figure 11 shows corresponding results for values of W, which tend to be overestimates. (In both instances, when M3S and M4S are among the estimating moments, the third moment of the group has no effect on these estimates.)

As the sample size increases, the sampling variability and the skewness in the sample moments decrease, and the correlations between the various sample moments weaken (Smith et al. 1993). Consequently, the biases diminish. Figure 12 illustrates this behavior for the shape parameter μ̂. Thus, with very large samples, the moment methods may give approximations of the population parameters that become sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, even when the wrong functional form is assumed.

Related findings

The correlations of the various sample moments with the maximum drop size in a sample (section 3), and the associated correlations between moments, lead to correlation of the fitted parameters with the maximum drop size (e.g., Fig. 13). The parameters are, in turn, correlated with each other (Fig. 14), and such correlations (caused here entirely by sampling variability) could be mistaken for physical relationships. The correlations between estimated parameters are a bit less strong when lower-order moments are used in the fitting process; with NT = 100, the 0 − Λ̂ correlation is only 0.927 when sample moments M2S and M3S are used as compared with the 0.946 value with moments M3S and M6S, as illustrated in Fig. 14. The figure also illustrates the general tendency for the moment methods to overestimate both the slope and intercept parameters of an exponential function.

The 0 − Λ̂ correlation actually increases as the sample size increases—to values of 0.946 (for moments M2S, M3S) or 0.980 (for moments M3S, M6S) when NT = 1000—though the ranges of the variation of the parameters decrease. In any case, this behavior suggests that one should be wary of inferring physical relationships between such fitted parameters until the effects of the sampling variability have been taken into account.

Implications for analysis of experimental data

In trying to relate these simulations to actual raindrop observations, one should keep in mind several factors:

  • The actual population DSDs in nature are not known. There is no assurance that they are exponential, though there are indications that this may be the case (Joss and Gori 1978).

  • Observations with surface-sampling instruments, such as impact disdrometers, involve sample volumes that increase with the drop size, which tends to mitigate the skewness in the high-order sample moments, and, consequently, the associated biases.

  • The observations include only the actual sample size (C in these simulations). The mean, or expected, sample size (NT) is not known, though the actual sample size provides a better approximation as it increases.

  • Very small drops are generally absent from many such observations, either because such small drops are not present, or because the instruments do not respond to those drops. In a full exponential DSD, 55% of the drops would be smaller than 0.2Dm, and 86% would be smaller than 0.5Dm. With typical values of Dm being 1–3 mm, this means the simulations may involve more (and in some cases much more) than twice the total numbers of drops that would be found in corresponding observations. Thus, results given above for NT = 100 might be more applicable to observations with total drop counts of, say, 20–50.

These caveats notwithstanding, certain broad inferences as follows are applicable:

  • Values of the parameters for DSD functions as estimated by moment methods will be biased.

  • The bias will be stronger when higher moments are employed.

  • The bias will diminish as the sample size increases.

Thus, DSD parameters that are estimated using high-order sample moments (e.g., reflectivity) with small sample sizes (say a few tens of drops) are the most highly suspect. Moreover, as suggested in the preceding section, caution should be used in attempting to impute a physical basis to relationships between DSD parameters fitted by moment methods.

Because the actual DSD parameters (even if the DSD were exponential) are unknown, it is difficult to critique in a quantitative manner any given set of results based on moment-method analyses. The most likely indication of the kind of biases discussed here appears in published frequency distributions of the gamma shape parameter μ̂, such as those reported in Kozu and Nakamura (1991) or Tokay and Short (1996). They extend to values as large as 30, which in view of Fig. 9 herein may well be a consequence of the M3, M4, M6 moment approach that is used by those authors. The fact that the maximum μ̂ values reported by Kozu and Nakamura decrease as the rainfall rate increases (which should be accompanied by increases in sample size) lends further weight to this interpretation. A simple way to test this idea would be to stratify the shape parameter estimates by sample size, to look for a trend similar to that shown in Fig. 12.


Moment estimators for parameters of DSD functions are inherently biased. They tend to give erroneous values of the DSD parameters unless the drop samples are much larger than those commonly available. In particular, estimates of the gamma shape parameter μ tend to be far larger than the shape parameter of the underlying DSD from which the samples are taken. The bias is strongest for small sample sizes, and are also stronger when higher-order moments of the observed DSDs are used in the “fitting” process.

Moment methods may provide estimates of DSD parameters of sufficient accuracy if very large samples (hundreds, perhaps thousands) of drops are available. Failing that, some alternative approach to fitting the observed DSDs must be used. The maximum likelihood approach suggested by Haddad et al. (1996, 1997) may be satisfactory, though the maximum likelihood estimators are not without bias (Choi and Wette 1969). A variant of the L-moment approach used in hydrology (e.g., Maidment 1993) may also be worthy of consideration.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant ATM-9907812. The authors appreciate the assistance of Prof. S. J. Burges in directing them to references concerning use of moment methods in hydrology.


