There were two incorrect figures in Adachi et al. (2012). In Fig. 8, the curves were mistakenly extended to include those temperature classes that contained occurrence frequencies of 0. In addition, because of a production error in Fig. 9, the black borders around the white bars (PGW-multi − CTL_p2) were omitted from the final published figure. The staff of the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology regrets any inconvenience this latter error may have caused. The corrected figures appear below.
Adachi, S. A., F. Kimura, H. Kusaka, T. Inoue, and H. Ueda, 2012: Comparison of the impact of global climate changes and urbanization on summertime future climate in the Tokyo metropolitan area. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 1441–1454.