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Equations for Moment Estimators of DSD Parameters

This appendix presents the expressions that are used to develop the normalized parameter estimates summarized in this paper. To illustrate the moment-method procedures as employed in these simulations, consider first the case of parameters NT and Dm for an exponential DSD function to be estimated from sample moments M2S and M3S. From (5),
Algebraic solution yields the relationships
The sample moments in these simulations are
Substituting the sample moments into (A2) yields the estimators
From the latter,
For the n0, Λ parameters of (1), the relationship Λ = 4/Dm leads to
from which
To obtain the estimator for n0, a hybrid expression for the DSD moments is useful:
An algebraic solution of (A10) yields
Substituting the sample moments,
Making use of the relationship n0 = 4N t/Dm,

In this fashion, parameter estimates based on the normalized moments mi can be compared with the population parameters in dimensionless expressions where the actual particle sizes do not enter. Thus, the only population parameter that appears is NT (with one exception, discussed in section 1b below). Expressions for the remaining (normalized) moment estimators follow.

Exponential functions

Moments: M3, M6
Parameters n0, Λ are
Parameters NT, Dm are
Moments: M3, M4 (results not shown)
Parameters n0, Λ are
Parameters NT, Dm are

Gamma functions

Moments: M2, M3, M4
Parameters n1, μ, and λ are
(generally μ̂μ, so the population value of Dm cannot be removed to normalize the expressions involving 1),
Parameters NT, μ, and Dm are
with α = m23/(m4m3); μ̂ is as above; and
Parameters Nw(n*0), μ, and Dm are μ̂, (m/Dm), as above, and
Moments: M2, M4, M6
Parameters n1, μ, and λ are
with η = m24/(m2m6); and
Parameters NT, μ, and Dm are
μ̂ is as above, and
Parameters Nw, μ, and Dm are μ̂, (m/Dm), as above, and
Moments: M3, M4, M6
Parameters n1, μ, and λ are
with G = m34/m23m6; and
Parameters NT, μ, and Dm are
μ̂ is as above, and
Parameters Nw, μ, and Dm are μ̂, (m/Dm), as above, and

The expressions for m and w are identical to those for the M2, M3, M4 moment set; those for 1 and λ̂ are algebraically the same but involve different values for μ̂.

Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Cumulative sampling distributions of the third sample moment M3S (proportional to LWC) and sixth moment M6S (proportional to Z); sample values are normalized with respect to the corresponding population value. Vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Plot of median values of third sample moment M3S (proportional to LWC) and sixth moment M6S (proportional to Z) vs mean sample size; sample values are normalized with respect to the corresponding population value. Horizontal dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Sampling distribution of normalized third moment (m3, proportional to LWC) plotted against (normalized) maximum drop size in the sample. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops. Dashed line indicates population value of m3; dotted line shows regression relationship.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

Example of sampling distribution for (normalized) mass-weighted mean diameter m/Dm. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 20 drops. The population value falls at 1.0 on the abscissa; arrow indicates median sample value. [From Smith et al. 1993]

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

Illustration of an “ideal sample” of 100 drops from an exponential DSD, along with two moment-based exponential fits to the sample; plot uses the “inverse cumulative” NL format advocated in Smith (1982). Solid line represents underlying drop population, while stair-step plot represents the ideal sample constructed as described in the text. Dash–dot line represents Waldvogel fit based on moments M3 and M6; dashed line shows a similar fit based on M2 and M3.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

Cumulative distributions of values of exponential concentration (intercept) parameter 0 as fitted to simulated samples using indicated pairs of sample moments; fitted values are normalized with respect to the population value of n0. Vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

Variation of the median value of exponential DSD size (slope) parameter Λ̂, as estimated from the two sample moments indicated on the respective curves, with mean sample size. Ordinate indicates ratio of median sample estimate of Λ̂ to population value; horizontal dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

As in Fig. 5, but showing two gamma-function fits, based on the indicated sets of moments, to the ideal sample of 100 drops from an exponential DSD. The gamma curves have shape parameters closely approximating those based on the indicated moments.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

Cumulative distributions of values of the gamma DSD shape parameter μ̂, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated for the respective curves. Population DSD: exponential, where the vertical dashed line indicates the population value μ = 0. Mean sample size: 100 drops.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

Cumulative distributions of values of mass-weighted mean diameter m, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated on the respective curves. (When M3 and M4 are among the three moments, the estimator is M4S/M3S and does not depend upon the third moment of the group.) Abscissa indicates ratio of estimate m to population value; vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

As Fig. 10, but for estimated values of the normalized gamma DSD concentration parameter W. Abscissa indicates the ratio of the sample estimate of W to the population value (which, for exponential DSD, is same as n0); vertical dashed line denotes population value.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.

Variation of the median value of the gamma DSD shape parameter μ̂, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated on the respective curves, with a mean sample size. Population DSD: exponential (μ = 0).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.

Scatterplot of normalized values of the DSD slope parameter Λ̂ for an exponential function, estimated from moments M2S and M3S, vs (normalized) maximum drop size in the sample. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops. Dashed line indicates population value of Λ.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Fig. 14.
Fig. 14.

Scatterplot of normalized values of DSD intercept parameter o vs slope parameter Λ̂ for an exponential function, as estimated from moments M3S and M6S. Population DSD: exponential, with a mean sample size of 100 drops. Dotted line indicates the regression relationship.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 44, 8; 10.1175/JAM2258.1

Table 1.

Correlations between sample moments and maximum drop size in a sample. Population DSD: exponential.

Table 1.
Table 2.

Contributions of small drops to some population moments (exponential DSD).

Table 2.
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  • Fig. 1.

    Cumulative sampling distributions of the third sample moment M3S (proportional to LWC) and sixth moment M6S (proportional to Z); sample values are normalized with respect to the corresponding population value. Vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

  • Fig. 2.

    Plot of median values of third sample moment M3S (proportional to LWC) and sixth moment M6S (proportional to Z) vs mean sample size; sample values are normalized with respect to the corresponding population value. Horizontal dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential.

  • Fig. 3.

    Sampling distribution of normalized third moment (m3, proportional to LWC) plotted against (normalized) maximum drop size in the sample. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops. Dashed line indicates population value of m3; dotted line shows regression relationship.

  • Fig. 4.

    Example of sampling distribution for (normalized) mass-weighted mean diameter m/Dm. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 20 drops. The population value falls at 1.0 on the abscissa; arrow indicates median sample value. [From Smith et al. 1993]

  • Fig. 5.

    Illustration of an “ideal sample” of 100 drops from an exponential DSD, along with two moment-based exponential fits to the sample; plot uses the “inverse cumulative” NL format advocated in Smith (1982). Solid line represents underlying drop population, while stair-step plot represents the ideal sample constructed as described in the text. Dash–dot line represents Waldvogel fit based on moments M3 and M6; dashed line shows a similar fit based on M2 and M3.

  • Fig. 6.

    Cumulative distributions of values of exponential concentration (intercept) parameter 0 as fitted to simulated samples using indicated pairs of sample moments; fitted values are normalized with respect to the population value of n0. Vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

  • Fig. 7.

    Variation of the median value of exponential DSD size (slope) parameter Λ̂, as estimated from the two sample moments indicated on the respective curves, with mean sample size. Ordinate indicates ratio of median sample estimate of Λ̂ to population value; horizontal dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential.

  • Fig. 8.

    As in Fig. 5, but showing two gamma-function fits, based on the indicated sets of moments, to the ideal sample of 100 drops from an exponential DSD. The gamma curves have shape parameters closely approximating those based on the indicated moments.

  • Fig. 9.

    Cumulative distributions of values of the gamma DSD shape parameter μ̂, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated for the respective curves. Population DSD: exponential, where the vertical dashed line indicates the population value μ = 0. Mean sample size: 100 drops.

  • Fig. 10.

    Cumulative distributions of values of mass-weighted mean diameter m, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated on the respective curves. (When M3 and M4 are among the three moments, the estimator is M4S/M3S and does not depend upon the third moment of the group.) Abscissa indicates ratio of estimate m to population value; vertical dashed line denotes population value. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops.

  • Fig. 11.

    As Fig. 10, but for estimated values of the normalized gamma DSD concentration parameter W. Abscissa indicates the ratio of the sample estimate of W to the population value (which, for exponential DSD, is same as n0); vertical dashed line denotes population value.

  • Fig. 12.

    Variation of the median value of the gamma DSD shape parameter μ̂, as estimated from the three sample moments indicated on the respective curves, with a mean sample size. Population DSD: exponential (μ = 0).

  • Fig. 13.

    Scatterplot of normalized values of the DSD slope parameter Λ̂ for an exponential function, estimated from moments M2S and M3S, vs (normalized) maximum drop size in the sample. Population DSD: exponential; mean sample size: 100 drops. Dashed line indicates population value of Λ.

  • Fig. 14.

    Scatterplot of normalized values of DSD intercept parameter o vs slope parameter Λ̂ for an exponential function, as estimated from moments M3S and M6S. Population DSD: exponential, with a mean sample size of 100 drops. Dotted line indicates the regression relationship.

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